Read Promise Me Always Online

Authors: Kari March

Tags: #Romance, #contemporary

Promise Me Always (21 page)

BOOK: Promise Me Always
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I grabbed her by the back of the head before she could rise up. “Keep this up, baby girl, and I’m going to fuck you right here and I won’t give a damn who is watching,” I whispered into her ear, licking her neck as she rose. I heard her sharp intake of breath and smiled as I turned the tables a bit.

Lexi slowly poured the ice cold tequila all over my stomach, the coolness of the drink in stark contrast to the heat of my body. Tess made her way down the length of me, trailing her fingers across my flesh as she went.

I was trying to focus on anything besides what she was doing, as Tess began to lick the fluid off of my stomach. The feel of her warm tongue on my flesh had my body reacting, begging, needing for more. She ran her mouth over every inch of my stomach, tracing the muscles with her mouth. Just before I couldn’t take it anymore, she slowly made her way up to my mouth, taking the lime out and sucking it dry—her eyes never leaving mine.

The sounds of shouts and whistles brought me back to reality; I had forgotten we were not alone. I had to adjust my pants as I sat up and jumped off the table. “Looks like you put on a pretty good show, baby girl, but it won’t hold a candle to what I’m about to do to
.” I raised my eyebrows at her and cocked my head to the side.

“Bring it on, Bentley,” she mocked, laying down on the pool table. She was being a very naughty girl tonight and suddenly I had the urge to spank the shit out of her.

I leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Every guy here will know you belong to me once I am finished. You will be begging me to take you home and fuck you.” She responded by pulling my face down to hers and devouring me, her tongue, still cold from the tequila, slowly caressing mine. I pulled away and shook my head, smiling at my girl.

I needed to put on a good performance, not that it would be hard. I was a competitive bastard. I was willing to do anything, short of showing off her body parts to the whole room, to put on a better display than she did. I hoped I wouldn’t take it too far, though. I was good at fucking things up.

I stood next to the table and stared down at her exquisite body. I rolled up the bottom of her shirt stopping just under her breasts. I needed to take it one step further—push the envelope just a bit. I trailed my hand down her stomach and unbuttoned her shorts, folding them down
just enough
, but making sure not to expose too much skin. I ran my fingers lightly across her stomach and she lifted her hips to me, causing more contact than I wanted to give. I smirked, shaking my head and pulling my fingers away.

I made my way back up her body, letting my fingers drag across her bare skin, leaving a wake of goosebumps in their path. I pushed her hair away from her neck before leaning down and licking it, pressing my tongue against her heated flesh. I bit down, not too hard and not too soft, just to watch her squirm. She writhed beneath my mouth, causing my dick to grow harder than ever.

I shook some salt onto her wet skin and reached over, taking a lime and placing it in my mouth. I looked down at Tess, her eyes full of lust and sexual frustration, mirrored mine. I leaned down and placed the lime between her lips. I heard her breathing pick up as I made my way back to her neck to suck the salt off. I lingered there a little longer, nipping and biting, as a soft moan escaped her lips; I nearly lost it.

I got into position and Lexi poured the shot right into her belly button. I sucked the tequila from her stomach, circling my tongue around her navel. Just before I made my way up to her mouth, I ran soft kisses down her pelvis and dipped my tongue under her shorts. Her hips lifted just a little as she tried to control herself from the torture I was putting her through. I was winning and I knew it, but I still had one more trick left. I just hoped I could make it without my dick exploding.

I took the lime from her mouth with mine and, instead of sucking on it, I squeezed it all over her stomach. Her eyes widened at the unexpected turn of events. I bent back down and hungrily licked all of the juice from her body, savoring every taste, every touch.

Her hands found my hair and she arched her body into my mouth, obviously wanting me as much as I wanted her.
I need to be inside her, damn it!
I was two seconds from taking her right there before I remembered we were in a room full of people. I instantly stopped. I stood up, taking her hand, and helped her off of the table.

was a fucking body shot!” Cam bellowed, coming up behind me slapping me on the back. “I think the whole room needs a cold shower after that.”

I looked down at Tess. I could tell she was still trying to regain her composure. “Are you alright, baby girl?” I asked with a chuckle, leading her outside. She looked like she needed some air.
Fuck, I needed some air.

“Um… Uh…y… yeah, I’m good,” she stuttered and it was fucking adorable. She was still a little dazed, but I was smiling inside, knowing that I beat her at her own game.

The rest of the party was a big fucking tease. All I wanted to do the rest of night was get Tess alone and, so far, I had failed miserably. Between the fucking body shots and all of the dancing, I was sexually frustrated. To top it off, I was horribly aggravated from being torn away from our private make out session that I am sure would have escalated further, if it weren’t for Lexi and Avery barging in and stealing Tess away.
Stupid female drama!
I swore I was going to get even with those girls one day, especially Lex—she was the biggest cock blocker ever.

I was standing out on the deck, destructively slamming beers down, watching Tess, Lexi, Avrey and Cara moving their hips on the dance floor to “Feel This Moment” by Pitbull and Christina Aguilera. Just watching Tess’ hips move that way made me want to bend her over and take her from behind.

Damn her! How does she do this to me?

My attention was pulled when Matt and Shane walked up and leaned on to the rail, beers in hand. They looked out and saw exactly what I was staring at. I looked over at Matt and saw his eyes glued to Lexi. I could tell he had it bad for her. Matt was the type that wore his emotions on his sleeve, parading them around for everyone to see. He hadn’t done anything else with Lex since that night he drove her home.

“Matt, seriously, what’s up with you? You stare at Lex like that, but yet you barely even talk to her now. What the fuck happened with you two?” I asked him.

He took a long sip of his beer, “Everything is so fucked up. I kissed her that night and told her I wanted to see her again, but I haven’t called her yet.” He frowned and looked down at Lex.

“Why the fuck not? You know she likes you right?” I questioned him as I peered in his direction, taking a swig of beer. It was fucking obvious how she felt about him. She flirted with him all the time—even I noticed it. You would have to be blind not to.

“I know she does and I really like her, but I’m still all messed up from Britt. She fucking ripped my heart out and, to top it all off, the day after I kissed Lex—Britt called me. She fucking told me she’s unhappy and that leaving me was the biggest mistake of her life,” he explained as he watched Lex like a hawk. Never taking his eyes off of her, he continued, “And now Lex is all mad at me for kissing her and not calling her. She has only said a few words to me all night and she will barely even look at me. I know what I did was fucked up, but I’m just so confused. She doesn’t need to be brought into my disastrous life right now.”

“Sorry, man. I didn’t know Britt was calling you again.” I felt bad for him. “I saw what you went through with her and I hate to see her fucking with your head again. You need to just cut her loose and tell the bitch to fuck off.” I didn’t want to spew my true feelings about Britt, so I stopped talking. I had never met someone so controlling and manipulating in my life. She dug her claws into Matt a few months ago—right after his dad passed away, and then ripped them from him just as fast. Other than the day his father passed away, I had never seen him so upset.

“I know I do, but it is just so hard to let her go. I still love her, I think…but if Lex keeps hypnotizing me with that ass, I just might forget about Britt,” Matt said laughing. “It’s taking everything in me not to run down there and make her feel what she’s doing to me,” Matt grinned, finishing off his beer. We sat there in silence, watching the women that were fucking us up beyond repair.

What the hell was happening to us? We were turning in to pussies.

I grabbed another beer out of the cooler and stumbled back to the railing.
How many beers had I had now?
I was starting to really feel the mix of the shots and beer take effect—everything was starting to get a little cloudy. I leaned against the rail, taking another drink, as I heard “She’s Country” by Jason Aldean start to blare from the speakers.

“Oh shit!” Matt and I both said as we looked at each other. This was Lexi’s song and the girls always put on quite a show when they heard it. We both turned around and saw the girls jumping up and down in excitement. Tess looked up at me and winked and I knew the show was about to start. I stared at her, mesmerized by how hot she looked dancing and grinding her hips to the music.

“Damn those women! They are giving every man here major wood right now. Look at all those guys staring,” Shane blurted out. I focused my attention to the male bystanders that were circling the girls.
Holy shit—Shane was right!
I was so hypnotized by Tess that I didn’t even notice all of the fuck heads staring at them.

I looked over at Matt and he noticed it, too. We needed to get down there before some douchebags tried to dance with them. Usually when they did this dance, we were at smaller parties where the guys knew to stay away. But Matt’s house was crazy tonight and we didn’t know half of the people that had showed up. This was a recipe for disaster.

We turned to make our way down stairs when I heard a high pitch squeal coming from the dance floor. “Oh. My. God,” the voice shouted. I knew immediately it was Tess.

I turned back around and saw Tess jumping into the arms of some asshole. She looked like she was on cloud nine and my heart sunk. He picked her up and twirled her around in circles, laughing like they were being reunited after years spent apart. I could see her eyes sparkling from all the way up the stairs and I felt like I was going to be sick. My stomach churned and bile crept up my throat. What if he was an old flame? I didn’t know much about her past relationships, except for Jared.

When the fuck head put her down, he held her at arm’s length. They spoke for a while and then he reached up and pushed a strand of loose hair behind her ear. I couldn’t fucking move, fear and terror paralyzing me. He ran the back of his hand ran down her face and she smiled – a genuine and heartfelt smile that I couldn’t recall ever seeing it before.

They both started laughing again and then he leaned in like he was going to kiss her.
Oh hell no!
I can’t watch this shit.
I fucking lost it.
She’s mine

I slammed my beer bottle to the ground, pieces flying everywhere. Everyone on the deck instantly went quiet. My head was spinning as I turned to make my way downstairs, the earlier fear turning to fury.

Before I made it even five steps, Matt grabbed my shoulder, pulling me back. “Dude, don’t over react. He only kissed her on the cheek,” he said warily. “I see that look in your eyes and you don’t even know who that guy is. They could just be friends. Don’t do something you will most definitely regret, just because you have been drinking. You have to trust her,” he cautioned.

I heard what Matt was saying, but I couldn’t help it. That asshole was making her so fucking happy right now—nothing made sense and everything made sense all at one. The collision of the two made me even more confused, opening the door for the doubt I had been fighting to flood my mind again.

You don’t deserve her, asshole. She will never be truly happy with you. Just the sight of this guy has her happier than you have ever seen her. She deserves better.

“Back off, Matt!” I spat at him as I pulled my shoulder out of his hold and turned for the stairs. The liquor really started to hit me as I made my way down, forcing me to grab the handrail before I fell on my face. When I got to the last step, I could barely see through my blurred vision. I don’t know if it was the liquor, the rage, or the searing pain coming from my heart, but I couldn’t see anything or anyone besides Tess and the asshole that still had his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him. Matt’s words rang in my head.

“You have to trust her.”

I took a deep breath and slowed my pace, making my way across the dance floor. Matt was right—I needed to trust her and I needed to talk to her first before I flew off the handle. I started to relax a bit, taking a few deep breaths to try to clear my head.

I stumbled towards my girl, watching as the fuck head moved his hand to her hip and pulled her to him. She flung her arms around his neck and he whispered something in her ear. She threw her head back and laughed as he stared at her chest.
Fucking asshole!

BOOK: Promise Me Always
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