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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (115 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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Faith looked puzzled at first until it dawned on her. She scrambled off the bed quickly.

Reece took the opportunity to slip into her harness, adding a pretty ample-sized dildo and then dropped to her knees behind Faith.

Faith was kneeling, facing the mirror and she watched as the large hands came up and covered her tits. A jolt of excitement made her clit twitch and she opened her knees wider.

Reece chuckled at the blatant invite and she bit into Faith's neck. "Hold yourself open for me," she whispered into the flushed ear.

Faith reached between her legs and spread her lips, staring at herself in the mirror. She had never looked at her own sex this closely before and became slightly embarrassed. When she saw the tip of the dildo poking from between her legs, all embarrassment faded and a hungry want replaced it.

"Look how hard your clit is," Reece snaked a hand between their bodies, scratched her nails down Faith's back, over her ass and underneath, to touch her wetness. She watched the look of pleasure on her lover's face reflect back at her from the mirror. "Keep it open like that," she whispered as she rolled her fingers in the wetness. "Now watch," Reece moved her two fingers up and spread them on either side of Faith's clit.

"Oh!" The actress watched the long fingers as they teased her. It was like nothing she ever experienced. It turned her on more than anything had in a long time. "Shit..."

"I thought you'd like that," Reece licked a trail up Faith's neck as she moved her fingers up and down, framing the swollen nub, but not touching it.

Faith's head fell back on the strong shoulder behind her, but she never took her eyes away from her sex. It was incredible. Her hips started moving without her knowledge and she watched in shock at their behavior. She rubbed herself up and down the length of the dick sighing at the friction it caused.

Reece rolled Faith's nipple between her fingers, moving her hips along with Faith's, watching her fingers tease her lover in the mirror... her cock slide back and forth between her lips.

The actress's eyes opened wider as the fingers disappeared into her wetness again, grasping the dildo, rubbing it against her clit, teasing her opening, but not entering her. She thrust down, attempting to impale herself, but Reece pulled away.

"Uh uh," Reece shook her head. She dragged her fingers upwards and rested them on Faith's clit, her stomach tightening at the loud groan she caused. "This is what I see when I touch you," she said then began moving her fingers, stroking Faith's clit slowly.

Faith felt the arousal drip out of her body. She moaned and groaned at the display before her. The feelings were one thing, but watching it happen drove her wild. Reece wasn't touching her to make her come and she was making her crazy. The actress tried desperately, gyrating, thrusting, pumping, but Reece would not add pressure or change her rhythm. The cock was reasonably fat and it would not simply slide in without some help, this drove Faith insane.

Reece's eyebrows shot up as Faith's hand covered her own, pressing her harder, thrusting herself into their hands.

"Oh yeah... like that, Reece..." Faith panted.

The club owner allowed this for a moment, getting off on watching this play out in front of her.

Faith let go of Reece's hand, reached up behind her lover's neck and held on.

The tall woman immediately went back to her leisurely stroking and gasped at the sensations produced by the nails that dug into the back of her neck. Reece was very close to pushing her lover down and fucking her, but she didn't want to do that yet. She was learning to control the Animal; learning how to pace her cravings and needs. She wanted Faith to get all she could out of this and the nails in her neck were making her shake. "Don't move," she said as she let go of Faith's body completely, resting her own hands on her hips.

Faith bit her lip and tried to comply as her lover moved her hips first in a circle, then up and down. The only thing touching her was the dildo, it spread her lips and slid through them, then thrust up and rubbed her clit teasingly, with no set pace, just whatever Reece felt like doing.

"Oh, yeah," the tall woman breathed on the back of Faith's neck. "Look at that... look at how it touches you..."

Faith leaned forward and braced her hands on the mirror; she was torn between looking down at herself and her reflection. In the mirror, she could see Reece's eyes, her arms and her mouth as it spoke the words that made her so hot. Looking down, she could see the head of the dildo as it poked up and out from between her legs.

"Hold yourself open again, I want you to watch me play with your clit," Reece whispered into Faith's ear.

The actress shivered at the hot breath and did as she was told. She'd do anything at this moment, just to have Reece satisfy her need. The constant thrusting was one thing, watching it happen was a whole new experience and she loved it.

Reece growled as Faith spread herself open. She used all her will power not to bury the dick up inside of her; she wanted to make Faith watch herself come first, then she'd fuck her brains out. "Watch me."

Faith's gaze followed Reece's hand as it cupped her breast. Two long fingers reached up and pinched her nipple rolling it around, making her cry out, "God, Reece... please, harder!"

The club owner chuckled and squeezed the nipple hard. Her lover jerked her hips back and forth, smearing the dildo with her essence. Reece was jealous of her cock and moved her other hand to join it. She positioned the tip of the dildo at Faith's opening and thrust quickly and lightly, never quite penetrating her, but stretching her.

"Fuck, yeah, baby..." Faith groaned, grinding her hips in time with Reece.

"You like the way my cock stretches you open?" Reece grunted, loving the way Faith was rooting around in front of her, the mirror providing a clear view of her whole body as it moved.

"Yes!" the actress gasped as Reece's fingers found her clit and pressed it firmly, letting Faith's motions please herself.

"That's it, Faith... do it... move for me," the tall woman bathed Faith's neck with her tongue.

Faith watched Reece's fingers twitch as they tried to stay still. She took hold of Reece's wrist and guided her hand. "Please... make me come, baby..."

The club owner swallowed hard, Faith's plea was too much for her. Long fingers began massaging Faith's clit, while her hips took up speed, rubbing the dildo up and down faster. She was nipping and biting at the skin on Faith's shoulders.

"Oh... oh... yes!" Faith whimpered and moaned. She was so close to coming. Watching Reece's fingers was ten times better than just feeling them. She collapsed onto the mirror, grateful for the cool glass on her overheated cheek. She couldn't tear her eyes away from her reflection.

"Oh, you wanna come so bad, don't you? You wanna come all over me," Reece bit out, her own clit throbbing at the show in the mirror.

Faith groaned, glancing up at her lover's face. The vision reflected back at her made her stomach clench. Reece's eyes were narrowed, staring at her hand, they were full of hunger and need, her lip was turned up in a half sneer, her mouth slightly open and her tongue piercing shining from within. Faith looked away to watch Reece's fingers work her clit, the fire started to spread from her belly and she groaned.

"Yeah, baby... come for me. Watch how hot you look..."

Her heavy panting began to fog up the mirror. Faith stole a peek at Reece and their eyes met. That was all it took to make her come. "Oh, my god..." she gasped and lost all control of her body.

Reece slid an arm up Faith's torso and held her up as she came. The club owner moaned with her lover as she twitched and spasmed uncontrollably against her body. Faith's thighs snapped shut, trapping Reece's hand and the dildo, her jerky movements jamming the base of the cock into her clit. The Animal growled, she'd had enough control for one day and pushed Faith down on all fours before the actress had the chance to recover.

Faith's stomach was still twitching as she felt the dildo enter her in one powerful thrust. "GOD!" She felt incredibly full, tremors of her orgasm making her vagina grasp at the invasion, prolonging the contractions. "Reece! It's so big!" She fell onto her elbows and her forehead dropped onto her forearms.

Reece pushed it in once, "Shit..." Twice, "Fuck..." Three times, "Jesus!" The tall woman fell onto Faith's back as she trembled in climax.

The actress breathed deeply as her lover lay across her back, knowing it was only a momentary respite from all the sensations. She relaxed her stomach muscles, grateful for Reece's release. She shivered as the damp hair stuck to her shoulder and hot breath blew across her skin.

The Animal growled in frustration, not expecting that lapse of control at all. She narrowed her eyes and pushed up onto her knees, grabbing Faith's ass cheeks for leverage. She looked over her lover's body and saw the way she was clutching her head, her breathing loud and measured.

"You okay?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah... just, go slow" came the muffled response. "It's so fat..."

The tall woman looked down at her hands and grinned wolfishly. She spread Faith's ass cheeks wide and studied the sight, "It's a beautiful thing, Faith, the way it looks buried up inside you."

The actress gasped as a fingertip wandered around her asshole. She squeezed her eyes shut and prayed that Reece would get involved with her ass for a while, just until her body relaxed. If she started fucking her now, she'd be coming immediately and she knew she had The Animal behind her... it would be relentless.

"You have such a beautiful ass, Faith," The Animal slipped her finger down into Faith's wetness and then brought it back up to tease her anus.
No... go slow...
The club owner quickly removed her finger before she plunged that inside Faith, too. She wanted to be inside her everywhere, it was an overpowering urge and she had to close her eyes to stop it.

Faith breathed easy, knowing that her lover was trying to take it slow like she wanted. She felt confident that she could start moving now and she lifted her head up, craning her neck to look over her shoulder. Reece was gorgeous, her muscles were tense as she gripped Faith's ass and the actress traced every sinew with her gaze, coming to a stop at the intense expression on her lover's face.

Reece's eyes opened slowly when she felt Faith start to move. The first thing she saw was the swaying of the upturned ass in her hands and she groaned, she then noticed that Faith was watching her, staring at her with a look of pure lust on her face. The adrenaline started twisting its way through her veins, igniting a pulsating feeling in her crotch.

"Give it to me, Reece," Faith breathed over her shoulder, licking her top lip seductively.

Blue eyes lowered back to where their bodies connected and she slowly pulled the dildo out of her lover, watching intently until only the very tip was left inside. "I'm gonna fuck you so good," Reece stated confidently.

"Oooooh yeeessss..." Faith groaned loudly as the long fat dick penetrated her again. She had never felt so entirely full before and it was a wonderful feeling. She felt the leather of the harness meet her skin and she pushed back into her lover, swirling her ass, giving the tall woman a show.

"Why, Faith, you little slut... look at you..." Reece nearly chuckled in shock, one eyebrow raised high.

Faith looked up into the mirror at her lover's surprised expression and smiled deviously, "Come on, Reece, do it, baby." She narrowed her eyes and pouted sexily at Reece's reflection.

Blue eyes widened at Faith's antics and the tall woman dropped her hands to the floor around Faith.

She bent down to her ear and whispered, "Be careful what you wish for, Faith," she then trailed her hand up Faith's arm to her shoulder, into her hair and grabbed it roughly, pulling the actress's head back. The aroused gasp the action caused forced Reece to close her eyes. There was a battle inside of her. She thrust her pelvis into Faith's ass a few times, knowing that the big dildo was touching places inside her that had never been touched. Faith's exposed throat was calling out to her and the tall woman hunched over and bit into it. The blonde hissed her pleasure, arching her body into the weight of her lover. The Animal won control and purred, "Ohh, yeah... I'm gonna fuck you like
want to now."

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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