Playing Doctor (22 page)

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Authors: Kate Allure

BOOK: Playing Doctor
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He gazed down at her sexy red-and-black lace panties and slid a hand underneath the hem, making doctorly “mmm, mmm” sounds as he went. His gloved fingers felt slightly different, more palpably tactile than bare skin. Nikki felt his hand caress along her skin to her mound, searching until his finger found her clitoris. He fondled her tight bud, and she squirmed and pressed her pelvis into his hand, her eyes drifting shut and her mind centering on the delicious sensations coursing through her body. The good doctor brought her right to the edge of ecstasy before moving away from her clit.

Nikki almost whimpered as she bucked once uselessly into the air, her hands clenching the sides of the table to keep from grabbing his hand to put it back where she wanted it. Then his finger slid into her vagina, questing and teasing everywhere inside her. Finding her G-spot, Hunter tickled this ultimate erogenous zone until Nikki was whimpering and writhing mindlessly on the exam table. She was so close, panting and on the verge, and then he eased his finger out of her.
she wanted to scream.

She watched as he dragged his gloved hand out from inside her panties. He raised his hand and held up one finger for her to see. Then he pulled the glove off with another startling snap.

“You're exceedingly wet, Ms. Woods. I think I should examine your condition further.”

As Hunter walked slowly to the end of the table to stand facing her, he trailed his hand down her body, leaving tingles along the way. Hunter reached both hands to the outsides of her hips and, in one swift motion, pulled her panties down and off. He kissed the little scrap of cloth and then hung it on a hook just as it was before, murmuring, “Perfect!”

Nikki watched him reach under the table and flip up the exam-table stirrups. Startled, she cried out, “You can't be serious! What are you doing? I hate those!”

Taking on a faux stern tone, Hunter answered, “I believe, Ms. Woods, that you promised full cooperation. Did you not understand?”

“Well…mmm, ah,” Nikki responded, not sure where this was going or if she would like it.

Still wearing his white lab coat and with an air of authority, he stared into her eyes as if to dare her to object further. Not saying anything, he reached up and grasped both her ankles in a strong grip. With one fluid movement, he yanked on her legs and pulled her along the exam table toward him. Nikki gasped as she watched his eyes move from her face down to the vee between her spread legs. She was spellbound, watching his tongue slip out of his mouth to lick his lips and wondering what he was going to do next.

After removing Nikki's shoes, Hunter placed both of her heels into the stirrups. Then he reached up and tugged her hips down until her thighs were wide open and her buttocks on the edge of the table. Lowering himself down onto a stool between her legs, he never took his eyes off her wet pussy.

Nikki felt so exposed and open to him—both at his mercy and titillated at the same time. Hunter's hands came up to fondle the insides of her thighs. Then, even though she was watching him through half-closed eyes, she jumped in shock when she felt his tongue on her clitoris.

“Oh my,” Nikki gasped and writhed on the table. “Oooohhh, ahh.”

Hunter knew unerringly just what to do with his mouth to tease her, to stimulate and arouse her until she was on the edge of aching pleasure.

“Yes, oh, more please,” Nikki begged as she moved and tilted her pelvis in rhythm with his mouth. As the feelings grew more and more intense, she realized that she was about to go over the top. Hunter flicked his tongue, striking her clit—once, twice—and Nikki exploded into a huge climax that had her whole body quaking and shuddering. She almost lost consciousness for a moment, consumed by the whirling sensations.

As she came down from the high, she saw that Hunter has risen to his feet. He was breathing hard.

“All right,” he choked out, “enough playing doctor. I'm so hard that it hurts. I want you now…right now!”

“Yes, I want you too. Come here,” she urged him.

Hunter pushed her, almost roughly, back up the cushioned table, not even taking the time to remove his clothes as he climbed up after her. Crawling up along her body, he then knelt with his legs on either side of her. Hurriedly, almost frantically, he unzipped his pants with one hand and shoved his clothes down while Nikki pulled his erection free. With a grunt, Hunter plunged his hot, hard rod inside her and let his whole weight down on her for a moment.

“Oh, that feels so good,” he groaned out.

Quickly rising back up on his arms, he pumped in and out of her wildly. She planted her feet down on either side of him and used the table to push up to meet each of his pumping thrusts. Both of them were moaning even as they passionately kissed each other, her arms wrapped around his head. Their most sensitive and intimate body parts slammed into each other faster and faster until they both cried out in simultaneous orgasms. Hunter thrust a few more times as he moaned in pleasure before coming to rest. Nikki dragged him down on top of her. Both were panting and breathless.

After a while, Nikki murmured, “I can hear your heart beating so loudly.” She planted a quick kiss on his cheek. “That was wild and hot and ohhhh so good!”

Hunter raised himself back up on his elbows and looked down at her, saying earnestly the words she longed to hear.

“I love you, Ms. Nikki Woods.”

Looking into his beautiful blue eyes, she joyfully answered him. “I love you too, Hunter. So very much!”

Rolling to her side with his backside against the wall, Hunter pulled her back to cradle within his arms. Reaching down, he fumbled in the pocket of the lab coat he still wore as she watched his face, smiling with pleasure in his embrace. Slowly, Hunter drew his hand out and raised it so she could see that he held a ring—a diamond ring!

“Nikki, I love you. I know we've only been together for six months, but I also know, really truly know, that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” he asked as he offered the ring to her.

Nikki was almost speechless with amazement and surprise. She took it from him and looked down at the pretty little ring. “I, ah, Hunter that's…wow, that's unexpect—”

“I know it seems sudden and maybe too soon, and, well, if you want, we can have a long engagement for our families' sake, if nothing else. But I know I will always want you in my life.”

Taking a quick breath, he continued rapidly, “The diamond is small, I realize that, but I promise you something bigger later when I can afford it…when
can afford it. Then we'll get whatever you want. I'm still a new doctor in huge debt, so things might be a little tight at first, but I promise you a long life with me loving you and caring for you and…”

It's perfect!
” she cried, cutting him off this time. “The ring is perfect. You picked it out and I love it!”

“Well?” he asked, looking into her eyes.

“Yes, I'll marry you…now or later. It doesn't matter. I'm happy just knowing I get to spend the rest of my life with you,” Nikki exclaimed ecstatically before kissing him passionately on the mouth.

Then Hunter carefully took the ring from her hands and slowly, lovingly slid it onto her finger. “It's official now. We're engaged and you're going to be my wife,” he pronounced in a voice that seemed to indicate he was as amazed by this as she.

“Thank you,” Nikki murmured. “But I have one little request in order to marry you—something that I think will be nonnegotiable.” Nikki sounded stern but she was also smiling.

“What? What is it?” Hunter asked, holding his breath. He would make it work, no matter what it was.

“Well…” Nikki said, smiling broadly at him. “My one nonnegotiable requirement is that we make
right here in your office an annual event, celebrating our anniversary each year. What do you say?”

“Hell, yes! That's what I say! We're going to have one wild, hot life together if this is any indication.”

With that pronouncement Hunter ended further discussion, lowering his mouth to hers for a long erotic kiss.

One could say he had started another conversation, but of a different sort.

Order Kate Allure's next book
in the Meeting Men series

Lawyering Up

On sale August 2015


Lawyering Up


Of Unsound Mind
and Body
Scene 2

I opened the antique,
beautifully crafted, heavy oak doors and squinted into the dim interior. The part-time secretary, Mrs. Meyer, welcomed me and surprisingly gave me a motherly hug, offering her condolences. She introduced me to the other couple there—an elderly gentleman and his wife—who had been providing daily care and cooking for Auntie for the last five years. This had been a perfect part-time job for them and an act of love too, I suspected, seeing their sadness.

“Mr. Ross will be right out in a minute,” Mrs. Meyer said. As she returned to her old-fashioned desk, I settled onto a worn but comfortable leather chair.

Looking around, I saw that nothing had changed. It looked exactly the same as the last time I was here, a few years ago when I was helping Auntie with her will and selling off some farmland. Probably nothing had changed in fifty years—the ancient brown leather sofa and two matching chairs near the front with a low railing separating this sitting area from a massive lawyer's desk and smaller secretarial one were all exactly as they had always been. There was a solitary Tiffany floor lamp and two green-glass banker's desk lamps. They were probably valuable antiques now, but they gave off little light, leaving the entire high-ceilinged room perpetually dim even on this bright afternoon. The only nod to modernity was a corner workstation that held a desktop computer and a small printer. The setting reminded me of those old-time black-and-white TV shows—all that was missing was Perry Mason walking out from the back room.

Just then the door to the back opened, and I stood to greet Franklin Ross. My mouth dropped open and I stared in surprise as the mysterious stranger from the funeral emerged through the door instead. Without his shades, his gaze was even more penetrating, his dark, almost-black eyes drawing me into their secretive depths. Never breaking eye contact, he swung open the low gate and stalked straight toward me. I startled and froze—a deer in the headlights response. Then the tingling was back in a cascading rush that left me slightly dizzy.

“Hello, Ms. Jensen. I'm Franklin Ross…Junior.” His hand was outstretched, and I reached out to place my hand in his. His fingers were long and lean—his grip strong as he easily encircled my smaller hand. The minute our fingers touched, I experienced an electric jolt that sizzled up my arm and straight down my body. Deep inside, my pelvis tightened in acknowledgment of the irresistible sexual attraction I felt toward this stranger. I wondered if that gasp I had heard was mine.

When I didn't immediately speak, he continued, “My dad is sorry he could not be here to see you today. He's retired and living in Arizona now. I work for a large practice in Omaha but have kept this office open to handle a few remaining cases and long-standing clients. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Ms. Jensen. My father spoke often about your kindness toward your aunt Elizabeth.”

I was in shock. Never in my life had I experienced such an immediate, overpowering lust and absolutely never ever for a complete stranger, but I managed to mutter the expected response.

“Ummm…It's nice to meet you too.”

I realized something then.
Mr. Ross had stepped closer and was still holding on to my hand, his other hand having settled on top to capture mine between his two large, warm ones. His dark eyes pulled me in—like the hypnotic gaze of a snake—and I was caught. Breathless, I wondered if he was feeling this extraordinary attraction too.

He cleared his throat then, a deep rumbling sound, as he seemed to realize what he was doing. Abruptly he dropped my hand and stepped backward, but our eyes were still locked together, both of us breathing hard. It was as if we were alone in a strange, intimate cocoon. Slowly we became aware that the other occupants of the room had risen and were staring at us. The mood broken, I felt suddenly bereft, adrift on a sensual haze.

Mr. Ross Jr., repeated the introductions and invited us to sit again. I listened with only half an ear to the reading of the will, catching a phrase here and there…“of sound mind and body”…“hereby bequeath”…and so on. I mostly knew its contents already but was gratified to see how thrilled the elderly couple was to receive a small bequest—pretty much the remainder of Auntie's bank account. Their gratitude was sincere, and I realized how much Auntie valued their help over the years. I knew her personal effects would be mine, but I dreaded the sad work of going through her things. She had also left me the homestead and the remaining three acres, the rest of the land having been sold off years before. Then we were standing again, shaking hands and saying our good-byes.

“Ms. Jensen, would you mind staying a few minutes so we can go over some details?” asked the lawyer. “Also, I need to report that there have been two offers for the property, in case you don't want to retain it.”

“Really? Yes, I believe I'll need to sell it, since I live in Philadelphia.”

I waved to the departing caretakers. The secretary was still at her computer station, but with the other couple gone, the intimacy returned immediately. I wondered again if he felt the same sizzling connection.

“Why don't you follow me to my desk, Miss Jensen.”

“Please, call me Liza,” I responded breathlessly.

He smiled. “That's a beautiful name…for a beautiful woman.” Suddenly he seemed to realize what he had said, and he jumped in before I could respond. “I'm sorry! That must have seemed forward.”

I was momentarily speechless. I wanted to tell him he could say anything he wanted in that deep sensual voice. Ask anything!

“I…ahh…thank you, Franklin,” I managed, wondering where my sanity had gone.

He indicated a guest chair and I sat. “I go by Lucky Hawk or just Hawk, my middle name. My dad has always been Franklin, and…well…I like the identification with my mother's Omaha tribe.”

I was struck dumb, again.

Hawk! He was called Hawk!

Shivers ran down my spine. How strange that I had already known. Not
known, of course, but still—his predatory boldness, his sense of being above us all—I had felt it so strongly at the cemetery. It was almost as if he was a living embodiment of the Native American belief that humans could take on the animal characteristics of their namesakes.

I very much wanted to tell Hawk about my eerie preconception, but he would have thought me crazy. It was easier to just sit there quietly as he explained the particulars of my inheritance. My palms were sweaty and the quivering arousal continued unabated as I listened to Hawk, his deep soothing voice like a warm fog slowly wrapping around me.

Did he feel anything at all? Maybe this was all in my addled, sex-deprived mind. I wanted to slyly glance at his crotch—the sure sign of a man's desire—but the large desk was a wall between us. I was beginning to find it hard to sit still—my lust making me twitchy. Still he talked on quietly with his eyes locked on mine, almost never breaking contact. It seemed as though there was a question in them—or was it just my imagination?

Perhaps an hour later we finished up. I had signed lots of documents, and the homestead was now officially mine. There were two markedly different bids for the property. A developer offered a lot of cash but would tear the structure down to build several homes. The second, for substantially less, was a consortium of public and private interests that wanted to turn the homestead into a museum. I wasn't sure what to do. I could sell it today if I wanted, but I decided instead to give myself a few days to consider both offers. Then we were standing by the door, ready to depart. Mrs. Meyer had already left after hugging me good-bye. Now it was just us two—just the need to say good-bye. It was almost painful, a sense of pulling apart something that wanted to stay connected, but that was meaningless. We weren't anything to each other, virtually strangers, really.

Hawk too seemed to be stalling before the inevitable parting.

“Where are you staying?” he asked suddenly. “At the homestead?”

“Oh no. I found a little hotel in Hastings.”

Gesturing to the couch, Hawk said, “Since there isn't a decent hotel within forty miles, I just sleep right there on the rare times that I need to come down from Omaha. It's actually pretty comfortable to stretch out…”

He trailed off then, seeing the oddly strained look on my face. Staring at the large sofa, I could almost see Hawk lying there on his back, if not completely naked, then perhaps with his chest bare. In my mind, I was there with him, both of us naked, and we weren't sleeping. I guessed his thoughts were similar, because simultaneously, we turned back to each other, bright, proper smiles on our faces. I thanked Hawk again for his help, then after a quick, succinct shaking of hands, I went out the door. There it was again, that bereft emptiness that made me want to turn back. I started briskly walking toward the car and heard the door reopen.

“Hey,” he called. “Would you like to grab some dinner before you head out of town? The local diner actually makes a pretty good burger.”

Turning back to Hawk, I felt absolutely giddy. I realized my happiness was over the top—it was just a quick dinner after all—but there was no stopping the surging excitement.

“Sure. That sounds good!”

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