Sahara (A Night Fire Novel Book 3) (14 page)

BOOK: Sahara (A Night Fire Novel Book 3)
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I told him he was an idiot, that he should have just said something and that flirting with dozens of women in front of me and then fucking them wasn't a wise thing to do. All it did was make me believe that he was a playboy and wasn't interested in becoming monogamous. It resulted in a fight and some unbelievable make up sex.

And so life was now awkward. I was faced with a woman that had spent the night with Fraser and I still had to be polite to her because she was Abbey's best friend. Friends or not, she looks at him the wrong way and she's going to get spoken to. Hit on him and then we've got a problem. I've worked too damned hard to get Fraser's life in order to have her swan in and turn it to shit.

He took my hand like he knew the thoughts that were running through my mind. Maybe it was because my nose twitched with a slight sneer. I looked at him, he offered a soft sweet smile and a wordless reassurance that I didn't have to worry.

A soft whimper broke my odd thoughts about how I would hurt Monique if she touched Fraser, I looked at Frankie who was gripping her belly and trying her damnedest to be quiet.

“You'll need to time them. When she's at ten minutes then you'll need to get Jack to bring the car around.”

I looked up and saw Abigail floating down the aisle, looking like she was the happiest woman on the planet.

“Smile.” I said through gritted teeth.

Frankie looked up with her smile and two thumbs up, Abbey smiled brightly back at us. Once her attention was elsewhere Frankie went back to being in pain.

“When did your waters break?”

“A few minutes before you arrived. There wasn't much pain so I thought I had time.”

The contraction settled down, Frankie took a deep breath and held onto Curtis like her life depended on it. Sahara was sitting on my lap, not that there was much left. Everyone said I was carrying a boy, it felt like I was carrying a large watermelon.

Sahara started to rub her eyes and her papa was onto it, rummaging through the bag and finding a bottle for her. She gladly went to his arms and settled without a fuss. By the time the bottle was done she was asleep. Fraser settled her onto his chest and rubbed her back, looking at me with a smile that made my insides flutter.

“Who are you and what have you done with my Fraser?” I whispered with a grin.

“He's right here baby.”

I chuckled and turned to the view of Austin and Abbey exchanging rings. Frankie gripped my arm tight, her eyes watering as she pressed her lips tight.

“Almost there.” I whispered.

She nodded and laid against Curtis as he wrapped his arms around her. I pulled out my phone and quickly messaged Jack to bring the car around, that Frankie was in labor. A message came through, I had barely had time to turn the thing onto silent.

Jack: Bridal car in way. Take her out back door to car park.

I showed the message to Curtis who nodded, Frankie frowned.

“Curtis needs to be here for photos.” she whispered.

The old me would have huffed at her and told her that no one would care, that everyone would prefer that she got herself to the hospital rather than worrying about stupid photos. But that was the old me. Marriage, motherhood and pregnancy has changed me. Not a lot though, Frankie still calls me a man eater and Fraser still calls me a hard ass. But this new me just smiles at statements like that and accepts it.

Fraser gave me a gentle nudge, I looked up to see them kiss and a wave of relief hit me. With a few more minutes Frankie and Curtis would be on their way.

For the entire time that she stood at the top of the stairs of the church, Frankie gripped Curtis's arm and smiled through gritted teeth. She was having another contraction and all I could see was dozens of photos with Frankie looking like she didn't want to be here.

“They are fifteen minutes apart, slip away now before the frenzy starts when everyone begins to move.”

They both nodded and walked back into the church, taking the back way out of this nightmare. The sound was almost like thunder. Some girls were still crying, some were trying to get autographs and some wanted them to come over for pictures with them. It wasn't going to happen. Security was determined to keep a wide gap between the guests and the crowd.

Our limousine was second in the queue which I frowned at, wondering why Jack had brought it around to the front when he said the car park. We approached it as the security guard opened the door, helping us with the stroller.

“Where's Jack?” I asked Jerry.

“He's taken Curtis and Frankie in my car. We're hitching a lift with you guys.”

Fraser loved his papa duties, strapping Sahara into the car seat and ensuring that all was well. She was asleep so there wasn't much to do. He settled onto the seat with a happy sigh.

“What a great day, yeah?”

“Sure was. Friends marrying, bug being born. Healthy, happy and in love. Could you ask for anything more?”

Fraser shook his head with a soft smile.

“Nah, it's all good baby. I'm happy with what I've got. Everything is perfect.”


Coming soon:


A Night Fire Novel


Being an A lister in Hollywood isn't all that it's cracked up to be. Harmony Roberts wows the world with her romantic comedies and good girl roles. The world thinks that she's got it all and at surface level, it's the truth. Beneath the surface is a woman that is desperate to break through the typecast and become someone different. Turning thirty sends her into a downward spiral, while getting drunk she makes a list of all the things that she has to do to break the good girl image. Ten things that she has to do within forty-eight hours. With her sister Seph, they set out for the city of sin, ready to have a wild weekend of debauchery.

Evan Cooper has spent his adult life as a free man, partying at every opportunity. His role as the lead guitarist for America's hottest rock band, Night Fire has given him ten years as a rock god. But the wild life is taking its toll, he can't remember a day when he didn't have a bottle in his hand and an unknown groupie in his bed. He looks to his band mates who one by one are marrying and having children, something that Evan secretly craves for his own life. But how can he have a serious relationship with women who only want him for his wealth and status?

One wild weekend in Las Vegas is all that it takes for these two lost souls to find exactly what they are looking for. But is it enough to last a lifetime?


About the author:


TM Watkins lives in Brisbane, Australia with her family. When she's not working or running around after her family, she spends her days contemplating the next adventure for her characters and her nights writing about them. Under the pen name of xMishx on Wattpad, she has written many books that are still available to read for free.



Sahara image purchased from iStock

Artist: Tawes13

Rampage image purchased from Shutterstock

Artist: Anetta

BOOK: Sahara (A Night Fire Novel Book 3)
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