Read PUCKED Up Online

Authors: Helena Hunting

PUCKED Up (33 page)

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Are you going to put some trust in me from now on?”


No more using Kale to make me jealous?”

No more.”

I put my palm on the side of her neck, feeling the rapid thud of her pulse. Her heart is beating almost as hard as mine, and my dick is swelling at the same rate. When our lips meet, it’s like fireworks going off in my pants.

Her tongue is soft and warm, like all the other parts of her body I love. And it’s wet, which is like my very favorite part of her body. I have to remind myself this is just a kiss, and we’re in the middle of the woods, right by the edge of the lake. While I find the whole idea of doing it out here in nature highly appealing, she might not.

Sunny answers that unasked question when she scrambles into my lap and wraps herself around me. “I hate how jealous those pictures make me.”

Same here.”

I’m so sorry, Miller. Things got intense between us so fast. I didn’t know how to deal with it.”

I know, baby. I’m sorry, too. I can make it up to you, however you want.”

She swivels her hips, grinding on me. Everything is hypersensitive in my shorts. It’s a combination of my still-sore balls, the lack of opportunity to whack it this week, and all of Sunny’s bare, sun-kissed skin touching mine.

She runs her fingers through my hair, gripping it hard. Her tongue slides against mine aggressively. I don’t try to take over or tone it down, but let her have whatever she needs from me. Plus, it’s hot. She fumbles with her bikini top, pulling at the string around her neck, and then the one around her back. It drops to the ground beside us.

I cup her breasts. The first thing I notice is the almost complete absence of tan lines. Freckles dot the swells. “Have you been tanning topless?”

Sunny bites her lip. “Maybe.”


We were in the middle of nowhere. It’s not like anyone could see us.” She massages my scalp, as if it’s going to distract me.

What about Kale?”

He’s seen my boobs before. Not like it’s anything new.” When all I do is blink, she purses her lips. “Your penis was all over the Internet for everyone in the world to see.” After another short pause she tacks on, “I only sunbathed topless when he was napping.”

Are you saying that so I don’t punch him out?” I sweep my thumbs over her nipples.

No.” She’s breathy now. “Besides, he thinks they’re too small.”

That guy is a fucking idiot.” I press a tiny kiss to her left nipple.

I make a sound that’s mostly a growl and close my lips around that warm, pink skin. Then I add a little teeth.

Sunny’s eyes go wide. “Miller!”

Just playing, baby.” I go back to sucking.

You can do that again.” She arches her back, pushing her chest out.

I release her nipple. “Do what again?”

Make that sound and use your teeth.” She runs her hands down my biceps and over my forearms until she’s covering my hands with hers.

You like that, eh?” I make the same deep noise and take her nipple between my teeth, but I don’t use any pressure. When I can tell she’s getting impatient, I suck her entire nipple into my mouth and bite very, very gently.

I’m rewarded with an amazing moan. It scares the birds above us, sending them fluttering away. I do it again, and then move to the other breast, giving it the same level of attention. I’m not sure how far we’re going to take things right now, but I’m having fun making Sunny feel good.

After a few more minutes of making out, Sunny shimmies away in my lap and pops the button on my shorts. I hold her hips to keep her steady, not that she needs me to, Sunny’s a tight body of perfectly proportioned muscle. Her balance is incredible.

You’re wearing underwear.”

I’m trying something new.”

Hmm. I like the color . . .” She fingers the red band.

I catch her before she can slip a hand inside. “Uh . . . go easy, ’kay? Things are tender after my run-in with the spider.”

My poor baby.” She does that thing where she cups my chin and the heel of her palm rests above my Adam’s apple. Then she presses a soft kiss to my lips. It’s weird how much I like that. “You tell me if it’s too much.”

I can handle it, as long as you’re gentle.”

She pulls the band back and peeks inside. I’m hard. “He looks okay.”

You can touch him if you want to make sure.”

She strokes the head with a fingertip. It feels awesome—so much better than the few times I jerked it in the shower this week, and it’s just the tip of her finger. I can’t wait for her entire palm to be wrapped around my cock. Or any other part of her body she wants to wrap around it. Except for her armpit. That’s where I draw the line.

I think it’d be easier if you were naked,” she says, her tongue peeking out to wet her lips.

Sure. I’m good with that.”

Sunny moves off my lap, her legs parted over the sides of the fallen tree like she’s riding a log-horse. I step out of my shorts and lay them on the log so my already-sore balls won’t scrape against bark. It’s moss-covered, but still. I’m not interested in another spider bite on top of the one I’ve already suffered; my balls might actually explode this time.

I hook my thumbs into the waist of my briefs. Sunny puts her hands up in the air and waves them around. “Oh! Wait!”

For a second I think she’s changed her mind.

I want to take them off.” She bites the tip of one of her fingers. “If that’s okay with you.”

This woman might as well put a collar on my dick and walk it around with a leash, because she owns me. “You do whatever makes you feel good.”

I straddle the log and stand in front of her, hands at my sides. Sunny takes a deep breath, preparing for the unveiling of my cock, I guess. I’m not sure why it’s so momentous. She’s seen it before. Touched it before. Had it inside her before. All the mental images accompanying these thoughts make my dick kick behind the confining fabric.

Sunny squeals.

I wink. “I think we’re all excited here.”

Mm-hmm.” She nods vigorously. “Can you turn around for a sec?”

I’m interested to see what she’s going to do, so I comply. Sunny’s hands start at my waist and skim the outside of my thighs. On the way back up she cups my ass and gives it a squeeze. “You have the nicest man bum in the world,” she says.

I laugh. “Thanks. I didn’t know that was a thing.”

Mmm. It’s my thing.” She pulls down one side of my briefs. I feel her lips on my ass and then her teeth.

I look over my shoulder. She’s grinning.

Are you biting my ass?”

She nods, does it again, and then lets my underwear snap back into place. She follows with a smack. “Okay. You can turn around again.”

She’s almost giddy, she’s so excited. I like this side of her. It’s new—well, not really. She’s always fun, but until now it’s been me in the driver’s seat where sex is concerned. Sunny carefully pulls the briefs down, the tip of her tongue caught between her teeth. My cock springs free, sticking straight out. She pulls them lower, until my balls appear. They’re not nearly as red or swollen as they were before.

Oh, Miller. Are you sure—”

I don’t even let her finish. “I’m totally fine.”

She wraps her warm fingers around my cock and presses it against my stomach. With her other hand, she gently cups my balls. I don’t know how to describe the feeling. I probably, most definitely shouldn’t be entertaining any of this right now. As good as it feels, it’s also slightly uncomfortable. I’m willing to power through, though.

Is that okay?”

I groan in response.

Sunny’s grip loosens. I clamp my hand over hers. “It’s good. You’re good. You don’t have to stop.”

You’re sure?”


Okay.” She’s still for a few beats. “You can let go of my hand now.”

Oh, right.” I stroke her cheek. She smiles up at me, then goes back to staring at my dick. It’s at face level. I won’t lie. I want her to put it in her mouth. It would be so warm and wet and . . .

Sunny stands. I can’t say I’m not disappointed. If there were ever an ideal scenario in which to get a blowy, it would be here. But I’m happy to take a handy, if that’s what she’s offering, or whatever else is on the table. Still holding on to my dick, Sunny gives it a few slow strokes and kisses my shoulder. Moving lower, she stops at my nipples, doing the same suck-and-nibble thing I did to her. It feels good, and I wonder if it feels better for women than it does for men since their nipples have an actual use apart from being decorative.

Then she goes lower. I don’t want to get excited all over again, but anytime a woman goes lower than nipples, she’s usually planning to go all the way south of the border. I wish I was better prepared than this. I haven’t shaved my balls in over a week. It’s not a jungle, but it could look better. At least I showered before we left camp. I don’t have sweaty balls, but I haven’t had a chance to whack it, so my longevity won’t be stellar.

Sweets . . .” I don’t know what my reservations are about. My dick has been in a lot of different mouths over the years, but this is different. I’m pretty sure Sunny qualifies as my certified girlfriend now. Girlfriends give their boyfriends blow jobs, just like boyfriends eat their girlfriends’ pussies until they come all over their face. My face.
. I want her mouth on my dick.

She looks up from her spot above my navel. Another inch or two and she’ll be licking the head. “Don’t you want me to?”

It’s almost impossible to read her expression. I can’t tell if she’s concerned, offended, disappointed, scared, or something else.

Are you kidding? I’ve been fantasizing about this since the day I met you.” I reach down and trace the curve of her pouty bottom lip. She lifts her chin and bites the end of my thumb, then sucks softly.

Are you too uncomfortable still?” She circles the head with her fingertip, over and over. It feels amazing. Good enough that although the dull ache in my balls occasionally becomes a sharp stabbing pain, I won’t ask her to stop.

I don’t want you to feel obligated or anything.”

I don’t feel obligated.” She kisses below my navel, about three inches away from the base of my cock. “But I’m not very good at this. I wanted to give you fair warning.”

Not very good? What does that mean?” My first thoughts are not the chivalrous kind.

Her cheeks flush. “I haven’t had a lot of practice.”

Oh.” I grin. I’m happy about that, and I don’t care if it makes me a jerk. “You can practice on me all you want.” My reassurance doesn’t have the effect I’m hoping for, which is her lips wrapped around my cock. Instead, she looks uncertain. “But only if you want to.”

I want to. You’ll tell me if I’m doing it wrong?”

Unless she’s chewing on it like a cob of corn, it’s difficult to fuck up a blow job. “You’re gonna be perfect.” I’m not spouting BS. All anyone has to do is look at her; she’s this angelic-looking blonde with full, lush lips and gorgeous green eyes. She kisses like she fucks; I’m positive she’ll give head with the same dedicated enthusiasm.

She lowers her mouth to my cock. But she doesn’t just go for it. Nope. Sunny is the best kind of giver. She kisses the tip and brushes it back and forth across her lips, like she does with the ends of her hair. Then she kisses down the shaft and back up before running her tongue around the ridge.

I keep my hands fisted at my sides, taking in the sight and the sensation. Both are incredible. When she engulfs the head, she sucks hard, like my cock’s a lollipop someone’s trying to steal.

I groan at the suction and sift my hand through her hair, ready to guide her mouth.

Okay?” she asks, the word distorted by my cock.

Way better than okay.”

No sooner are the words out of my mouth than I feel the distinct press of teeth below the head. My loose grip on her hair tightens reflexively. “Wha—”

Sunny’s eyes lift, and she strokes the underside of my cock with her tongue. Strangely, as panicked as I am over the possibility that she might bite my dick, it feels good.

Easy,” I murmur.

She grins, and her teeth are replaced by soft suction. Her eyes stay locked on mine the entire time. I can’t imagine anyone telling her she isn’t any good at head.

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