Read Promise Me Always Online

Authors: Kari March

Tags: #Romance, #contemporary

Promise Me Always (35 page)

BOOK: Promise Me Always
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I couldn’t contain the tears, no matter how hard I tried. They spilled out of my eyes as my fears became a reality. I turned to the only emotion I knew how to express.

“No, Blake, stop! God I… I can’t take this anymore,” I said in a rush. “I can’t sit here and let you walk away from me again. Just when I think we are finally on the same page, you take ten steps back. I know we have tons of issues that we need to work out and I know it’s going to be hard… but I can’t keep this up anymore.” I paused, looking up into his stunning eyes as I tried to compose myself.

I continued in a soft whisper, “I miss you… so much. My life is empty without you.” I swallowed the knot that had quickly formed in my throat in anticipation of what I was going to say next.

“I love you, Blake.” I couldn’t believe I had finally said it. A huge weight lifted off of my shoulders and, for a split second, everything was perfect.

I stared into his eyes and waited for any kind of reaction. His whole face was void of emotion as his vacant gaze looked right through me. My heart was beating so wildly—if he didn’t say something soon, I was going to break down. I could feel myself on the precipice of a complete and utter ugly cry.

He was rejecting me again, I could feel it. I tried to pull my hands from his grasp, but he wouldn’t release me. His face was so serious and I tried to brace myself for what was coming.

“If you’re done with your little outburst, do you mind if I continue with what I was trying to say?” He finally said, raising his eye brow at me.

I wanted to run away and hide. That was not the reaction I was hoping for! Feeling humiliated, I dropped my gaze once again to our hands and nodded for him to continue, knowing exactly what he was going to tell me.

“Like I was saying…,” he trailed off, letting go of one of my hands to tilt my face back up to his. “We can’t keep doing this to each other. I know I’ve let you down and I know I’ve hurt you way too many times.” I tried to look away, but he held my face in place, his thumb stroking my cheek. I craved his touch, but it only made what he was about to say all that worse for me.

“I’m sorry for everything. If I could take it all away, I would. You deserve so much better than me, Tess.” He hesitated for just a moment. I tried to protest, but he placed a finger over my lips, silencing me, while a small smile played on his.

“I’ve been dying inside, knowing how much pain I’ve caused you,” he admitted. The tears that had been threatening to fall for the past few hours became too much and began falling down my face.

“But,” he began, “if you give me a chance, I know I can fix this. I know I can be the man you deserve.” He reached up with his thumbs and wiped away the tears that were cascading down my cheeks. Tilting my head up, he made me look at him again.

“You’re mine, Tess. You always have been and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep us together. Whatever it takes… do you understand me? I love you, Tess—I love you so fucking much,” he declared softly, his velvety voice making my whole body tremble with bliss.

I closed my eyes, his words echoing through my head.
I love you so fucking much.
I slowly opened my eyes to look at him, praying that this wasn’t a dream. When he was finally in focus, his bright, sexy smile was all I could see.

I threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and, before I knew it, his mouth was on mine. A jolt of passion swept through me as his tongue slowly caressed mine. With his hands on either side of my face, he held me to him, deepening our kiss. I melted into him, our bodies so close to each other that it felt like we were one. I let out a small, protesting sigh when he started to break the kiss.

Never releasing my face, he rested his forehead on mine, softly stroking his thumb across my cheek.

“God I missed you,” he sighed contently.

“I missed you more.”

“I don’t think that’s possible, baby girl, but I’ll let you win. Just this once.” He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him.

“Promise me something?” I asked as I nuzzled my face into his chest. He smelled so good and I took a deep breath, realizing that this smell —
his smell
—made me feel safe. Made me feel at home.

“I don’t know,” he teased, “you’re pretty needy when it comes to promises.” He kissed the top of my head. I playfully slapped him in the chest, rolling my eyes. I couldn’t help but giggle a little at his comment—he always had to make some smart ass remark and I loved it.

“You said whatever it takes, right, to keep us together?” I looked up at him through my lashes and he nodded in agreement. “Promise me?”

“Always.” He pulled me back to his chest and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. “It will forever be always with you.” He held me tighter than ever and I could feel the desperation as he clung to me, like he was never going to let go. I never wanted him to.

As I sat on my bedroom floor, with Tess in my arms, all I could think about was how much I’d missed holding her like this. My body craved her and this past month had been fucking hell without her. The withdrawals I had been going through were finally being treated as she burrowed her face into my chest. As smells of coconut and vanilla filled my senses, I quickly began to lose control of myself. I knew we still had so much to talk about, but suddenly the only thing on my mind was how badly I wanted to be inside of her.

My dick was harder than shit and the throbbing was almost unbearable as it pushed against my pants. I pulled Tess away from my chest slightly, trying to adjust myself. She looked up at me with a seductive smile that told me she was just as deprived as I was. Her inviting brown eyes were full of love and desire and it took everything in me not to throw her down on the bed and have my way with her. I contained my impulses, knowing that I needed to take my time and savor her, especially after everything we had just shared with each other.

“Touch me, Blake. Please,” she whispered with a modest desperation. I could tell she was a little embarrassed, as a flash of pink spread across her cheeks. She looked absolutely adorable and I couldn’t help but chuckle when her fingers found her hair.

“And where, exactly, do you want me to touch you?” I asked as I wiggled my eyebrows at her. I loved teasing her and she was making it way too easy. The pink on her cheeks turned darker as she stood up, pulling on my arms so I would follow her lead. She motioned toward the bed and I took a seat, leaning my back up against the head board.

She took a few steps back so I could see her better, then she slowly started inching her pink tank top up her stomach. As her shirt passed over her ribs, I couldn’t help but notice the bruises that were covering her sides. I tensed up a little, debating whether or not this was a good idea. She must have noticed my reaction and she stopped her slow strip tease, eyeing me suspiciously.

“What’s the matter? Is the infamous Blake Bentley nervous?” she teased, as she let a small giggle escape.

I gave her my best, “Are you serious?” look before I expressed my concerns. “Not at all, I was just wondering if this is the best idea. You’re still recovering and I don’t want to cause you any pain. We can wait until you’re feeling better, if you want.”

“It’s been over a month since I’ve had sex, Blake. I don’t give a fuck if I am still recovering. I want you. I’ll make sure to tell you if something hurts,” she said, rolling her gorgeous eyes. “Now, are you going to man up and make love to me, or should I be on my way?” She snickered as she started to lower her tank top back down her torso. She was such a smart ass, but she was my smart ass, and I fucking loved her.

“You better watch what you say to me, baby girl, or I’ll be forced to show you what it really means to ‘man up’. Now, lose that fucking shirt before I get up and rip it off of you.”

She bit her bottom lip and proceeded to raise her top, exposing a black lace bra. My dick twitched in anticipation of what was coming.

She playfully flung her top at me and then moved on to her yoga pants. Turning her back to me, she slipped her thumbs into the waist band and, little by little, inched them down. A low growl vibrated in my chest when I noticed she wasn’t wearing any panties. She bent over, her tight ass displayed perfectly in front of me, as she shimmied them down her legs. Her hands reached for the clasp on her bra while she stepped out of her pants and then she slowly let the black lace fall to the floor.

I inhaled a sharp breath when she turned around—she was fucking beautiful and she was all mine.

“Fucking perfection,” I muttered. She gave me a shy smile while she ran her hand up her thigh to her hip.

“Touch me, Blake,” she said breathlessly, motioning for me to come to her. I was enjoying my view way too much, though. She was flawless and there was only one other thing that could make this sight even more perfect.

“Show me, Tess. Where do you want me to touch you?” She froze for a second, unsure whether or not I was serious. I raised one eyebrow at her as I leaned back and got ready for the show. She realized I was serious when she saw me rest my hands behind my head. Nothing turned me on more than when she touched herself.

She hesitated for just a moment before slowly moving her hands up to her tits, eyeing me with suspicion the whole time. We had never played this game before and I could tell she was skeptical about being put on display. All the other times she had touched herself, I had either been going down on her or pounding her from behind.

“That’s right. God, you’re fucking sexy. Now, show me what you want me to do to them?” I saw the doubt fade from her eyes as the encouraging words left my mouth. She took her nipples between her thumb and finger, twisting and pulling. They tightened up before my eyes and, when she tugged on them harder, her head fell back and a soft moan escaped her lips.

“Does that feel good?” I asked her and she nodded. “Show me more,” I demanded, starting to undo my pants. My dick needed some relief from the sight of her or it was going to explode.

She moved one of her hands down to her sex, while the other continued to roll and pull her nipple. She glided her fingers between her folds and I could see how wet she was when her fingers came back over her clit. They were drenched and she hadn’t even put them inside of her yet. Her eyes were closed, her head still back, and she gave into desire as she rubbed her clit. It was a remarkable sight—watching her pleasure herself like this.

“You know what to do,” I insisted. She opened her eyes and they filled with arousal as she saw me fisting my hardness. She didn’t hesitate anymore after that.

Lifting her leg, she placed her foot on the edge of my bed. She filled herself with two of her fingers, giving me a perfect view of her sex. Never taking her eyes off me, she whimpered as her fingers pumped in and out. The sound was enough to put me over the edge. I had to stop stroking myself; there was no way I was coming unless it was inside of her.

“Fucking cock tease,” I growled. She looked up at me and gave me a mischievous, sexy grin.

“It was your damn idea! And you love it,” she bit back, leaning over me and yanking off my pants. While she tossed them to the floor, I removed my shirt and discarded it in the same pile.

“Well, that’s obvious,” I teased as I looked down at my erection. She just rolled her eyes as she started to crawl over me. I couldn’t help but stare at her amazing breasts as they bounced around in front of my face. She straddled me and I could feel the moisture from her arousal; I knew neither of us was going to last very long.

When I looked back at Tess, she was gazing at me. I watched as her eyes scrolled down my chest, past my abs, and down to my fuck lines. She bit her lip and I knew she had missed the sight of them—and me.

I grabbed her hips and positioned her just over my cock. “Christ, I missed you,” I declared as I raised my hips. She sank down onto me and I let out a deep groan, burying my cock in her. She was tight and wet and I filled her perfectly.

“Oh, God! Blake! You feel amazing. It’s been way too long.” She shuddered as she started to rock back and forth. I sat up, wrapping my arms around her, and took one of her nipples into my mouth. Swirling my tongue around the bud, I felt goose bumps prick her skin. She cried out in sweet satisfaction as I lightly bit down and pulled on it with my teeth.

Her movements picked up and she pushed me back down onto the bed, leaning over me as she moved up and down on my head. I knew if she kept that up, I would come in no time. So I thrust my hips upward, filling her to the max, and she let out a soft whimper.

“Fuck, Tess. You like that? I am so deep in you right now,” I said, groaning. “Can you feel that? God, I love you,” I said, my voice shaking. I moved my hands back to her hips, pulling her down, continuing to plunge further into her.

“Mmm, I love you too,” she said. Hearing those words come out of her mouth while she rocked back and forth on my dick was enough to make me lose it.

I captured the sides of her face and pulled her to me, kissing her hard. She released a soft moan into my mouth as I poured everything I was feeling for her into the kiss. Her movements halted for a moment as she returned the passion, deepening the kiss as she fisted her hands in my hair.

BOOK: Promise Me Always
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