Read Rescue Breathing Online

Authors: Zoe Norman

Rescue Breathing (20 page)

BOOK: Rescue Breathing
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The older couple exits the elevator on
their floor, and as the doors close again for its ascent, I stare
at myself in the reflective glass encasing the elevator. I fidget
with my hair and suddenly get butterflies in my stomach. Why am I
so freakin' nervous? I push the uneasy feelings aside and man up. I
have the entire evening to spend with Olivia, and I'm going to
enjoy all of it until she kicks me out or the sun comes

I get off the elevator on Olivia's floor
and walk down the long hall toward her room. My fingers quickly run
through my unruly hair before I knock on her door and tuck the
single flower behind my back.

Olivia opens the door wide, wearing a
warm, inviting smile and dressed casually in jeans and a white
button-down shirt.

Hello, beautiful,
” I say, soft and low.

I'm glad you could make it. Come in.” She
tucks an errant strand of hair behind her ear while ushering me

s no place I
rather be,” I say honestly.

Olivia turns and looks at me with almost an
air of relief.

Wow,” I say, surveying her from head to
toe. “You look incredible.”

I walk into the room and turn, pulling
Olivia toward me.
 I wrap my arms around her and give her a slow and
tender kiss. She instantly relaxes in my arms and melts into my
chest. In turn, I relax a bit too.

I've wanted to do that all day,” I murmur
into her ear as she holds me tight.

Mmm…me too,” she replies.

…” Olivia pulls back from me and turns to
look behind her. “Did you bring me something?” she asks with a
tinge of giddiness.

I did,” I say, pulling the long-stemmed
fuchsia peony from behind my back. “This is for you. Thank you for
inviting me tonight.”

Olivia smiles wide and takes the flower
from me. “That is so sweet. Thank you, Owen,” she says, looking up
at me through her lashes. On her tiptoes, she gives me a brief
kiss. “I'm going to put this in a cup of water from the bathroom. I
ordered steaks and some other stuff. They're on the table over
there. Go ahead and sit down and pour us some wine?”

I nod while Olivia goes off to get her
flower a drink. I shrug out of my jacket and place it on the back
of the desk chair before pulling the cork out of the open bottle of
wine to fill our glasses. Olivia steps out of the bathroom, her
face a little flushed. It's become my favorite color on

It smells delicious. I'm starving,” I tell
Olivia as she places the flower in the middle of the table for us
to both enjoy.

Good, b
ecause there's a lot of food here.” Olivia takes a seat and
places her napkin on her lap while I round the table.

As I bend down to place her glass of wine on
the table in front of her, I plant a kiss on the side of her

Thank you,” she says sincerely, looking up
at me. “So what did you do today?”

I had a foursome today,” I say
matter-of-factly while I cut into my steak. “It was a great day for

Olivia raises her eyebrows so high they're
nearly in her hairline and swallows her wine hard before she spits
it out. “You what?” she says surprisingly calmly while leaning
forward in her chair.

Golf. I was in a foursome for a charity
golf tournament today,” I explain with a sly grin.

Oh my God,” Olivia murmurs with a smile as
she sits back in her seat with a thud. “A foursome. For

What did you think I meant?” I ask,
wiggling my eyebrows.

Olivia just tilts her head to the side and
shakes her head.

Marc was the captain of a team for a
celebrity golf tournament benefiting cancer research. He asked
Travis and me awhile back if we would be on his team and I readily
agreed. We had Tom Skerritt on our team. Can you believe that?
Viper himself. He was a pretty cool guy.”


Viper! From
Top Gun

Ahh, right. Anyone else there you were
impressed by? Any Maverick or Goose sightings?” she

The single best sighting I've had all day
was seeing you,” I say, raising my glass to her and taking a drink
of my wine.

Olivia's shoulders relax and she smiles
softly at me, genuinely touched. “That was really sweet of you to
say, Owen.”

I shrug my shoulders and take a bite of my
dinner. “How about you? How did the last day of the conference go?”
I ask as I carve out another bite of my steak.

Olivia quickly wipes her mouth as she
finishes chewing, holding up a finger to signal for me to
wait. “I had what could only be described as the most boring
. I sat
through four talks about statistical values and research
techniques. The talk I wanted to attend, about sex”—she raises an
eyebrow at me, and I try to hide my smile—“was oddly fully attended
long before I got to it. Apparently sex is a popular

One of my favorites,” I reply with a wink,
and we both laugh.

I've been kind of trying to ditch this guy
I hooked up with a while back at a conference. He became a bit of a
clinger, and he's been cornering me at brunch every morning. If the
damn waffles weren't so good, I could avoid him better.”

At the mention of another guy in the
picture, my gut clenches. I put my fork and knife down and dab the
corners of my mouth with a napkin. “You've hooked up with this guy
who's harassing you?”
ask, concerned.

Olivia nods her head sheepishly.

I could pay him a visit if you'd like,” I
offer, winking at her.
't like the thought
of someone else wanting her, but the reality is that most men do.
This doesn't settle well with me.

Olivia picks up her head from the steak
she's been devouring and laughs. “Owen, are you

I shrug.

My knight in shining armor,” she says
quietly. “I'm fine really. He's just annoying. Nothing I can't
handle. He's perfectly harmless. I'm just obviously so amazing in
bed he can't leave me alone,” she says, trying to make

I can see why,” I murmur under my

Eager to change the subject, Olivia asks,
“So when do you leave to go home?”

I fly out the day after tomorrow and then
back at the firehouse the day after that. I'm not looking forward
to it. I've had too much fun this weekend with getting to see
Travis and Marc.” Olivia looks up at me expectantly and with a
little disappointment in her eyes. I can't help but smirk as I drag
out the rest. “And getting to spend time with you…in and out of
that bed,” I say, nodding my head towards the plush king-sized bed
that dominates her suite. I reach out and grab her hand across the
table. “Seriously. You made my weekend.”

Olivia starts to blush. “Awww, thanks for
adding me on at the end of that.” We both start laughing. “I had a
really good time this weekend too. I needed this more than you
know, so thank you.” Olivia gives my hand a quick squeeze and we
both go back to eating our meal.

Well, while you've been doing some wedding
planning with Travis here all weekend, I'm coming home to wedding
planning for my brother, Simon, and his fiancée. They're getting
married next year and I promised I would help my soon-to-be
sister-in-law with stuff when I get back. I can't tell you how
excited I am about that,” Olivia says while dramatically rolling
her eyes.

I let out a small chuckle. “I see.
Obviously you're really excited about it. Well, if you need any
tips on showing an interest in areas you couldn't give two shits
about or lessons on delegating to other people, I'm your guy,” I
say, laughing. “However, cake testing… Cake testing I'm pretty good

Olivia points her fork at me. “I just may
do that.”

I hope you do,” I say quietly.

Olivia stops mid-chew and looks at

So,” I continue, “what time does your
flight leave tomorrow?”

My flight is at 10:30 in the morning. I
have a car service coming to get me at 7:45 to take me to the

Noticing that we both have finished
eating, Olivia stands up and starts clearing the plates, putting
them on the server tray. I know I should get up to help her, but
the way she moves is mesmerizing.

See something you like there, chief?” she
asks, her eyes narrowing in a smile.

Come here.” I smile back at her and pat my
lap. Olivia looks at the last of the plates on table and ditches
the mess, opting to come and sit on my lap.

I haven't done this since I was a kid
sitting on Santa's lap,” she says, draping her arm around my
shoulder. “Please don't tell me you have a second job as a pervy,
creepy Santa?”

t judge me,
” I
reply. “It helps to pay for Christmas gifts.” I watch Olivia laugh
and how she smiles with her eyes. “Wanna tell Santa what you want,
little girl? The naughtier the request, the happier his
not-so-little helper gets,” I say, arching my hips and wiggling my

Oh, Santa,” Olivia laughs softly. “I've
been a very, very naughty girl. I've had a lot of very good sex
this weekend with a man I just met.”

I try to stifle a laugh.
Very good sex, huh?
This bodes well for me.

I know. It's awful, isn't it,” she
continues. “And you know what'
s worse, Santa?

I shake my head, trying not to break
character by laughing. She runs a finger down my cheek and over my
bottom lip, and my laugh starts to fade.

What's worse is I want to do it again. I
want him to take me to that bed over there”—she points to the
bed—“and fuck me until I'm screaming his name.” She presses her
breasts against my chest and leans forward to whisper into my ear.
“Santa, is that something you can get me?”

I move my arm, bringing her closer to me.
I lean in and kiss her soft lips before sucking on her bottom one.
“I'm going to strip you naked and lay you on that bed,” I whisper.
“Then, I'm going to bury myself so deep inside of you and make you
come so fucking hard you'll feel me for days. Every time you move
on that plane tomorrow, you'll think of me and where I've been.
Does that answer your question, my naughty girl?”

Olivia inhales a sharp breath and her eyes
become hooded and filled with want. I place my arm under her knees
and stand up from the chair, cradling Olivia in my arms. I walk her
over to the bed, gently laying her down. Her brunette hair fans
around her and her cheeks are flaming pink. She looks so beautiful
lying there all wanton that it nearly takes my breath

I reach out my hand and my fingers trace
the side of her face.
hope you slept well last night, because I'm going to fuck you until
the sun comes up. You'll get little rest tonight,

Olivia looks at me as I tower above her
and starts to undo the buttons on her blouse. I watch her as she
slowly unlatches one at a time. Who knew buttons could be so damn

I think I can take it, Owen,” Olivia says
confidently. “I've had several cups of coffee. I dare you to try
and break through that caffeine barrier.” She sits up and pulls off
her blouse, revealing a sexy white lace bra. “On the bed, you,” she

Who am I to disobey?
I kick off my shoes and crawl up onto the
bed, propping myself against the headboard so I can watch the show.
She stands on the bed and straddles my legs. Smiling down at me,
Olivia starts to unbutton her jeans, slowly pushing them over the
sexy curves of her hips. I reach forward to try and help, but she
puts a foot against my chest, pushing me back against the

Uhh uhh uhhh,” she chides, swinging her
index finger at me. Jesus. She even makes scolding sexy. I sit back
again with a lascivious smile, my cock growing harder by the

She steps out of her jeans and throws them
to the floor. She's like a wet dream come true standing before me
in a matching white thong, her luscious brunette hair falling all
around her.

You have a very dirty smirk on your face,

I look up at her and nod in agreement.

You look like you think you know what I'm
going to do next, Mr. Maxwell. Is that correct?” I nod again,
grinning. “You think I'm going to take my panties off and sit on
your face, don't you?”

I was kind of hoping that was where this
was going, yes,” I confirm, shifting a bit on the bed. My cock is
rock hard at this point, and things are starting to get a bit
painful with my being fully clothed. I need to be inside her.

Wellll, Mr. Maxwell, you are
sooooo…wrong!” Olivia yelps and starts jumping up and down on the
bed in just her bra and panties. She's giggling and

BOOK: Rescue Breathing
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