Rumor Has It (Limelight) (19 page)

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Authors: Elisabeth Grace

BOOK: Rumor Has It (Limelight)
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“I believe it. You can feel the energy as soon as you walk in. It’s amazing.” I was a little in awe. I’d always felt that people carried their own energy. Mason was a perfect case in point of how someone’s energy could lure people to them like magnets. This was my first encounter with a place that had the same.

“Yes! That’s exactly it. The studio itself is more modern since it houses all the equipment. Come, take a look.”

Mason led me down a hallway by the hand and turned to look at me. “Not that I don’t love looking at your legs, but if you have a sweater or pants in your bag you may want to put it on. The studio’s always kept a little cooler.”

I’d worn a pair of dark denim shorts and with a short-sleeve peasant shirt, but I had packed one sweater. “Oh, I was wondering why you were in jeans in the middle of the summer in California.”

He smiled and then opened a door at the end of the hallway. We walked in to find two men hovering over a board with a million dials on it, and Amber, who I recognized immediately, sprawled out on the couch with her arm over her eyes. The larger man of the two was sitting on a chair, his ebony skin a stark contrast to the white t-shirt he wore. A massive gold necklace with a diamond studded cross hung around his neck. He was probably a little older than Mason. The other man stood beside him in an expensive tailored suit. He looked to be in his early forties with brown hair cut short, and a stocky build.

Mason introduced the older man as his manager, Troy, and the other one as the producer, Deshawn. Deshawn gave me a warm smile and shook my hand. Troy on the other hand gave me the once over and, not looking at all impressed, said hello, but made no motion to take my hand and shake it.

“Um…hello? Still here,” a female voice said.

I turned to see Amber had gotten off the couch and was making her way toward us. She was every bit as beautiful as she looked on TV. Her long auburn hair reached her waist and her large hazel eyes naturally turned up at the corners, giving her a bit of an impish look. She approached with a genuine smile on her face and reached her hand out to introduce herself.

“Hi, I’m Amber.”

I took her hand in mine and did my best not to seem like the fangirl I was. “Ellie, nice to meet you.”

She smirked. “Oh I know who you are. Mason’s told me about you. I’m supposing you’re the reason he’s been watching the clock all day.”

“Shut it,” Mason said jokingly to her.

“All right. Break’s over, boys. Let’s get a few more takes and then put this puppy to bed until tomorrow.” She looked at me again. “We’ve been here so long my manager has already taken off.”

Mason gave me a lingering kiss on the lips and went through the door with Amber leading to the recording area.

“So, Ellie. First time in a recording studio?” Deshawn asked.

“Is it that obvious?” I laughed.

“Noooo. Of course not.” He grinned. “Come on over while they’re getting set up in there and I’ll show you the basics.”

“Thanks.” I appreciated the fact he was trying to make me comfortable, when I was clearly out of my element. Troy went to sit on the couch and said nothing. I could feel his eyes studying me from behind when I took the chair next to Deshawn.

Deshawn explained most of the knobs, buttons and gauges to me but within minutes my head was swirling and I couldn’t have told you one from the other. He pushed a button and spoke into a microphone. “You two about ready in there?”

“We’re good,” Amber said enthusiastically.

“Let’s take it from the top.” Deshawn let go of the button and pressed some more buttons and suddenly music poured through the speakers into the room. The music had a heavy bassline and a bit of a techno beat. It reminded me of something that thousands of people my age would dance to at a nightclub. Amber sang a bit of an intro of oh’s and ah’s and then Mason broke in rapping to the beat.

I found myself bopping along to the beat, my eyes glued to Mason. The building around me could have been burning to the ground and it wouldn’t have mattered; the energy and confidence he exuded when he was rapping was hypnotic. It dared you to try to take your eyes off him. His voice was strong and forceful, saying each word with meaning. It was beyond anything I’d witnessed before. He was beyond anything I’d seen. Amber broke in again singing a few verses and a chorus. Her voice was fun, flirty and teasing, which seemed to suit her personality. By the middle of the song the sound level quieted a bit and Mason came in again. He performed with the same intensity he had earlier, but this time he moved his gaze to me when he said the lyric “…don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.”

It felt like he was singing to me, which was probably stupid. He was just reciting the lyrics the way he was supposed to. As he performed his body moved side to side and his hands were in front of him. The muscles in his arms flexed and hardened with his movements and had me wondering how much longer until we could head over to the hotel.

Amber sang for a couple more minutes and then the music ended. Both Amber and Mason looked up to Deshawn who said, “That was great, you guys. Let’s do it again.”

They both nodded. Mason winked at me then walked across the room to grab a bottle of water off a stool.

I turned to Deshawn. “Why do they have to do it again if it was great?”

He gave me an indulgent smile. “We need a bunch of different takes to choose from. We might choose to use the beginning few chords from one and the chorus from another. It all gets spliced and then pieced together into the perfect song you’ll hear on the radio.”

“I never knew that’s how it was done.”

“That’s why it takes so long. To be honest Mason and Amber are such a pros we could’ve been done this morning. Sometimes we’ll change it up, try some different lyrics out. This morning we had them performing it with a more laid back, island vibe. You can’t ever really tell what’s going to work best while they’re in the booth. Sometimes it’s only after it’s all done and you’re playing it back that you find the magic.”

It was clear Deshawn was passionate about his work. He had a glimmer in his big brown eyes and a grin on his face when he spoke about it.

“We’re ready,” Amber said from the recording room.

Mason looked to me. “You wanna come in here for a bit? See what it’s like on this side of the glass?”

Deshawn pointed to the button I should push to speak back to them. “Are you sure that’s okay?” I said hesitantly, looking to Amber.

“Word to the wise. Your man invites you into the recording booth? You go. Now come on in,” she said, smiling.

I got up from my seat and glanced at Troy, still on the couch, as I made my way to the door leading into the recording booth. He still didn’t look very impressed with me. I shook it off as I made my way into the room.

Mason moved the stool at the back to the other side of him and patted it. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips after I sat and then gave Deshawn the thumbs-up.

The music started and he and Amber performed their parts. Again I was in awe of their talent and the attention they commanded, even in this small space with no audience. Mason had just started his part in middle of the song when Heart’s “Barracuda” broke out in the studio. It took me a moment to clue in that my cell phone was vibrating in the back pocket of my shorts. Damn it. That was Katie’s ringtone. It seemed appropriate when I’d set it but I cursed it now. I frantically pulled my phone out of my back pocket and hit the button canceling the call, then turned the damn thing off entirely.

“I’m so sorry.” I was mortified. Deshawn had cut the track and everyone was looking at me. My face was on fire. I’d do anything to shrink down to nothingness.

Mason stroked my back up and down in an effort to make me feel better. “It’s okay, babe. I should’ve told you to turn it to silent when you got here. My bad.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

Troy’s voice boomed through the speakers. “Any chance we can continue now. You wouldn’t know this, Ellie, but time is money in these studios. Try not to waste anymore of either.”

I tucked my head down and looked and my hands in my lap.

“Hey, ease up, man,” Mason said to him with an aggravated tone.

It was nice of Mason to defend me but Troy was right. Anyone with common sense would’ve realized it wasn’t a good idea to have your cell phone on while you were in a recording booth.

“No, he’s right. I’ll just go back into the other room and hang out on the couch until you guys are finished.”

Mason pursed his lips but gave me a short nod. When I returned to the other room Troy was sitting beside Deshawn so I sat on the leather couch. I had a bit of chill so I got up and grabbed my sweater from my suitcase. I sat back down in the corner of the couch, tucked my legs up and positioned the sweater overtop of them. I stayed in the same position struggling to stay awake for the next two hours until the others decided to call it a night.

Mason sat beside me after he’d left the recording booth and put an arm around the back of me. “You ready to head to the hotel?” I nodded and a yawn escaped. Mason laughed and nudged me. “Come on. Let’s go.”

I said my goodbyes and followed Mason out into the parking lot. He approached a sleek black Mercedes CLS. Even I knew what that symbol was and it didn’t hurt that Jeff drove a Benz, too. I thought this one was nicer than Jeff’s as I took a seat inside.

When we were both inside Mason leaned across the car, plunged a hand into my hair and kissed me fiercely. His tongue darted in and out of my mouth. All the hairs on my body stood on end and I wondered how long it would take us to get to our room.

He pulled away and looked at me with half-lidded eyes. “I’ve been waiting hours to do that.”

“How far to the hotel?” I asked a little breathlessly.

“Not far at all.”


Mason smiled and threw the car in reverse and peeled out of the parking lot. I realized it was well after one in the morning back home. No wonder I was tired. Mason rested his hand on my thigh as he drove. I leaned against the window of the car and my eyelids started to drift closed. I did my best to keep them open. I was losing the battle so I decided to give in for just a second. Just a second was all I’d need…




I snuggled further into the covers, purposely not opening my eyes. My bed had never felt more comfortable and I had no inclination to get up and start my day. My pillowcase was super soft under my cheek, the mattress was the perfect firmness. I rolled over and stretched my hand out. Instead of mattress I hit a warm patch of skin.

My eyes shot open.

“Mason? Where am I?” I asked, still groggy and definitely confused.

“Well, Sleeping Beauty, we’re in the penthouse suite at the Roosevelt Hotel.”

I sat up a bit and took in my surroundings. Shiny dark wood floors ran throughout the suite and set-off the contemporary white leather furniture. It was old Hollywood meets modern day, which I guess was appropriate since we were in Beverly Hills.

“I forgot where I was for a second. I don’t even remember coming up here last night.” I looked at him questioningly.

“You fell asleep in the car on the way back from the studio. I didn’t have the heart to wake you so I carried you up.”

I rolled over and mashed my face into the pillow. “That’s so embarrassing. I must have looked like an idiot with you carrying me through the lobby.”

Mason chuckled. “There weren’t that many people around, but I wouldn’t be surprised if someone snapped a picture of us on their phone. Or if some paparazzi were hiding in the bushes.” I lifted my head to look at Mason. “I did my best to avoid them but those fuckers are persistent.”

“I’m trying to accept that there’s nothing I can do about it.”

“Be sure to let me know how if you ever figure it out.” He leaned in and kissed my forehead. My heart warmed at the tender gesture.

I leaned over to Mason and pushed him down against the mattress with one hand, then straddled him. His big grin made an appearance complete with dimple.

“I see you’re a frisky one in the morning,” he chuckled.

“When I’ve gotten all my beauty sleep I am.”

He brought his hand up to cup my cheek. “More beauty sleep is the last thing you need. You couldn’t be more beautiful…inside or out.” He said it with such sincerity, my heart about burst out of my chest.

I leaned in and brought my lips to his. Mason’s arms came around me and his tongue sought entry into my mouth. I gladly gave it and groaned into his mouth as I felt the effect of our kissing growing beneath me.

His hand moved into my hair as the kiss went from slow and thorough to passionate and wild. After a while Mason pulled away and we sat staring at each other. The sound of our heavy breathing the only one in the room.

“I’d love nothing more than to continue this but I let you sleep late since you were so tired last night. We need to get up or I’m going to be late getting to the studio,” he said.

Disappointed, I stuck my bottom lip out like a petulant four-year-old. Mason nipped it between his teeth then ran his tongue over it to sooth it.

“That’s doing nothing for your cause,” I said and pushed him back against the mattress.

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