Possession: Immortal Protectors, Book 3 ((Immortal Protectors)) (6 page)

BOOK: Possession: Immortal Protectors, Book 3 ((Immortal Protectors))
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He sat next to her on the love seat, his eyes studying her injured side. “How is your wound?”

She started, realizing it hadn’t hurt very much in the last few minutes. “It’s healing rather quickly. Who treated me? I seem to remember a large blond man.”

“Yes, Roderick, he is a Protector, as well as a licensed physician. His expertise is one of the reasons why you're healing so well.” Fallon looked toward the fireplace. “I must tell you something very important.”

Unsettled by his lack of eye contact she swallowed. “Why won't you look at me? Something is wrong isn’t it? What happened?”

He took a breath, and looked to her for only an instant. “By the time Kieran and I arrived at your house, you’d already lost a lot of blood. You were barely responsive. You needed blood, our options were limited.”

He stopped at her intake of breath. His eyes met hers. “I gave you mine.”

She studied him for a few minutes. “Okay, so what’s the bad news?”

His lips pressed together, a worried gaze met hers. “I’m immortal. And we’re not sure how you will be affected by receiving my blood.”

Blackness swirled, threatening to engulf her, the room tilted and she lost her ability to breathe. She stood from the chair; eyes wide, hands clenched at her sides and stared down at him. Finally, she gulped in air and sputtered. “Does this Roderick have any idea what is going to happen to me?” Fallon stood and reached for her in an effort to steady her, but she recoiled from him.

“He thinks that in all probability, your life will be prolonged,” he replied, dropping his hands, but keeping a protective eye on her. “Please sit down.”


Fallon delved into her thoughts, his strong mind reading abilities helped him access Tonia’s emotions and thoughts. Questions fired one behind the other as she sat back down. She didn’t look at him, remained quiet, her face pale, and eyes straight ahead.

Earlier, her thoughts were as always on having sex with him, his sentiments exactly. Not only was their attraction mutual, but also their chemistry was off the charts. Now she only registered fear and confusion towards him.

Clearing his throat, he moved to sit next to her, careful to keep a distance. “I was born human. Both my parents were normal people. At twenty I began to change, I grew over half a foot and became bulkier. Julian, the Protector's commander, came to our home. He explained to my parents that I was one of those rare few predisposed for the Protector army. I’m not exactly sure why it happened to me.”

“H-how old are you?” She finally looked at him, studying him, the beautiful emerald eyes taking him in as if for the first time.

“I was born in 1806, I will be two hundred and seven this year.” He waited for her reaction. Other than her eyes widening, she didn’t say anything and so he continued, “I should have left my home to join the protector force at twenty-five, but I didn't want to be...different. At thirty, I reluctantly left home and went to train with Julian to become a demon slayer.”

Tonia exhaled, her thoughts slowing, but a question kept repeating in her mind. When she verbalized it, he was prepared. “Did I lose my soul? Am I no longer human?”

He stifled the involuntary flinch at her question. This was the second time in a few hours he’d been asked that question. How he hated the common belief that because he was immortal he was soulless. “If you are affected as expected, you will still be a human, but going to live longer, age very slowly, if at all. And no, you, like me, did not lose your soul.

She sagged back into the chair, her hand reaching for the crucifix hanging around her neck. “Thank God.”

“Do you have any other questions?” he asked, not wanting to let on that he could read her mind.

“Am I different? What I mean is, am I stronger now? Are any of my abilities enhanced because of this?”

“No, the only other person who received Protector’s blood, remained pretty much the same,” he told her thinking of Roderick’s wife, Rachel. “Nothing much will change, except maybe that you will not get sick. Any injuries you sustain will heal faster.  But like me, you can still die Tonia,” he informed her, knowing she planned to continue fighting demons and hoped to be stronger because of his blood.

“Oh,” her disappointment was obvious.

“There is something else,” Fallon told her, getting her attention. “I have broken several Protector rules. Julian will not be happy learning what I did, not only that, but that you know about us. I’m not sure what the consequences will be. He will probably punish me. And you may have to remain here.”

“Punish you? That’s not fair. How exactly does he punish you?” Her anger pleased him. “I can’t stay here. I have a job, my own place.” Tonia stood and began moving toward the door.

“Of course you can return to work. However, after a few years, they will notice you don’t age. At that time you’ll have to decide what to do. As far as your home, you can’t return there, the demons know where you live.”

She hesitated. The realization sending panicked thoughts, fury and desperation pulled at her. She felt helpless and began to wonder if she’d be kept there against her will.

“I won’t force you to remain here, but your options right now are limited. Do you have a relative you can stay with temporarily?”

“I can take care of myself,” she snapped. “I’m not bringing this mess to anyone’s doorstep.”

Not speaking, he nodded. One thing he understood was the strength of her independent nature.

“I’m sorry,” Tonia told him, moving closer. “You saved my life, thank you for that, I don’t mean to be so bitchy. It’s a lot to take in.” She pressed her lips into a tight line and her eyebrows drew together. Her eyes on the fireplace she moved toward it and stood stock-still. “I need some time to absorb all this.”

“Of course.”

Her confused eyes met his and their gazes locked sending an electric current that traveled all the way through him. She needed comfort.

Fallon wrapped his arms around her, pulling Tonia into a tight embrace. Although his intent was to reassure her, to soothe, his pulse quickened at her proximity. She relaxed into him and laid her head on his chest. A soft tremble went through her and his lips curved at her thoughts. She liked the feel of his arms encircling her.

“Come, you need some rest, although my blood helps the injury heal quicker, you still need to allow your body to recover completely.” He reluctantly released her and guided her to the bedroom connected to his.

He waited until she changed into one of his t-shirts, finding it hard to not get in bed with her. Once she settled into the bed, her eyes already drooping, he kissed her brow and headed downstairs.

Would she accept him when waking or would she demand to go away?

Worse, what lay in store when Julian found out?



Chapter 7


Master demon, Gerard leaned back in his chair and studied the scene before him. Brought before him as punishment for failing in whatever menial task his guards assigned them, two humans kneeled on the floor. The woman shook, barely able to keep from fainting. In between sobs she managed to plead for mercy. The male wasn’t as accommodating, hatred filled eyes glared at the guard who stood over him.

One of the worst things about living for centuries was boredom. A side effect of being there, seeing it all, and no fucking T-shirt.

Gerard contemplated what to do with the humans. Already weakened by staying up past dawn he could care less what transpired with them, although his mouth watered to feed from the hapless idiots. Glancing down at the defiant male, he sneered. “Bring him to me, I will feed from him as punishment.”

Known for his cruelty, it was clearly not what the guards expected. Two demons exchanged surprised looks, but didn’t dare show any type of expression as they picked the man up and dragged him over to Gerard.

The fool tried to struggle, but was easily overcome. One guard turned the male’s head and offered their master the exposed neck. Gerard’s fangs instantly snapped down and he sunk them into the helpless male’s vein, the lifeblood seeping into him. He almost moaned at the strength entering his body, but forced himself to remain stoic as he drank more than normally necessary. Wearing only jogging pants, the man's erection bulged as an after effect of a vampire feeding.  Gerard felt himself harden at the sight. Only when the male stopped writhing, not only from the pleasure of his feeding, but blood loss, did Gerard finally stop.

He motioned for them to bring the female next and fed from her as well. Once sated, he drew a satisfied breath. "Take them and lock them in the cells in the basement. I will ponder as to what type of punishment they will be given. I want to try something creative." Watching the hapless people being dragged out, he savored the renewed strength in his body. Strength surged from the blood, how he hated that it was fleeting.

Soon he’d be forced to take another’s body as his current one —the one he’d been born in —grew weaker by the day.

Carlo, his second in command, walked into the room. The young high-level demon, who never bothered to hide his desire to become the next Master, dismissed the demon guards with a loud growl. Only Gerard’s two trusted guards remained, standing behind him. It was understood by all they never left his side.

Carlo eyed them without emotion before talking to Gerard. “I am told a new Protector, Logan West, has been added to the force here in Atlanta.”

Gerard shrugged, unconcerned. “I have heard of him. He was one of the few that survived our attacks in Texas, in the eighteen hundreds. Why do you think the Roman chooses to increase their numbers now?” He watched Carlo with interest not delving into his thoughts, saving his energy.

The high-level pondered the question. “He lives with the other Protector, the Brit. From what my spies gathered, one of the Fraser brothers, Kieran, went away for a time, so perhaps that is why,” Carlo said.

Satisfied that Carlo didn’t suspect the fast depletion of his powers, he dismissed him feigning boredom at the news. "Go speak to those returning from the city, ask if they saw or noticed anything different."


Maybe Julian knew about the marking. The Roman no doubt had become aware that Fallon was marked for possession. Smiling, he stood and stretched. Perhaps this was a good time to visit his future host.

A burst of activity caught his attention outside the doorway. His two guards tried to stop Sebastian as the incubus entered his office flinging the low-level demons aside without much effort. Sitting back down, Gerard motioned for the guards to allow his uninvited visitor entry.

“This is a surprise—you never come unless forced to. What brings you here today incubus?”

Sebastian’s black eyes met his and he sensed that what brought him would not be something he’d enjoy hearing.

“Call off your bitch, Gerard!” the tall male spat out, his body shaking with barely restrained rage.

"Can you rephrase the question so that I can figure out what has your panties up your tight ass?"




Gerard’s question and blasé attitude did little to help calm Sebastian’s fury, if anything, it made him angrier. “That bitch has been to Inferno every night for two weeks. She’s killed two humans. Put a stop to it immediately, or I will.”

“What bitch are you referring to incubus? You are speaking Greek to me right now. I don’t have any fucking idea who or what the hell you are talking about.”

“Gia, who doesn’t hide the fact that she’s there to spy for you,” Sebastian told him, eyes narrowed. Gerard looked over at one of his guards, genuine disbelief in his expression.

Something was off. Sebastian’s ire decreased. Only a bit.

“Call a couple of guards in here right now.” Gerard’s red-rimmed eyes met his and Sebastian felt something stir, the Master attempted to read his mind, but then stopped. He was not as strong as he’d once been. Knowledge he might use to his advantage one day.

“Why is Gia coming to my club?” he asked Gerard, who watched him closely.

“I did not send her,” Gerard snapped, and then addressed the new guards that entered. “Find Gia. Bring her here immediately.”

The guards’ eyes locked on Sebastian. By their interest it was obvious they thought he’d come to perform a service for Gerard—came to provide entertainment, of course. Why else would an incubus be there willingly? The Master demon’s appetite for depravity was well known. Sebastian gave them a droll look in return.

“Please sit down Sebastian, your pacing is annoying the shit out of me,” Gerard muttered and then looked down at some papers on his desk, seeming to dismiss his presence, but when Sebastian sat, the red eyes flickered to him. “Tell me, have any other high-levels been to your establishment lately?”

Sebastian wouldn’t divulge that information. Who came and went in and out of Inferno didn’t concern him unless they caused problems. Several of Gerard’s high-levels had secret relationships with humans, and he wasn’t about to rat them out. To each his own. “I don’t keep tabs on demons for you or anyone. I don’t care who comes in unless they cost me money or have the police crawling all over my ass.”

The Succubus, Gia, was dragged in. The luscious blonde hissed, and raked her long sharply filed fingernails down the side of a guard’s face, leaving a trail of blue blood. The demon snarled at her, but she dodged his bite with another slash of nails at his neck. The other demon pulled her arms behind her back and pushed her forward.

“Let go of me you imbeciles,” Gia shrieked. By her disheveled appearance, mussed hair, barely there nightgown and lack of makeup, Sebastian gathered they’d drug her from bed. Her voluptuous curves, long well-toned legs and full breasts a stunning, but deadly sight.

Then she spotted him, and launched herself at Sebastian. Fangs dropped and claws extended, Gia slashed at him. "I am not fucking him."

Sebastian easily dodged her attack by jumping to his feet and shifting aside. He watched with eyebrows lifted when she tumbled over the back of the chair he’d vacated. Gia flipped over with the chair landing under it, her naked butt pointing straight at everyone. She kicked a couple of times before she could get up, and glared at one of the guards who coughed to cover his laughter.

“What the fuck is going on Gerard?” She glared at the Master demon, obviously one of the few that were not terrified of him. “It’s the middle of the damn day, why am I being dragged in here?” She glared at Sebastian, “Please tell me you’re not doing this because you want me to do this man-slut. I'm not attracted to him." Her heated eyes roved over him belying her words.

Gia’s façade faltered when the Master instantly flashed right in front of her and clasped her face. Taking the succubus by the jaw, Gerard’s claws dug into her beautiful face. Sebastian almost felt sorry for her.

“Who sent you to Inferno?” The demon did not expand, seeming to expect Gia to know what he spoke of.

He had to give the succubus credit as she barely flinched. Gia’s red gaze met Gerard’s for a long moment, as if she debated who had more power, the man who could snap her head off right then, killing her instantly, or the one who’d sent her to Inferno. When Gerard squeezed harder, she gasped, a bloody tear escaped and trailed down her cheek. “Carlo.” Her voice was barely audible.

“Why?” Gerard hissed.

Gia whimpered. “He only said to keep an eye out, report if you ever went there.”

The fury that came from the Master astonished even Sebastian, who’d seen Gerard's displays of temper before. The building shook, and a large framed picture flew across the room landing in several pieces on the floor.

Then barely glancing at each of the guards in the eye, Gerard froze the two who were not his personal guards in place. With a flick of a finger, they evaporated. So much for thinking the Master’s powers were not strong.

Yet, Sebastian suspected the actions cost Gerard dearly.

The Master regarded Gia. “Did anyone see the guards bring you in here?”

Paled, from both the pain of his grasp and fear she’d be dead next, the succubus replied. “No Master. They brought me directly from my bedroom into the elevator and then straight across the hall into here.”

Gerard smiled at Gia, the smile so evil-filled that Sebastian’s eyes widened. Then the Master demon covered her mouth with his and tore the sheer undergarment from her. With less than gentle hands, he pulled the female against him. Gia who thrived on sexual energy, began writhing, running her hands through Gerard’s long hair, and wrapped her legs around his waist. Her moans echoed in the room.

When Gerard threw her onto the desk, and freed himself to ram into her, Sebastian looked away. Not because he wanted to give them any privacy, but because he knew part of the display was for his benefit.

A sexual being, he took power from sexual energy. Although, he only took from human women and Gerard’s display didn’t appeal to him, being in a room with the act being performed caused his sexual demon to hum. The craving clawed at him to join.

Gerard’s two remaining guards didn’t bother hiding their interest in the display, one of them even stroking himself openly. Sebastian despised the demonic sexual energy in the room. Their depravity sickened him.

So much for being a sex demon.

When the sounds of lovemaking finally stopped, Sebastian lifted his gaze. Gerard yanked the now pliant naked Gia off the desk and flung her down on the floor by the hair. The Master demon pushed a button on intercom atop the desk. “Guards, bring me a cage.”

Gia began to flay at him, and tried to get away. “No, Gerard, I promise you loyalty, I’ll do anything. Keep me in your bed to service only you.” Her voice hitched in desperation.

When the cage was brought, she shrieked hysterically, kicking and biting while the guards shoved her into the barred cube.

“You will remain caged until the next full moon,” Gerard told the succubus, smiling widely at her screams of dread. “If you still live then, I’ll consider granting you my bed.” The cage with the screaming succubus was slid out the door and across to the elevator.

Gia had been sentenced to near death, as she'd lose most of her good looks if she abstained for that length of time. To a Succubus looks were everything, without them she’d starve.

“Aren’t you worried Carlo will find her and she’ll tell him why she’s there?” Sebastian asked Gerard, whose desire-filled gaze swept over him, in an obvious open invitation. Sebastian feigned ignorance, it had been a long time since he'd been forced to have a man and he preferred never to indulge in that again,

“No, I am counting on her to do just that.”

Interesting that there was a tug-of-war between the two for power. Sebastian suspected one of the two, most probably Gerard, was responsible for preparing Fallon for possession.

Carlo wasn’t a Master. Not yet.

BOOK: Possession: Immortal Protectors, Book 3 ((Immortal Protectors))
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