Read Reece's Faith Online

Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (105 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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The low, sexy timber of the voice sent a shock wave of pleasure through Faith's body. She shivered. Reece was breathing on the back of her neck. "What are you doing here?" she whispered into the dark room.

"I couldn't wait any more."

Large hands roamed down Faith's back, past her ass and around to hold her inner thighs. She gasped as a hot wet tongue slid along the nape of her neck. "Yes," she breathed.

"Do you know how badly I want to taste you?" she spoke as she brought her hands around of the front of Faith's Levi's and began undoing the buttons. "Kick off your shoes."

The actress complied then reached behind her and wrapped her hands around Reece's neck. "Tell me," she panted as her jeans slid down her legs.

"I'd much rather show you." Reece brought Faith's panties down to join her pants and the actress stepped out of them. Large hands roamed up and down her body and staked claim to every inch of skin within their reach. Reece pressed herself into Faith's back and her breath became erratic as her lover arched and groaned against her.

"Show me... please..." Faith begged, leaning back into the tall body behind her.

The club owner continued to knead Faith's breasts, pulling and pinching her erect nipples while she sucked and licked every inch of her neck and shoulders. "I need to taste you..." she mumbled.

Faith groaned loudly as one strong hand left her breast and started downward. She arched her back and stuck out her hips, waiting for those fingers to touch her.

"Oh, yeah... you want it bad," Reece teased. She stopped her oral torture and leaned her chin on Faith's shoulder to watch her hands move.

"God, yes..." the actress moaned.

Reece shivered when her fingers slid into the heat. "You are so incredibly wet, Faith." The actress whimpered and bent her knees, trying to make more contact with Reece's fingers. The tall woman teased her lover, her fingers darting from one place to another, skimming lightly over Faith's clit.

"Please, Reece..." Faith whined breathlessly, getting even more aroused by Reece's clothed body pressing into her from behind.

The club owner twirled Faith around to face her and the actress released her death grip on Reece's neck, replacing her hands on broad shoulders and began pushing her down. "Oh, yeah," Reece growled at the look of want on Faith's face. She dropped to her knees with a thud and buried her tongue in Faith's folds.

"Reece!" the actress shouted at the unexpected roughness of her lover's mouth. The tall woman was devouring her, groaning into her sex, nipping and licking relentlessly, like she was starving. "God, baby!" Faith was careening towards orgasm, Reece's slurping and moaning adding to her arousal. The sensations of her driving tongue caused Faith's legs to shake uncontrollably. "I'm gonna come already!" she gasped as the fire started to spread out from her belly through her groin.

Reece nodded and latched onto Faith's clit, sucking it hungrily, her chin digging into Faith's opening. She shook her head back and forth in time with her tongue, smearing the abundant wetness all over her face. She held tightly to her lover's hips as they jerked spastically with her impending explosion.

"Oh... oh... Reece... yes!" Faith grunted and grabbed Reece's head, mashing herself into her mouth. Her fingers tightened and tangled in the thick black hair as she trembled and whimpered. When Reece felt Faith was about to collapse, she pulled her mouth away reluctantly. "Mmm, so fucking good, baby," she purred, extending her tongue all the way to her chin to lick up the wetness.

The actress slid down to the floor in front of her grinning lover. "Oh, god... that was good," she shivered with an aftershock and wrapped herself around the tall happy woman.

"I'm not nearly done with you yet." Faith smiled. "That's right, I have big plans for you. Big. Now let's get home."

"Can I ask why you came all the way over here?" Faith sighed as she stood up to dress.

"I needed to taste you."

The actress snickered. "I love you, Reece."

"I adore you."

Faith watched open mouthed as her lover disappeared out the door. "I adore you?" she repeated. Her insides turned to mush and she felt all warm and fuzzy. "God, Reece!"

*  *  *


They barely made it home. Reece's hunger escalated as she smelled Faith on her face with every breath she took. Halfway there, she forced Barry to pull over so she could jump into the front seat to avoid the situation that was sure to occur if she had spent one more second looking at her lover, who was giggling over Reece's behavior. Barry didn't need to witness that. He wasn't stupid, by any means, he knew what was going on and was very relieved when Reece relocated. The tension radiating off of the tall woman was enough to make him squirm. He laughed at the way Reece yanked Faith from the car and dragged her up the stairs to the door. He was surprised that they had made it that long without an incident and didn't mind having to get out of the car to close the back door.

Once inside the house, Faith sat on the coffee table to take off her shoes. That was as far as she got on her own before she was practically tackled and stripped in one motion.

*  *  *


Faith's legs dangled over Reece's shoulders, her upper body pressed into the coffee table. The club owner's fingers dug into the actress's thighs as she held her trembling body close enough to satisfy her hunger. Faith's arms were over her head as she gripped the edge of coffee table behind her for support.

Reece rubbed her face all over her lover's sex. It had only been four days, but one would have thought it was a lifetime, considering the intensity she displayed while licking Faith. The actress definitely had something to do with Reece's condition, teasing her mercilessly the entire time, not letting her touch or taste her while she had her way with the tall woman. Reece wasn't going to let her forget.

Faith gasped and groaned as her lover's tongue speared deeply into her depths. Reece pumped the muscle in and out while she shook her head back and forth, rubbing her nose against Faith's clit. The actress's surging hips aided Reece, pulling her deeper with each thrust of her tongue.

Reece tensed her body as she felt her lover's heels dig into her back. Faith started bucking, one hand let go of the coffee table and found its way into the club owner's hair, clutching her closer, holding her in place. Reece grunted her approval as the smaller woman began to jerk, her thighs clenching around her head. She held on tightly and doubled her efforts, wanting to feel Faith explode, lose control of her body, call out her name, cover her face with her juices.

"GOD... Reece!" the actress thrashed around, unable to tear herself away from her lover's relentless mouth. She was helpless but to ride out the elongated orgasm for as long as Reece wanted. "Fuck!" she shouted as the club owner lapped up all her offerings, purring and groaning into her sensitive flesh. "Please! Enough... Reece!" she begged.

Reece backed up, taking one last lick and lowered Faith's backside into her lap. She leaned over and rested her cheek onto the sweat-slicked, twitching belly and lifted her gaze to meet cloudy green eyes.

Faith took a deep breath and blew it out through her mouth. Reece had a very satisfied expression on her face. "You just keep grinning like that," Faith chuckled.

"Hey, I'm quite proud of myself. I love it when you beg me to stop."

"Can I get up now? I can't feel my legs," Faith joked.

"Don't you go anywhere, I'm not through with you yet. Not halfway," Reece leered at her lover and then cupped her sex.

"Oh, baby..." Faith slid her legs off Reece's shoulders. "What do you have in mind?" she asked with a leer of her own.

"I'm going to fuck you," Reece stated and then kissed the pubic hair under her nose. "Long and hard."

Faith shivered. "Mmmm." She stretched her body gaining a growl from the tall woman. "What are you waiting for, baby?" Green eyes twinkled with anticipation.

Reece pulled Faith up for a quick kiss, which turned into a devouring one very quickly. Faith moaned around Reece's tongue, feeling it spear into her mouth as it had between her legs. Tasting herself on her lover's lips excited her and she pressed her lower body into Reece's stomach. Faith pulled away from the kiss panting slightly, still moving against hard abs. Their eyes locked, and Reece licked her lips.

"You better get upstairs now or I'll have to taste you again," Reece warned.

*  *  *


Reece began slowly withdrawing the dildo until only the very tip was left buried and then she slid it back inside just as torturously slow. After a couple more slow thrusts, she withdrew completely. She held Faith down to the bed with a heavy hand on her pelvis as she reached over to the side of the bed and swiped something off the night table, knocking things over in the process.

Faith jumped as the cool liquid splashed onto her overheated sex. She forced open her eyes to see Reece squeezing the cherry flavored lube all over her dildo, the excess sliding off and dripping onto Faith. Her carnal sneer expressing her immense pleasure at the way it looked as it dripped onto Faith's engorged clit. The actress twitched her hips; trying to quell the need for her lover to fill her, touch her.

Reece responded by dropping the empty pillow of lube and reaching down between them, smearing the sweet, sticky liquid all over her cock. Her eyes locked on Faith's as she placed her slippery hand on her lover's open sex, working the lube from top to bottom, from ass to clit.

"Ooohhhhh yeeaahhh...."

Faith's long groans echoed in Reece's head. Taking Faith's ass with both hands, she lifted her up to her face and buried her tongue deeply inside. The combination of tastes was new to the club owner and she relished it. Drawing her tongue out of the warm tasty haven, she sucked on Faith's clit teasingly, watching the green eyes widen and then shut with pleasure.

Reece pulled once more with her lips before lowering her lover back to the bed. Faith opened her eyes and groaned at the vision Reece presented. She was glistening all over, but the way her face and chin shone sent stabs of pleasurable pain to her clit. Faith reached between her legs as Reece once again took hold of her dildo and stroked, while her tongue reached out of her mouth to swipe up the juices from her lips and chin.

"You like watching me play with my cock?"

Reece's raspy voice aroused Faith even more. She opened her legs wider and slipped two fingers inside, offering Reece a better view. The club owner stopped her motions to enjoy the sight. Faith's fingers created wet sounds as they delved into her depths. This drove the club owner crazy and she pushed Faith's fingers away roughly.

"I'm not through fucking you yet," she growled.

"Then finish," Faith replaced her hand to open herself up.

"You want it bad, don't you? You wanna feel me pounding into you." Blue eyes fixed on the sight and Reece's voice cracked with her own need.

Faith narrowed her eyes and reached for the dildo. "Stop playing with your dick and put it in me."

Reece grunted deeply in her chest and allowed Faith to pull her down, guiding her inside. The tall woman thrust her hips hard; burying herself all the way up inside and Faith's pussy ate it up hungrily.

"Fuck, Reece! More!" The actress wrapped her hands behind her knees and pulled them up to her shoulders opening herself as wide as she could.

"Look at you," the club owner grunted through her teeth, the sight before her making her heart pound furiously. "You need me inside you... so deep," she panted, thrusting her hips hard.

"I love you... inside me," Faith breathed between the powerful thrusts.

Reece adjusted her long frame and placed her hands above Faith's shoulders, leaning her weight heavily on them, allowing her to slide her knees down. She straightened out her body and resting only on her toes and hands, she lifted up and drove herself inside her writhing lover.

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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