Rebecca (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Alpha Marked Book 4) (13 page)

BOOK: Rebecca (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Alpha Marked Book 4)
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They raced around the bed, placing their bodies between her and the door. Their muscles were bunched and tight, wolves ready to pounce and destroy whoever walked into their space.

The handles on the doors turned, disengaging the latch, and then the panel swung open. The moment it separated from the frame, the growls began, both Aidan and Carson voicing their displeasure while also threatening the interlopers.

Scarlet stepped in and didn’t seem to give a damn Rebecca’s mates were pretty intent on tearing her to shreds.

“Um, guys?” Maybe they couldn’t think and understand when wolfy. Sure, Scarlet told her they were completely cognizant, but she was starting to doubt that assertion.

Scarlet eased further into the room, ignoring the snarling wolves and smiling at Rebecca instead. “Hey, how are ya?”

“Aidan? Carson?” Worry filled her tone, and she hoped they sensed her panic and would cut the crap out already.

“Oh, don’t worry about them.” Scarlet pulled her hand from behind her back, and Rebecca hadn’t realized she’d been hiding anything. Then she groaned at what the woman revealed. She shook it, jingling ball filling the air with the tinkling of metal on metal. “What’s this?” She adopted the excited tone a person would use with a… puppy. Rebecca moaned. “That’s right. Who’s got the ball? Want the ball? Do you want the ball?” Scarlet shook it again and then turned and tossed it into the living area. “There goes the ball. Get it now. Get it!”

Her mates’ growls didn’t cease. If anything, they grew in volume.

Those growls were joined by a handful of others, and then more people filled the entryway. Sure, Gabby and Whitney sauntered in, but they were followed by their mates. God, the whole family arrived.

Rebecca hauled the blanket higher to cover more of her skin. The important pink bits were hidden, but she didn’t want
looking at
part of her.

“Scarlet,” Madden growled at his mate and thankfully didn’t look in Rebecca’s direction.

“What?” The woman adopted an innocent expression that didn’t seem to fool anyone. “I thought I’d give them a little morning exercise. I mean, I’m sure that when we have pups they’ll enjoy chasing the ball. Won’t they? What’s the fun in having a puppy if you can’t—”

Keller’s hand covered Scarlet’s mouth, silencing her. “When we have pups, you will not have them play fetch.” Hand still in place, Keller turned his attention to Rebecca, Aidan, and Carson. “We apologize for intruding—”

Gabby raised her hand. “I’m not apologizing.”

That earned Gabby a glare from Jack and a grin from Berke.

“Look, we only came to see what Rebecca thought of being mated and to make sure she was okay.” Whitney smiled wide.

Rebecca furrowed her brow. “How did you know I’d mate them?”

“Uh, hello, I may be mated but—” Whitney’s gaze enveloped Aidan and Carson. “When they’re on two legs…

Suddenly Whitney’s mouth was covered by Emmett
Levy’s hands.

It looked like Jack and Berke had the same idea with Gabby, but she ducked before they made contact.

“Wait! I have one question, and it’s sort of a family tradition thing and then we can be all serious.” When Jack and Berke remained frozen, Rebecca’s cousin stood. “Now, we wanted to know what you thought of mating sex.”

“Umm…” Her mates looked back at her, the same question in their gazes. “It was awesome?” Okay, it sounded more like a question than a statement. She tried again. “Yeah, awesome.”

Unfortunately, Gabby did not look thrilled with Rebecca’s answer. The woman wailed and pouted. “No, the answer is squishy. Scarlet said squishy, and I said squishy and Whitney said squishy and it’s a family tradition so say the fucking word already.” Gabby looked pretty damned scary. “Now.” Gabby straightened her shirt. “Rebecca, what do you think of mating sex?”

Gabby repeated the question so slowly that Rebecca knew there was only one answer she could give if she wanted to continue living.


” Gabby waved at Keller and Madden, then Jack and Berke. “We’re done now, you can uncover their mouths. We gotta talk about Lorelei and Paisley.”

Rebecca’s heart thundered, picking up an unnatural pace. “What about them?”

Before anyone could answer, she was swept into Aidan and Carson’s embrace. The men shifted so fast, racing to her side before she could blink. Their thick, muscular arms embraced her while their presence comforted her more than anything in the world. Their hold told her she could fall, and they’d be there to catch her.

Scarlet eased closer and sat on the bench at the end of the bed. Concern was etched into her features. Concern and sadness. “They’re here at the Gathering.”

Rebecca swallowed hard and settled her head against Carson’s shoulder while blindly reaching for Aidan. He was there, her powerful rock. They were at the Gathering, which meant they were either Alpha Marked and Rebecca had never known, or they were Warden Born which had been hidden from the anti-wolf part of her family. Regardless, their presence also meant their lives depended on enveloping them in the safety of their family.

Theirs. The Wickhams and Twynhams tied together again.

“Did—” She coughed and cleared her throat, trying to banish the lump that’d formed. “Did Miles and Holden find them? Where are they?”

Scarlet frowned and grimaced. “The thing about it is…”

Nothing good was ever revealed in a sentence that began in that way. Nothing.

So, with her mates at her side, warm fingers brushing her, hands supporting her, she found out Lorelei and Paisley were nowhere to be found. At least, not yet.

Rebecca hoped they’d be discovered soon because she couldn’t look toward her future with Aidan and Carson without ensuring her sisters would find the same happiness.

Tears stung her eyes, worry over the werewolves from the five families finding her sisters before they could hitting her hard. What if they were captured? Tortured? Beaten and killed? What if…

A sob tore from her throat.

“Shh…” Carson hugged her tight while Aidan ran his fingers through her hair.

“We’ll find them, sweetheart, and I’ll tear apart anyone who’s even looked at them funny.” If it weren’t for the pure rage filling Aidan’s gentle tone, she would have laughed.

“And I’ll help him chop them into tiny pieces.” Carson added his own macabre promise.

She turned her attention to Carson, tilting her head back until she could meet his gaze. She released the first words that came to mind, the first ones that burst from her heart and rose to her lips. They didn’t care that she’d just met them, that it was fast or too soon or any other idea that told her it couldn’t be real. Because these feelings, these emotions, didn’t get any more real than what they’d shared and what they would share for the rest of their lives.

“I love you.”

Rebecca ignored the shininess of his eyes and merely listened to the words when Carson replied. “I love you, too.”

The hand stroking her head fisted her strands and forced Rebecca to turn her attention to Aidan.

“And me? I’m doing the heavy lifting; he’s acting as the chef. Anyone can chop things into tiny pieces. They can’t all gut a man with one swipe,” he grumbled.

Rebecca grinned and reached for her gruff mate, pulling him close until he almost lay atop her. Carson took more of her weight as Aidan covered her. She stroked his cheek, tracing the lines of his face and looking past the scars. “I love you.”

Aidan grunted. “Good.”

Scarlet cut in. “You’re supposed to say it back.” All three of them glared at the Ruling Alpha Mate. “What? Just sayin’.”

Aidan nuzzled her cheek and placed his warm, moist lips against the shell of her ear. “Love you, too.”

Rebecca’s heart filled with emotion, with love, and hope. The worry for her sisters still lingered, still filled her with dread, but she knew with her mates at her side, they’d find Lorelei and Paisley.

Then Aidan and Carson would kill anyone who’d hurt them.

They’d be all bloody, but that’s why God created showers.


The End


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By the way… below are some links to help you hunt up the first three books of the Alpha Marked series:


Scarlet —

Gabriella —

Whitney —

About Celia Kyle


Ex-dance teacher, former accountant and erstwhile collectible doll salesperson, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Celia Kyle now writes paranormal romances for readers who:


1) Like super hunky heroes (they generally get furry)

2) Dig beautiful women (who have a few more curves than the average lady)

3) Love laughing in (and out of) bed.


It goes without saying that there's always a happily-ever-after for her characters, even if there are a few road bumps along the way.


Today she lives in Central Florida and writes full-time with the support of her loving husband and two finicky cats.


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Copyright Page


Published by Summerhouse Publishing. Alpha Marked, Book 4: Rebecca. ISBN: 9781936950836. Copyright © 2014. Celia Kyle. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.


This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.


This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

BOOK: Rebecca (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Alpha Marked Book 4)
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