Ridin' Red (4 page)

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Authors: Nikki Prince

BOOK: Ridin' Red
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What helped him get through was that Bruno was there
and able to ease the tension for him.
Fuck, his jeans were tight.
reached down and adjusted his cock so that he was more comfortable. He had to
get home; he needed Lucien in a bad way. Their bond, as with anything, always
had to be maintained.

Chapter Five


The steam from the shower was working wonders at
loosening up the tension running through both of their bodies. Lucien had
smelled Ana on Bruno, and they were at each from the minute Bruno had stepped through
the doorway.

Lucien drew Bruno close then pushed him up against the
tiles facing away from him. Bruno growled his wolf, and Lucien could feel it
trying to come to the surface. He growled back.

“Soon we’ll have her.” Lucien pressed his body into
Bruno’s, his cock slipping between those perfect ass cheeks. He gave an
answering growl.

“It took everything in me to leave.”

“I know.” He placed kisses on Bruno’s shoulders,
wrapping one hand to take Bruno’s cock in his grasp, he squeezed. The guttural
groan that Bruno emitted made Lucien’s cock twitch. He slid his hand along that
wet shaft and started stroking Bruno firmly. With each pull on Bruno’s cock, Lucien
bit hard on his shoulder.

“Fuck, you’re going to make me spill.”

“That’s the plan, lover. To make you lose control. Put
your hands palm down on the tile.” When Bruno would have defied him, Lucien
clamped his teeth down onto his shoulder, keeping him in place. Bruno put his
hands on the shower wall, if a bit reluctantly.

Releasing his shoulder, he said, “That’s it, B. Take
what I have to give you.”

“Fuck, Lucien. I want you inside me, not your hand
jerking me the fuck off.”

“You’ll get that, soon. Right now … you’re going to
take everything I give you. We’re not going to fuck fully until we have our
other mate with us.”

“Damn it, you don’t play fair, Luc.”

“I thought you knew. Who says I’m playing?” He used
his other hand to cup Bruno’s balls, holding them snugly.

“Fuck me.” It was more of a curse than a request.

“Soon, baby, we’ll be fucking one another when we have
our forever mate with us. Now let go and take what I have to offer in this

Those words from him seemed to push Bruno over the
edge, and he was coming hard, his cum coating Lucien’s fingers. He squeezed to
milk the last drop from him. Bruno grunted and bucked into Lucien’s hand.

“That’s my boy…” Lucien whispered softly.

Damn, Ana needed to come around and quickly. This
jerking each other off was getting tiresome and less satisfying.


Drusilla was pacing back and forth in the small hotel
room, which seemed to make the place shrink even more. Anastasia watched her
from her place on her bed. Drusilla stopped and pointed her finger at her and
looked as if she was going to say something, then started pacing again. In her
other hand, she had the card that Anastasia had gotten from Bruno.

She’d been debating if she was going to go there, and
then this shit happened. Anastasia had been dressing to go to the club after
calling and letting them know she was going to be coming. Of course Drusilla
was making it hard for her to even get ready to go. The migraines Anastasia had
been having of late only seemed to be calmed when she masturbated. What a
strange remedy, but it worked. Now she had to deal with this shit from Dru.

“Ana, tell me this isn’t what it looks like.”

“What does it look like, Dru?”

“It looks like I’m going to have to hunt someone down
for messing with my sister.”

Anastasia rolled her eyes. “Seriously? What do you
mean messing with your sister?”

“That club it isn’t your everyday club. You and I both
know that just from our visit.”

“I know it isn’t. This is just for me to go and get my

“It seems rather odd yours didn’t go in but mine did.”

Anastasia shrugged her shoulders. Her sister sounded
almost jealous. That couldn’t be. Drusilla didn’t get jealous, at least not of
her, because she always discounted Anastasia. Her sister hadn’t said it in so
many words, but it hung in the room like the scent of dead cow. The more Dru
talked, the angrier Anastasia was getting.

“What the hell is this about, Dru? Why do you have a
problem with me going to the club to get my money?”

“Don’t you think that Cinda could have done this some
other way?”

“She probably could’ve, but this is where it stands,
and I’m going.”

“Then I’m going too.” Drusilla had stopped her pacing
and put both hands on her hips.

“Like hell you are. The invitation to go there was
given to me. There’s no way I’m going to piss them off again. You’re mad you didn’t
get an invite.”

She watched as Drusilla raised her eyebrow and

“So now this has turned into not only getting your
money but also an invitation?”

“After the last time, Dru, do you honestly think I
could just walk in there without getting one?”

“It’s just mighty odd, that’s all.”

“Let me have the card, Drusilla. I need it.”

Drusilla glanced at the card she held then back up to
Anastasia. “What the hell does it mean when it says step inside? Why not just
tell you to come by and get your money and go? This looks like more than that.”

“I got asked to stop by and get my money. Who knows? Maybe
since it’s my birthday and Cinda realizes that, she’s going to get me a drink
or something. The club is a fancy place, as you’ve seen. So I’ll dress up and go
get my money. Perhaps a drink or two. That’s it, end of story.”

“Then ask them if I can come.”

“Hell no. You’re not going to get me into any more
trouble than you have already.”

“What do you mean, get you in trouble? Shit, so you’re
saying all the stuff we’ve done you didn’t want to do?”

“What I’m saying is it’s time to grow up. This shit
about wanting to get back at Cinda has got to stop.”

“Now you’re on her side?”

“What the fuck, Drusilla? Are we in high school again?
What’s this about sides?”

“It’s because we’re sisters!”

“Right, and no matter the circumstances of how Cinda
came to be in our lives, she’s our sister now as well. Grow the fuck up.”

Drusilla gasped and most certainly if looks could kill
Anastasia would have been dead on the spot. With a huff, Drusilla took the card
and ripped it down the middle, and then she disdainfully tossed it on the bed,
storming out of the hotel room to god knew where. The look she gave Anastasia
was one of ‘How’d you like that?’

Anastasia was immobile for a bit, staring down at the
card, which still shimmered but was in two pieces. Only Drusilla could be so
spiteful. “One of these days, Drusilla Trumane, someone is going to take you to
task, and you will not like it, but you will bow down.” She said this more to
herself, seeing as her sister had left the room and gone off in a little
tantrum. She didn’t know if she’d be there when it happened, and perhaps it was
better she wasn’t, but Drusilla Trumane needed to be taken down a peg or two.

She leaned over and picked up the torn card and held
it together as if she could put it back together. Why did it hurt that her
sister had torn the card? She’d have to take it with her, though she wasn’t
sure if she needed it; if she did, she wanted to have it. Getting up, she put
the card down on the dresser and made her way to the shower.

It was time to get ready. She’d been stalled enough by
Drusilla. The place called for club attire, so she’d make sure that’s what she
had on. It was weird that she had to dress to just get a paycheck, but rules
were rules. Dress up she would. Then she’d take Bruno up on that drink and
leave as fast as she could. It was her birthday; she didn’t want to celebrate
it alone. She’d been thinking long and hard about Lucien. If she saw him, she’d
just have to be brave and let him know that not under any circumstances did she
want to be with him.

God, that little lie hurt. She wanted to be with him
in a bad way. The dreams she’d been having were odd in the fact that she had
been dreaming of both Luc and Bruno. Why both of them filled her thoughts she
didn’t know. In her dreams she was with both men in a forest. Lucien was the
biggest black wolf she’d ever seen and Bruno a silver one of about the same

She’d never been with two men, though the thought didn’t
bother her. Hell, it was called a ménage and when she’d gone to the club before
with Luc in the past there’d been those who practiced that.

The club wasn’t just a BDSM club. It was a sex club
that catered to everyone’s needs. A club that catered to so many fetishes the
patrons were bound to be pleased, be that just a couple or more than a couple
of people. She’d seen the sex at the tables as well as on the dance floors. It
didn’t make her feel uncomfortable in the least.

There’d been plenty of times when Lucien had fucked
her where she stood, just lifting her dress and taking her. What would it feel
like to have Lucien within her and a cock in her mouth? Or in any of her
orifices. She chuckled softly. It would be pure heaven she was sure. She sighed
at the torrid thought and smiled, thinking it was a shame that it couldn’t
happen. This was one fantasy that she was sure would never come true, but there
was nothing wrong with dreaming a dream.

She didn’t want to be late. The shower she took was
quick and the makeup she put on light. She’d chosen a red baby doll dress with
a neckline that plunged, giving a view of plump breasts yet still enough to
tease. It fell above her knees and a pair of red platform shoes finished the
ensemble. All this to get a paycheck. She laughed softly. Well, that and
perhaps a drink or two. It actually was quite pleasing to dress up again; she’d
been just going to work and coming back to the room for too long.

The hairs on the back of her neck began to tingle;
glancing quickly at the balcony, she had the oddest sensation that someone was
watching her. But that was insane. The room was on the second floor, which was
high enough for it to be silly to think someone was there watching her. Yet,
she couldn’t shake the feeling. Maybe she was more tired than she thought.
Moving away from the armoire where she was adding the finishing touches to her
makeup, she strolled over to the window and opened it.

Peering out into the darkness, she didn’t see anything
until a flash of movement caught the corner of her eye and she leaned forward
on the balcony, holding on to the rail. What appeared to be two big dogs ran
through the dimly lit parking lot below and off into the trees. Dogs? No, they
were too big to be dogs. Those were wolves.

She must be going mad.

Chapter Six


Lucien looked over at Bruno as they crouched, both in
their full wolf forms, near the edge of the thick line of trees that bordered
the parking lot. It had been a close one, but both had been so enraptured at
seeing Anastasia they’d risked it all. So in lust they almost got caught by
her. Love and want made one foolish. The one thing that made them breathe
easier was the knowledge she was going to go to the club. Bruno’s silver coat
shone in the mottled moonlight while Lucien’s ebony fur blended completely.

Let’s just take her.
Bruno the wolf
stood and made as if to go back to the balcony where Ana still stood looking
out in their general direction, and with a snarl the black wolf moved in front
of the silver one.

No, now is not the time. We will have her soon enough.
He bared his teeth, showing his dominance.

We’ve waited long enough!
The silver wolf

Yes, and we will have her at the club. Now come!

Bruno’s yellowish eyes spoke volumes, and with a low
growl Lucien nudged him and pushed him back into the trees.
It was time to claim their mate. No time to
lose, he went into a run with Bruno fast on his heels. They had to make it to
the club before Ana.


Anastasia sat in a backroom at a table of the club,
legs crossed and hands on her knees. She was about to start getting impatient.
was she being made to wait?
If they were just giving her her money, there
wasn’t any reason to do this.
Where was Cinda?
She’d thought there
wasn’t a reason to be scared or nervous around Cinda. Truth be told, she was
damn nervous. She owed her sister an apology. Maybe Cinda didn’t want to see
her again. Maybe she’d be sending in her man, Nico Charming, to give her the
money. Either way, at the moment she wished the earth would just swallow her up
and take her.

This was almost like going to grandma’s house and
getting in trouble. The wait was excruciatingly painful. She’d been there for
almost thirty minutes when the door opened. Cinda entered with Nico and sat
down at the table in front of her.

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