Pixie’s Prisoner (8 page)

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Authors: Lacey Savage

Tags: #Romance/Paranormal

BOOK: Pixie’s Prisoner
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Work had always been too important. And intimacy too dangerous. The two obviously didn’t —
— mix.

After fluttering to Nathan’s left wrist to repeat the unlocking process, she did the same to the cuffs binding his ankles.

When he was free, he shifted up the bed into a sitting position. “I meant it, Laela. I want you in human form.”

She stood on the bed by his feet, which were sticking out of the pink sheet that was obviously much too small for his impressive size. She hesitated, feeling small and vulnerable, not because her head didn’t even reach his big toe, but because of the truth of the words she’d spoken only moments earlier.

She’d never admitted her fears to anyone. She prided herself on being strong and independent, when the truth was she was terrified. Her father had convinced her that giving up a career for a man was the gravest mistake she could make. After Aline ran off, she believed him. Besides, she didn’t need a relationship. What she needed was success in her chosen career.

But what if she couldn’t have either? Where did that leave her?

She could end things right here. Fly out the window, board the ship Okibi had placed at her disposal, and never look back. Then she could start over somewhere else and begin the cycle all over again.

Or… she could change things. Begin a brand new cycle. Starting now.

Lifting her chin a fraction of an inch, she sucked in a deep breath for courage and loosened her limbs in preparation for the shift. Her back tingled as her wings withdrew and her muscles, bones, and flesh lengthened to her five-foot-two frame.

Anxiety kept her from ensuring her lab coat made the same transformation. It was only when Nathan’s gaze darted between her legs that she noticed her modest lab coat, which used to reach to mid-thigh, was now little more than a belly-revealing shirt.

The rest of her was bare. Just like her soul, stripped naked and laid out before him.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, tucking her legs beneath her. There wasn’t much room on the little bed. Her thighs brushed up against his legs, sending an electric thrill through her. “I was wrong to bring you here without letting you know what I’d planned. Forgive me.”

“On your feet.”

She started, her head jerking up at the sound of his impassive voice. Had he heard her? She was laying her heart out for him. Admitting her weakness. And his response was to order her around?

On shaky legs, she did as he commanded. She didn’t know why she didn’t protest. She only knew she owed him at least this much.

“See that table with the syringe?”

Laela nodded mutely, not understanding where this was going. She’d already saved him from being sedated. The syringe served no purpose. It wouldn’t be used on him if she had anything to say about it. Not now, not ever.

“Walk to it.”

“Nathan, I —”

“Walk. To. It.”

She dragged in another mouthful of air, filling her lungs with it. Things were already changing.
was changing. By giving him what he wanted, she was taking control.

It sounded silly, but somehow it made perfect sense. By giving in to him, she was taking control of her own life. Making her own decisions. She was here because she wanted to be. And she desperately wanted to know what he’d do next.

By the time she reached the table, he still hadn’t moved. In fact, he’d only gotten more comfortable, leaning against the bed’s headboard and crossing his arms over his massive chest. The purple bruising on the right side of his body added a fierce edge to his powerful physique. She could make out the head of the eagle on his tattoo peering at her from above his muscular arms.

“Turn around.”

It was too late to refuse now. She stared at the hot pink wall, wishing she could still see him.

“Grab the side edges of the table. Good. Now bend over it and part your legs.”

A whimper escaped her throat as her thighs widened. She felt her slit splay open, her labia part for his gaze. An intoxicating rush of pure, unadulterated lust rolled through her body. She’d never felt so wanton, so

It was as though he knew exactly what she’d been doing, yet had decided that having her bare her soul to him wasn’t enough. He wanted more. He demanded everything she had to give — her body, her secrets, her heart.

And for the first time, she knew she could give those things. All those things.

To him.

He kept her there, vulnerable and aroused, for what felt to Laela like an eternity. Her arms began to ache. Her thoughts spun in myriad directions, all revolving around Nathan and what he’d do to her when he finally had enough of staring. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she also remembered Éliane’s threat to call Okibi. The phoenix never took this long to respond to an emergency call, yet the door was still wide open, and no noise came from the hallway.

When she heard the bed squeak as Nathan rose, she nearly sobbed with gratitude. Her fingers tightened around the edge of the table, the wood biting into her palm.

The first touch of Nathan’s hand against her thigh made her pulse leap into her throat.

Without saying a word, Nathan caressed the responsive hollow where her thigh and crotch joined. Moisture pooled in her pussy. She squirmed, and he placed a hand on her hip, steadying her.

His silence unnerved her. She wished he’d say something. Yell at her, maybe. She certainly deserved it. His quiet demeanor was driving her mad.

You love it. Admit it

She swallowed hard, knowing that annoying little voice was right yet again. Being entirely at Nathan’s mercy made her quiver and tremble with need, but not with fear. Even when he’d gripped her in his fist she hadn’t been afraid he’d hurt her.

She’d been more afraid she’d hurt
so far beyond repair that she’d lost even the smallest chance she’d had to make this work between them.

His fingers moved up higher, finally skimming her folds. Wetness smeared his hand before he’d even delved inside her slit. He had to know how aroused she was, how much she wanted him to bury his fingers, his tongue, his cock inside her cunt.

He pressed up behind her, his cock prodding her buttocks as she bent over the table. Goosebumps broke out on her skin. She fought to swallow the needy sob that rose in her throat.

“I meant it, you know.” Nathan spoke softly in her ear, his breath caressing her skin. “When I said I’d have stayed behind for you the night we met. Something about you made me question everything I thought I wanted. Even leaving the next morning.”

She couldn’t keep from arching into him, prolonging the contact he’d created. His cock slipped into the crease of her ass, drawing a gasp from her throat.

She trembled, rocking back against him. Finding her voice was one of the most difficult things she’d ever done, but somehow she managed to put a coherent thought together. “I should have recognized you for what you were. I was blinded by my own fears. If I’d known you were a chameleon, I’d have asked you to come with me. Rookery Cove would have welcomed you.”

Nathan dragged a hand through her slit. The abruptness of the motion startled her, causing her to clench her fingers even tighter around the edges of the table.

He pulled back just enough so that she no longer felt him pressing up against her, and the loss of his body heat knocked the air from her lungs. She sucked in another deep breath, desperately scrambling to figure out what she’d said that had made him back away.

Before she could make sense of his sudden disappearance, he returned. Placing both hands on her ass cheeks, he parted them, baring her puckered entrance to his gaze.

“I’m here now.” At the word “here,” he slipped his index finger inside her anus. It slid in past the knuckle, well lubricated with her own juices.

She squirmed as he thrust inside her, stretching her back entrance, preparing her.

Oh, God
. He
preparing her! For his cock.

The realization drained the last of her resistance. He was going to fuck her ass, and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it.

No, that wasn’t true. There were a million things she could do about it. She simply didn’t want to do any of them.

She could feel even the slightest movement of his finger inside her. It felt wonderful — different than the finger he slipped inside her pussy, but good in a primal, forbidden way.

The rhythmic motions of his fingers inside her body played off each other, making her tremble. “You’re punishing me.”

The last thing she’d expected was his hoarse chuckle. “You think?”

“Yes.” She was sure of it.

“Well, then.” Nathan withdrew his finger from her ass, but added a second to her pussy. Her inner walls stretched to accommodate him. “Have you learned your lesson?”

Laela shook her head in mute denial. “I’m not sure. I may need more.”

He rewarded her with another laugh. The sound of it warmed her heart. At some point during the past few minutes, things had changed between them. Just as he’d promised, they were on equal ground now.

She wanted this, and she told him so with her body. Her ass pressed up against his well-slicked cock. At the feel of the moisture smearing inside the crease of her ass, she realized where he’d gone when he’d stepped away. He’d obviously found the tube of lubricant she kept on a nearby shelf and used some of the lotion to grease his cock.

Anticipation zinged a hot path through her veins, need and desire growing exponentially with each smooth thrust. Her pussy quivered, desperate for release.

“Hurry up and fuck me. We may not have much time.” The needy edge in her voice shocked her. She wanted him to take her, to fuck her, to
her until they were both damn well satisfied.

Until the slate was wiped clean and they could start over.

He smacked her lightly on her left ass cheek, making her jump. “My punishment. My rules.”

“My lab,” she shot back.

“Ah, yes. And I’m your willing test subject.” He placed his free hand on the base of her spine as his cock settled firmly against her anus. “Tell me, Laela. Are these the types of experiments you run in here?”

She swallowed hard, biting back a sharp cry as the head of his cock slipped into her ass. His fingers in her pussy never stopped moving. She felt him caress her from the inside, easing the way for his thick shaft. Even though he’d taken the time to prepare her, she hadn’t anticipated the sharp stab of pain that came with the flood of pleasure.

“They could be.” Her body trembled, hot and willing. “If you stayed.”

His hand skimmed upward along her ribcage. He grabbed one of her breasts, squeezed the nipple hard enough to make her cry out and thrust himself inside her, sheathing his cock in her ass in one smooth move.

Tears burned behind her eyes, yet the pleasure streaming through her was too blatant to ignore. She gave in to it, beginning to move, rocking against him, making him start to thrust.

“This is who I am,” he growled, a mixture of anger and pain resonating in his voice. His balls struck her buttocks with loud slaps that echoed through the small room. “If I stay, this is who you’ll have.”

She slammed against the table, squeezing her eyes shut against the pain of the wooden edge biting into her legs. His hand moved down across her stomach to her mound. He paused at her clit, nudging it with his thumb.

“It’s not who you are,” she managed to grind out between clenched teeth. Her ass burned and her pussy quivered, yet still she slammed herself against him, again and again. “Right now, it’s who you need to be.”

She had no idea if that made any sense or not. Logic seemed to be too difficult a concept to grasp.

He didn’t respond, but his harsh thrusts slowed noticeably. Together, they found a new rhythm, one that drove his cock deep into her body as his finger curved inside her pussy. He found the tender spot he sought at the same time his other hand nudged her clit.

She erupted with a small cry. Warmth flooded her veins, drenching her cunt in raw heat. Her body spasmed, tightening and pulsing around him. She could feel him everywhere — in her, around her. Somehow, he was touching every part of her at once. She burned for him. He was all that mattered.

He leaned over her and she turned her head. Through a mist of euphoria, she felt his lips touch hers.

The kiss broke a dam inside her. Even more than this intense, overwhelming act of fucking, touching mouth-to-mouth spoke of more intimacy than she’d ever dreamed of. Experiencing both the sexual fervor and the warmth and genuine affection at once undid her.

She came again, waves cresting on the remnants of her last orgasm. This time, he came with her.

As their tongues tangled, hot cum flooded her ass. Nathan’s body quivered as he buried himself to the hilt inside her. And then, just when she thought this experience couldn’t get any more powerful, he mouthed her name.

Her pussy reacted by clenching around his fingers one more time, but the rest of her body went limp. She was suddenly soft and slick and hot and very much aware of her feelings.

She was

Nathan touched her everywhere as his cock began to soften. His hands skimmed her back, her arms, her face. He cupped her cheeks, stroked her temples, buried his fingers in her hair. He explored every inch of her with a level of awe, possessiveness, and adoration she hadn’t dared hope for. His eyes were closed, as though he couldn’t quite believe she was real.

“Wow. Just… wow.”

Laela and Nathan both jumped at the unexpected sound of another female voice. Nathan’s cock slipped out of Laela’s ass as they both straightened and faced the door.

Okibi was leaning against the doorframe, her hands crossed in front of her ample breasts, a knowing smile on her delicate features. “I see you found him.”

Laela licked her lips. She reached behind her and groped for Nathan’s hand, grateful when he wrapped his fingers around hers. “I did. And I’m not letting him go.”

Unease rolled like a thundering storm through her soul. She turned to Nathan, licked her suddenly dry lips. “You
stay, won’t you?”

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