Sahara (A Night Fire Novel Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: Sahara (A Night Fire Novel Book 3)
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Chapter Ten


Things had changed a lot in the few hours since the fight. Was it a fight? I wasn't certain, we didn't exactly yell at each other. It was more like a heated exchange that resulted in a few revelations. Apparently we were in a relationship now and with that particular revelation I had to move rooms. I think he secretly liked the unfettered access to all my squishy bits.

Fraser wasn't ready to admit he had problems but I insisted that he dealt with them. He needed to be mentally healthy for Sahara. There were a few issues, one look to the closed door in the hallway was enough to have the alarm bell ringing. Another little issue was the endless women. Even if he wasn't prepared to admit it, I knew the list of women he'd bedded was like a phone book. A thick one. And I'd just admitted myself onto the list. I was such a lucky girl.

His most recent problem was asleep, though Sahara wasn't really a problem. The fact that he wouldn't tell his friends was annoying. Yesterday would not have happened if he'd fessed up, taken the ruthless jibes from his friends and showed them the wonderful creation he'd made.

Even though he didn't think that we needed ground rules, we made them. Well he sat and fed Sahara while I told him what I believed was necessary to facilitate a happy partnership. He rolled his eyes at me.

The first was that he had to tell his band mates about Sahara before the weekend was over. My reasoning was that it was only fair on them considering that she was a screaming and pooping machine, they deserved to be forewarned. Fraser agreed though he was reluctant.

We agreed that there wasn't going to be a repeat performance of yesterday, one phone call could have fixed the entire situation and Fraser realized that. Being in a relationship meant that he was accountable to me but better yet, he was accountable to his daughter. She was his priority and he had to find his happy medium of being responsible, socializing and his commitments to the band.

Crazily we agreed to toying with the band members in regards to what was going on. He had until the tour started, then I expected him to tell all. I was always up for a bit of mind game action and Fraser liked to mess with them. He figured he'd need it knowing the hell they were going to give him over Sahara. How he was going to explain her name without blurting out that I was the reason I didn't know but it would certainly be fun to watch. I hadn't warned him either, preferring to watch him fluster.

Monogamy was a given, I still ensured he understood that. He seemed to think that I needed to understand that as well. I felt like opening the front door to see if there was some queue of men that I didn't know about. But still he insisted on it and I obliged his crazy fantasy.

With Sahara was asleep Fraser chose to look through the baby books and the brochure from the baby goods store. There were a few frowns but he never said a word. I sent a group email, requesting a meeting tomorrow afternoon. Fraser decided when he wanted to tell them and it was as far away as possible. He'd even selected to go to the clubhouse for it.

They'd only recently acquired the clubhouse. After doing a film clip in the building recently they all agreed that they needed somewhere to record, practice and chill out so they bought it. While they were on the road it would be renovated to their requirements and by the time they returned in a year, it would be fitted out exactly as they wanted it. Not sure on how the architect was going to deal with drunken scrawl on several paper napkins. Some of the napkins were greasy and one I made them redo because it had something unspeakable on it.

The band members had responded fairly quickly which I found a little odd. I would have thought that Curtis would be too engrossed in spending his hours in bed with Frankie. I guess that there would be times where they wouldn't be busy and could look at their phones and connect with the outside world. Austin was probably in a similar situation with his new found love for hiding under the bed sheets with Abigail. Evan and Jaxon were a pair of lazy asses, getting them to do anything was like trying to make a rock get up and walk.

It was no surprise that Jerry had responded immediately, his was the first email to come through. A lot of it was concern for my health. I knew there was an underlying concern that I would be unwell for the tour kick off in a week. He would be a happy man tomorrow afternoon when he learned that I wasn't sick. And what of his thoughts about little miss? Like the rest of them he'd have to suck it up and accept it.

I was flicking through the baby goods catalog that Fraser had cast aside, making aww sounds at the pages. As I turned over yet another page, I gasped wondering why I hadn't seen these items at the store.

“Look at these.”

I turned it to show him. Fraser grinned at the pink noise reduction ear muffs.

“How cool are they? You know Sahara definitely needs a pair. We should stop in at the store tomorrow before we go to the clubhouse.” I gasped as I looked further down the page. “Pink with skulls, that is adorable. She can rock out with her papa and not hurt her ears.”

“Sure.” Fraser smiled as took the magazine to assess the product.

I moved a little closer as he turned the page, looking at the bedroom furniture.

“The dark wood is nice. I think I like it.”

It was a big step, committing to furniture for Sahara was like the final step to accepting her into his life. Buying the furniture was always going to happen once the test was finalized and it was confirmed that she was in fact his. But in saying that he liked it, it meant that he was thinking of her as his child already.

Of course there was no way that either of us could hand her over easily now, if it turned out that she wasn't his I think that he will end up adopting her. I know I would.

“It's beautiful.”

Fraser looked at me with a heart melting smile, wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. Which of course made life difficult when reading the magazine, so I took over again.

“Pink linen.”

“She's going to be a pink girl?” I asked.

“Yep. Pretty in pink.”

Fraser took the magazine and tossed it onto the coffee table. I hadn't exactly finished reading it but I guess he had other plans. Tension filled the air as his fingers found their way under the neckline of my shirt to play with my bra strap.

“Happy with the list yet?”

“S'pose.” I shrugged.

My phone beeped, sadly I had to pull from his embrace to reach over the lounge to get it. I frowned at the message from Jaxon asking what had happened to all of the biscuits at the clubhouse. Clearly we had a mouse. Or maybe we had five big mice that forget to tell people to go shopping.

“So are we good?”

I looked up from my phone and saw Fraser staring at me, tossing the phone onto the seat behind me I shrugged again.


My acceptance lacked commitment, only time would tell how good we actually were. Secretly I knew that my heart was going to be broken by Nevada's biggest man whore.

“Good because I do believe that you suggested that oral pleasure was a two way street.”

Fraser grinned as he pulled my feet out from where I had wrapped my arms around my legs on the couch. I slid over the lounge with a giggled yelp. He was crawling to me, lowering his body onto mine.

“And I really want lick you.”

His breath was heavy on my lips, those gorgeous whiskey colored eyes staring at me.

“You're not going to try and stop me now, are you?”

“No, definitely not.”

“Good, I'd hate to have to restrain you.”

My eyes widened briefly at his words. He didn't notice as he had dipped his head to my neck to kiss and suck on the skin. I'd never done the kinky stuff before. Past encounters had always been the straight suck and fuck. The thought of something a little bit out there was interesting.

“Do it.”

Where the hell did that come from? Fraser lifted his head which had been slowly making its way across my chest. His tongue darted over his lips briefly, his top teeth scraping over the bottom lip as he assessed me.

“Sure about that one Eden?”

I shrugged, wondering what kind of trouble my stupid mouth had gotten me into. It was always getting me into trouble. Right from the minute it could talk, it was my enemy.

Fraser sat back on his legs as he waited for my response. For all that my mind was screaming don't do it I couldn't actually make my mouth say no. Maybe it was in cahoots with all of my girl bits, there was certainly a storm brewing in my pants.

I nodded, still unable to speak. Truth be told I was sick of boring sex. What did they call it? Vanilla sex. I hated vanilla ice cream. Give me double chocolate with huge chocolate chunks and maybe a bit of cookie dough action as well. A bit of fudge cut up and mixed in and I'd be your girl for a lifetime.

There was surely some kind of sexual connotation with that, with the southerly storm brewing and the heated stare that was becoming a smoldering smirk it was certainly possible that I was thinking about nothing other than the dirtiest form of sex possible.

Yep, I was a freak.

Chapter Eleven


We had moved quickly to the spare bedroom, not that we were in a hurry or on a time limit. Sahara had only just gone to sleep so we'd have at least an hour provided that nothing woke her. Like me. Fraser insisted that what was going to pass would be a little too loud for the sleeping child. Apparently I liked to alert the world that I'm enjoying sex. Which of course he insisted that it was totally awesome and that he'd be heartbroken if I ever happened to stop.

I stood to the side of the bed, bare footed and filling with desperation fast. Being a little too eager was a downfall in this situation. I did my best to avoid showing it, no doubt it would make him move slower. He was testing the waters with me, unsure of how far I could go. I didn't even have the answer to that one, I'd never done this before. Of course I wasn't an idiot, I knew that this could be dangerous but the thrill coursing through me was too hard to ignore.

“We need rules.”

“I thought relationships didn't need rules.” I said smugly.

His breath burned against the back of my neck as he slowly pulled the zip of my dress down.

“I don't hit women Eden but I swear to god if you don't check that smart mouth at the door I'm going to smack your ass.”

I smirked, unable to hide my enthusiasm any longer. Remembering when he threw me over his shoulder and smacked my ass then. That kind of smacking was a turn on.

My dress pooled at my feet, Fraser ran a finger along the edge of my panties.

“No response? Anyone would think that you want it.”

“You don't hit women yet you want to smack my ass? Sounds like a bit of a contradiction there.”

“I meant that I would smack your ass for pleasure, yours and mine.” His hand slid over my neck as he pulled me back to rest my head on his shoulder. “Because I know that you enjoy it. I saw the way your eyes lit up. You want a man to take charge, don't you?”


His hot breath moved over my shoulder blades as he chuckled, a sharp surge of pleasure spiked through me. My body became more sensitive with each passing second. One finger ran down my spine and I swear I nearly came.

“You don't want boring sex, do you Eden?”

I shook my head as he popped one of the eyelets on my bra. He stopped at just the one and moved closer to whisper in my ear.

“I asked you a question.”


He said nothing and returned to the painfully slow undoing of my bra. I don't know how he could handle it. I was ready to rip his clothes off and push him to the bed.

The eyelets were undone but I was still wearing the bra, there was an unspoken understanding that I waited and didn't do anything that wasn't requested. His attention had moved to my hair, unraveling the bun. When it was out he gently tugged it back, a little brutal but it was forgotten the very second his lips found my ear. He gently kissed the edge, moving down to my neck where the kisses became a little more heated.

“Do you remember when we first met?”

“Yes. You were naked in a pool with several naked groupies and Austin who really wasn't blowing you under water.” I grinned as the words slipped out.

Frankie had given them hell over it, they weren't doing anything even remotely like that but it was fun to watch them fluster.

“That's not what I meant. You were dressed so... god if the dress had been leather I could have put a whip in your hand and you would have looked the part. Made me think that you'd be up for this. You laughed at Frankie teasing us, I knew you had an evil streak. All I wanted was to find somewhere quiet with you and do dirty things with you. Then I shook your hand and you almost sneered at me.”

“Your hand was wet Fraser. Don't over think it. I can assure you that I wanted to push you onto a deck chair and take what I wanted and I wouldn't care who saw what.”

His fingers trailed over a bra strap as he rounded me, amusement lit up his face.

“Is that so?”

I nodded as the bra slowly slipped away. The shirt he was wearing was open a few buttons at the top, it was torture to not see his glorious body. When I reached out to undo the buttons he stepped back with a playful shake of his head.

“Stay put.”

He left the room without another word, returning a few seconds later. As he pulled one hand behind me I felt the cold bite of metal against the skin of my wrist.

“Do you know what I love the most about handcuffs?”

The sound of the metal clicking filled the quiet afternoon air.

“It pulls the arms back, straightens the shoulders and pushes the chest out.”

He took my other arm and did the last cuff up, restraining me behind my back. No chance of touching him now. Fraser rounded me again, his eyes finding my chest in an instant.


Sharp cold air filled the room. The air conditioning kicked in and made everything stand on end, much to Fraser's delight. He took the hardened nipples in his finger and thumbs and tugged on them, causing a flush to race through me.

“I think we should count your misdemeanors. You were a smart ass three times and didn't verbally answer me three times no, four times. Such a bad girl. How many does that make?”

“Seven, dumb ass.”

He grinned wickedly. “I think you mean eight.”

“Didn't think you could count.” I said dryly.


I rolled my eyes.

“Ten. Care to make it eleven Eden?”

“Sure. I faked it, you can't fuck for shit.”

He chuckled and moved me to the edge of the bed.

“Kneel on the edge.”

As I moved onto the edge of the mattress he took my shoulder in one hand, the other gripping the chain between the cuffs. When my head was on the mattress he pulled my hair out of my face. I could barely see anything, the bed cover was getting in the way. His shirt was tossed to the bed, falling off the end.

Fraser smoothed his hands over my backside, slowly pulling the panties down. They fell to the bed, pooling at my spread knees. I had never felt like this in my entire sexual life. This was so raw, so dirty. Exposed and trussed up. Unable to touch, barely able to move.


His voice was lower, husky and filled with desperation. I nodded, feeling like I was going to explode.

“Twelve, Eden. Are you ready?”


His hand cracked over the ample flesh and I moaned. Loudly. Teasingly his finger traced over me, slipping in for a stroke.

“Wet already.”

My skin was sensitive as his hand stroked over the skin, my breath hitched when his hand pulled away. The sting was divine, I craved more of them. After the second stroke he switched sides, after four smacks he put on a condom and entered me for the final eight.

With each one the euphoria was heightened, when he finished his hands took my hips. With a few good thrusts I was done. One muffled screamer, floating in her own bliss filled paradise. Deliriously I fell to the bed, unable to wipe the smile from my face. My ass hurt like hell but I did not care.

“On the floor on your knees.”

I wriggled my way off the bed and knelt on the floor, Fraser tossing the condom to the bedside table.


With a smug grin I opened my mouth, tasting the salty slick over the tip of my tongue. His hands gripped my hair tight as pure ecstasy filled his face. Caution ruled supreme at first, wary of going to deep and making me gag. But as the pressure built all reason was forgotten. Thrust after thrust his hips moved faster, his grip tightened.

His mouth went slack as his eyes closed, I braced myself for the onslaught of his ejaculation. But it never happened. His eyes opened and a wickedness loomed as he looked down at me. Slowly he pushed the whole way in.

“Fuck that's...”

He sighed as he pulled out, his own wicked happiness obvious.

“Amazing. Get on the bed, knees again.”

When I got up from the floor he helped me onto the mattress again. I was adjusted to a lower position, my face was still planted to the mattress but my knees were spread as far as I could stretch. Dirty didn't cover how I felt.

I didn't know what he was doing until I felt his hot breath on the back of my thigh. From the very first stroke of his tongue, I was moaning. His thumbs pulled me open as his lips made a meal out of me. If I was sensitive before, I didn't know what to call this. I was so turned on I could feel my entire body tingling. It was so heavy through my body I could barely feel the cut of the cuffs into my skin.

His hands moved over my backside, squeezing the tender flesh. I moaned again, more so when his fingers caressed the skin, sliding through the fold.

“Relax.” he murmured against the skin as he slowly dipped in.

It tipped me over. I swear the neighbors probably heard me, I came that loudly. His finger pumped a few times as his tongue slid over me. As the last of the orgasm washed through my body I heard the whimpers of one little lady.


I could feel Fraser's grin on the skin of my backside, taking a gentle bite.

“Don't you go moving, I'm not done with you yet.”

Fraser walked out of the room, leaving me still trussed up and my ass still in the air. He returned a few seconds later, grinning madly.

“She settled back down.”

He partially closed the door, leaving it open a crack. Once he was behind me I had no clue what he was up to, again. That was until I heard a rip. His thick head was pushing against me, making me ache for him. Teasing me. He'd dip it in and take it out just as fast. When he was satisfied that I was in enough agony he thrust deep into me. I moaned hard, feeling the burn of him filling me.

With his hands on my hips he continued without stopping. His body slammed against mine hard, his grip on my hips was forceful. I could feel a trickle of sweat sliding down my back, annoyingly dragging my mind from the thoughts of how good this felt. Like he knew that it was annoying me, Fraser scratched his fingers down my back and in the process took the little pest away. His hand returned to my hip, satisfied that the scratch had resulted in a groan from me.

I didn't know if I was still on earth. It was entirely possible that I wasn't. Maybe I was floating somewhere divine, it certainly felt like my body was. A slap on my backside roused me, I groaned and my body tightened which made Fraser groan. I could feel his cock as he drew closer to finishing, the shaft thickening and the thrusts moving harder and faster.

He called out my name as he came, a few slower thrusts and then he stilled. When he pulled out I winced, grateful he couldn't see my face. I almost cried out with relief as he unlocked the cuffs, my arms were more sore than my ass. My body flattened to the bed with exhaustion.

Cold cream hit my ass and I wanted to shriek with the shock as Fraser gently rubbed the skin. But I couldn't shriek. I'd moaned so hard I couldn't speak.

“What's the matter Eden? Lost your voice?” he chuckled as he massaged my tender flesh. “Might just fuck you that hard on a regular basis if it means I get a few minutes silence each day.”

I flipped the bird at him and he laughed again. For that kind of sex, I'd gladly lose my voice for a few minutes.

BOOK: Sahara (A Night Fire Novel Book 3)
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