Pixie’s Prisoner (2 page)

Read Pixie’s Prisoner Online

Authors: Lacey Savage

Tags: #Romance/Paranormal

BOOK: Pixie’s Prisoner
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“Why?” His other hand moved up to her breast. He circled a nipple lightly with the tip of his index finger, his mouth never straying far from her ear.

She fought the euphoric mist clouding her brain long enough to focus on the solitary word. “Why what?”

“Why me?”

The question gave her pause. She tried to come up with a suitable answer, but the pressure against her cunt made it impossible to think. “Because you’re different,” she managed at last.

He sucked in a breath. His hold around her tightened. The hard length of his erection prodding her stomach told her he knew exactly why they were out in this alley, and it wasn’t to make conversation.

Fearing he’d ask her another question that would force her to assess the situation in ways she had no intention of doing, Laela wiggled just enough to give herself room to graze her lips across the firm line of his jaw. A layer of thin stubble tickled her mouth.

Parting her lips, she trailed the tip of her tongue across his skin until she found what she was looking for — his mouth. Her pulse quickened as she leaned in for the delicious kiss she’d been anticipating since the moment she’d spotted him.

Her mystery lover didn’t disappoint. With a groan that seemed ripped from the bottom of his soul, he claimed her mouth the moment she laid her lips across his.

Going in, she’d thought she’d have the upper hand. In the blink of an eye, he proved how wrong she’d been. He took control with the self-assurance of a man who’d done this a time or two. Skimming her breast with his palm, he worked his hand up across her neck and cupped the base of her head, supporting it as he plundered her mouth. His tongue plunged inside her with a rhythm that mimicked the act of fucking to sinful perfection.

When the full impact of his soft, hot tongue hit her, she gasped inside his mouth. Lust flooded her cunt. The thick ridge of his cock digging into her stomach became almost unbearable. Her clit swelled, aching with pent-up need against the heel of his hand.

She arched reflexively against him, bucking sharply when he slipped a finger beneath the edge of her panties and grazed a sensitive spot along her soaked labia.

Laela whimpered. Anticipation clawed at her with hot, needy talons. “I want —”

“Shhh… I know.” He peppered her mouth with kisses. Soft ones, fast ones, delicate ones, intoxicating ones. His finger delved deeper between her folds, finding her opening, slipping inside just long enough to make her inner walls clench before gliding out again.

Tendrils of pleasure swam through her pussy. She grasped at them, needing to come more than she’d ever needed anything in her entire life.

He pushed the panties to the side and slipped two fingers along her slit. He worked them from her clit all the way down to her channel, where he paused just long enough to slip inside again in that maddeningly brief way before plunging back deeper.

She yelped when he circled her anus, but he quieted her with another earth-shattering kiss. He didn’t even have to shush her this time. Her panting groan was lost inside his mouth.

He continued working her pussy with his fingers until she became a quivering, wobbly mess. She shook and ached in places she normally didn’t think about while having sex. The muscles in her legs tensed as she struggled to keep herself upright. Her stomach clenched and unclenched along with the inner walls of her pussy. Her breasts felt heavy and ripe, her nipples stiff as little rocks when they scraped across his chest.

His thumb flicked across her clit. She arched her spine and bucked toward him, but only succeeded in getting further away from the euphoric bliss streaming through her veins when he touched her.

“Please.” She didn’t know if he heard her. In fact, she had no idea whether she’d uttered her plea aloud, or if she did, if it went any farther than his intoxicating mouth.

A tempestuous climax built inside her. It threatened to blow over with every brush of his hand against her swollen cunt lips, but nothing —
— had prepared her for the feel of his cock.

He gave her no warning. He’d worked her into such a state of frenzy that she hadn’t even noticed him undoing his pants. One moment he was toying with her pussy and the next she felt the smooth tip of his cock nestle in the soaked crevice of her slit.

She barely had time to gasp before he lifted her off the ground. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he pressed her to the wall. In one smooth motion, his cock glided inside her, filling her with its wicked, tantalizing girth.

His groan carried through the back alley. He held her prisoner against the wall while he waited for her to adjust to the intrusion stretching her cunt.

There was no need to wait. He’d driven her out of her mind with need. She was more than ready.

Laela began to move first, proving there was no reason to hold back. She wanted no restraint, no hesitation. She only wanted
. Every inch of him, hot and heavy and pulsing hard inside her.

With a growl, he pinned her into place, cupped her cheeks in his big hands, and forced her to look into his eyes. “I don’t know who you are, lady, or what you’ve done to me, but this isn’t like anything I’ve felt before.”

She whimpered, unable to answer. Her pixie heritage shouldn’t have been able to affect a human male this way. Whatever had happened between them, whatever bit of magic had gone haywire and had heightened this fairly ordinary experience from mere sex to mind-blowing ecstasy couldn’t be blamed on any pixie charm she knew.

Thrusting up slightly, she felt the brick façade scrape her back as she hovered at the top of his cock. Then, before he could say anything else, she let herself fall.

Her pussy took all of him — every last inch. They cried out together as her clit scraped his pubic bone so hard, it sent an intense jolt through her body that unraveled the final remnants of her restraint.

He had only to swivel his hips a fraction of an inch and she was breaking into a million pieces. Thankfully, the tight grip of her thighs around his waist held her grounded enough so she didn’t fall apart when pleasure careened through her.

He rocked against her, finding his release as she crested hers. A myriad of sensations bolted through her at once. She’d never felt anything nearly as intense as this man’s potent cum flooding her core.

She clung to his shoulders, inner muscles fluttering madly. The reckless rush of orgasm demanded all her concentration. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to it.

Laela’s head fell forward. She buried her face in his neck, breathing deeply, imprinting his scent on her senses. For a moment, she forgot she’d never see him again.

His heartbeat thundered against hers, its powerful rhythm challenging the music spilling out into the alley. Laughter and gleeful shouts invaded the privacy of their unlikely cloister.

When he scooped her in his arms and drew her away from the wall, all she wanted to do was sag against his powerful chest. She yearned to let him carry her away. Somewhere dark and private and quiet, somewhere they could get to know each other.

She could spend a lifetime discovering what made him so damned irresistible to her —
— a pixie who prided herself on listening to her father’s advice and never, ever,
letting a male of any species get inside her perfectly logical brain. Not to mention anywhere close to her closely guarded scientist’s heart.

In the back of her euphoric mind, logic still reigned supreme. Letting this man get close would be the end of her future as she knew it. If she let him, he’d burrow inside her very soul. He wouldn’t back away, wouldn’t let her have a moment of independence. He’d overwhelm her, possess her, until he stripped away everything that made her who she was. Until he left a mere husk of a paranormal being where a strong, self-reliant woman should have been.

She’d seen another relationship unfold in this manner, and she’d be damned if she let this devastating man turn her into her sister.

“I could stay a little longer,” he whispered in her ear. “I could call my Lieutenant and tell him I have a family emergency. You could stay, too.”

Fear warred with desire. Her body called out to him, begged him to remain here. Forever.

Or you could come with me. To Rookery Cove. Only… you don’t belong there. And I’m so scared

Reality came crashing back hard as that thought struck. Logic returned to take its rightful place front and center.

Panic careened through Laela in the span of a skipped heartbeat. She splayed her palms against the man’s chest and pushed — hard.

He stumbled backward, clearly caught off guard. She used that moment of imbalance to pull herself off his rapidly hardening cock and land on her feet.

Sucking in a deep breath as her cramped muscles groaned in protest of the abrupt movement, Laela barely took the time to straighten her skirt before whirling around and breaking into a run.

Halfway down the alley, she came to a guilt-ridden stop.

She could still taste his kiss on her lips. Her stomach twisted into knots. Remorse, regret, and rancid fear rose in the back of her throat.

When she looked back, he stood where she’d left him, head hanging low, dark eyes piercing through the shadowy alley to bore into hers.

“Thanks,” she called out. It sounded as absurdly stupid to her as it must have sounded to him, yet she couldn’t think of anything else to say.

He didn’t answer. He didn’t even move. He simply faded into the red brick façade of the wall and vanished from sight, leaving Laela to wonder whether the bartender had slipped something into her glass that had made her imagine the entire encounter.

The next morning, only the scratch marks on her back told her otherwise.

Chapter One

Eighteen months later…

“It failed. Again.”

Laela hovered in mid-air, her small frame floating two inches above the door handle to her boss’s office. She’d been flying by on her way to the laboratory when Éliane Salina’s no-nonsense voice stopped her short.

She’d barely had time to process the woman’s words before her spine stiffened and her chin shot up in an instinctive response she recognized all too well. Three little words from the pixie who signed her paycheck and Laela’s body had gone into defensive “fight or flight” mode. Considering they’d had the same discussion half a dozen times in the past two weeks, she didn’t think she was overreacting.

Éliane stared at Laela over the rim of her gold-framed glasses. “Well? Come in here and close that door. What do you have to say for yourself?”

Laela’s first reaction was to fly over the sleek metallic desk and jab her right hand into the woman’s eye socket. Since Éliane preferred to work in her human guise, it wouldn’t be difficult for Laela to use her tiny pixie figure to her advantage.

Thankfully, the impulse to maim her boss quickly vanished. It was a damned good thing, too. She wanted to keep her job. She loved her work. She only wished Éliane believed in the Cum-a-Chameleon formula as much as Laela did. Then she wouldn’t have to continually justify the reason she’d spent the last eighteen months cooped up in a laboratory, working on an aphrodisiac that hadn’t earned the company a cent.

It would, though. The moment Cum-a-Chameleon went on the market, it would take the paranormal world by storm. Rookery Cove Aphrodisiacs would be hailed as the most innovative company of all those who catered to magical beings. They’d accomplish what no other corporation — paranormal-led or otherwise — had ever managed. And she, Laela Léa, lead product development analytical chemist at Rookery Cove’s Pixie Pharmacology Institute, would finally get the credit she deserved.

Until then, though, she had to play nice with her boss.

“We’re testing on the wrong subjects,” Laela said as she kicked the door closed with her heels. She then flew to the desk where she landed lightly on the stack of papers Éliane had been perusing. “I’ve been telling you that for weeks.”

Éliane gave a frustrated sigh and rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Grow up. It’s impossible to have a normal conversation with you when I’m worried about where I place my coffee cup.” As though to demonstrate, Éliane picked up a black mug with the words
World’s #1 Boss
etched in gold lettering and took a sip.

Laela begged to differ — on both counts. Wanting to avoid a bigger argument, she fluttered over to the leather chair on the other side of the desk. To avoid the disorientation that always came with gaining five-foot-two inches in two point four seconds, Laela closed her eyes before beginning the process of shifting into human form.

With a low hiss that sounded like a vacuum bag being opened, her wings disappeared while her muscles elongated. As she focused on reshaping her appearance, she paid particular attention to lengthening her magically constructed lab coat so that it reached to mid-thigh. She’d be damned if she’d give Éliane another reason to voice her disapproval.

When Laela’s toes hit the ground, she opened her eyes to find Éliane watching her intently.

“Maybe the real problem with the formula is the fact that your measurements are out of whack. How can you expect to conduct proper experiments when you’re no bigger than a test tube?”

Irritation simmered inside her, but Laela forced a patient smile onto her features. “I have better perspective when I’m small. You should try it sometime. Your budget numbers might even make more sense when you’re looking at them up close.”
And you won’t feel the need to shut down my project before giving it a real chance
, she added silently.

Éliane shoved her glasses on top of her head. Without them, she looked fresh-faced, wholesome, and much too young to have already climbed up the corporate ladder to this level. But she had, and as much as a part of Laela wanted to think she’d done it on her back, Éliane was clearly there because she deserved to be.

Whether Laela liked it or not, Éliane was one smart pixie. Her business sense more than made up for whatever she lacked in personal skills.

“This project isn’t successful, Laela, and you know it. Zwiffle has been conducting all the testing himself, and there’s no doubt about it. The formula does not work.” She said the last three words slowly, punctuating each one as if speaking to a child.

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