ROMANCE: The Alpha Howls (Paranormal Werewolf Shapeshifter New Adult Contemporary Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werewolf Romance) (13 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: The Alpha Howls (Paranormal Werewolf Shapeshifter New Adult Contemporary Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werewolf Romance)
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It has been two months now since Austin and Blake started dating each other and they have been inseparable. Blake was literally living in Austin's place, and although they didn’t make anything official, but they both knew what they were feeling for each other. They found love in the most unexpected manner and wanted to stay in the moment forever. They were living in present and wanted to cherish each and every moment spent together.

They would go to their workplace together and would spend the whole day working with each other. They were inseparable even at work, and would have their morning coffee to late night dinners together. Austin would take Blake to his place every night after work and he would fuck him wilder than the night before. The next day, he would come to the office wearing Austin’s clothes that would make the entire office talk about them.

They didn’t care about anything at all. They didn’t want to bother about what people were talking about them. At the end of the day, they had each other by their side and that was all that mattered.

Blake’s excitement reached another level when Austin showed him tickets for two to Miami.

“What is this, Austin? I don’t understand!” Blake questioned him with a smile on his face. He knew what he meant, but he wanted Austin to spill it out.

“There is a conference that we need to attend in Miami. All the premium media agencies would be there and it would be a great event for us to expand our reach. We both are going there tomorrow. Go home and pack your bags!” Blake jumped out of his seat as Austin spilled the beans.

He was utterly excited to visit Miami and explore the city with Austin. It was their first trip together and Blake wanted each and every moment to be counted. He wanted to remember everything and tried his best to make the trip a turning point in their relation.

As they landed in Miami, they were welcomed by the romantic weather and cool breeze of air that played with their hair.

“Oh my God! I am already in love with his city!” Blake said as they were driving to their hotel. They could see the beautiful ocean waves making love to the shore.

“I am glad to be here with you, sugar!” Austin said and kissed him. They inhaled the fresh air and were fortunate to be with each other.


Miami was exactly how Blake imagined it to be. It was his first time in the city, as the nightlife turned him on. The conference was really well-organized and they attended the entire event together. Austin educated Blake the whole day about the unspoken rules of media and helped him create some influential connections on his own.

Blake was really fortunate to have Austin as his boyfriend, who not only supported him in his personal life but also wanted him to escalate professionally. When the conference was over, they headed to their rooms and changed.

“The hotel is hosting the hippest pool party of Florida. Wear your yellow SpongeBob boxers. You will look hot as fuck!” Austin suggested and he wore red beach shorts.

It was the first time when Blake attended a party like that and he had no idea what to expect. He did exactly what Austin told him to do.

“Are you sure this is good. All the media professionals would be there in the party!” Blake asked him.

“They were professional in the conference. It’s over now! They are all here to party tonight!” Austin held his hand as they locked their door.

“I am telling you, we are going to have a great time!” Austin said and gave Blake a long passionate kiss. Blake could see that Austin was overwhelmingly excited about the party and he tried his best to match the level of his enthusiasm as well.

The party was everything that Austin explained him to be. The moment Blake entered the poolside he was bombarded with a loud music. It was the kind of party that he had never attended before. He could see several hot guys, wearing nothing but sexy beachwear. In their beach shorts and designer wears, they looked smoking hot. There were a lot of hot babes too who were flaunting their curves that got Blake’s attention.

He looked at Austin whose eyes were fixed at a guy, who was wearing a pair of blue shorts. He had bulging biceps and was without any doubt, the sexiest guy that Blake had ever seen. He had blue eyes and curly hair, and with his lustrous lips, Blake was sure that he could get any guy he would want.

For a moment, Blake didn’t know if that was where he belonged or not. As they took a few steps, they were welcomed by a lot of other people. They were all greeting Austin and it felt like the entire party knew him well. He felt like a misplaced puzzle, and even though he was trying really hard to interact with people and be a part of that crowd, but somewhere deep within, he knew that he didn’t belong there.

The same guy who was wearing blue shorts and had an amazing physique came towards them and greeted Austin. They both hugged and for a moment, Blake felt a little awkward.

“This is Alejandro. We are good friends!” Austin introduced him to Blake.

“Friends? Are you mad? We were never friends, Austin. We were fuck buddies. I still remember how you used to fuck me all night long in your office, and in your bed, and in your couch – well, almost everywhere!” Alejandro was drunk and he broke into laughter while passing that statement.

Blake didn’t know what to say. He knew about Austin’s past, but that was the first time when he was looking to his past in the form of Alejandro.

“Don’t get me wrong. Who wouldn’t like to get a bite of this muscular jock! I mean, he has a reputation in the town that he needs to maintain. Anyways, who are you, sexy? Have we ever met?”

As Alejandro asked Blake that question, all Blake could do was turn around and let Austin introduce him to Alejandro.

“He is with me. We work together,” was all Austin could say that pissed Blake off. He had had enough and couldn’t take it anymore.

He ran towards the room and started to cry. Tears started to fall aimlessly out of his eyes as he didn’t know what else to do. Austin turned out to be a spoiled billionaire and Blake was disheartened. He knew that a part of him fell in love with Austin and wanted to go back in time to undo his mistake.

He heard a knock on the door and heard Austin’s voice. Blake looked at the mirror and washed his face as few times. He took a few minutes and tried to be calm before opening the door.

He found Austin standing on the other side looking hot than ever in his beach shorts. Blake tried to calm his senses as he couldn’t let his temptation take the best of that moment. He was pissed at Austin and wanted him to give some explanation.

“I just need a minute of your life to give an explanation because I know that I owe this to you,” Austin said and entered inside the room.

“Carry on!”

“I have been a different person before I met you. I was done finding love and was living for meaningless one-night stands and booty calls because I thought that sex was all I could ever get. But that was before I met you. I was making a mistake and turning my life into a living hell until you came to my life and changed it drastically. It was like I was drowning and you saved me, Blake. You saved me in every way a person can be saved and brought me back to life. I can’t go back and undo my mistake, but you know me – you know who I am in the present and I am trying to be better every second with you, for you. Blake Rogers, I love you so much. I can’t imagine a life without you. Please move in with me and make me a better person, every day!” Austin kneeled down to his knees and presented Blake an extra key to his apartment in order to make this official.

“This is the key to my apartment and my heart – it is all yours now!”

Blake didn’t know what to say. He was with Austin and never in his life had he felt so happy. He wanted to feel the same way and wanted to spend every second of his life with him.

“I love you so much, Austin.”

He said and kissed Austin passionately. The trip to Miami certainly turned out to be a defining moment in their relationship. They kept kissing each other and the noise of the party faded away. Nothing else mattered anymore; it was just the two of them in the whole wide world. Everything else was secondary. They kept kissing each other, knowing that it would be the start of a brand new chapter of their lives.







“Often life puts us on cross-roads and we do not know the right way to go. It could be very hard to make a choice because sometimes having too many options could be the wrong thing. We get scared of making a wrong call and in your fear; you might end up choosing the road you were NOT destined to travel.”

“Jane, this is a piece of shit!” Maggie said in her fake Sothern accent she often used to charm hot men and top-shot gossip mills.

“But Maggie, you didn’t even read the whole document. There is this huge problem among the youth of today. They are not following their heart.”

“I don’t give a shit, Jane. We are not majoring in psychology or philosophy. We thrive on gossip, breaking news. Does any of this look breaking to you?”

“I know Maggie, but think of all those lives you could change with the right guidance and mentor. We have a reach and if this article strikes the right chord with our readers, so many parents could help their child pick the right path.”

“Damn it, Jane! When are you going to understand this? I am not running a charity business here. I don’t give a fuck to what or how other parents treat their children. I need to make money. I am not here to bear losses.”

Jane looked at Maggie and she knew that no matter how hard she tried, Maggie wouldn’t agree.

“This is the last strike. I can’t keep you on the job, not doing anything constructive. You have 1 week Jane. That’s it. Come up with an idea that will fetch me hits, that has the potential to go viral, that can bring in readers. If you come up with such shit again, I am sorry but I have to let you go.”

“You can’t chuck me like this Maggie!”

“I know honey. It would be so sad to see you go, but like I told you, I am not running a charity organization here.”

Maggie stormed out of the room leaving Jane reeling in shock. “Seriously, what is the media up to? She should have at least read the whole piece,” Jane told Ash who was her colleague.

“I know Jane. You put in so much effort, but this is not the right network to showcase your talent. Why don’t you search something which you would love to do and can fetch her hits too? She has a point, though. The media industry is so competitive. It is hard to make money.”

Jane realized the point and thought of having a hard thinking session at her home. She was done for the day and she knew the week would be very demanding with so much to do and think. Her job was at stake. She was settled in her job and didn't want to start from ground zero all over again.”

As she headed home, she thought of the possible things she could cover. But, the more she thought of a storyline, she came back to her own dynamics.

Jane Nader was 27, single and lesbian. She never believed in concealing her identity and was one of those feminists who truly knew the meaning of the word. She knew life was not easy for lesbians and it was so easy to be judged, but she had grown to live life on her own terms.

She thought of a piece on lesbian and feminist rights but knew that Maggie wouldn't be convinced. She needed to really think it through because the stakes were too high this time.

After reaching home, she sat down with her notebook and jotted the possible creative ideas. After an hour of hard work; she still stared at the page which didn’t go much far beyond feminism, lesbian and psychology.

She was not cut for being a gossip columnist, but damn it looked like Maggie needed her to be that. She decided to resort to the internet for checking what’s trending. Twitter was often the best place to catch up on what was buzzing and maybe, she thought it would give her some ideas.

As she logged on to Twitter and found herself being flooded with endless notifications, she quickly scanned the trending hashtag. Her attention was immediately caught by the mention of #SarahSexScandal.

“Sex always sells and so does scandal,” she could almost hear Maggie speaking in her ears. She didn’t want to be one of those reporters who would scandalize someone for her personal life, but she wanted to know more about the whole incident.

As she explored the details, she found that Sarah Maroon, owner of multiple companies and a business billionaire found herself amidst a sex controversy. Her tape was released and there was a rumor buzzing that Sarah was spotted sleeping with a girl.

Jane’s interest caught up as it could help her link her own agenda to the topic. This was exactly what she had been looking for. It could give Maggie the spice she needed and Jane could get the perfect ground for her own feminism and lesbian campaign.

She needed more details, but she knew that she already had the story she would be covering. She didn't even wait for the next day as she immediately texted Maggie about the story.

“I can’t believe I am telling you this Jane, but you have nailed it this time. Give me a real spicy angle and get in an interview with Sarah. Let us get the visitor meter cracking,” Maggie texted back and Jane leaped in joy at having clinched it.

Of course, Jane didn't want to scandalize Sarah, but she needed to know more about it. As their media firm was quite a reputed one, she knew they had a good chance of getting an interview scheduled with Sarah. She sat down to read every detail about the woman who owned multiple companies and ruled the world of business.

Jane had to separate the rumors from reality and she wanted to know everything before she jumped to any conclusion. This case could both break and make her career and it was upon her to present the right angle.

Being a lesbian herself, there was a part of her that strongly wanted to know the details. If Sarah Maroon was into girls, wasn’t she confident enough to come out of the closet? What was to be afraid of? However, it was hard to decide because she had been linked with too many men before. The more she read about her, the more curious she got.

Jane smiled knowing that this was one story which she would love to cover. It had everything she needed and Maggie could get her trending viral content too. 

Jane spent the next week gathering all details about Sarah Maroon. Sarah Maroon was 29 years old and still single. She had been linked to nearly all the top men in the business society and was known for always being in the limelight, albeit for the wrong reasons.

Sarah looked drop-dead gorgeous as her green eyes looked enchanting. She had the grace which could easily make men die for her. Her flawless beauty coupled with her killer fashion sense made her a name to be reckoned with.

It was hard to know the real person because the news was filled with gossip and rumors about her. There were so many different stories that it was really hard to know who she actually was. Regardless, there was one thing which everyone believed unanimously – she had a killer business sense.

She was the undisputed leader and she had achieved a whole lot of success in a very short time. Recently, her sex tape had been released that saw her having some steamy time with a woman in bed. This had led to a huge controversy and when she was asked about the incident, she refused to comment. This had led to even more speculation and so Jane knew that she had to give the story the right angle and not just add to the scandal.

She met Maggie and asked her to pitch a request for an interview. She had prepared the whole briefing to be made and even added her details. She wanted Sarah to come clean with the truth and put her best journalism skills on use. The way she had pitched her story was too good for Sarah to say no.

When Sarah Maroon heard that Turning Tabloid wanted to interview her, the initial response was no. Ever since the sex tape had been released, she was flooded with the calls for interviews and events. She didn’t have the mood for any as she had better things in life to do, but Turning Tabloid seemed to lure her.

They were not there to scandalize her. The interview asked her to bare the real story and was prompting her to use their channel to win back the confidence of people and put the controversies to rest.

This was the first time she had seen such a different angle and therefore, she agreed to it. Maggie was elated to know that they were the only company that had managed to get a chance to interview Sarah Maroon.

“Jane, this can break the internet and the media channel. I need you to give your very best,” Maggie said.

Jane was excited as hell and she couldn’t wait to know what the interview had in store. She knew that it was a huge assignment and she vowed to give in her very best. The interview was scheduled after three days and Jane decided to know every single detail and gossip doing the round so she could be informed and get the right details. She wanted to have an unbiased opinion before knowing the facts from Sarah herself.

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