Possession: Immortal Protectors, Book 3 ((Immortal Protectors)) (2 page)

BOOK: Possession: Immortal Protectors, Book 3 ((Immortal Protectors))
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“I can’t go out there!” Marcus shot to his feet pointing at the open door. “I swear to God, they gonna kill me. Monetta is going to tell them I took the money and the stash. You can’t take it all and leave me to face them alone.” He waved his arms at the deputies who ignored his outburst, busy putting large amounts of cash and drugs into evidence bags.

It was too late and they all knew it. Nothing else could be done for Marcus as they’d already pushed the envelope over the edge. Tonia stood and gave the young man a lingering look. “I strongly suggest you leave town, you won’t be able to keep your whereabouts secret in Atlanta for long. Monetta won’t keep quiet. You’ve got a few hours, a day maybe before they find out she’s been hauled in.

“We'll escort you to the bus station, Marcus.” She pulled some money out of her pocket and placed it on the couch next to him. “Since you’re stuck with this identity, it’s best you go far. Hell, you’re right, she’ll probably try to put most of the blame on you.”

“I’ll take him.” At Douglas’s gesture to the doorway, Tonia walked toward the door. “Go on Mohr, there’s nothing else you can do here.”

A lump stuck in her throat, but she worked past it. “Thanks, I’m out for the day.”

“Marshal Mohr, don’t do this!” Marcus cried after her.

Heart breaking, she slid into her car and pulled out, not looking back. She’d tried to help the kid, now she wondered how long he’d live. If he didn’t leave town, Marcus wasn’t vigilant enough to survive for long.

The system had failed him. She’d failed him.

A few hours in the gym would help work out some of the stress, but she wasn’t sure what would get rid of the self-reproach.


When darkness fell, Tonia drove a few blocks and parked in a well-lit spot along busy Bulkhead Street. Thanks to the full moon, she could see clearly as she made her way toward Inferno Nightclub, a well-known demon hangout.

She wore black leggings and a mid thigh length form-fitting dress. Inside her cross-body bag, she’d stowed a small caliber weapon and several daggers. Her three-inch heels gave the impression of impracticality, when in reality she could jog a mile in them.

As she approached the nightclub a long line of noisy people was lit by the bright neon lights. It was a busy night. Tonia slowed by a side street when she heard a woman’s moans. She squinted into the darkness, a couple was making out with fervor. The female held against the building’s wall by a large blond male was a noisy one. From where Tonia stood, she couldn’t see if the guy was demon or not, so she crept toward them to get a closer look.

“Oh God, yes!” the woman called out. Okay, obviously no one was in danger so Tonia turned to leave. At that moment the breeze stirred in her direction, with it the unmistakable metallic scent of blood.

Fury took control as she yanked a dagger out of her bag and began stalking toward the couple. The two were too involved to notice her approach. The demon ground into the woman’s hand, which was tucked inside his pants. The stupid woman pleasured the demon as he fed from her.

He probably drained the life from her while she was too lost in the moment to notice the weakening.

A sudden movement beyond the couple caught Tonia's attention and she hesitated.

From the shadows, a tall figure moved closer to the couple and stopped behind the male. The person leaned to the male’s ear, and whispered something. In that instant the demon pulled his fangs from the woman’s throat only for her to latch on to his lips and kiss away at the blood that had spilled onto his lips.

Broad shouldered and tall, the newcomer cocked his head to the side and studied Tonia. At least she thought he might be looking at her. His face in the shadows, she could not make out his face clearly. When his eyes glowed unnaturally, she took a step back.

Whatever he was, she didn’t want to find herself, for all intents and purposes, alone in the alleyway with him since the couple was once again oblivious to their surroundings. She'd check on them in a few minutes once the coast was clear.

She turned and made her way toward the front of the nightclub. When she reached the side entrance of the establishment, fingers tapped her shoulder and she swung around dagger in hand, pressed to her side and hidden.

“Tonia? When are you going to listen to me and stop screwing with demons?”

Fallon, fully dressed in black, like her, looked ready for a night of clubbing. Tonight, his dark chocolate hair, brushed away from his breathtaking face gleamed under the streetlight, giving him a mysterious look. Her stomach pitched at his presence, but she ignored it. Jutting her chin out she swept her gaze over him and curled her lip. “Was that you back there?”


“What did you tell the demon?”



His lips curved slightly. “I told him he’d taken enough blood. The guy was only doing what his lady friend wanted him to do.” He had the nerve to look amused.

She narrowed her eyes at him. “So now you are an expert in what women want? Because, last time I checked getting killed by a demon is not a turn-on.”

“He was not killing her, he was feeding from her. It’s a climax like you’ve never had,” he replied, his lavender eyes locking on her lips. The smoldering words instantly sending images of them nude, intertwined, her legs over his shoulders as he’d pumped into her while she screamed in release. He’d given her several climaxes ‘like she’d never had.'

She flushed and looked away.

Her heartbeat picked up, thumping erratically while under his scrutiny. Tonia played it off by brushing her hair behind her shoulder. Then she met his gaze. When his gaze met hers, she licked her lips, his mouth curved into a sly smile.

“Thinking of the last time we were together? I am.”

“Do men think of anything else?” Tonia rolled her eyes as she checked her breathing, trying her best to remain stoic.

He chuckled. “Speaking for myself, yes, I think of many things. Not when I’m around you of course. All I can think of is...”

"Are you following me?" Tonia asked only to notice he was no longer paying attention to her, but to something behind her.

Fallon's flirty smile was replaced by a firm line. At once his body tensed, and eyes narrowed. The casual stance was replaced by a tight ready-to-fight posture. “Hello Sebastian.”

Tonia turned to see a jaw-dropping gorgeous male. The man named Sebastian was as good-looking as Fallon, but in a darker more dangerous sort of way. This male definitely needed a “beware of me” sign hanging from his neck.

“Hello.” His voice melted over her and she couldn’t help but sway toward him.

He was an incubus, a sex demon.
. She was in trouble.

A wave of lust slammed into her, and Tonia's body tingled with desire. She couldn’t stop the erratic breathing that followed. Lips parted, she inhaled the amazing fragrance of vanilla-like spices that emanated from him, helpless to tear her gaze from him. The need to reach out to the incubus overrode all rational thought. When a whimper escaped her mouth, mortification filled her.

“Pull it back Sebastian. Tonia is mine.” Fallon stepped between them pushing her behind him. At his touch and the deep timber of fury in his voice, she was finally able to pull from the need.

She’s mine
. She’d let the comment go for now. Tonia stepped from behind Fallon.

Sebastian didn’t look at her, his full attention on Fallon now. A sensuous curve to his lips formed. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.”

Fallon glared at the demon but didn’t reply.

Sebastian turned his attention to her. “I apologize, it was not intentional. I have to consciously control it, which at times can be exhausting.” He did not seem contrite in the least.

She held back the impulse to roll her eyes and instead looked at his outstretched hand—hesitating.

Sebastian nodded, seeming to understand her lack of trust and dropped his hand.

His dark eyes studied her for a moment longer, and once again she fought not to reach out to him, to caress his face. Upon a soft growl from Fallon, he looked to the Brit. “What brings you here? I can’t have your kind around my club. You make my clientele nervous.” The incubus frowned, and seemed to measure his words. “If you have something to discuss with me Trent, we can talk over there.” He motioned to the coffee shop across the street.

Fallon shrugged, “You ruin all the fun. I would have liked to stroll inside. Actually, I came to find you. Would like to talk if you have time. Can we meet in let’s say half an hour? I have to talk to Tonia first.”

Damn right he needed to talk to her, perhaps explain why the hell he was a demon's friend.

Sebastian nodded, his gaze back to her. Her eyes widened at the yearning that again slammed into her. If she could bottle that, she’d be a mega-millionaire.

With an apologetic look, the incubus took a step backward, giving her a slight shrug before speaking to Fallon. “See you across the street in half an hour. Don’t go in there. I'll kick your ass.” He jutted his chin toward the club as he turned to walk inside.

Taking her elbow, Fallon steered her to the café Sebastian had pointed out. She tried to pull her elbow out of his grasp, but he held tight. It would not be hard to get him to release her, but she was curious what he had to say, so she went along for now and allowed him to guide her into the café.

When they settled into a booth with two lattes, she leaned back and waited. Instead of talking, he scanned the room with nonchalance.

She took advantage and studied him. His appearance, impeccable as always, from his high-end designer two shades of black striped shirt, unbuttoned to show his throat, to his manicured hands. On his wrist an expensive watch gleamed under the inset lighting. Other than that, he wore no jewelry.

Fallon looked around as if gauging the crowd. His heavily lashed gaze hesitated at a table of young demons that in turn watched him nervously. He nodded to them and looked past. They relaxed and began talking again, no longer paying them any attention.

She seethed. The leeches didn’t deserve to relax, much less live.

How did Fallon fit into this puzzle? Was he a demon slayer like her, or one of them?

He'd interrupted her one night when she'd found herself outnumbered by demons. Sword in hand, he'd killed her assailants. Yet there was no honor amongst demons. What if he was one? A different type perhaps.

He settled back, and gave her a lazy look. She’d never seen such beautiful eyes on a man, violet, yet they were clear and seemed to have a sheen that reflected light. Concise eyebrows framed them perfectly. His nose was narrow, but well proportioned. His lips were full shaped as if he were constantly pouting. She loved his mouth.

Tonia had to admit no man had ever unsettled her as much as Fallon Trent did. Not only his male model good looks and killer body, but add his accent plus the raw power he exuded, and any cognizant thought pattern evacuated.

“Now Tonia, it so happens I was about to call on you,” he began, stopping when she arched a brow.

“You don’t have my phone number.”

“What I mean is I was going to stop by and see if you were free for coffee.” He motioned to her latte.

She didn’t believe him for a minute. “So on your way to my house, you happen to see me?”

“As a matter of fact, yes. When I saw you walking toward Inferno, I wondered what you were up to, and followed.”

“If you followed me, then how could you have been in the alley, past the couple when I got there?”

He looked away for a beat. Just long enough for her to know he was trying to come up with a good answer. “I went around and jumped the fence when you stopped and turned into the alleyway.”

“Really? I took about ten steps. In that time, you were able to park your car, run half a block, and come back up behind the couple?” She leaned forward to whisper. He leaned forward as well.


He smirked, not moving away.

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Exactly what the hell are you? I will have to consider you my enemy unless you tell me the truth.”

“I can’t answer your question. I am not your enemy,” he whispered back, and then placed a light kiss on her lips. At her astonished gasp he sat back, a satisfied curve to his mouth.

“All right don’t tell me, but since you are so friendly with them,” she motioned toward the booth where the demons sat, “then I have no choice but to assume you are one of them, and that being the case, I am not about to sit here and have coffee with you.”

“I am not ‘
with them,” he bit out.

“Then why are you meeting with an incubus? Are you like him? Is that why I find it hard to resist you?”

A wide smile lifted his lips. "You find me hard to resist?"

Damn it, she hadn't meant to say that. "Why are you meeting the incubus?" she hissed.

His eyes darkened, an angry gleam to them. “I can’t tell you.”

There were too many unanswered things between them, she'd let it slide long enough. It was not a good idea to continue a liaison with someone that kept so many secrets.

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