Read PUCKED Up Online

Authors: Helena Hunting

PUCKED Up (12 page)

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I’ll be out in, like, ten.” I turn on the water, and Sunny backs out into her room, closing the door behind her.

I let out a relieved groan. I’d love to invite her to join me, but I’m already blueballed out the ying-yang. If she gets naked and wet and puts her hand on me, I’m going to come instantly. Then she’ll never want to have sex with me because she’ll think I’m a two-pump chump. Better to take care of this situation on my own. It’s not like I’m going to need much recovery time. I’ll probably be ready to go again as soon as I’m out of the shower.

Shoving my shorts down, I set my dick free. It sticks straight out. My balls aren’t even hanging, they’re so tight. I step under the hot spray, grab my handle, and give it a couple of test jerks. It’s not even enjoyable, my balls are so achy. Also, my hands are still postseason rough, upping the sensitivity factor.

Usually I get those paraffin wax hand treatments to keep them softish, but the chick that does it for me was also on my honey list. She has a spa set up in her house, which is conveniently located down the street from my condo. Afterwards she used to take care of my dick—by wrapping it in her vagina. Since I’m seeing Sunny, I need to find a new place where that isn’t an expectation.

I grab the closest bottle and squirt some of its contents onto my hand to help speed things along—not that I need much help. The minty aroma fills the steamy space. It explains why Sunny’s hair always smells like a mojito. I don’t take into account that mint opens pores. I’m stroking away, and all of a sudden things start to get hot. I turn into the spray to wash it off, but it compounds the heat. My dick is on fire.

I have to bite my knuckle to keep from swearing. Even with the blue balls and the fire dick, I finish in less than two minutes. I have zero control over my aim, so I accidentally come all over Sunny’s loofah sponge thing. I rinse it off, but there’s no way I’m using it to wash my body.

Now that I’ve taken care of issue number one, I check out the state of my balls. The situation could be worse. For now I’ll have to make do with a clean up. I use the pink razor in the shower since mine are in my bag. Using it means my balls have now vicariously touched Sunny’s legs, and possibly her pussy. Yup. I can already feel blood rushing back down below the waist. I hurry through the rest of the shower.

It isn’t until I’m toweling off that I realize I left my clean clothes in my duffle bag, which is sitting on the other side of the door. I peek my head out, expecting to find Sunny lying on her bed, waiting for me—in my head she was naked—but I don’t see her anywhere. She doesn’t respond when I call her name.

I cross over to my bag and drop the towel on the floor, letting my balls air dry as I hunt for a pair of shorts. Just as I find what I’m looking for, the floor creaks.

I brought you a giant penis.” Sunny is standing in the hall holding a bottle in each hand. “I mean a drink, since you already have one of those.” She uses the beer bottle to point in the direction of my crotch.

You think my thunder stick is gigantic?”

Thunder stick?”

Is lightning rod of pleasure better?”

She sets the drinks down on the nightstand and sits on the edge of the bed. “You’re ridiculous.”

I consider forgoing the shorts and walking around naked, like I would if I was at my own place, but Sunny’s had an orgasm. I can’t be sure she wants to get right back to it like I do. I turn to the side and fumble around, trying to get my foot in the leg without flashing her again. I’m hoping the shower intermission doesn’t backfire on me and they come off again soon.

Her eyes drop to my waist as I tuck myself into the shorts. “You’re not hard anymore.”

Dicks are like balloons, they deflate.”

She cocks an eyebrow. “Did you make it deflate?”

There isn’t much of a point to lying. “Yeah.”

She crosses her arms over her chest. “I wanted to make it deflate.”

I walk over and stroke her cheek. “Sunny, baby, you can deflate my dick any damn time you want. You don’t even have to ask.”

She rolls her eyes, but leans into the touch. “Was the shower an excuse to deflate?”

That and I always feel gross after flying.” Violet’s the one who made it a problem after she mentioned that I’m breathing recycled air, and it’s full of people’s skin particles and shit floating around in the confined space. Sometimes she’s a real asshole.

So you—” She gestures to my crotch, making the whacking-off motion. She’s generous in the way she holds her hand in a “C” shape, so it looks like I have a beer can for a dick. I’m hung, but that’s more in line with a circus dick.

I did.”

I hope you cleaned my shower after you spanked your monkey in it.” She moves back on the bed, making room for me.

Spank my—did you—” I follow after her. “I think you’ve been talking to Violet too much.” I’m definitely not telling her I blew my load on her loofah. I need to remember to throw it out before she uses it again.

I have an older brother, remember? His skating friends were always here, being gross. I went to my first party before I was legal to vote. I might not have the personal experience you do, but I’ve heard it all. Oh, and those boys in figure skating are way worse than the ones who play hockey.”

Really?” I know Waters figure skated for a lot of years before he went to professional hockey. Almost every professional hockey player does a year of figure skating. It helps develop skills on the ice.

Well, yeah, there are girls in figure skating. Those boys were always trying to get with them. It was all incest-y. Everyone was dating everyone else. Except Alex. He didn’t date anyone ’cause he was too busy.” She cocks her head to the side. “I bet the girls loved you when you were in figure skating. Those spandex outfits don’t hide anything.”

I didn’t have to wear any spandex. I just took the lessons. I didn’t do the performance stuff.”

Probably better that way. You would’ve terrified the ladies with your sword of lust.”

I like that one.” I straddle her legs and lie on top of her, bracing my weight on my forearms, like a plank, and settle my head on her chest.

What are you doing?”

Cuddling with you.”

I’m not a pussy. I just like the snuggles. With bunnies I try to limit it to three minutes tops, otherwise they start to get the wrong idea. But I don’t have to limit cuddle time with Sunny.

We lie there for a while, not saying anything, existing. When it’s me and her, and there isn’t any bunny BS to get in the way, things are easy. We don’t have to fill silence with meaningless conversation.

From my spot on her chest, I have a close-up view of her nipple through her bra and shirt. It’s right there, almost staring back at me, so I do the logical thing and start circling it with a fingertip. Then I go over it with my knuckle like it’s a tiny speedbump and my finger is a miniature car. In my head I make the accompanying sound effects.

Miller?” Her voice is breathy.

Sup, baby?”

Can you lift your head for a second?”

I don’t want to, but I do it because she asked. Sunny arches up, pulling her shirt and that horrible sports bra over her head. Bam! Just like that she’s topless. And I’m hard again. Faint tan lines highlight her breasts.

I thought maybe we could pick things up where we left off.”

I think that’s a great idea.” I shift so I’m on my side next to her, one of my legs between hers. I don’t dive right in and start sucking on her nipples.

With guys, all the foreplay is nice but unnecessary. We’re happy with a handle grab and some stroking. Women are different. They need more than physical contact. It’s psychological. It’s always better when there’s lead up. I’ve seen some cool documentaries on the topic. It’s like research. Porn is probably the worst possible thing a guy can watch to get pointers on what gets a woman off. Pounding away like a jackhammer isn’t going to do it. There has to be connection. I’m good at that. I say all the right things, use all the right techniques. If there was a Masters in female orgasms, I’d have one.

I kiss her neck and rest my hand on her waist, inching my way up her side until I’m almost palming the swell. Leaning to the side, I prop myself up on an elbow and go back to circling her nipple with a fingertip. I kiss my way across her jaw until I’m at her lips.

We make out like that for a while, and every time things start to heat up, I change my approach. Her little hums and moans turn desperate, so I nibble along her throat and over her collarbone until I reach her boob. When her hands go into my hair and she arches her back, I lick her nipple.

Miller.” It’s more groan than word.

You want a little more of that?” I ask.

Her palm curves around the back of my neck, pushing my face into her boob. “That’d be great.”

Like this?” I cover her nipple with my mouth, sucking softly.

Exactly like that.”

While I use my mouth on the top half of her body, I ease a hand down to palm her through her shorts.

What’re you doing?” Sunny asks.

I stop sucking her nipple so I can answer. “Uh . . . touching you? Do you want me to stop?” I can’t see why she would considering she’s been rubbing herself on my thigh since I started with the nipple love, but it’s always better to ask than assume.

Yes. No. Wha—I don’t, but you already did that.”

I’m happy to do it again.”

But I already came, and you haven’t.”

It doesn’t have to be a one-for-one thing, Sunny, if that’s what you’re thinking. I’ll make you come as many times as you want me to, unless you have a thing against multiple orgasms.” It’s supposed to be a joke, but when she doesn’t answer right away I lean back. “Sunny?”

Her eyes dart to the ceiling, away from mine. “I’ve never had more than one.”

Seriously? But you can have, like, four million in a row.” If I was chick I’d get myself off all the time, every hour of every day, probably. I guess it’s a good thing guys can’t have that many in a row. Otherwise we’d never get anything done.

Sunny shrugs one shoulder. “I’ve never tried to have another one. Usually my wrist is sore after the first one since it takes so long.”

It didn’t take long for me to get you off downstairs.”

She bites her lip. “It didn’t.”

You cool with it if I try again, then?”

Okay. If you want, but don’t worry if you can’t make it happen.”

Oh, I’ll make it happen.” I sit back on my knees and hook my fingers into the waistband of her shorts, ready to get down to business. “Can I take these off?”

At her nod, I drag them over her hips and down her legs. I take a moment to appreciate her panties, which isn’t something I usually do. They’re not satin or lace, they don’t have bows or ribbons or bling on them, and they don’t say anything dirty, but they lead to the one place I want to bury my face in more than anything else in this world right now, so they’re awesome.

Can these go, too?” I ask, fingering the waistband.

She lifts her hips, pulls them down, and tosses them over the edge of the bed—along with her shorts.

I let out a low whistle as I catalog every bare inch of skin. “Well, my imagination sucks. You look way fucking better naked than anything my brain cooked up.”

Sunny laughs and then sighs as I run my hands up the outside of her thighs. All her naked skin touches my naked skin—except for where my shorts act as a buffer—as I settle between her parted thighs. Starting at her lips, I kiss my way down her body, stopping at her nipples before moving on. Halfway down her stomach, she grabs me by the hair. “What are you doing?”

I’m gonna make you come again, remember?”


She seems flustered, so I explain, in case my actions aren’t clear enough. “I wasn’t planning on using my fingers this time.”

Oh. You want to—”

Go down on you.”

With your mouth?”

That’s generally how it’s done, unless you know another way I’m unfamiliar with.”

Uhhhhhhh . . .” She draws it out.

Unless you don’t want me to.”

It’s not that.”

Awesome. This is gonna be kickass.” I’m about to go back to kissing the spot below her navel again, but her fingers tighten in my hair.


Sup, sweets?”

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