Saving Micah (Sequel to Conquering Jude) (3 page)

BOOK: Saving Micah (Sequel to Conquering Jude)
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Get a grip, Larson. Focus on finding out what happened to Micah.


Even thinking of the state he’d found his friend made him want to find the son of bitch responsible and beat the hell out of him. Something had happened between Micah and him as his friend had led him into the dark sensual world of BDSM. A bond had been forged and whether Jude liked it or not, Micah held the other part of his soul. They were kindred spirits and he’d remind the stubborn ass of the fact once he healed.
Enough of his foolishness - it’s time to bring him home – where he belongs.


A beep of an incoming email drew him out of his thoughts. Clicking on it, he did a quick scan of the contents. His cheeks flushed as his suspicions were confirmed – a Mistress along with her slave had escorted Micah from the club the last time he’d been seen before his appearance at the emergency room.


“Son of a fucking bitch…why the hell didn’t you come home, you stubborn bastard? We would’ve given you exactly what you needed…you shouldn’t have gone looking elsewhere…” he muttered half under his breath, wanting to strangle - not just to wring his friend’s neck.


“What did you find, pet?” The feel of Olivia’s hand on his bare shoulder drew his attention away from the screen.


“Mistress Brigit finally emailed us.” His looked up at her. Even with him sitting while she stood, his head was nearly level with hers. “She did some checking around about the night Micah was last seen. It seems Micah did leave the club with a woman. A Mistress she wasn’t familiar with. Evidently she used a guest pass she got from a regular member. Brigit is still trying to get a hold of him. Seems he’s out of town at the moment.”


A low curse word in her native language slipped past Olivia’s ruby red lips. Lifting her hand to his mouth, he pressed an open-mouthed kiss against her knuckles.


“Not to worry, Mistress, she’s set Sampson on it and he could find a needle in a haystack. We’ll figure out what happened to him and see the person or persons pay for their abuse.” He turned in his chair, parted his thighs and drew her between them. Lifting her free arm, he draped it over his shoulders before pulling her closer, loving the scent of her shower gel.


A hiss escaped Olivia as her hands tightened against his flesh. He gave a slight wince but bore the pain without commenting. It was his job to soothe his Mistress.


“If I get my hands on who did this, I’ll kill them.” The venom in her voice didn’t surprise him. That was his Mistress – fierce, loyal and above all else protective of whatever she considered hers and both he and Micah were hers.
Even if Micah had seemed to have forgotten the fact.


Jude leaned closer, wanting to refocus her attention before she got too worked up.
And to do that I need to give her an outlet.
“We don’t even know yet if the woman who was with him is the same one who abused him.” He nuzzled his face against her breasts, taking liberties sure to get him into hot water. “Remember the doctor said he didn’t come in until early yesterday morning and the abuse looked fairly recent.”


“True, but at least she’ll know what happened after he left the club.” A change washed over her – one he was more than familiar. She’d slipped into her bad-ass Domme mode. His loins tightened in response. “I seem to remember something else...” Her fingers ran through the damp curls at the base of his skull, before tightening enough to tug his head back. His breath caught at the erotic sting even as his lips parted. Under the terrycloth draped over his lap, his cock stirred in anticipation.


“Mistress?” He kept his tone even, letting the victory he felt at succeeding show, knowing she’d catch it with her all too observant eyes.


She scowled. “That’s right, pet. I’m in charge. And don’t think I forgot how forward you’ve been the last two days with your mistress. How free you’ve been your hands…touching without permission.” Her tone was cool but he knew if he looked, he’d see the puckering of her nipples against the towel.


“I’d expect nothing less from my Mistress…” Winking at her, he pushed a bit harder, hoping it wouldn’t backfire on him. “…sweetheart.”


Her face reddened and she jerked back. “Over the bed, now!”


“Yes, Mistress.” He stood and drew to his full height slowly, allowing the loosened towel to drop to the floor at his feet. Feeling no shame in his nudity, he did as his Mistress asked. Laying down gingerly on his semi erect-cock, he gave her a target to vent her frustration and anger at – his ass. He grunted when her palm landed hard on his left cheek, hitting only once before she traced what he was sure was the outline of her hand on his ass.


“You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you, pet?” The certainty in her voice had him nodding. His ass stung as she landed another swat in the same place. “That’s not an answer!”


“Yes, Mistress, I did it on purpose.” He glanced over his shoulder at her. “Now finish it please. Surely that’s not all my formidable Mistress has in her.”


Her hands went to her hips. “And why should I? It’d be rewarding you for trying to top from the bottom.”


He searched her eyes. “Because you need it, and we both know whatever you need, I supply, Mistress. Take your frustrations out on my ass. I’m strong. I can handle it, and you’ll feel better.”


Her eyes welled up, and he panicked.
Fuck I pushed too hard.
He moved to roll over, and the harshness of her tone sent shivers down his spine and had him freezing mid-movement.


“How do you know me so well, pet?”


“Because you’re just as much mine as I am yours.” It was that simple in his mind. They belonged to one another, along with that stubborn son of a bitch recuperating in the hospital. But his time would come. “Do what you need – we’ll cuddle afterwards.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her.


Her eyes narrowed. “Then count off, pet.” She raised her hand once more. He relished the sting as it landed on his ass.


“One, Mistress.”


* * * *


Micah was ready to bite someone’s head off. He glared as the doctor left the room. He couldn’t leave unless he had someone to sit with him. His frustration was at an all time high. He was sore, sick of being in this bed, and more than anything he wanted to be gone before his Mistress – no former Mistress he had to remind himself, returned. And he knew better than most Olivia was like a dog with a bone when she wanted something – and she wanted him to return to Chicago with her. His heart ached at the thought. Even as much as he wanted to go home with her, he couldn’t return to his former position in her life. He needed – no he deserved to have a mistress who wanted more than a play sub.


“I see they’re taking good care of you, my boy.”


The sultry woman’s voice from the door sent a fissure of fear coursing down his spine. He reached for the call light only to cry out as the man of his nightmares suddenly appeared at his bedside. Obscenely tall and outweighing Micah by nearly a hundred pounds with the skin the color of cream, a man he only knew as Leland, wrapped his hambone of a hand around Micah’s arm hard enough to send shards of agonizing pain up to his shoulder. His breath released in a hiss.


“Let go. I’ll scream.” He blanched when the man chuckled and twisted his grip. The pain intensified until he couldn’t contain his agony and moaned.


Leland moved closer, bending at the waist to speak into Micah’s ear. “It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve screamed for ole Leland, now would it? You screamed nice and loud when I buried ma’ cock deep in your little black ass.”


Struggling despite the pain, he tried to free himself, refusing to be the victim again.


“Enough.” After shutting and locking the door behind her, she stepped up next to the bed. His hope of never seeing the woman he’d been foolish enough to leave the club with vanished. He knew her as nothing more than Mistress. At first she’d reminded him so much of his beloved Mistress, with her dark hair and ivory skin. She even wore a similar scent to Olivia’s. He’d hoped by going home with her and her submissive, she’d replace the ghost of his former lovers and he’d be able to recapture the connection he’d felt in their bed.


“Mistress, please…” Leland straightened. The flash of pleading lust flickering across his face had panic building in Micah’s system.


“Not now, lover.” She cocked her hip against the railing of the bed. “You can play with him later. Right now, we need to remedy your mistake.” Holding up a shiny red PVC collar by its o-ring with one finger, the woman leaned forward until her nose was inches from his. “You forgot your collar, my boy.”


Anger pushed past his fear. He pressed his head back against the pillows. “No way in hell. I didn’t wear a permanent collar for my other mistress and I’ll be damned if I wear one now. I’m not yours!”


She merely arched an eyebrow at him and straightened. “Are you sure you don’t want to reconsider, little boy? I heard your former mistress has a permanent slave now. She has no place in her life for you other than as a toy.” Trailing a finger up his sheet covered chest, she lifted his chin with her fingertip. “We want you. All you have to do is accept my collar and you can enjoy what we gave you every night…”


Disbelief added to his mounting fury. The bitch actually though he’d enjoy Leland’s abuse? Was she fucking insane? “Lady, you’ve got a screw loose if you think I wanted him to fuck my ass. It was my one hard limit.”


She pursed her lips. “I’ll admit he was a bit rougher than he probably needed to be. You told us you’d had experience with anal before, so I don’t know why you put up such a fuss. Either way I never intended him to hurt you this badly.” She cast a dark look in Leland’s direction. “He was punished for hurting you in such a way you needed medical attention. He knows better.”


The man lowered his head as if in shame, but his gaze caught Micah’s. No matter what his mistress said Leland wasn’t sorry – he’d enjoyed hurting him and Micah knew it.


“Believe me, we can do this the easy way or hard. It’s up to you.” Her promise jerked his attention back to the collar in her hand. “Either way, this is going around that luscious throat of yours. I will not have another Domme sniffing around what I consider mine. That bitch in Chicago let you go. Her loss is my gain.” She lifted the collar as if to slide it around his throat.


“No.” Jerking his head away, he tried to block her with his good arm – the without the IV in it.


She sighed. “Leland, convince the boy it’s in his best interest to accept my collar.”


“Gladly, Mistress.” He lunged towards Micah. The muffled grunt was barely heard as the tears streamed down his cheeks when Leland’s fist connected with his ribs, driving all the breath out of him. Even gasping while trying to bring in oxygen to his tortured lungs, he was able to deflect the woman’s attempt to collar him.


“Again, Leland.” A second hard blow landed on his aching ribs. Her frustration and anger at his evasion showed. Another thing his Mistress Olivia had never done. No matter how frustrated she’d gotten with him, Olivia had never hit him or ordered another to while she was angry.


“Another,” she commanded. “We’ll do this ‘til you quit fighting, my boy. Why don’t you just save yourself some pain and accept it?”


“Fuck you, bitch.” He wheezed, wrapping his arms around his waist and curling up into a ball to avoid the blows, praying someone would come to save him.




Chapter Three


Leland shifted uncomfortably against the warm leather seat inside his luxury car as he watched a petite brunette followed by a hulking man exit a cab in front of the emergency doors of the Tulane Hospital. They paused as the woman’s phone rang. It’d been less than thirty minutes since they’d slipped out unseen, courtesy of the nifty gizmo. It hadn’t taken much to get inside the security room of the hospital. Most of the guys on the security team knew him as a dim witted technician for his dad’s security company. He used their perception along with his size and feigned clumsiness as a disguise in the past to plant bugs on the video feed for blackmailing purposes. It hadn’t been difficult to use it this time to mask the motion of him passing the low pulse device he’d made over the mainframe.
Not to mention Dad will love me when the hospital calls the company to have a new computer brought out. Just think of the money he’s gonna make from my little stunt this time.


But now that the thrill of roughing up the pretty little black man and getting away with it was done, he wanted nothing more than to take his Mistress back to her place and pound her pussy into the bed while she raked him raw with her nails. He didn’t want to be on stakeout duty at the hospital when there were more pleasurable pursuits to be had. Shifting to take the pressure off his abused ass, a gift from his mistress when she realized he’d dropped Micah off at the hospital in a heap, he sighed heavily.


“Quit wiggling around, Leland. Your ass doesn’t hurt that much.” She didn’t even bother to look up from the nail she was shaping with a silver emery file. He still remembered her fury when the other man had broken it during the struggle to put the collar on him.
No one breaks Mistress’s nails and doesn’t live to regret it.
She’d gone ballistic on the man, nearly choking him with the very collar she’d been trying to put on him. If it hadn’t been for the guy accidently kicking the call light and thereby summoning a nurse, he was sure she’d have killed the man.

BOOK: Saving Micah (Sequel to Conquering Jude)
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