Reece's Faith (95 page)

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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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BOOK: Reece's Faith
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"God, this tastes so... mmm. You taste delicious, Faith," Reece punctuated that sentence with another lick and a serious nipple twist. After a long, self-induced groan, she stood up and disappeared behind Faith and the actress whined loudly.

Faith was dizzy from her arousal. Reece was working her into a frenzy and she hadn't even begun to touch her yet. She inhaled as she felt Reece step between her open legs, but that was all she felt. She listened carefully and heard Reece's breathing get louder, then a small moan.

"I'm driving myself crazy looking at your open pussy and playing with my tits. I can see you getting wetter."

The hitch in Reece's voice told her that her lover was telling the truth. A wave or desire shot to her center as she imagined what Reece looked like touching her tits. Faith squirmed on the table, her sweaty body sticking to the shiny surface. She wanted Reece to touch her so badly.

"I know what you want, baby, you want me to stick my face between your legs and lick you like I did your tasty panties. You want me to bury my tongue inside you so deeply that I can't breathe," Reece panted slightly, turning herself on more with every word.

Faith nodded rapidly. She lifted her ass and swayed her hips in hopes of feeling something, anything touch her. Her glistening sex, swollen and begging, danced around in front of the tall woman.

Reece stopped touching herself when she saw this. She'd never come from simply touching her tits, but, in this case, she feared she might. She needed to get a grip. Licking her dry lips, she thought of just the thing to do.

"AH!" Faith cried out and arched, slamming her pelvis into the table as Reece's nails suddenly dug into her shoulders. She hissed the entire time as they traveled down her back.

"Such pretty pink lines, Faith. You should see them," Reece traced a scratch with her fingertip. "Oh, yeah."

Faith could hear the arousal dripping off of each word. She screamed through clenched teeth and hissed again as the nails retraced their path.

"Oh, now that's a nice red. Perhaps this one may bleed," she said as she suddenly traced her tongue down the burning welt.

"Oh, god, Reece!" Faith sputtered twisting around under the assault. It felt terribly painful but in a very good way. She got wetter.

Reece pressed her crotch into Faith, hard enough to feel her jeans get damp with Faith's juices. "You can't believe how wet I am right now," Reece pushed forward until Faith's grip on the table was threatened. "Ooo... yeah, I'm dripping."

Reece growled the last two words and Faith felt like she may explode. She nearly did when suddenly the denim was gone and fingers explored between her legs. "Shit..." she whispered.

"Oh, Faith... this is all for me?"

Faith heard the sucking sounds again along with the sound of a zipper. She closed her eyes tightly and tried to ignore the arousing, burning sensation on her back, instead picturing Reece sliding out of her jeans. This image caused burning sensations elsewhere and she moaned.

"I do recall you wanted me to keep my boots on, didn't you?"

Faith nodded and twisted her neck to try and catch a glimpse of her naked lover. Instead, Reece's jeans landed on her face, inside out and crotch first. She inhaled deeply. Reece wasn't kidding around. She was soaked and Faith ate up the scent as if she needed it to survive.

"Does it smell good?" Reece pressed the material into Faith's face and she could feel her nodding. "I'm not wearing underwear. You made me so hot, I rubbed myself into these pants all day." Faith whimpered. "Yeah, you missed that, poor baby. Maybe you'd like to see that now?"

Before Faith could answer, the nails were back. "Oh, GOD!" she writhed under the attack and thought she may faint with the pain and pleasure.

"Poor, poor baby, do you need some ice?"

Faith heard the tinkling sound and tensed as tight as she'd ever been in her life.

Reece chuckled. The sight of her trembling lover stretched out on the table, bright red marks down the length of her back, sweat dribbling down the sides of her neck, gave her a rush like she'd never before felt with Faith.

The actress felt Reece's hair before she felt the words blow across her ear.

"Do you want me to stop?" she whispered playfully, confident in Faith's answer.

"Please don't. Please..." Faith whimpered.

"I thought you'd say that."

"Jesus!" Faith yelled as the freezing wet fingers suddenly entered her steaming sex. "Reece!" she rooted her ass up and around as the fingers stayed firmly buried deeply inside.

"Did that cool you off?" she grinned against Faith's ear. "Sometimes, when my hands are really cold I like to touch myself," she groaned for emphasis. "My freezing fingers teasing my hard nipples," she removed her fingers and painted Faith's lips with her own arousal then held her chin, turning her face all the way to the side. "It makes me so wet, so hot."

Faith fell limp when Reece's lips covered her own, sucking and nibbling them, driving her even crazier with each suck. She moaned and twisted under the heavy body to no avail. One of Reece's hands found its way to Faith's ass and she squeezed it roughly, grunting into her frenzied kiss. Faith's head fell back to the table when Reece let go of her chin. She groaned at the loss of lip contact, it was the first kiss she had gotten and she hoped it wouldn't be the last. This was much more than she asked for or hoped for tonight. This was every bit The Animal and she sucked it all up, but this was a different Animal and she had a feeling she'd be seeing a lot more of this one if she had anything to say about it. A guttural moan broke through her thoughts.

"God, that feels good," Reece groaned.

"Tell me..." Faith dared.

"I'm rubbing my clit," Reece panted.

"Are you going to come?" Faith closed her eyes and pictured this sight.

After some hesitation, Reece replied. "No," she said, much more controlled than a second ago. "I'm gonna come on your ass like you did to me."

"Oh, god...." Faith groaned with the memory of what that felt like.

"What a beautiful ass to come on."

"FUCK!" The nails were back with a vengeance and they went all the way down to the backs of her thighs. "Oh... oh... oh..." Faith whimpered continuously.

"Oh yeah, now that's pretty. Little pink trails all over your sexy, fuckable ass," Reece purred setting Faith's sex on fire.

The actress hissed loudly as the nails traveled back up to the small of her back and then down again.

"Very pretty," Reece slipped a hand between Faith's legs, "and I see you don't mind a bit."

"Reece... please..." Faith begged for relief.

Reece straddled Faith's right leg and pressed her sex into the ass cheek, groaning in pleasure as she made contact with the slick skin. "Yeah, that feels incredible. I can... see the attraction, Faith." Reece faltered as Faith flexed her muscles.

The actress's knuckles were white and she could hardly feel her fingers. She was afraid if she let go, Reece would stop and that would kill her. "Reece? My fingers hurt..." she whispered.

Instantly, larger hands covered her own and peeled her fingers away. Reece stretched her arms on top of Faith's and lay her upper body down on top of her. Faith felt incredible with Reece on top of her, just as she always did. She moaned and grit her teeth as Reece's sweat stung her scratched back. Her lover's nipples were hard, very hard and she could feel their stiffness digging into her body.

"Better?" she whispered into Faith's ear, reveling in the shiver that shook the body beneath hers.

Faith nodded, she couldn't speak because Reece started to grind herself into her ass cheek again. The amount of wetness surprised Faith, she hadn't remembered ever feeling Reece so drenched. Her mouth watered at the prospect of tasting such wetness, such abundant sweetness caused by her and
her alone.

"Oh yeah, Faith... this is good."

Reece breathed directly into Faith's ear. The actress grunted as the heavy weight on top of her pressed her into the table. Faith felt strong fingers thread through hers and she closed her fingers around the longer ones, squeezing tightly. Reece continued to grind slowly into Faith, breathing quiet groans and grunts into her ear. The actress wanted nothing more than to have her gorgeous lover come this way, but her sex was throbbing, it was on fire and she felt the wet slickness she caused pool on the table under her body. This was torture and she had to do something.

Reece felt Faith trying to slide lower, attempting to make contact with her leg. The club owner stopped moving briefly to decide what to do. "You want me to touch you?"

"Yessss..." Faith whimpered. "Please touch me!"

Reece stood back up. "I'm still gonna fuck your ass Faith." She slid an arm beneath her lover and stomped a booted foot onto the table.

Faith turned her head and lifted her arm to see what that was. She was greeted by the view of Reece, naked except for the boot, her leg up on the table giving Faith a clear view of her spread sex.

"Oh god yes!" She breathed heavily as the arm underneath her pulled her lower, connecting her center with the leg still on the floor.

"Is this what you want?" Reece growled, leaning forward to resume her earlier activity.

"Mmm hmm," Faith nodded replacing her hand to the edge of the table, her free arm curling around her head. Reece's muscular thigh crushed into her wetness with a steady rhythm, she thought she would scream.

"Oh, this is good. Can you feel my clit? I'm so ready to come on you..."

The actress clenched her head tighter and moved her face to the side, finding a spot of cold on the table on which to lay her hot cheek. She did feel Reece's clit; her entire focus was on that small bit of flesh as it rubbed up and down on her flexed ass. She remembered distinctly how it felt to ride her lover in this manner, seeing the tall woman at her mercy, stretched out underneath her as she took her pleasure. "Oh god, Reece... more!"

The club owner lifted herself up and braced her body on her left hand. The loss of her lover's weight made the smaller woman whimper. Seeing the hand so close to her face, Faith slid her head over and touched the thumb with her tongue. Reece lifted that digit and allowed the lips to envelop it. Faith swirled her tongue around it and sucked it deep into her mouth.

"Jesus, that's nice... I'm so close, baby..." Reece slid her free arm under her lover and lifted her ass higher, thrusting herself against it.

Faith took the tip of Reece's thumb between her teeth and worked her tongue back and forth across it. Reece jerked against her erratically and Faith groaned. "Yeah, baby, come on me..." she spoke around the finger in her mouth.

"God... what you're doing... your tongue..." Reece growled. "Feel me?" the club owner asked between pants.

"Yes..." Faith replied breathlessly. The velvety softness of Reece's skin, in contrast with the wet stickiness of her pubic hairs grinding against her ass, fuelled her fires impossibly high. She pushed her ass back harder into her lover's taut, trembling thigh muscle, her upturned ass fucking Reece's leg just as passionately as the club owner fucked her.

The tall woman's nostrils flared at the carnal sight before her. She'd done this many times before, but never did she feel this fevered burning inside that Faith's body was causing. An explosion was brewing in her sex and she was almost frightened by its intensity. Pulling her hand away from Faith's mouth, she gripped the actress's shoulder strongly, knowing that if she didn't, she would thrust the small woman off the table and into the wall. The feelings were so intense, there was no way she was going to be able to control herself when she blew... and she was going to blow... big time.

Faith's internal fire flamed higher, her painfully tight nipples sliding against the hard, sweat-slicked table. She needed, craved Reece's mouth on her body. As if reading her mind, the tall woman fell against her back, completely draped over her body, a hot wet mouth sucking the skin on her shoulder.

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