Rush of Innocence (Rush Series #1) (5 page)

BOOK: Rush of Innocence (Rush Series #1)
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grinned. “So how do you know Hunt?” he asked.

swallowed against her sudden case of nerves. “I was an art major, and he taught
some of the classes.
How about you?”

went to school together.”

long have you lived in Savannah?” she asked.

Savannah born and bred, as they say,” he said with a grin.

was just so beautiful, and when he smiled, it was devastating. She gave him a
returning smile. He applied a little pressure to her lower back and brought her
body closer to his. She closed her eyes at the embrace and swallowed down her
excitement at being held on the dance floor by this amazing man. She inhaled
deeply to calm her nerves and his scent encompassed her, seemed to surround
her, almost dazzling her.

phone vibrated in her hip pocket between them. He drew back and grinned
suggestively at the vibration of the phone against his body.

you need to get that?” he mused.

merely shook her and looked away, not wanting to think about her father right

halted briefly before continuing the dance. His body tensed against hers. “Are
you involved with someone?” he asked with a sharp edge to his voice.

she answered. She looked up into his face, quizzically, and shook her head.

felt his body relax back against hers as he rested his lips back against her
ear. “Good,” he murmured.

tensed again, however, when mere seconds later, her phone once again began to
vibrate. She heaved a huge sigh, knowing she needed to put an end to the calls
once and for all. She dropped her hand from his arms.

leaned up to speak into his ear. “I do need to take this. Thanks for the

gave him a quick smile before turning and walking out the front door of the

stepped a little way down the sidewalk and away from the noise before
answering. “Hello.”

lady, can you please explain to me why you are in Vail? I expressly told you it
wasn’t allowed?” her father burst out loudly.

felt the heat flow up her neck and face at his words. “How do you know I’m in
Vail, exactly?” she asked with deadly calm.

tracked your phone, of course,” he answered as if it were no big deal, and was,
in fact, a stupid question.

closed her eyes and rubbed a finger against her temple. When she reopened them,
she saw Rush leaning against the wall, right outside the club, watching her
intently while still affording her privacy.

isn’t a good time,” she answered with a quick glance at Rush.

the hell do you mean it’s not a good time? You need to get yourself home on the
next plane. The next plane! Do I make myself clear?”

away from Rush and pushing one hand in her front pocket, she said, “Or what,
Dad? What will you do? Will you eliminate me like you did all my dates? How
could you? What right did you have? Do you know how hurt I am? How embarrassed
I am? Do you even care?”

had no right going through my things,” he exclaimed.

had no right?” she laughed without humor. “You have got to be kidding me. I’m
hanging up now, and I will not be answering again. Do you understand?”

dare…” he began before she slowly clicked the phone off.

stood for a long time staring at the phone in her hand. He’d tracked her
through her cellphone – like she was a child. In a fit of anger, she slammed
the offending object on the ground and rammed the heel of her boot down on it
over and over again until it was obliterated.

anger, and frustration washed over her in droves. She was sick and tired of
being handled and bullied by him. Deep down, she felt like crying at the level
of trust which had been broken. She’d always done as he’d asked and never
ventured outside whatever lines he’d drawn. He was her only parent, her only
family, and he’d treated her like one of the hundreds which came before his
court every day.

jumped at the hand on her shoulder. She turned her head and looked up into the
hazel eyes of Rush Drayton.

okay?” he asked.

Her stomach tied up in knots at his touch and
nearness. Slowly, she nodded. She cleared her throat. “I should get back to the
group. You can join us, if you want.”

as if he couldn’t help himself, he reached up a hand and smoothed the hair from
her face.

like that,” he answered quietly.

they walked back into the bar. He held the door open for her and she smiled her
thanks, albeit, a strained smile, her night ruined by a man more than seventeen
hundred miles away.

the time they arrived at the table, Hunter had all three girls out on the floor
dancing. Trinity grabbed a seat.

leaned in to speak in her ear. “Do you want to dance?”

gave a strained smile and shook her head. She waved with her hand, telling him
to go ahead without her. He smiled down at her and just shook his head.
Instead, he grabbed a chair, sat next to her, and draped an arm across the back
of her chair as they sat and watched those on the dance floor. Furious anger
swelled within her, and she tensed involuntarily as thoughts of her father
filled her head.

her glass, she drained it before refilling it again. She glanced at Rush
sitting next to her to find him watching her intently. She couldn’t really deal
with him right now, either. She lifted the glass once more to her lips, trying
to stave off the edgy feelings settling in her belly. Rush leaned forward and
stayed her hand. She turned her eyes to his questioningly. He rose and held out
a hand to her. She looked up at him, again questioningly. It was then she
noticed the music had slowed, the lights going even dimmer. Her stomach muscles
clenched at the thought of being that close to him again. She began to shake
her head, but he tugged her body up to his, leaving her no choice.

swallowed but allowed him to lead her to the floor. As if he just somehow knew
she was feeling vulnerable and raw, he pressed her tightly against his chest
and wrapped his powerful arms around her. He rested his cheek against her hair
and together they swayed to the gentle music. She breathed in his clean, male

wondered how mad her father would be if she slept with a man she’d just
Maybe she should have slept with them all on the first
date; it obviously would have been her only opportunity before they were
‘eliminated’. Her jaw clenched against his chest.

As if
he could read her mind, goose bumps rose on her skin when he leaned down and
whispered in her ear, “Do you want to get out of here?”

hesitated only briefly before looking up into his eyes and giving him a nod. He
her a
knowing smile and grabbed her hand. He
stopped long enough to speak to Hunter, and together they walked out of the club.

shivered when they stepped back out into the cold, night air. He pulled her
closer to his body for warmth. While she knew she should probably be affronted
at his liberties, she found she liked him taking charge… how ironic was that?
The alcohol in her system and her irritation at her father dulled the nerves
which would have normally ruled her.

you been to Vail before?” he asked.

this is my first time.”

have something I want to show you then. You game?” he asked with a grin.

just about anything,” she answered with a hint of defiance in her tone.

lips twisted wryly and he chuckled. “Good to know.”

them quickly to a nearby ski-lift,
rented a blanket, and purchased passes for the lift. He held onto her tightly
as the lift came up behind them. The heat from his body warmed the cocoon he’d
made with the blanket covering them.

lights from up here are so beautiful at night. Everyone should see it at least
once,” he said against her ear.

he was right. The black sky was the perfect backdrop for the stars up above and
lights down below.

magnificent,” she whispered, not wanting to disturb the night. The artist in
her was touched by the beauty.

draped his arm over her shoulders and was drawing small patterns on her arm
with his fingertips.

looked up at him sitting close to her. “Thank you for bringing me here,” she
said softly.

stared intently into her eyes before his gaze shifted to her mouth. She inhaled
at the heat of his stare; it was almost like a physical touch.

welcome,” he replied.

held her breath as he brought a hand to her face and traced the curve of her

want to see you again,” he murmured. “Spend the day with me tomorrow.”

don’t…” she began.

silenced her by pressing his fingertips against her lips. “Just say yes,” he
commanded softly.

up into his beautiful face, she whispered, “Yes.”

rewarded her with a smile which made her heart jump within her chest. “Good

back in his seat, he pulled her closer to his chest and rested his head against
her hair, lacing his fingers with hers. They rode the rest of the way in
silence. When they eventually returned back to their starting point, he held
her hand as they walked back to the bar. He led her to a rental car in the
parking lot. He unlocked her door and helped her in.

slid into the driver’s side and asked, “Where to?”

“The Dragon Towers I.
Do you know where that is?” she asked.

lips twitched.
“Of course.
I’m staying in the next
complex over, Dragon Towers II.”

cocked her head in thought, remembering her earlier conversation with Hunter.

own both Towers, don’t you?” she said with a grin.

grinned back at her. “Guilty.”

drove carefully through the snow-covered streets. When he arrived at the
condominium, he parked in a reserved parking spot, walked around to her side,
and opened her door. He offered her a hand out of the car and shut the door.
Instead of walking towards the condo entrance as she expected, he instead stood
in front of her. His height demanded she look up into his face.

As he
had on the ski-lift, he lifted a hand to trace the angle of her jaw. His gaze
shifted from her eyes to her lips. He placed his hands on either side of her on
the car’s roof, effectively capturing her within the prison of his arms. She
closed her eyes as he drew near. Her heart began to pound and her breathing
became rapid. His lips were a contradiction when they met hers. They were firm
yet soft; and hot but cool. He inhaled sharply at the contact and drew back to
study her again before pressing his lips back against hers. With the smallest
of pressure, he opened her mouth with the tip of his tongue. With slow,
flickering touches, he stroked into her mouth. The satiny feel of his tongue
against her own had her panting as she struggled to catch her breath. At the
sound of her increased breathing, he growled against her lips, and leaned in
further to increase the pressure. She whimpered as she slid her arms around his
waist. He wrapped his arms around her to draw her more snuggly against his

breathing was heavy when he pulled back. With a gentle hand he ran his
fingertips over her bottom lip and studied it intently.

are so beautiful,” he murmured, sounding almost surprised, as if he’d just
realized it.

swallowed and blushed at his words, wanting to look away, but finding herself

the night with me,” he demanded in soft, commanding tones.

blinked at his words. The bravado of her earlier thoughts fell away. No matter
how magnificent he was, she’d just met him, and the fact of the matter was
they had a working relationship. “No,” she responded.

hesitated at her answer, obviously surprised.

gave her a small grin, “Are you sure?”


his looks, she was sure he wasn’t used to being turned down. With a heavy sigh
of regret, he leaned forward and lightly pressed his lips against hers.

me for breakfast,” he demanded.

she replied.

warm,” he warned.


say I’ll meet you in the lobby at seven,” he said.

she parroted.

hugged her tight once more and brushed his lips against her forehead.


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