Read Reece's Faith Online

Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (96 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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It was building, her clit was pulsating and her legs began to shake. Reece dropped down onto her lover heavily, her fingers digging into the actress's left shoulder. She was going to scream; her mouth found purchase on the salty, damp skin of Faith's right shoulder and she sucked the flesh in through her teeth. Faith writhed and bucked; the club owner grunted wordlessly as her sex ground harder.
Oh god!
she thought, as her mouth was full of Faith's delicious skin.

The actress whimpered continuously, somewhere in the back of her mind she wondered if Reece was drawing blood with her mouth, her shoulder was on fire, it burned as hotly as her back. Her sex screamed as Reece's leg lost contact when the tall woman hunched against her ass desperately. The club owner released the suction of her lips and groaned hoarsely into her neck.

"Oh god... oh god... fuck... oh god..."

Faith braced herself, reaching up and gripping the edge of the table tightly. Reece covered that hand with her own and Faith felt her heart beating violently in anticipation. Reece sucked in a breath and held it, as her lower body took on a mind of its own. The shudders wracked through her frame and the breath she was holding came out in a long, deep groan. The tall woman's fingers squeezed the smaller hand in time with the orgasmic contractions, her pubic bone digging roughly into her ass cheek.

Faith grit her teeth against the onslaught of sensation. She could hardly breathe with the weight on her body. Reece was coming in a big way, twitching and jerking uncontrollably. The sounds she was making so close to her ear were making Faith shiver.

"Oh fuck... Faith..." Reece murmured into her lover's neck, her orgasm taking total control of her body.

"Yes, baby... come on my ass... yes!" Faith squeezed her eyes shut, picturing the way Reece looked on top of her, the muscles in her back, sweaty and glistening, her sexy ass jerking violently, fucking her. She felt her own clit contract in pleasure and an uncontrollable climax skittered through her body. "Shit, baby..."

Reece whimpered as her body started to slow down. She breathed in deeply and tried to lift her twitching sex off of Faith's ass but didn't have the strength. She groaned through an aftershock and foggily registered Faith's body tense up and shudder, so she moved her head, sucked the wet skin of her neck into her mouth and bit down.

"Ohhhh, Reece... " Faith groaned as her center spasmed one last time.

The club owner lay there, on top of her lover, trying desperately to catch her breath. She knew she'd have to move her head out of Faith's neck in order to get fresh oxygen, but her body wouldn't respond. "Help me," she whispered hoarsely into Faith's ear.

The small woman shuddered violently. "Oh, baby... "

Reece managed a chuckle through her dry throat. "You came, too," she said after licking her lips.

"Yeah, but it was a small one. I need more," Faith grinned into the table not having the desire to try and move.

"And I'd be happy to assist you, if I could bring myself to move." The club owner still needed to catch her breath.

"That was wild, Reece. It was... god, it just was," the actress sighed in contentment. She flexed her ass as she remembered and Reece growled in her ear.

"Oh, no, this time you're gonna work for it, Faith," Reece said with a smirk. "Just give me a minute."

Faith chuckled, "Give me five and you have a deal."

*  *  *


Reece woke up from the sensation of a heavy weight on her chest.
That can't be the little man, can it?
She didn't remember falling asleep, but grinned when she did recall what made her so tired. Opening her eyes and looking down, she chuckled. Faith was sprawled out on top of her, arms and legs akimbo, her face nestled under the tall woman's chin. Reece wrapped an arm around her and the actress whined and flinched. The club owner craned her neck and spotted the bright red marks that covered her lover's body.
Oh, fuck me!
she frowned and removed her arm gently.
That's gotta burn. I am so sorry, Faith.
She blew down the sleeping woman's back and watched with a raised eyebrow as goose bumps broke out all over Faith's arms.
Oh, you like that, huh?
She blew again, aiming the cool stream of air at the scratch marks. Faith shivered this time and a small sound of pleasure escaped her lips. Reece smirked as she felt Faith's nipples harden against her chest. She blew again.

you doing?" Faith mumbled in a sleepy voice.

"Nothing," came the innocent reply, "just laying here."

Faith lifted her head and gave Reece a suspicious look, then yawned widely. The club owner chuckled as she poked Faith in the open mouth. The actress narrowed her eyes and pretended to bite Reece's finger, but instead kissed it.

"I thought not. You like that particular finger."

"I like all of your fingers, baby," Faith said before she braced her hands on Reece's shoulders and sat up, arching her back in a lengthy stretch. "Mmmmmm, yeah," she groaned, throwing her head back and rotating her neck. She let go of her lover's shoulders, lifted her arms up over and then behind her head.

Reece propped herself on her elbows and her mouth dropped open. That was the sexiest thing she had ever seen... or felt. When Faith arched her back, she pressed her sex into Reece's stomach and presented her tits, stiff nipples and all, as an offering. Far be it for Reece to turn down such an offer.

Faith yelped and grabbed the back of Reece's head as her left breast was being ravished. "God, Reece! Hungry?"

"Mmm hmm," the club owner nodded, wrapping both arms around Faith's waist.

"By all means... Oh! Easy baby..." Faith pulled Reece's hair accidentally when the club owner nipped too hard. Reece growled. Faith smirked. "So you liked that?" she asked with a short tug on the black locks.

Reece inhaled loudly and doubled her attentions to Faith's breast. The actress lifted an eyebrow with great interest and moved one hand to the back of Reece's neck. Faith felt the club owner stiffen slightly. She yanked a hand full of hair again and the club owner growled and nipped. Faith had to dig her nails into Reece's neck to pull her back.
Careful, that's your nipple she's attacking...

Reece moved to the other breast, her pulse was racing and she heard herself groan as Faith held her by the neck. The hand in her hair adjusted, tugged a bit forcefully and the club owner received a tingle in her sex, telling her that this was a very welcome sensation.
You learn something new...
she thought as she groaned.

Already turned on by her lover lavishing such attention on her breasts, Faith became instantly wet at the sounds Reece was making. She dragged her nails across the back of Reece's neck and the club owner jumped and breathed out hard around her nipple. Faith couldn't help but push her hips down, taking pleasure from the pressure on her clit. The tall woman slid a leg up and bent her knee, propping the foot on the bed. The actress felt herself being moved down between Reece's spread legs. She groaned as her sensitive sex dragged down over Reece's pubic hair.

Reece bent her other knee and opened her legs wide, she pulled her mouth away from Faith's breast to breathe when their centers touched. Faith looked so sexy with that pink flush covering her face. Her breasts were glistening with saliva and her nipples were as hard as the club owner had ever seen them. She held Faith in place and scooted them across the bed until she rested her back against the headboard.

"I love when we make love like this," Faith admitted breathlessly. "I love the connection... it's so intense." Faith's ass was on the bed and she rearranged her legs until they were in a comfortable position on the outside of her lover's. Reece's hands skimmed up her back and she closed her eyes and hissed. "Careful, baby... it stings back there."

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, every time I think about those scratches, I get wet. Watch, touch them."

Reece brought her hand from Faith's shoulder and touched lightly down her back. The actress shivered and pressed herself into Reece's center.

"God, baby..." Faith groaned. "I don't know what felt better, you touching my back or touching your clit."

Reece smirked playfully, "Faith has a nail fetish... Faith has a nail fetish..."

The actress jammed her sex into the club owner's, which shut her up immediately. "Reece has a pussy fetish... Reece has a pussy fetish..." she sang as she ground herself into her lover.

"Oh, yeah... I love it when you talk dirty," Reece teased.

Faith grabbed the tall woman by the hair. "Shut up and make me come."

*  *  *


Reece got back from the gym to find Cori drinking a cup of coffee at the kitchen table, Smudge asleep on her lap. She kicked off her sneakers and followed her nose to the coffee pot. "Freak," she acknowledged as she passed the dancer, picking up the puppy. "Mine."

"Asshole," Cori nodded back "or shall I say... Animal," she added with a smirk.

Reece turned around after pouring herself a mug of coffee and leaned against the counter, the dog nestled comfortably in the crook of her arm. She raised an eyebrow at the dancer as she drank.

"You're sweating on the dog, Faith hates that. Hey, speaking of Faith, you didn't disappoint, did you?"

"What the hell are you babbling about?" Reece crossed her ankles and leaned her elbow behind her on the counter.

"You know, last night. Did it work?" Cori wiggled her eyebrows. "The phone calls?"

Reece narrowed her eyes. "I should have known. I knew you'd corrupt my innocent Faith one day." The club owner pushed off from the counter and sat in the chair across from Cori.

"We are talking about the same Faith? The one who begged me to help her get The Animal to fuck her brains out?"

Reece stared at the dancer in disbelief. "She told you that? I was only joking! I didn't know she'd actually call you."

"Well, she did, she was desperate. It seems our little, innocent Faith likes it when you throw her down and fuck her," Cori snickered.

"Then, no," Reece grinned into her mug.

"No, what?"

"I definitely didn't disappoint," she smiled rakishly and put the pup on the floor, watching as he plopped down under the table.

Cori's eyes widened. "It worked?" She stood up and shook her ass at Reece.

"Now what the hell are you doing?" the club owner laughed at the display.

"Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a maniac named Reece Corbett."

"Cori, get on with it."

"Well, any way, you said, 'Make me' and I said 'I can make you do anything' and then you said 'The day that you make me do something is the day I'll get on my knees and kiss your ass'." The dancer moved her butt right in Reece's face. "Shall I drop my pants now or would you rather do it on stage tonight?"

"Get your ass out of my face, Freak!" Reece was laughing. "You didn't make me do anything."

Faith came into the kitchen wearing a very tiny pink camisole and even tinier matching pink panties, rubbing her head and dragging her feet.

"Come on, Reece, you said! And I did make you, indirectly, 'cuz I told her what to do!" Cori teased wiggling her butt for all it was worth.

"Get the fuck out of here! I will not!"

Faith poured herself a cup of coffee and leaned her head against the fridge. "What's the problem?"

"She wants me to kiss her ass!"

"She promised!"

"Shut up! I never said I promise!"

"Reece, just kiss her ass."

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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