Penn, Jenny - Chasing Lacie [Sea Island Wolves 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (20 page)

BOOK: Penn, Jenny - Chasing Lacie [Sea Island Wolves 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Yours and Davis’s,” Lacie ground out, his smug tone fueling her growing annoyance. “Now make me co—”

Her command shredded into a squeal as it was met with instant action. Rapturous delight consumed her cunt as the whips lashed over her pussy, raining down an endless pleasure that drove her straight up ecstasy’s peak. With each sharp bolt of heat scorched over her cunt, Lacie’s sheath spasmed, clenching on nothing but air and making her moan as the need for something greater left her straining for a release she couldn’t claim, wouldn’t be able to claim. Not without something thick and hard filling her pussy.

Just when her lips parted to beg for the cock she needed, the soft, subtle swirl of a tongue dipped into her sheath and stole her breath. Lacie arched on a silent shriek as her whole body bowed under the sudden, searing pleasure, her hips lifting to offer more of her cunt up for Davis’s ravishing kiss.

He rewarded her by fucking his tongue straight into her pussy and tickling the spasming walls of her sheath. Lacie panted out little whimpers as that magical tongue danced deeper, brushing over the sweet spot that had her whole body jerking under the ferocious bolt of ecstasy that shot through her.

Her world boomed with one rapturous explosion after another as Davis rolled his tongue, relentlessly fucking her right over the point of reason. Giving over to the shudders rolling out of her cunt, Lacie screamed as Utopia’s brilliant horizon finally crested over her. For a seemingly endless moment, she could do nothing but experience the pleasure, but in reality, the intense delight receded rapidly.

Only instead of being relaxed back into a blissful sea of calm satisfaction, Lacie found herself caught in the chaotic crosswinds of a second detonating climax as Davis’s tongue pulled free of her cunt only to lick its way up to her poor, defenseless clit. Still throbbing from the whipping, her sensitive bud sent out sharp tendrils of pained rapture as Davis trapped it between his lips.

Lacie barely had a second to suck in a breath before she choked on it, struggling to breathe past the rioting trembles racing over her as Davis rolled, sucked, and even took a nibble out of her clit. Ignoring her frenzied panting and the pleas falling with them, he forced her to endure one sharp-edged release after another. Short and extreme, each mini-climax left her tense and desperate for the main event.

“Please, Davis. I can’t.” She gasped each word out on a series of broken breaths. Hoarse and weak, her voice pleaded even as she tried to twist away from the sensual delight of his kiss. “I can’t. Please.”

“Well, you got her begging.”

Chance’s matter-of-fact tone broke through the lusty fog filling her head, making prickles run down her spine as reality tried to solidify around her. It helped that Davis finally obeyed her, lifting his lips to give her creaming cunt a chance to calm down and her heart rate with it.

“Of course, she’s not begging for the right thing,” Chance continued on with his taunting commentary. “You’re kind of going in the opposite direction given the woman’s begging you to stop. Tasty, isn’t she?”

“Mmm.” Davis shifted between her legs, moving back and assuring Lacie she’d have a few minutes of respite. Not that she fooled herself into thinking they were done. If she had any doubt, Davis’s response assured her of their intentions. “More like addictive, and she’s not begging me to stop. She’s saying she can’t, as in can’t stand—”

“—your touch?” Chance offered with all seriousness. “Your technique? Maybe it’s just a—”

“I’m not going to waste time beating the crap out of you now,” Davis cut him off. “No matter how big an ass you want to make of yourself. This is my pussy, and I’m going to be the one fucking it, so go on and run your mouth. You’re not going to make me move.”

Chance grunted. “Yeah? Well, don’t be giving her any dick until she begs proper like.”

“I’m not going to be begging for any dick,” Lacie spoke up, trying to get enough strength into her voice to be taken seriously. “I’m tired.”

“Tired?” Chance sounded offended at the very idea. “You just slept for four hours. We have a list to get through.”

“Finish it some other time,” Lacie managed to snap at him even if the effort cost her the ability to form a complete sentence. “I can’t. Congratulations, stud. I’m worn out.”

That should have been the end of the argument. She’d just put her foot down. Chance, though, had a heavier foot. Coming around to the side of the bed, he lowered himself down to reached out and cup her weeping cunt. Pressing a finger down on her clit, he made her whole body jerk with a moan.

Her head lifted, and for a second their gazes connected. There would be no breaks given, and she wouldn’t be winning their argument. Lacie could see those truths in his intent stare.

“You just don’t give up, do you, Chance?”

“I’m still waiting to hear you beg, baby.” Chance rolled her clit, making her whimper and twist in proof that her body obeyed his command. “Any time you really want to call this to an end, you know what to do.”

“Oh, please, Chance.” Lacie fought the urge to moan the words and managed to get them out sounding at least partially insincere. “I’m begging you.”

Davis barked up a laugh at that. “Doesn’t even know when to quit. Exactly how big a hole do you want to dig yourself, honey?”

“I don’t really care about the hole.” She couldn’t stop the groan from dragging her words out when Chance speared a finger into her cunt. Sparkly waves of pleasure swept over her tired muscles, making her sheath clench as he fed her two more deliciously wicked fingers. In defiance of the shudders racing over her, Lacie arched away from Chance’s tantalizing touch.

“Stop messing with my pussy,” she actually managed to snap at him.

Chance chuckled. “Like I said, begging for the wrong things. Apparently it isn’t your pussy after all, Davis.”

“Maybe this will help settle the issue.”

Knocking Chance out of the way, Davis knelt down on the bed between her splayed legs and fit the head of his cock right up against the tender opening of her sheath.

“You got any last words, honey?”

Even as he spoke, he slid slowly into her body, never letting up tormenting her sensitive bud. Lacie’s body writhed in welcome, but she forced her words to remain defiant.

“Make my day.”

That earned her a growl and a sharp thrust forward as Davis impaled the entire length of thickened cock deep into her cunt. Her pussy pulsed with wicked delight, suckling his hard length in brazen encouragement for him to feed her more. That’s all Lacie wanted, more and maybe a little motion, a little friction, something to make the pressure in her cunt boil over into a full body riot as he pounded her into release.

Anticipation for that moment to be now overwhelmed all other considerations as her body caved into the ravenous desire swirling through her. Her hips flexed, rolled, silently tempted Davis to match her motion and give her a taste of how much better things could be. Davis answered her call by settling his pelvis more firmly against hers, pinning her hips under his heavy weight and bringing all her teasing to a stop.

Apparently, he’d decided it was still his turn to do the teasing. Warm and rough, his hands slid up her sides to dip around and cup her breasts. Plumping them up, he held her tits captive for the kisses he feathered from tip to tip.

Leaning down, he captured one of the puckered berries right between his teeth. Holding it hostage, he tormented the little bud with his tongue, driving her wild as she tried to buck beneath him. A second set of lips brushed over her other pebbled peak, making her gasp as both her breasts swelled with pleasure.

The joyous ripples rolled through her, demanding her to move, to stroke herself along the hard male body pinning her to the truck bed. Then Chance nipped her tender tip and sent a raw bolt of rapture straight down to her cunt, making it shudder with violent need along the cock stretching her sheath wide.

“Oh, God.” Lacie gasped and arched under the sharp lash of wanton delight echoing through her.

“You’re thanking again, baby, when you should be begging.”

And there wouldn’t be any end to this insanity until she gave him what he wanted. Lacie could push them, but they’d only push back harder. Right then, strung out on Davis’s cock with two mouths ravishing her breasts, Lacie had reached her limit. Giving in would get her what she wanted, what they wanted. Thankfully, they all wanted the same thing. That’s all that really mattered.

“Both,” Lacie whispered. Licking her lips and swallowing down her nerves, she gave voice to her deepest, darkest desire. “I want both of you, please.”

Everything went still around her, broken only second later by Davis’s harsh curses.

“That’s low, honey,” he complained, yanking back out of her and making Lacie panic. She had no idea what had pissed him off and didn’t care beyond the desperation to get the hard feel of his dick buried back inside her.

“Don’t go, Davis,” Lacie cried with all the longing echoing out of her empty cunt. It pulsed and wept with angry frustration at being abandoned.

“It’s my fucking turn,” Davis cursed, completely ignoring Lacie’s pleas and struggles. Chance, that bonehead, was laughing. Not that she could tell if it was because of her anguished predicament or Davis’s raging temper tantrum.

“Don’t you fucking smirk like that.” Davis ripped the ropes free from her ankle, roughly pulling on them until they snapped free. “You only get a quick dip.”

“Whatever you say, man,” Chance agreed easily to Davis’s cryptic condition.

Lost in her own wanton fog, Lacie couldn’t figure out their conversation and didn’t care to try. All that mattered was she was seconds from being free. The moment Chance finished unraveling her wrists Lacie planned on pouncing on the nearest man.

That would be Davis. Still kneeling between her legs, his cock stood tall and proud, ready for service. It shouldn’t take her a second to climb on top of it and convince Davis to see things her way. Licking her lips in anticipation, Lacie lost track of Chance’s motions for just a second.

That’s all they needed to keep her at their mercy. Before Lacie could assault Davis, he pinned her to the bed with his massive weight, caging her in the steel trap of his arms. With a twist, he rolled until Lacie found herself stretched out over his hard frame. His thick erection poked her hip, distracting her from any other consideration than climbing on top of it.

With her legs free, she crawled to her knees, intent on lowering her cunt back down the delicious length of dick tempting her. A set of callused fingers brought her plan to a stop as they curled around her hips before she could flex into position. Casting a glance over her shoulder, she found Chance kneeling between her splayed thighs.

His hungry gaze locked on her pussy with a feral intent that matched the angry flush of the engorged cockhead straining to reach her cunt. Lacie’s pussy wept with welcome, starved for the feel of something that thick stretching her wide.

“I’m just going to take you for a little ride, baby,” Chance murmured as he angled her hips back, opening her swollen folds to the blunt invasion of his hardened cock.

“Is that to say a quick one or an easy one?” Lacie breathlessly teased him, instinctively driven to taunt him even now. Dropping her chin to lock gazes with Davis, she even managed to smile. “And what about you, cowboy? You just going to lie there and watch?”

Chapter 15

Davis returned her grin as his hand dipped. “How about this? Does that meet your approval?”

“Oh, yeah.” Lacie moaned, letting her eyes drift closed as her hips flexed toward the magical fingers circling her clit. Panting as her pussy melted with the pleasure, she let her knees sink lower, arching her tender bud deeper into Davis’s toying grip while lifting the clenching opening of her pussy toward the heated brush of Chance’s swollen cock.

“Both,” Lacie groaned that demand, squealing in delight when Chance surged forward and slammed into her with one hard stroke.

Moaning encouragements, she planted her hands on the bed and braced her arms, finding the leverage to fuck her cunt between Davis’s tantalizing touch and Chance’s pounding thrusts. Harder and faster, Chance’s thick cock ground over the walls of her cunt, eliciting a frenzy of spasms that escalated into an endless roll of rapture that clashed with the sparkling pleasure radiating out of her clit as Davis pinched and pulled on her tender bud.

“Please, together.” Stretched tight between the two mismatched rhythms, Lacie cried out, mindless with need and unconcerned with the consequences of her words. “Both. Together.”

Chance wound a fist through her hair and jerked her back into his chest. “Begging, baby?”

“Please,” Lacie whimpered, her head rolling to the side to give Chance’s soft lips more of her neck to nibble on. “Yes.”

“Then beg.” Chance’s dark order whispered across her neck, a sultry caress at odds with the savage thrust of his hips. “Beg me to fuck this pussy.”

“Please.” Lacie didn’t have the breath or mind to vocalize any thought beyond that.

It wasn’t enough for Chance, who growled and nipped at her neck. “Say it. I want to hear you say it.”

“Please,” Lacie whined, trying to get the words out. They shattered and blurred into incoherent stammers as Chance rode her so hard her breasts bounced and jiggled with each hammering thrust of his hips.

BOOK: Penn, Jenny - Chasing Lacie [Sea Island Wolves 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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