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Authors: Kate Allure

Playing Doctor (19 page)

BOOK: Playing Doctor
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“I've just got to see you in your sexy underthings. It's driving me crazy! I know you'll look so fucking hot. Please!” he begged, staring pleadingly into her eyes.

Nikki was unsure, momentarily hesitating. This was not who she had been in the past—the wild, open lover—but it was who she wanted to be now. That's why she'd bought the sexy lingerie in the first place, although she hadn't anticipated that her lover would already know what she was wearing before she even undressed.
he's not disappointed
. The thought flitted briefly through her mind, as Nikki accepted that she was now ready to become the courageously erotic woman she had always wished to be.

Looking back into his eagerly waiting eyes, Nikki nodded even as she wondered how she should undress. Should she just start wriggling out of her skirt on his lap or stand up or let him take the initiative? Nikki realized that she could do it anyway
wanted, be
she wanted. She could even turn over all control to Hunter, if that was what she wished—and it freed her to boldly ask, “How would you like me to undress?”

Hunter pleaded, “Let me undress you. I'd like to be the one to slowly take your clothes off.”

Nikki nodded her consent and waited, feeling both deliciously wicked and hotly aroused. Without speaking, Hunter slowly eased her off his lap and raised her up with him as he stood. Looking down at her, he bent his mouth to give her another searing kiss before stepping back a little. Looking at him, Nikki saw that Hunter was also filled with lust and holding tightly on to his control. Standing there waiting, she felt just a little anxiety mixed in with her excited spirits. Almost holding her breath, she awaited the big reveal.
What will he think? What will he do?
she wondered breathlessly.

Hunter reached out with both hands and grasped the bottom of her blouse to slowly pull it over her head and toss it aside. He gasped when he saw Nikki in her racy bra for the first time, and she felt naughty, displayed in front of him like a stripper. His eyes were fixated on her breasts, only barely covered in red and black lace. Reaching out a hand, he gently touched the sparkling crystal beads on the short tassel between her breasts, then dragged his finger slowly across the top edge of her bra, touching both the lace and her warm skin above.

“You look beautiful,” he breathed, his eyes still on her breasts, “and so fucking hot! My own living sex toy. Please tell me that I can play with you.”

Now Nikki gasped quietly as she reached out to grab his shoulder. Without support, she thought her legs might give out.

“Yes, I want you to come out to play,” she whispered as her hand grazed across the hot bulge in his pants.

Sucking in his breath at her light touch, he bent down and placed a kiss on the tender skin just above her bra. Holding his shoulders tightly for support, she felt his tongue caress along the same path his finger had taken. Nikki could hear her moans becoming louder in the room as she felt his hands circle behind her body to slowly unzip her skirt. How could such a mundane task feel so erotic? Then Hunter pushed the skirt down and it slid over her hips to fall in a puddle at her feet.

Nikki froze, realizing she was now almost naked in front of him, but he reassured her, breathing out, “You're so beautiful.”

Hunter dropped to his knees, startling her as she looked down to see his face just inches from her panties. He stared at her pelvis, and she saw him reach out a single finger to trace along her skin just above the waistband. Then she gasped again as she watched him lean forward and kiss her there, where his fingers had just been. His tongue licked caressingly along the same path. It felt wildly erotic, as her knees got weaker and she held on tighter to his shoulders to keep from falling down. Sitting back on his heels, Hunter fixated on her pussy.

As Nikki watched, he leaned forward and kissed her there—right there!—through her panties. With a low moan, she gave in to the weakness taking over her limbs and started to waver, crumpling just as Hunter took hold of her hips to steady her. He stood up and then, with one fluid motion, swept her up into his arms and started carrying her toward his bedroom.

Hunter was still dressed and she almost completely naked, but for the first time Nikki felt uninhibited and totally carefree. She had always been the “nice girl.” Now she knew what it felt like to be the hot sexpot. She liked the sensation of power it gave her and allowed herself the freedom to just enjoy the pleasurable sensations. Abandoning herself to the moment was wildly exciting.

After Hunter lowered Nikki onto his bed, he stood there looking down at her and then asked with a hint of regret, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

Shifting on his feet, Hunter looked uncomfortable, and she saw that he was rock hard and bulging inside his tight jeans.

Before Nikki answered, he swore, “I'm so fucking turned on by you! But I know it's only our second date. I'll understand if you want to wait, but we'll need to stop this right

Brushing his hand uneasily through his hair, he groaned, “I honestly don't know if I can make myself stop once I'm naked with you. I've never felt so out of control in my life, and I'm not sure…” He started to turn away from her.

“No, wait, don't go!” Nikki called insistently. “I want you too, right now! No stopping and no…holding back. Give it to me,” she stated in an authoritative, almost demanding tone.

Turning back, Hunter nodded and then quickly shed his clothes while Nikki watched him keenly. She knew he was fit but had not realized how muscular he was, with strong biceps and a well-defined chest. Her eyes were glued hungrily to his body as she watched him pull off his jeans. He had a perfect, tight ass, and she couldn't take her eyes off him as Hunter eased his briefs down. His rock-hard penis stood thickly out from him. In the past, Nikki might have taken a peek to see what the guy looked like, but with her newfound boldness she felt at ease watching Hunter and knowing that he saw her staring.

“You are so sexy!” he said, drawing her attention to his face. “I love that you feel so comfortable looking at me. It makes me think that you want me as much as I want you.”

“I do! Come here,” she commanded, reveling in the novel freedom of being sexually aggressive.

“Yes, ma'am,” he said. “Whatever you say.”

As he sat down, Hunter opened a drawer and took out a condom. Nikki was pleased that she did not have to raise the issue of protection or insist on safe sex, as she had been forced to do with some guys in the past. Appreciating Hunter's thoughtfulness and feeling protected by him, Nikki realized it could be fun to be both cared for and the aggressor all at the same time.

“Let me put it on you,” she demanded with a sensual smile.

“Yes, ma'am,” he said again with a huge smile. “I'm more than happy to comply with your wishes…
wishes you may have.”

Nikki sat up and took the condom from him. Looking up at Hunter through her lowered lashes she played the flirt, very slowly ripping the package open and removing its contents. Reaching out a hand, she used just one finger to touch the end of his jutting penis and rub a small circle around the tiny opening. Hunter sucked in his breath sharply, and his body clenched in response, making her realize again the power her budding sexuality held over him.

Returning her gaze to his face, she stared deeply into Hunter's eyes as she slid her hand down over the length of him and grasped him firmly. She had touched guys before but always a little hesitantly. Not this evening. Tonight she held him tightly, confidently, with the seductive smile of a fully grown and knowing woman as she began to slowly slide her hand up and down his hot, thick penis.

Hunter gasped and shut his eyes as her hand firmly massaged his jerking pole. Up and down her hand moved, over and over. He moaned in appreciation, his dick seeming to grow bigger and hotter in her hand. Nikki smiled, loving her effect on him. Suddenly he jerked back a little and his eyes snapped open.

“I'm going to lose it!” Hunter groaned. He stopped her hand with his and pleaded in a choked whisper, “I need you right

Finally, fully comprehending the great power she had over him, Nikki nodded, supremely pleased. She carefully unfurled the condom, rolling it slowly down his long, hard shaft. Breathing rapidly, Hunter fought for control. Nikki finished putting it on and dropped her hand as she lay down on the bed to look up at him.

Hunter leaned down and planted a quick tender kiss on her lips. He pushed aside her bra slightly to free one breast and began swirling her nipple with his tongue. Nikki moaned in pleasure as he slipped his hand down along her stomach and then inside her panties.

He whispered hoarsely into her ear, “I want to be inside you so much. Deeply inside!”

Nikki squirmed when she felt his fingers reach her moist, ready pussy and caress her clitoris. “Yes, yes,” she mouthed, unable to speak. Her newfound power had evaporated as lust consumed her, and she was desperately needy for his touch.

“You're so wet for me,” he groaned with his mouth still around her nipple.

“Hunter, take off the rest of my clothes now, please.” It was her turn to beg.

Without a word, he eased off her panties and then, as she arched up for him, reached behind to unclasp her bra. Hunter admired her naked body, staring for a moment at her damp mound.

“You're so beautiful,” he said again.

With her finally fully naked, Hunter eased himself on top of her. Nikki loved the feel of his warm body touching her all along her own, especially his chest hair grazing her sensitive, tight nipples. His penis nestled between her legs, and she could feel its hot, throbbing hardness bumping against her clitoris. Squirming under him, she tried to increase the contact where her aching pussy met his pole.

Hunter rested himself on his elbows and slowly lowered his head to kiss her. Their mouths met, and he began a slow dance with his tongue, licking the tip of her tongue and then sliding out of her mouth. Then, as if driven by sudden increased passion, he slammed his mouth hard against her in a more demanding kiss.

Nikki was on fire, and her mindless writhing increased. Breaking contact with his mouth, she urged, “Please, Hunter! Now!”

Hunter raised himself up a little and placed his pulsing penis at the opening of her vagina. Ever so slowly he entered her, and she moaned loudly at the glorious contact. Nikki raised her hands to grasp Hunter's face and bring him down to her. She kissed him passionately as she raised and lowered her hips to encourage him to move faster.

“Nikki, you feel so good,” he murmured into her mouth. He trailed kisses around her face and on her neck as the speed of their pumping bodies increased and their combined moans filled the air. He continued this driving pace while he reached a hand to play with one of her breasts, squeezing and tweaking the nipple.

Lying under him, Nikki felt pleasure coursing up from her core and building in intensity. She wanted more, needed more, and reached around with both hands to grab his ass to pull him even closer to her with each of his thrusts. She felt herself tighten and clench as the sensations built. Nikki threw back her head and cried loudly, “Hunter!” as she slid over the edge into a powerful, shuddering climax.

He arched into her and groaned in pleasure, his pelvis surging into a pumping orgasm. They stayed that way for long moments, wanting their first time to go on and on. Then slowly their breathing returned to normal. Locked together in this intimate embrace, Hunter opened his eyes and smiled down at Nikki.

Looking up at him, she returned his smile and gently pulled him down to rest his head next to hers. Nikki felt his heart beating loudly.

“That was wonderful,” he whispered into her ear before he rolled onto his side and wrapped his arms around her.

“Mmmm,” she murmured back.

“Stay with me tonight, will you please?” he asked her, and she happily nodded in agreement as she nestled closer to him.

“Mmmm,” she repeated before she drifted off to sleep.


The next morning, Hunter
woke Nikki by kissing her on the neck, which quickly led to another delicious round of indoor sports. Nikki was grateful once again that she had taken the initiative to ask him out. Afterward, as they lay there in each other's arms, Hunter asked her to stay the weekend with him. He suggested that they play tourists in New York City, and Nikki happily agreed. As a college student and more recently a busy career woman, she had always been too busy to fully explore the city, and now she would get to do it with a handsome new boyfriend.

“I have an idea. Let's play
tourists and see how many things we can do that are cheap or free,” she said, remembering Hunter's tight financial straits—and to be frank, hers weren't much better with her large student loans and low-paying entry-level job.

“That's an awesome idea,” he responded, opening his laptop and doing a search on “free things to do in New York City.”

By mid-morning they were off with a plan for the weekend. First, a quick stop at her apartment for a change of clothes and other essentials. Nikki also left a note telling Kim where she was. Then it was off to have the cheapest lunch in Manhattan—hot dogs at Gray's Papaya, a city landmark since 1973. For the afternoon, they took the subway to Battery Park for a free round-trip ride on the Staten Island Ferry. Even though the ferry is really just a bus on water—not a fancy boat or circle tour—standing there with Hunter's arm around her on a sunny Saturday and watching as the Manhattan skyline receded was incredibly romantic.

As they glided by the Statue of Liberty, Nikki was pleased when Hunter suggested they plan a trip there on another weekend. Neither had been there before, but more importantly, Hunter was subtly telling her that they would be more than just a weekend fling. After a dull, yearlong relationship with a guy who was more interested in drinking and sports than anything she might want to do, suddenly the city was full of endless possibilities, and the thought of sharing them with Hunter was unbelievably exciting.

Later, after the return ferry trip, they went back to his apartment where Nikki accepted Hunter's humorous invitation to “Let's make fucky.” The afternoon raced by in delightful multiple orgasms, and Nikki was so relaxed that she suggested spending the evening in with him lounging on the couch. However, Hunter insisted that he had promised her a weekend on the town and that's what they would do. So they showered together—which took extra time while Nikki experienced her first shower sex—and then they got a little dressed up before riding the subway all the way uptown, some eighty-six blocks, and then walking over to Fifth Avenue and Eighty-Eighth Street. It was free night at the Guggenheim Museum.

After spending nearly eight years in Manhattan, Nikki was amazed to discover that there was so much more to the city than her small Greenwich Village world. She felt very grown-up strolling down the museum's spiral walkway. They talked about art and held hands, almost never letting go. Later in the evening they splurged, eating dinner at Lucille's Bar and Grill in Times Square where they listened to free jazz music. Afterward, the weather was so warm and the night so pleasant that they strolled down Broadway almost the entire way downtown before catching a taxi for the last mile or so to Hunter's apartment.

Sunday was a wonderful mix of sleeping in, more sex, a picnic, and strolling on the High Line, a unique elevated park on Manhattan's lower west side. In the late afternoon, Hunter walked Nikki to her apartment and gave her a long, passionate kiss before leaving. He had suggested she come over for dinner, but Nikki knew Rob would be back in town. Besides, she needed to do laundry so she would have clean clothes to wear to work on Monday. However, they made plans to get together midweek for pizza and a DVD at her place.

Nikki walked into her apartment feeling like she was floating on a cloud. Kim was there gathering her dirty laundry, so the two friends went to the building's basement facilities together to take care of the weekly chore. Kim wanted to know every detail about the weekend, and Nikki was happy to relive the fun times she had with Hunter playing tourist.

Nikki ended her story by saying, “I'm so crazy about him! I feel like I was struck by lightning. I just hope he feels the same way.”

“I'm sure he feels something fabulous toward you. Guys just don't drop everything to spend forty-some hours with a woman unless they've got it bad. It even sounds like he enjoys

“Huh?” asked Nikki.

“You know…cuddling and fondling after sex…but it often turns into foreplay and even more sex.”

“Oh, my gosh, yeeessss!” Nikki exclaimed. “He kissed, snuggled, and
with me for hours Saturday afternoon. I'm surprised we made it back out of the apartment at all.”

“Guess what?” Kim told her. “I'm going to be gone for several days three weeks from now for my grandma's birthday, in case you want some privacy.” She gave Nikki a knowing smile.

Shrieking with excitement, Nikki hugged her friend. “Thank you for telling me! I'll invite Hunter over, and we can plan to do a sequel of playing tourist.”

“Maybe you'll just want to play
,” Kim answered, smirking.

“Hmmm, maybe…I can think of many things Hunter and I can play,” Nikki bantered back as the two friends carried their finished laundry to the elevator.

At dinner on Wednesday, Nikki was thrilled when Hunter accepted her invitation to stay with her for a repeat weekend of playing tourist. They enjoyed each other's company very much, and each time they got together, they learned a little more about the other. Sharing the pizza Hunter had brought while sitting on the couch, they put off watching a movie to talk. He elaborated about his career goals and explained how things were going at the clinic.

“I'm hopeful that I'll soon have an obstetrics patient of my own. You know…I can't tell a patient to hurry up and get pregnant, but I do know of at least two couples that are trying to conceive. With any luck I'll be delivering my first baby in less than a year.”

“Wow! Does that make you excited or anxious?”

“Excited, definitely excited. I did deliver babies during my residency, but they weren't
patients. I want to be as ready as I can so I've been spending time studying a couple nights a week on all the latest delivery techniques. What about you?” Hunter asked. “How is your job coming along?”

“I'm really trying to be more proactive, besides speaking up more in meetings and offering to take on more responsibility, I've really tried to go beyond the call of duty on any projects that come my way…to show everyone what I'm really capable of. I think it's starting to pay off, but it's not like my boss has offered to promote me or anything, at least not yet. There is an open position for assistant editor and I think I'm going to apply for the job, but I guess I'm worried that I won't get it. Then what?”

“Then you start looking for a higher-level job somewhere else,” Hunter said. “Look, nothing ventured, nothing gained. We're like poster children for that motto. What if you'd never called and asked me out, and all the time I was feeling like my hands were tied at the clinic, no matter how much I wanted to call you? Think of all we would have missed.”

“I don't even want to think about it,” Nikki murmured. “But you're right. It took a lot of nerve for me to call you, and look how it paid off.”

Hunter leaned in close to her. In a husky voice, he said, “I think it paid off very well.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately. “Extremely well!” Hunter caressed her back and deepened the kiss, and Nikki squirmed in closer to him.

Easing back, Hunter groaned, “When's Kim coming home?”

“Later. Much later.” And she tugged him back to kiss her again, her hands circling around his shoulders.

They never got to see their video…didn't even make it off the couch.

BOOK: Playing Doctor
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