Rumor Has It (Limelight) (17 page)

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Authors: Elisabeth Grace

BOOK: Rumor Has It (Limelight)
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Speaking of which, time for Ellie to get up so we could make that happen. She didn’t need any more beauty sleep. She was gorgeous. Another hour of sleep wasn’t going to change that.

I rubbed my hand lightly up and down the bare expanse of her back, wishing she was lying face up so that I was rubbing her front. When she didn’t so much as stir I applied a little more pressure. Still nothing. Apparently Sleeping Beauty was hard to rouse after a night of bedroom calisthenics.

“Ellie. Babe,” I said in a hushed voice. No response. I really was going to start calling her Sleeping Beauty. If memory served the prince had had to wake her up with a kiss. I could handle that, although I had a kiss of a different kind on my mind.

I gently eased myself out from underneath her. She stirred a little and mumbled something then repositioned herself on her back and fell still and silent again. Perfect. I moved down to her legs and separated them so that I could get myself in between them. Her head tossed to the side but she didn’t stir.

My cock was as hard as a rock in anticipation of tasting her again. I bent my head down and licked her bottom to top. I couldn’t see how I’d ever get enough of this. I stuck my tongue in and out of her like I was banging her with it and she began to moan in her sleep. I moved up and started vibrating my tongue on her clit, keeping my eyes on her face the entire time. When I exerted a little more pressure her eyes flew open and locked with mine.

“Oh God, Mason. What are you….ahhh.”

Her hands came down on top of my head and she pushed my face into her as she rocked her hips. It was fucking hot how responsive she was. I knew she was close to coming when she cried out. I slipped a finger inside her and it was like flicking a switch. She came and when her hands tried to pull my head away I resisted until I’d wrung every last shiver and contraction out of her.

I loved doing that to her. I could do it all day every day just to see the look on her face after she came. The look she had right now. One of pure satisfaction and contentment. To know that I was the one who put that flush in her cheeks made me feel like a goddamn superhero.

Normally I’d be looking for her to return the favor so I could find my own release. I didn’t seem to need that with her. Don’t get me wrong; I was hard as a rock and my dick was aching for Ellie to touch it. But the satisfaction of giving that to Ellie more than made up for it.

I moved up beside her again. She was completely relaxed and let me mould her body to my own as I positioned her in the nook of my arm, her head tucked into my neck.

She spoke after a few minutes. “That was some way to wake up.” Her voice was still gravelly.

“Good. That was what I was aiming for.”

“You can wake me up like that anytime.” She giggled. I loved her laugh. It was so joyful and melodic sounding. I could easily sample it in one of my tracks. Actually, that idea wasn’t half bad…



“Where’d you go just now?”

“I was thinking about your laugh.”

“What about it?” I could hear the confusion in her voice.

“Just how much I love hearing it.”

She moved her head and kissed my neck then snuggled herself back into me. I know I sounded like a pussy but I swear my heart swelled in my chest. Knowing I said something that made her happy did that.

“Would you want to meet a couple of my friends? If not, I totally understand, it’s not a big deal. I was going to get together with them tonight and I thought you might want to come.”

I smiled thinking it was a good sign that she wanted me to meet her friends. “Sure. That sounds good.”

“You don’t need to worry about them telling anyone you’re in town. They’ve both been sworn to secrecy.”

“If you trust them, I’m not worried.”

“My friend Katie is a big fan of your music.”

“I like her already.” I laughed and Ellie smacked me in the gut playfully. “Apparently you’re not a fan though.”

“Why do you say that?” She sat up and turned to look at me. The sheet had fallen around her waist and she hadn’t seemed to notice. I sure had.

“The first night I drove you home…my song was playing on the radio and you made me change the station because you couldn’t stand it.”

Ellie’s hand came to cover her mouth and her cheeks turned bright pink. “That was your song? Oh my God. I’m so embarrassed. I had no idea.”

I laughed again. She was cute when she was embarrassed. “It’s not a big deal. My music’s not for everyone.”

“Don’t take it personally. I don’t know anything about hip-hop. I’ve never really listened to it before.”

“Well, we’ll have to rectify that, won’t we? I can think of few ways you could make it up to me if you wanted.” I reached for her and placed my hand behind her neck and pulled her to me. The minute our lips made contact my cell phone rang.

“Damn it,” I murmured against her lips.

“It’s okay. You answer it. I’m going to use the bathroom.” She gave me a quick peck and got off the bed, taking the sheet with her, and walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. I don’t know why she was being so modest when she had such a rockin’ body. I’d never understand women.

I picked up my phone and saw that it was Troy. “Hey, man.”

“Mason, I was able to get you a meeting with the E Network executives so we can plead your case as to why you’re the better choice than Little Mac for the reality show.”

“Good work. When’s the meeting?” I asked.

“Tonight. Six o’clock. Can you fly to L.A. by then?”

Damn it. I’d just promised Ellie I’d meet her friends. I couldn’t ditch this meeting with the executives though. It may be my only chance to schmooze them before a decision was made.

“Yeah, I’ll be there.”

“Great. Let me know when your plane is coming in and I’ll meet you at the airport so we can discuss our approach beforehand.”

“Will do. Listen, what happened with the story? You didn’t get back to me.” I heard the irritation in my tone.

“Relax. I was able to squash it. I told them there was a misunderstanding regarding your mother. As for that girl I gave them your story, said she was an addiction counselor for a rehab facility brought in to assist the guy your mom was with and that they needed to keep her identity private. They bought it for now but you’re going to have the give the
an exclusive first interview the next time we have any big news to share. It’s the only way I could get them to agree not to pursue the story.”


“You sure this broad is worth the trouble?” My fists clenched at Troy’s use of the derogatory term in reference to Ellie.

“Don’t call her a broad.”

He laughed but there was a bitter edge to it. “I’m sure that’s probably what she is. I’ve seen enough of them float in and out of your life over the years. Always looking out for numero uno.”

“She’s not like that.”

“Oh shit,” he started laughing. “This girl has really got you pussy whipped. Don’t forget to bring your balls to L.A. with you. You’ll need them for this meeting.” As was his way, Troy hung up without saying goodbye.

Ellie emerged from the bathroom, sheet wrapped around herself and sat beside me on the bed. “Everything okay?”

“I’ve got good news and bad news. Which do you want first?”

“Hmmm…good news.”

“That’s interesting.”


“That you picked good news. Most people do the reverse.”

“I’d rather know the good news first. That way I can keep it in mind and be grateful for it when I hear the bad news.”

“Good news it is. Troy was able to stop the
from printing the pictures of the two of us in Texas.”

“That is good news.” Her face lit up. She was sitting with her legs tucked underneath her and she bounced excitedly on the mattress. I tried especially hard not to notice the way her tits bounced up and down underneath the thin sheet as she did it.

“The bad news is that I have to fly to L.A. so I won’t be able to meet your friends tonight.”

“Oh, well, that’s okay.” She put up a good front but I saw a flash of disappointment cross her face. I felt like an asshole. I didn’t want to be the one to put that disappointed look on her face. Ever. “Troy’s managed to get me an interview with the producers of the reality series so we can try to sell them on using me for the show.”

“I understand.”

“Today’s the only time they could meet with me.”

“Mason, I said it’s fine. I get it.” She was saying the right words but I could tell it bothered her anyway.

I leaned in to kiss her. “I’ll only be gone the one night and then I’ll be back and we can do more of this.”

“Good because any more than one night and I might have to take matters into my own hands.”

I pushed her back onto the mattress. “You always know just what to say.”

As much as I wanted to rip the sheet away and bury myself inside her for the foreseeable future, I had travel arrangements to make and needed to get my ass in gear if I was going to be in L.A. by this afternoon.

I gave her a quick kiss and begrudgingly got into the shower.

I had a plane to catch.




It was stupid of me to assume the fact that Mason and I had slept together meant something for our relationship, or whatever the hell it was we were doing. We’d only been together for the first time last night and he was already leaving. I was so sick of people always leaving me.

This was exactly why I couldn’t allow myself to get in too deep with Mason. I knew he’d be gone in a few short weeks but it stung that immediately after sleeping with me he was taking off across the country.

Foolishly when he’d agreed to meet my friends I thought that meant something. That we were more than we were. What a chick thing to say. “I thought I meant more to him.” Freaking shoot me. I refuse to be that girl.

I wasn’t mad at Mason. It’s not like he’d misled me or anything. In fact, I should be glad that I knew where we stood now. I needed to get back to my own life, not this fantasy world I’d been living in since we’d met, thinking I could have any type of future or real relationship with a celebrity like Mason.

I was hurt by his actions, but I liked spending time with him and the sex had been off the charts… I’d enjoy what our remaining weeks together had to offer and then get on with my life once he was gone.

I’d left when Mason got in the shower as I still had to go home and shower and change before I headed into work. My mom and Ralph were still sleeping, or doing whatever it is they do first thing in the morning, (I was still trying to get the image my mom had painted for me out of my head), so I didn’t have to deal with her asking where I’d been last night.

I’d have to face Katie at work though. She knew I had headed over to Mason’s last night and she’d want details but I wasn’t sure I wanted to share them. I still hadn’t decided how I felt about everything myself.


That afternoon I’d found myself with nothing to do but let my mind wander. I had the fleeting idea to Google Mason’s name.

I knew I shouldn’t, that it was self-sabotage. There’s nothing Google was going to show me that was going to make me feel better.

this. I knew it but I still found myself typing his name into the search field multiple times, then bitch-slapping myself mentally and backspacing until it disappeared. After an hour I finally caved, typed Mason Nash into Google and hit enter.

I was in no way prepared for the images and headlines that assaulted me. There were pictures of him with pop stars, actresses and—come on….seriously?—actual Victoria’s Secret models. I thought he’d been joking. There were some candid shots of him kissing some of them…those ones made my stomach turn. It was stupid but jealousy seeped inside me through every pore. Logically I knew all these pictures of Mason with other women had happened before I even knew he existed. Apparently my brain didn’t feel like doing logical at the moment.

I realized that this was the price of fame. Every moment of your life lived out in the public sphere was immortalized forever. It could all be brought back with the click of a mouse and some tapping on the keys.

A few of the headlines claimed he was cheating on someone, others that a woman in question was cheating on him. Apparently he’d been a part of a wild party in the penthouse suite at the Roosevelt in Hollywood and some known adult film stars were seen leaving the hotel the following morning.

I closed the search page. I didn’t want to see any more. I already had the sight of Mason kissing other women now firmly embedded in my head. Besides, most of it was probably lies anyway. I knew better than anyone how good the media was at twisting things to suit their needs.

Still, I couldn’t help but compare myself to some of the women. What could Mason possibly see in me when he was used to dating women like that? I hated how insecure I was. It wasn’t a feeling I was used to but it seemed that being with Mason brought it out in me.

My phone vibrated in my purse so I pulled it out to see I had a new text from Mason.

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