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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (114 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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The club owner closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Several times.

Faith watched Reece struggle to gain control and was pleased to see those bright blue eyes open. "Okay?"

Reece nodded then drew down the partition. "I want to be on Bank Street now," she narrowed her eyes at the driver.

He took one look at her dangerous glare and stepped on the gas. "Yes, ma'am!"

The partition went up and Reece found Faith staring at her with lust.

"I want this just as much as you do, Reece. Believe me, I do," Faith took Reece's hand and put it between her legs.

"Oh, god..." Reece groaned. "You're so hot..." she banged her head on the seat and closed her eyes.

"Burning... and it's all for you," Faith gasped. "Hon, you can take your hand away now..."

"Oh, no... you put it there," Reece sat up and turned to face her lover. She slipped her fingers beneath the panties and her nostrils flared at the wet heat.

"Baby?" Faith squeaked.

Reece stared intently into Faith's eyes as she began moving her fingers in a knowing pattern. Faith's legs dropped open and she gripped Reece's forearm in a death grip.

"Oh... Reece... yes..." Faith whispered, her eyelids slowly lowering.

"Don't close your eyes."

Faith nodded, her hips began to rock on the large hand.

"God, you're so horny," Reece breathed into Faith's ear.

The actress shivered. "Only for you..." she groaned. "Come back here."

Reece pulled back from Faith's neck and looked in her eyes. They were almost all pupil. She moved her fingers faster, sucking her bottom lip into her mouth.

"I love when you do that," Faith said with difficulty, seeing Reece's white teeth glow in the dark car. "Oh, baby..." she whimpered.

"That's it, you're gonna come for me, aren't you?" Reece's eyes narrowed to slits as she watched her lover's pleasure play out across her face.

"Yessss..." Faith hissed, her nails digging into Reece's flesh.

The car came to a sudden halt. "We're here, ma'am."

Reece pulled her hand away as the partition came down.

"Oh god, NO!" Faith cried.

Reece shook her head and snickered. "Easy, baby... plenty of time to continue."

*  *  *


Faith had trouble walking and Reece had no patience, so she picked her up and carried her into the house. Faith was already stripping as Reece kicked the door closed behind her. The tall woman reached out and tore the dress off as Faith pawed at Reece's shirt.

"Arms!" Faith grunted.

Reece bent at the waist and stuck her arms out so Faith could pull the shirt from her body. As soon as their bras were off, the two women came together hard. Reece wrapped her left arm around her lover as she used her right hand to get rid of her pants. Faith, meanwhile, had a firm hold of the club owner's nipple with her mouth as she yanked her own underwear down. With all the frantic commotion, the couple wound up in a heap on the floor, not two feet from the front door.

Lips crashed together in a bruising kiss, Reece rolled Faith underneath her and the actress promptly wrapped her legs around the strong back. She had been so close to coming just moments ago and was burning up. Reece thrust herself into Faith's need, both women groaning into each other's mouths. Reece was on fire, responding to Faith's wild behavior; Faith was on the edge of bliss, silently begging her lover to touch her. It was at this moment that Smudge finally appeared and eager to greet them. Finding his auntie's position all too inviting, the pup climbed up on Reece's naked back and started digging between her shoulder blades. The tall woman started bucking, trying to lose the dog. Faith cried out at the loss of contact to her body and tore her mouth away from Reece's to complain.

"Wha... what are you doing?" she whined into her lover's neck.

"Get him off..." Reece grunted, her arms wrapped snugly beneath Faith's body.

Faith strained her neck to look over Reece's shoulder. "Honey, I love you, now go away!" she hissed at the puppy.

He climbed off of his auntie's back and onto Faith's head, licking her face.

"Smudge... please..." Faith growled.

Reece stopped sucking on her lover's neck and lifted her head. She was eye to eye with the pup and she gave him her meanest snarl. It did nothing for the dog, but the sound shot straight to Faith's clit.

"Smudge! Be a good boy and go lay down!" Reece pulled an arm out from under them and slipped it between their bodies. Faith whimpered at the contact, "Please, boy... Mommy has to come real bad."

Reece looked down into Faith's flushed face, then over at the pup who sat down next to her head and made himself comfortable. "Listen to me, little man, go lay down NOW!"

The dog obeyed and laid down.

Reece growled long and hard, picked up her lover and carried her up the stairs, slamming the bedroom door behind them. She dropped Faith on the bed and hurried to their toy box; she didn't want to have to stop and retrieve things once they got started again and, judging from Faith's mood, she was going to need them. Reece was hunched over, rooting through the box when she heard Faith's groan.

"Mmmm... yeah..."

Reece whipped her head around to face the bed with both eyebrows in the air. The actress had her hands between her legs, touching herself with a purpose. "Hey, what do you..." Faith's eyes rolled back and her hips rose off the bed as she came. Reece stood with both hands on her hips and narrowed eyes.

"Yeah... I needed that..." Faith's arms flopped to the bed and she sighed in contentment.

"You just couldn't wait for one more second?" Reece was appalled and stared at her sated lover's smiling face.

"No," the actress sat up and smiled guiltily.

"Was that it?" the tall woman asked impatiently.

"Are you crazy? You better get your sexy ass over here and make it quick!" Faith laid back on the bed and spread her arms and legs out in invitation.

Reece's heart beat frantically and a sly smile spread across her face. She took the entire toy box with her as she jumped on the bed.

Faith's eyebrow rose in question, "Everything, Reece?"

"Heh heh heh..." Reece snickered as she buried her face in the actress's cleavage.

"Oh, boy!" Faith breathed excitedly.

The club owner nodded as she moved to the left, capturing a tasty nipple in her lips. She hummed happily as she sucked the hard flesh into her mouth, teasing it with the tip of her tongue.

Faith buried her hands in Reece's hair, pulling her closer, wanting more. "Please, baby... hard."

Reece held the nipple with her teeth complying with her lover's wishes and rolled it slightly between them. She groaned at Faith's gasp and inhaled hard as the fingers in her hair tightened their hold.

"God..." The actress yelped when strong fingers began an assault on her other nipple. "I want you so bad..." she whined.

Reece crawled over Faith's body and, before she had a chance to settle herself, two legs wrapped around her and pulled her down hard.
So, she wants rough, does she?
The club owner released the nipple in her mouth and looked into her lover's deep green eyes. She slowly slid her hand around the back of Faith's neck until her fingers were buried in blonde hair. She watched as wet lips parted in a quiet moan, then suddenly took hold of a handful of hair and yanked Faith's head to the side. The quiet moan turned into a loud yelp. "Is this what you want?" Reece growled lowering her head and sucking deeply on Faith's neck.

"Fuck, yeah..." Faith groaned.

Reece tightened her grip on Faith's hair, sucked the skin into her mouth through her teeth and bit down. Faith writhed underneath her and the club owner smirked, the adrenaline flowing through her body like wildfire.
Oh, yeah... it's been a while, hasn't it?

Faith raised her hands behind her head and gripped the headboard tightly, egging Reece on, knowing the tall woman would read that gesture for what it was. She grunted when sharp teeth nipped their way towards her breast. Faith tried to lift her head up to watch Reece, but the grip in her hair forced her to stay put.

Reece held the nipple in her teeth as she spoke. "You wanna watch?"

"Yes... please..." Faith squirmed and panted. With the tall woman's assistance, Faith was soon sitting up with her back against the headboard; her knees bent and splayed open lewdly. The whole time, Reece never stopped biting and nipping at her breasts.

The actress had her arms spread open, still holding the wrought-iron headboard. Reece pulled at the nipple hard with her mouth as her hands roughly pawed and groped Faith's breasts.

"Oooohhh..." the actress groaned.

The club owner felt herself get wet at the sound. It had been a long time since she'd let The Animal come out during their lovemaking. It was about time.
Slowly... make it last...

Reece sat up on her knees suddenly and stared into Faith's eyes, just to make sure this was what she wanted. The arousal she saw thrilled her and she narrowed her eyes. Reaching up, she wrapped a hand around Faith's throat and crushed their lips together, their tongues fighting almost immediately. She heard her lover panting and all her doubts slipped away. She growled ferally into the kiss, her heart pumping furiously, her breath loud and fast through her nose. Reece felt almost light-headed with excitement.

Faith's tongue retreated into her own mouth and Reece extended her tongue, probing deeply into the warm, wet haven, tasting every nook and crevice of Faith's mouth. She dropped her free hand between Faith's legs and, without warning, plunged her fingers inside. Faith bucked up hard and groaned loudly; the palm Reece had against Faith's throat vibrated with the sound and the club owner's nostrils flared.

Faith gyrated and flexed in frustration, silently begging for Reece to move her fingers. Reece pulled away from the frantic kiss to watch her fingers as she pulled them out.

"Oh god, please..." Faith whimpered breathlessly.

"Watch me fuck you," Reece slid her hand from Faith's throat to the back of her neck and pushed her head down.

Faith almost sobbed with relief as Reece thrust her fingers in and out, hard.

"Oh, yeah, you want me, you're so fucking wet," Reece felt her sex throb as she watched herself fuck Faith.

The actress was groaning continuously, she let her eyes wander to Reece's forearm and watched the muscles move under the skin before looking higher to her bicep, suddenly having an urge to suck on the bulging muscle. Not being able to reach Reece's bicep, Faith sucked her bottom lip into her mouth instead. Her eyes rolled a few times as Reece's fingers began twisting as well as pumping. "Don't stop..." she grunted. She let her gaze fall between Reece's legs and she whimpered.

"Fuck... you just drenched my hand, Faith."

The club owner pulled her fingers out and Faith watched them disappear into Reece's mouth.

"God, you taste so good."

Faith's mouth opened and her tongue poked out to wet her lips.

"I want to taste you now, but you want to watch, don't you?" Reece grinned teasingly.

"Please," Faith nodded desperately.

"I suppose I can wait." Reece looked at the full length mirror covering the closet door and smirked, "Get on the floor in front of the closet."

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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