Read Petr's Mate Online

Authors: April Zyon

Petr's Mate (8 page)

BOOK: Petr's Mate
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is dangerous, but she wants to meet you since I went and opened my mouth. Best
you do not ask, Samantha.” He shook his
and gave her an aggrieved look.
“Younger sisters are pests. I am sorry, but there it is. And yes the ruling
body of
wants to meet you. From what I was able
to get out of the messages it seems they’re curious, mostly. Then there is the
fact you’re mine. They want to meet the woman who took me down.”

do you mean, took you down?” She was
“I’m willing to meet them, too. I just hope they don’t give me a hard time when
I speak my mind, and I will. I think that war is needless and senseless. I see
what it did to my world and it hurts me to think of what it’s doing to your
people. Yes, you are so very far advanced from where my people were but that’s
even more reason for your peoples to get along.” It frustrated her, the things
she had learned. Enough so that she was also spending time in the archives that
the ship had for their people and looking into what caused the original rift
and war. There had to be a reason.

about it. She and
have done a lot of research into the original cause of the war. They and
several others have been digging through the archives of the
people in the hopes of finding some clue. Then we’ll talk about what will
likely occur when you get to meet the ruling body. Don’t worry about anything,
Samantha. You know I’ll always keep you safe.”

snorted. “I hopefully will be able to take care of myself. I’m a
black belt
and was also sent to train
with a SEAL team before I left. The reason I trained with them is because I
spent a summer being
medic in another country.” She shrugged at that. “I also know several other
forms of
and I am seriously scary good with a gun. Wait, do you still have guns in this
she had so much to learn.

“About half of that I
understood. The other half is making my head hurt.” He was so cute when he was
confused. Not a description he’d probably want to hear, so Sam would keep it to
herself. “We do have weapons. I have no idea if they are anything like what you
are used to. We can go to the armory later, and I

ll show you what we use.”

you show me how to use them? I know I’m not one of your men or women serving
you and I’m not a
but I don’t want to be caught in a position where I don’t have a weapon to
protect myself. I never want to be there again.” She was thinking about Dillon
and what he had done.

“I will personally show you how
to use every weapon in the armory.” He tipped his head suddenly to study her.
“Small amendment. I will show you how to use the vast majority of weapons in
the armory. Some are too big for you to use and would only cause you to fall
over beneath the weight.”

had her grinning. “The smaller weapons are easier to hide on my body.” She
wrapped her arm around his middle and gave him a light squeeze. “Besides, I
have the best protection, you.” She still was trying to wrap her mind around
the fact that she was all but married to a man in the matter of a couple of
hours, minutes really. “I’m nervous about meeting your sister,
” she confessed.

is no reason for you to be nervous, Samantha. She already adores you.
Apparently she can tell through our electronic letters that I am a much happier
man. She attributes you with this stunning turn of events. She also demanded to
know when we would be coming to visit. We will be in
in another three cycles to
take one of the crawlers through the asteroid belt, and then you can meet her
finally. Which reminds me.” Petr let her go to grab his data pad once more. He
flicked through a few pages that popped up before disappearing until a vid was
queued up. “She sent this. It’s short because of
the space
it takes up, and she is aware
we have to be careful to remain undetected, but it’s specifically for you.”

looked at the data pad and queued up the video as he had taught her to. She saw
the woman stepping into the screen and her eyes went wide. “She’s
” she told him and when she
looked from
to Petr she frowned. “I’m assuming
that one of you take after your mother and one from your father?” She kept the
video playing and laughed when the woman told her that they would have to have
chat about Petr and his secrets. “
I like her already.” She was giggling as she spoke. She touched the screen and
zoomed in on the baby that
was holding,
although the child was more of a toddler. “
Gracious. Her skin color and
her hair. And look at those eyes.” The child had two different colored eyes.
They were similar but different all the same. “What beautiful children. The
coloring is from them being part

and reached out to brush a
finger over the image of the child on the screen. “The
sun creates a softer light than our
one does.
and other
things cause their skin to
take on certain hues depending where they are in the galaxy
in relation to
that sun.
resembles our mother. It was always a benefit to her career along with her use
of our mother’s birth name. She never had the pressure of the van
name weighing her down. I wasn’t so lucky since I’m
a mirror image of our father at this age. As much as I wished I could have
chosen a different path mine was laid out for me from the moment I took my
first breath of

“It’s good that your path was
laid out as it was. If not for that, you wouldn’t have the luxury of being able
to occasionally sneak out to see your sister and you wouldn’t have found me.
Personally I’m thankful and I’m sure that your sister is happy you are able to
be where you are now, too.”

have a point, little one. Things have worked out as they should.
is happily bonded to a man she
and who loves her in turn. He is not
good enough for her, never will be, but as long as she remains happy, he
continues to breathe. She has two
children, and she has me. Now I have you.” He squeezed her
and pressed a noisy kiss to her cheek.

She snickered. “Does her husband have any siblings? Women siblings? If so, I’m
sure he feels the same way about their husbands as you feel for him. She’s
happy.” She hesitated, then said, “This is what love looks like. It had grown
so rare in my time on Earth. It’s heartwarming and reassuring to know that love
is real here. That the feelings
have for you weren’t strange that they happened so fast.”

has no family left,” Petr told her. He took the data pad from her, and she
watched his lips curve into a soft smile. Shaking his head, he turned it off
before setting it aside again. “A love like theirs, like ours, is rare even in
this time. I am not saying that many do not love, but to have one that is all
consuming is rare.”

still a bit odd to me that I fell so hard and so
for you. It just took me
minutes and I couldn’t stop touching you. I couldn’t let you go. You still
smell so delicious I could eat you up.” She could always tell when he was near
because she could smell him and the scent of him went straight to her pussy and
made her wet.

chuckle vibrated through her
body. “I wouldn’t mind if you felt the need to put your mouth on me. I happen
to like your mouth, a lot. It’s luscious and fits so well to mine.” A finger to
her chin had her face
up so he could give her a long, slow kiss.

back, he traced a finger down her
keeping eye contact with her. “I feel your love wrapping around me from the
inside. Warm, bright, and all encompassing.”

hands moved over his chest. She let her nails rake over his skin and bit her
lower lip when he let out a shudder. “You like that?” She did it again, not
enough to draw blood but enough to create red marks where she scraped her nails
along his chest. “I never thought
could be so attractive, until you.” She leaned in and pressed her mouth to one
of his nipples, biting it lightly.

corners of his mouth kicked up into a smile that had her body reacting with
need. “I like anything you want to do to or with me, Samantha. I like you a
little rough.”

“I like you a little rough,
too.” When he ground his body to hers, their teeth scraped together. “I need
you as rough as you can get. I want to feel and do everything.” She wanted to
live life and she wanted to try everything. No holds barred.
Petr drew her up for another
kiss. One of his hands skimmed down her side to grab her
and squeeze hard. When he changed the
angle of the kiss to make it deeper, she felt his fingers slip between her
buttocks to coast up and down her slit from anus to a breath from her aching

was now rubbing harder and harder against him. She nibbled on his lower lip,
then sucked his tongue into her mouth. She didn’t speak. She
enjoyed every single second
with him, rubbing her pussy against his cock over and over again. “I
” she whispered, her forehead pressed
to his.

whatever you need, Samantha.” His voice was deeper, rougher, and held a
edge that matched her own. Fingers
flexing on her ass pulled her tight to his cock. With a roll of his
she felt more
slide from her core as his
cock pressed to her clit.

reached between them and put her hand on his cock, stroking him from the balls
to the head. “Just fuck me. Make love with me. Everything. Don’t hold back on

A quick move and Samantha found
herself under him. He captured her hands, lifting them over her head until her
knuckles brushed against the headboard. “Hold on to it, and don’t let go unless
I say so.”

nodded, her fingers clenching the headboard. “God that is
” she whispered. “Having you ordering
me around.” She opened her legs even more for him.

have a cruiser full of people that would disagree with you, Samantha. But if it
makes you happy I am more than ready to order you around in bed.” He wrapped a
hand around her throat, forcing her chin to lift into position for his kiss.
While his tongue thrust
he rubbed his thumb over her pulse. His other hand molded one of her breasts.
Then he pinched her nipple
and gave it a tug, repeating the action until she rocked her hips in an attempt
to get closer to his cock.

whimpered, her knees bending and getting a better traction under her. “I like
when you squeeze my neck, too.
I’m so wrong, aren’t I?” He probably thought she was an utter freak of nature.

He lifted his head to pin her
with a stern look she’d seen him give to the younger crew when they messed up.
“Nothing we ever do together in the privacy of our quarters is wrong. Now put
your feet back on the bed, and spread your legs wide. You will get my cock when

m ready to give it to you.”

She saw that frown again and
licked her lips. Bracing her feet on the bed once more, she whispered, “Yes,
Sir.” She didn’t know if that was right or not but one of the few books her
Kindle had been filled with was
Fifty Shades
, and that was a phrase the
character used. She hoped she was doing it right.

frown slipped away to reveal a
look, which he added a raised brow to. “You are not one of my officers. As much
as I like hearing you say that, you don’t have to, little one.” Giving her a
quick kiss, Petr moved his hand so he could replace it with his mouth and

like doing

she confessed. “There were books out that I took with me. On my reading device.
They were termed as BDSM books and the things I read turned me on, a lot. I
liked calling you Sir because it was what the
did for their Dominants in the books. I don’t know how things work here, but I liked
what I read and God I loved calling you that. Only
though, only in our bedroom.”

BOOK: Petr's Mate
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