Ridin' Red (8 page)

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Authors: Nikki Prince

BOOK: Ridin' Red
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Ana giggled and kissed the corner of his mouth and
then bounded off his lap. He held out his hand to her when he stood and led her
away from their table. When they passed the front desk, she grabbed a purple
robe and pulled it on, tying it together. He grabbed one as well. Though he
wasn’t planning to go in, he didn’t know if he’d have to. When they reached the
suite, Bruno was waiting by the door in a robe with his arms crossed over his

Bruno reached over and cupped Ana’s cheek. “You sure
you want to do this?”

“Yes. If I don’t, there isn’t any closure.”

Bruno and Lucien both gave her a soft kiss.

“Thank you both. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” Ana moved
past them both, opened the door and went in, closing it softly.

“Let’s go get a drink,” Lucien said.

“You think she’ll be okay?”

“I know she will be. Our wolves chose her for a
reason. If she were weak, they wouldn’t want her.”

“Right. Yes, I want a beer.”

“She’ll let us know if she needs us.”

“True, now how about we see who can drink the most
shots while we wait?” Bruno’s lopsided grin showed Lucien that his boy was
going to be okay with what was happening.

“Yes, let’s.”


Some things were going to change, Anastasia thought.
Her sister couldn’t keep interrupting her life like this. Flora was standing in
the room, her hands on her hips as she walked back and forth in front of a very
tied up Drusilla.
What on earth?
There was red bondage tape holding
Drusilla’s wrists together and her ankles as well as she sat in a chair in the
middle of the room. She also had a ball gag on her mouth.

“Wow, did I miss something, Flora?”

Flora was grinning from ear to ear. The corset and
skirt she wore were beautiful black leather and accompanied by extremely high
heels. The petite dynamo loved her heels.

“Nothing I couldn’t handle. Your sister dared me to do

Drusilla looked furious and yet at the same time
something else Anastasia couldn’t quite define was in those brown eyes. Her
hair was messed up, and her lipstick looked a bit smeared. Interesting.

“She dared you to gag her and tie her up?”

“Yes. I brought her in here, and she thought that she
could command me about. I told her if anyone was going to take orders it would
be her taking them from me. I also told her if she didn’t stop the back talk
I’d have her tied and gagged.”

“Well, I can tell she didn’t listen.” She couldn’t
stop the chuckle that tumbled from her lips. Drusilla glared at her and made
grunting sounds beneath the ball gag.

“Drusilla, my dear, you need me to keep it on you a
bit longer?” Flora said in her cheerful voice. Drusilla glared, but she quieted
down again.

“Thank you, Flora. I need to talk to my sister.”

“Gotcha, call for me if you need me.” With a sway of
her hips, Flora exited the room and closed the door softly behind her.

She put her attention back on Dru. “Okay, do I need to
keep the ball gag in, or will you talk like you have some sense? Nod your head
yes if you can do the latter.”

Drusilla was still glaring, but she nodded. Before she
went to her sister to remove the gag, she retrieved the other chair in the room
and placed it in front of Drusilla’s. That done, she removed the gag from Dru’s
mouth. Dru moved her mouth around as if she was yawning. Anastasia waited to
let her adjust to not being gagged.

Chapter Eleven


“How dare you let that woman do this to me!” Drusilla
started in immediately, and Anastasia shook her head.

“Shut up, Dru. This is my birthday and my time. You
came here and disturbed me. So now you will listen and talk when it’s your

Drusilla gasped, and the look on her face was comical.

“That’s better.” Anastasia crossed her legs and paused
for a moment.

Now she reflected on the right things to say to
Drusilla, to get off of her chest what she should have a long time ago to her
sister so there could truly be closure, at least on her end.

“I love you, Dru. You’re my sister.” She sighed. “The
way we’ve been going on is wrong. We missed out on a great opportunity to have
someone else to care for when we decided to take up mom’s crusade against

“What are you talking about? That’s our mom’s memory
you’re tarnishing.”

Anastasia didn’t say anything to the outburst. She let
it ride as she was talking about their mother and that would be something hard
for anyone to take.

“Mom was wonderful, but mom had serious faults. One
fault being when she thought that Cinda was vying for a position in the house.
Cinda was happy to have us there. Mom’s jealousy blinded her from that fact. We
allowed it to blind us as well.”

“How do you know that Cinda was happy to have us
there? She never showed it,” Drusilla argued with her.

“No, we didn’t allow her to show it. We blocked her at
every turn. Even after mom died, we kept mom’s legacy alive. We were wrong.
Admit it.”

Drusilla opened her mouth to say something then shut
it quickly again.

“You’ve come here after storming out of the hotel room
and disturbed my birthday celebration. I asked you not to come here. Why can’t
you just be happy? You act as if you have a fucking stick up your ass.”

“Looks to me as if you’re the one who’s had something
in her ass. You’re not only here with one man, I’m told, but with two. What the
hell are you, a nymphomaniac?”

Anastasia fell into a peal of laughter, and Drusilla’s
expression was laughable.

“What the hell are you laughing at? Stop laughing at
me,” Drusilla said.

“I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing at your choice
of word. If I’m a nympho, I will take that role on gladly. I’ve never been
happier with Lucien and Bruno. I plan to keep being happy, and if it means I’m
a nympho, then get used to it.”

“Ana, please. Just come back with me. We don’t need
anyone else.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. We do need others. You act
like a repressed prude.”

“I’m not a prude.”

“Prove that to me. Stay here and find someone to have
a fantasy with.”

“I … I … can’t Ana.”

“Can’t or won’t, Dru? There are plenty of men here at
the club who are solo and wouldn’t mind a beautiful woman on their arms. There
are even women here who’d take a go at you.” The light that lit Dru’s eyes when
she said women gave her pause. Bingo. Her sister wasn’t as uptight as she’d
always thought she was. Her sister liked women. There was nothing at all wrong
with that.

“I can’t,” Dru said again.

“I’m sure that Flora wouldn’t mind sharing a fantasy
or two with you.”

“Fuck no! Keep her away from me.”

Ana watched Drusilla squirm in her chair. She’d let it
drop for a bit.

“Dru, reconsider what I said about Cinda. That is the
one thing I want you to do. No more of this anger over something that should
never have been our fight. Please, I beg of you as my sister.”

Drusilla’s shoulders sagged. “Okay, okay. I’ll think
about it.”

Anastasia got up quickly and wrapped her arms around
Drusilla and hugged her tight.

“Oh thank you, thank you!”

“I said I’d think about it, Ana,” Dru warned.

“I know, but I have faith you will turn around.”

“I may be a lost cause.”

“No way, Dru. We lost our way. I found where my path
led, and now it’s your turn to do the same. I say starting with Flora may be
the perfect place to be led.”

“What? Why do you keep throwing that woman at me?”

“Dru, you and I both know that you’re physically able
to have had her tied up. You’re in martial arts. Don’t tell me that she at
about 5’5” overtook you and your 5’10”.” Anastasia watched as Dru’s cheeks
turned pink.

“I didn’t want to hurt her.”

“There’s no way you would have hurt her. You and I
both know it. How I never realized that you were into women is beyond me.”

Drusilla growled. “I don’t like that woman.”

“You could have fooled me. Like I said, you have to
prove it to me.”

“Ana, I have nothing to prove.”

“So you say. Well, at any rate, it’s my birthday, and
my guys and I were about to have cake before you decided to crash the place.
Want to come and have some and meet Lucien and Bruno?”

“Sure, why not.” Drusilla shrugged. “Is Cinda here?”

“She may be, but I’ve been a bit busy.”

Drusilla gave an unladylike snort and for the first
time a smile spread across her face.

“I’m sorry for everything I’ve said to you.” Drusilla
spoke softly.

“I’m sorry too. We have a lot to work out, but one day
at a time works for me.”

“Yes, one day at a time. Sounds like a wonderful

Anastasia undid the binding tape from Drusilla’s legs
first and then her hands. Drusilla massaged her wrists. This could have turned
out a lot worse, so she would believe that everything would work out in the
end. She would make sure that she put in for Dru’s fantasy if Drusilla didn’t.

“Come and have some cheesecake with me. We have a lot
to celebrate, new beginnings for one thing and new desires that have been

“Ana, please … stop, nothing has been awakened.”

“Keep on saying that like you believe it. Come, the
cheesecake I’m told is divine. I hope you don’t mind the semi-dressed people
and very nude people.”

“If you can take it, I can take it.”

“Well then, let’s go.” She held her hand out to
Drusilla and once she took it she led her out of the suite towards her men.
When they arrived back at the table, she had to hold back the laughter that was
bubbling up. At the table sat Luc, Bruno, and Flora. She had to tug her sister
forward and into the chair next to Flora.

The men stood. Lucien spoke up first.

“Everything okay?”

“Everything is fine, Luc. Drusilla has decided to
celebrate my birthday with us and have some cheesecake. Glad you could join us,

The blonde smiled back. “Lucien and Bruno were kind
enough to give me a drink after my little skirmish.” Flora’s gaze was directed
at Drusilla who shifted in her seat yet said nothing. Then her cheesecake was
brought to the table along with a large bottle of champagne, and she stopped
focusing on what that gaze meant. Besides, that was for Drusilla to deal with.
She clapped her hands in excitement as everyone at the table sang happy


Later that evening, tangled in the sheets in between
her lovers, she sighed contentedly, her head on Lucien’s chest and Bruno’s head
on her shoulder. This was how everything should be. She was happy, and now was
the time to let them know how much.

“Lucien and Bruno, I love you. You’ve brought so much
to my life, thank you.”

Bruno kissed her shoulder, and Lucien kissed her on
the mouth.

“I love you and Bruno as well, my sweet. I know I hurt
you before. For that I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t be. It had to happen. I needed to grow up.
I wouldn’t have been ready for this, for us then.”

“You’re so generous with your forgiveness and your
love, Red.”

“I just know that there isn’t time for regrets
anymore. I don’t want to regret anything. What happened with Cinda is proof
enough of how things can fester.”

“I love you both as well,” Bruno said. “Lucien came
into my life when I thought I wasn’t ever going to find someone to love.
Through his eyes I fell for you, Ana. Our family is complete.”

“Until, that is, we decide to have children. Then we
will be truly complete.” Anastasia said. “I want children with the both of you.
Two is a nice round number. I want one child from you, Lucien, and one child
from you, Bruno.”

“Red, you couldn’t have made us any happier or made us
feel any luckier than you have in this moment. Thank you.”

“Yes, my sweet Ana, thank you.”

They all hugged each other tight. Several kisses
later, Anastasia discerned that their lives would never be the same, and that’s
how she loved it. She couldn’t wait to see Doc Fairee to thank him for her
second chance. Love would keep them together, trust would make sure they stayed
that way, and the kink would bind them tightly.


The End








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