Rebecca (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Alpha Marked Book 4) (7 page)

BOOK: Rebecca (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Alpha Marked Book 4)
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She placed her hand over his mouth. “We can talk about that later, but no, I don’t have any there. They’re mostly on my front. I love that you care, but you need to change.”

God, she loved that he cared.

He gave her one last kiss, one last squeeze, and then strode toward a door on the opposite side of the room. There were two in that direction, and she imagined one must have belonged to Carson. She grimaced, thinking of the events of the last few minutes. The day had been a rollercoaster ride, and she was ready for things to even out, to be steady for half a minute before something else blew up.

With werewolves, she didn’t think her life would ever be smooth again.

Of course, within thirty seconds of Aidan disappearing, someone knocked on the door.

With a groan, she padded toward the entry to the suite, tightening the belt at her waist while ensuring she was covered. She peeked through the peephole and spotted a male dressed in a hotel uniform waiting in the hallway, clothes swinging from hangers in hand.

Rebecca snatched up Aidan’s wallet and flipped it open. Something inside her cringed at going through his belongings. It was weird to dig through the man’s wallet. But she did it anyway and plucked out a twenty.

Another knock and she rolled her eyes. Impatient.

She turned the handle and tugged the door open, smiling at the male before her. “Hi, how are you?”

“Miss Twynham?”

“Yes, thanks so much for getting these for me, I really appreciate it.” She reached for the hangers with one hand while passing over the cash with the other. Not waiting for a response, she moved to ease the door closed, but the man placed his booted foot against the panel, stopping the movement.

“I have a message for you, as well.”

Rebecca frowned and tilted her head to the side. No one knew she was here, and if it was from Carson, she wasn’t quite ready for it yet. “Message?”

The man presented a small envelope and Rebecca tucked the clothing beneath her arm as she fought to open the message.

Hi Rebecca,

Come on up when you get tired of dealing with your mates. We can talk about your Mark and stuff.



Rebecca frowned. Her Mark? But she didn’t have one and Scarlet knew…

“Would you like to dress? I can take you to see the Ruling Alpha Mate.”

Rebecca shot him a suspicious glance with her brow furrowed. “I can find my own—”


Thank goodness. The guy was giving her the willies, and she so didn’t want to deal with his weird, smarmy smile any longer.

“Right here. My clothes came, and I got a note from—” She turned toward the sound of Aidan’s voice flowing from behind the partially closed bedroom door. Which put her back to the hotel employee.

Yeah, that was a mistake.

An arm wrapped around her neck, pressed tightly against her throat, and cut off her air. She dropped the clothes and wallet to scratch at the forearm holding her captive.

“Stop it, bitch.” A blunt instrument pressed against her back. Hard and small, she wasn’t sure if the man held a gun or knife to her body, but it didn’t matter, did it? Because hair slid under her palms, and she glanced at the man’s arm, at the gray fur escaping his pores.

A werewolf. Of course, in a hotel filled with werewolves and run by werewolves, a crazy man would
a werewolf.


“Don’t say a word. Keep your mouth shut and back the fuck up.” He dragged her backwards, not giving her a choice in the matter. With his hold crushing her windpipe, she was forced to remain silent. “We’re going downstairs and walking through that fucking lobby and you won’t say a word.” He tightened his grip. “One syllable and I’ll have your mates killed. I’ve got wolves watching them. One.” He squeezed tighter, sending pain racing through her body. “Word.”

She fought to observe their surroundings. If there were males watching Aidan, then they had to be nearby, right? But the man’s grasp kept her immobile and only able to focus on the empty room, the disorderly furniture, and the archway that separated her from Aidan.

They stumbled through the doorway, panel sliding closed as they departed. She struggled against him, scratching and tugging at his arm. But with each flex and twitch of muscle, her body weakened, her air quickly stifled by the stranger’s hold.

She prayed Aidan would appear, that he would stride into the hallway and save her. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen and they reached the bank of elevators. The moment he pushed a button, doors slid apart.

Now they spun until he was firm against the back of the elevator, and she was before him, staring at the metal—at her own reflection. Panic filled her eyes, fear and anger warring for dominance while adrenaline rushed her veins. Her stomach revolted at his touch, heaved and clenched at the feel of his skin and fur against hers.

Just before the elevator jerked into motion, Aidan called for her, his voice raised and tinged with worry. “Rebecca? Rebecca!”

Then they were going down, descending and flying past floor after floor. They didn’t stop, didn’t pause at the levels between their suite and the lobby. She prayed they’d halt, that another set of wolves would step in and rescue her.

But they didn’t.

“I’ve got you now, don’t I? They said it couldn’t be done, but I did it.” His rancid breath fanned her cheek, but it was the proof of his arousal that disgusted her most.

“Wh-Who?” she rasped.

“You’d like to know, wouldn’t you?” He ran his nose along her neck, breathing deep. Then his wet lips brushed her ear as he dropped his voice to a whisper. “The families. Too many accepted it, but not me, not us.” He licked her cheek, tongue sliding over her skin, and she cringed, jerking from the touch. “You taste like them, too. I have you, and I heard there are more. Just wait until we capture those, as well.”

“Look, I don’t know what you want, but—”

“We won’t have any more of
mating into our lines. Old bastards fucked up, but we have it right.” His voice cracked, his volume rising and falling in a crazed shift.

Why hadn’t
gotten on the fucking elevator?

“I don’t know anything about anyone. I was hauled here and maybe you have me confused with someone else.” She tried again. She didn’t think she’d have luck reasoning with a crazy person, but she had to try. “You wrote the note, right? About my Mark? I don’t have one. I’m not mating anyone. I’m a chick who got sucked into the wrong black hole thing. Why don’t you let me go and then we can forget this ever—”

Rebecca didn’t get to finish, not when his hold tightened once again, and a soft ding filled the small space. There, they were on the first floor, and
someone would come to her rescue.

“Remember, not one word or your mates die where they stand.”

Unfortunately the closest loiterers were too preoccupied with getting into another elevator to worry about two people coming out of this one. God, they needed to work on this oblivious behavior. Really.

“C’mon. Keep your mouth shut, and we’re getting out of here. The rest should join us soon and then we’ll line you all up in a row and—”

“Rebecca? What the hell—?” A shout, a familiar voice, rose above the chattering crowd. And yeah, she may be mad at the man, but she’d never been so thankful to hear his voice.


Crazy guy swung her around, and the thing that had poked her back pressed against her temple. A gun. Perfect. Of course, a werewolf would use a firearm rather than the teeth and claws nature gave him.

“Don’t come any closer.” The wolf holding her captive snarled, and she spotted Carson, noted his sudden halt.

Immediately her eyes scanned the area looking for someone who might have a weapon aimed at Carson, someone who could harm him from afar. No matter her anger, she didn’t want anyone hurt on her behalf, least of all him. Her body still burned for his touch and nothing, not even harsh words, could banish that need.

“What’s going on? Why do you have my ma— What are you doing with her?”

Yeah, not the time to ask questions. She didn’t see anyone paying attention to Carson, or her. Mr. Crazy had to have been lying.

Her mate needed to attack the stupid wolf already.

“We’re not letting another one of them mate into the families. It’s not happening. We stopped it then. We’re stopping it again.” The muzzle of the gun dug into her skin.

Every wolf surrounding them froze as if suddenly realizing a kidnapping was in progress. Dozens of yellow eyes focused on them, fur sprouting and covering faces while others flexed claws. All the while Carson seemed to grow, his shoulders broadening and stretching.

“Release her and I’ll let you live.” Growls from the crowd followed the statement, but a glare from Carson had the sound ceasing in an instant.

“No, she has to die. Her and the others. It’s what will stop all this. We had to wait, but now it’s time and we’ll have them all and then—”

The male holding her didn’t say another word because while Crazy McCrazyton ranted at Carson, someone else crept up behind them. Rebecca was yanked left, the gun leaving her temple, while the assailant was shoved right. Immediately following the rush of movement, a racing blur of brown fur roared past her and right at the man who’d held her captive.

A familiar scent encased her while large, warm arms encircled her waist. Aidan. He must have noticed her missing and raced down the hotel stairs to reach her. He drew her close, hugging her tight and burying his face in her hair. He inhaled and then shuddered, his hold tightening slightly.

Snarls and growls echoed off the walls, pounding her ears with the rising sounds. Rebecca jerked against Aidan’s hold, not wanting to get away, but to turn and hunt for the source. He allowed the move, cradling her while letting her watch the macabre play unfold before them.

Two wolves battled in the center of a loose circle the crowd formed. One was much smaller than the other, but the slighter of the two continued to fight despite the lost cause. The larger swiped, catching the other across the snout, slicing into fur down to bone. The bigger did it again, hitting the male’s chest, baring his muscles. The small one tried to retaliate, but another strike scraped its side while the fourth hit his flank.

Blood coated the cream-colored marble, soaking the ground and slickening the smooth surface. While the larger of the two remained solid on the wet floor, the other scrambled for purchase.

Rebecca gasped when yet another blow connected, practically gutting the tenacious shifter.

“The male deserves it, Rebecca. He touched you, planned to harm you. We may have our problems, but Carson still believes he’s your mate. He has a right to get his vengeance. As your mate, he is entitled to retribution,” Aidan whispered in her ear and her heart clenched with the emotions that accompanied his words.

The smaller wolf was her kidnapper.

The massive wolf battling for her was Carson. And they did have problems lingering between them. Even if they’d kicked Carson from their room only moments ago, her body yearned for his and she held her breath as she waited for the fight to end.

The wolves snarled and leapt at one another, drawing more blood with each shift of muscle and fur. One swipe sank into Carson’s chest, spilling more of the animal’s blood, and he snarled in response. His determination renewed, he attacked his opponent with a scary ferocity.

Snap, swipe, scrape, bite. It continued, Carson going after the male again and again. His focus was on his adversary, the wolf intent on ending the man’s life. He fought on and on and… for her. His rage was palpable, his determination easily visible, and each wound brought forward emotions she wanted to bury in the sand.

Because those feelings called for him, urged her to go to him and forget every cross word they’d shared. Her mate fought and she ached to welcome him with open arms. No. She couldn’t, not after…

One last swipe ended the encounter, Carson dealing the killing blow that practically beheaded the male.

What should have disgusted her, thrilled her. She didn’t like to rejoice in someone’s death, but he hadn’t spoken about just killing her, but others. Plus, during her “orientation,” Scarlet told her werewolves had a violent structure and justice system, but it’s what kept the beasts from destroying everything they came across.

Carson nudged the dead body, probably ensuring the man was well and truly deceased, before turning toward her. She read the question in his eyes, noted the hope that lingered nearby and the fear that overshadowed it all.

With hesitation and uncaring of what lay unsettled between them all, she held a shaky hand out for him. While she accepted the violence, she still harbored a hint of unease when it came to the power he wielded, especially in animal form.

Aidan leaned down once again. “He won’t hurt you.”

Carson closed the distance between them, glaring and baring his teeth at a few men who eased too close.

When he was within touching distance, and despite the blood, she sank a hand into Carson’s fur, resolving to banish the tumultuous emotions that floated between them. The man had protected her, and stood by her even when the past threatened to shove them apart.

She stroked his fur, fingers sliding beyond the blood to the skin beneath. “Let’s go back to our room. We have things to talk about, and you need to get clean.”

Aidan’s voice was low when he agreed with her. “Yes, we do. We can leave cleanup for others. Carson, once you’ve showered, we’ll speak with the Ruling Alphas about this.”

Carson whoofed, and she assumed that was his agreement. He stepped forward, seeming to wait and see if she remained alongside him. When she kept pace, he continued toward the elevators.

Right, wrong, or indifferent… this was where she belonged.

Chapter Seven


No one would pull, or push, Rebecca from Carson’s side again. No one. He’d stick to her like glue. The rage at almost losing her to some psycho burned him and enraged his wolf further. Even after destroying the male who’d taken his mate, the fury seared him.

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