Penn, Jenny - Chasing Lacie [Sea Island Wolves 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (17 page)

BOOK: Penn, Jenny - Chasing Lacie [Sea Island Wolves 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Davis’s hand cut Lacie’s tirade short, though his explanation didn’t appease her in the slightest. “We didn’t know she was there.”

Lifting her chin, she tilted her mouth away from his palm. “Your kind can smell stink on shit over a mile away, but you can’t smell a rotting corpse in front of you?”

“First off, she wasn’t rotting,” Chance corrected her. “And second her smell was bound to one of the carvings on her.”

“How did you know there were carvings on her?” Lacie’s eyes narrowed on Chance with that revealing bit of information. “I thought you didn’t know she was there.”

“She was a zombie.” Chance shrugged. “They’re living hosts who are sacrificed in a ritualistic manner using blood magic in the form of flesh carvings, allowing their spiritual essence to be drained slowly enough that the vessel can be infused with the will of a new master.”

Lacie stared at him in horror, wondering how he could explain such a thing without being repulsed at his own words. “That’s disgusting.”

“It’s a reality.” Chance frowned down at her with a strange kind of sadness darkening his gaze. “Evil always exists, but Davis is right. It likes to feed on easy prey. Right now that’s you.”

She might be weak, but Lacie wasn’t dumb. She didn’t need their help to add up the obvious facts. “TJ Carver contacted me, tested my blood, and then on the day I was supposed to meet him, five zombies attacked. He’s the demon.”

“Probably more like a disciple,” Davis corrected.

“Whatever you want to call him, he’s the reason all of this is happening. Isn’t he?”

“It doesn’t matter what he is.” Chance stepped in close to settle his hands on her shoulders and draw her gaze straight up to his. “What matters is he’s not going to get anywhere close to you.”

“But he’ll still be out there?” That was enough to leave Lacie chilled through the bone.

“He won’t be for much longer.” Chance smiled, a cold twist of his lips that sent a shiver racing down Lacie’s spine. “Trust me. He’s in lycan country with nowhere to hide. The pack will catch him.”



Before she could question his pledge, Chance made her forget the question with a simple brush of his lips over hers. Pressing her mouth to open, his tongue slid in. All sweetness and teasing, quickly he made her forget about everything else but kissing him back. Even when they suddenly plunged into the steaming, water, sinking fast beneath the surface, Lacie didn’t worry. Clinging to Chance, she trusted him to handle everything.

With one powerful kick, he propelled them back to the top. Their heads popped out with a splash, their lips still clinging to each other as Chance ravished her mouth. Keeping her pinned to his chest, he held her captive as his kiss turned from a succulent tasting to a ravenous devouring, overwhelming her with his savage determination.

The air felt cool against her skin as her blood thickened and heated beneath. Already warn out from the excitement of the day, Lacie melted into his embrace. Leaning into his strength, she clung to him as she slid her arms down and around his strong, broad shoulders.

Chance growled, his arms tightening around her as one hand slid up her back to hold her head steady. His thick, work-roughened fingers curled around her neck, massaging the delicate stretch of skin and thrilling her with his strength.

Chance could so easily hurt her, but here in his arms, she didn’t fear him. Not even when he’d snapped the zombie’s neck had she worried he’d turn on her with such violence. Neither Chance nor Davis would ever harm her. Lacie knew that with absolute certainty.

When his other hand dipped around the curve of her ass, Lacie parted her thighs, silently inviting him to thread his fingers through her pussy. Slowly, he fed her one finger before adding another, breaking off the kiss so he could watch her reaction. It felt wonderful, but that didn’t disguise the exhaustion echoing in her moan.

“Tired, baby?”

“A little.” Lacie bit down on her lip as his fingers slid free. She’d answered truthfully but was still saddened at his retreat. It didn’t matter what she’d endured today, there would never come a moment when she didn’t want him. “It’s all right.”

A whisper of a snort kicked his lips up a second before his head dipped. Barely touching, his lips hovered over her own as his tongue swept across the seam of her mouth. With a sigh she parted her lips, letting him dip inside for a quick taste that built slowly into a longer, deeper savoring.

Needing more than his gentle teasing, Lacie tightened her grip on his neck. Locking her lips on his, she forced his tongue back as she took control of the kiss. In seconds she was drunk on his intoxicating flavor, needing more to fuel the rapidly blossoming warmth filling her body.

Shockingly, it was Chance who slowly disengaged the kiss. Smiling down at her with pure tenderness, he rubbed a thumb across her swollen and slightly bruised lips.

“Oh, baby,” he sighed. “You don’t know how hard it is not to give you what you want, but you’re all tired and sore, and I’d be a bastard to take advantage.”

“Be a bastard,” Lacie whispered, about to say she’d love him anyway when Davis interrupted.


A distant plop followed by a soft spray of water had Lacie looking toward where he broke through the surface of the pool, sending a ring of ripples rolling in her direction. He had his cocky grin back and a bar of soap in his hands.

“That bastard has had more than enough cunt for one day. He needs to learn to share.”

“I think Lacie needs a different type of loving right now.” Chance conceded despite the dirty look he shot Davis. The grumpiness in his expression disappeared under a warm rush of a smile as he turned back to her.

“Come on.” Coaxing her to move with him, Chance led her to the edge of the pool.

It dawned on Lacie then how much he treated her like a child, taking control and assuming authority over her down to what position her body was in. No doubt the trait came from his lycan genes. The arrogant presumption might be irritating at times, but right then it felt kind of comforting, like she was being cherished.

Held safe in Chance’s arms, Lacie could feel Davis’s heat crowding her from behind. Without a word his soapy hands settled on her shoulders and began rubbing the tightness right out of them. Her eyes almost rolled completely back as his grip melted every muscle in his path.

Lacie’s head fell forward, banging her cheek into Chance’s chest. Lost in the warm, calm pleasure, she gave herself over to those wonderfully strong hands massaging her every worry away. It was heaven. Davis knew where to touch, how hard to press to roll the stiffness right from her body.

She was free here in their arms, captive only to her own desires. All Lacie wanted was them. She offered no resistance as Davis lifted and stretched her limbs one by one, cleaning her with the most soothing caresses.

His callused fingertips traced over every intimate curve of her body, leaving a trail of bone-melting pleasure. There was Chance acting as her strength, holding her still and steady, secure in the heated cocoon of their bodies.

Between the two of them, the only thing Lacie felt was loved. Lifting her heavy lids as they turned her, Lacie saw Davis’s gentle smile and knew it wasn’t just a feeling. It was a fact. Total adoration shined in his eyes.

“If I promise to do this every day, will you promise to stay?” Davis’s voice whispered out, a rough caress that warmed her cheeks and sparked an electric thrill deep in her heart.

“But then I won’t get the thrill of trying to escape and you…” Lacie rubbed her breasts into the hard wall of his chest, sighing at the pleasure humming out of her tits. “And you won’t get to enjoy catching me.”

She’d been teasing him, but Davis’s expression hardened instantly. “You can’t run, Lacie. Not now. Not again. Not until it’s safe.”

He muttered those grim words into her hair, his arms wrapping around her with a strength that betrayed his fear. Fear that could only be for her, for what could happen to her, but that possibility only existed if Chance and Davis failed to protect her. Failure would mean their deaths because they wouldn’t leave her undefended as long as they could draw breath.

“I’ll stay, but only if you promise not leave me alone again.” With them at her side, she could know they were safe.

“We promise, baby.”

Chance’s tone was gruff, but the hands that wove shampoo through her hair were gentle. Leaving her to sigh all over Davis’s chest, Chance slowly worked his fingertips over her scalp, working the suds into a lather while easing all the strength and tension from her scalp.

The soft, warm vibrations rolled down her neck, leaving a limp stalk for her head to roll around on. As Chance released handfuls of water over her, the spray cascaded the hazy delight down over her spine, making her whole body buzz with the pleasure.

Lacie murmured her approval. It just felt wonderful to relax and let the peaceful calm invade her senses. By the time he’d finished, Lacie was ready for her nap. Lifting her heavy lids, she couldn’t help but smile at the tender expression Davis wore.

“Thank you.” Wanting to return the comforting warmth filling her, she wrapped her arms around Davis’s neck and lifted her chin to brush a kiss over his lips. She’d only meant to give him a quick peck, but Davis caught her head when she started to pull back.

“You’re more thankful than that,” he murmured against her lips before sealing their mouths back together.

Lacie didn’t resist when his tongue licked across the seam of her lips, asking entrance. With a sigh, she granted it, letting Davis sweep her up in the exciting thrill of being savored once again. He tasted delicious, and the wicked motions of his tongue reminded her of how good it felt to have him licking her all over.

Moaning over the memory, a blush raced over her body as her blood began to heat with the need for something more. Instinctively seeking the warm, solid press of his body, she shifted deeper into Davis’s embrace, delighting at the feel of his hard chest rubbing against her tits. Grinding against him, Lacie drove his kiss from a hungry tasting to a frenzied state of need.

Their mouths clung to each other, their hands starting to caress and slide over skin prickling with the desire to be touched. Just when Lacie felt the painful pinch of needing something more, Chance’s hand pressed against her spine, shoving her forward.

She’d have broken the kiss if Davis had allowed it, but caught in his arms, Lacie could do nothing more than cling to him as he floated backward. Slowly they stretched her out between them, allowing her legs to lift to the surface of the water and slide right over the hard roll of Chance’s shoulders.

For the second time that day, Lacie found herself caught, floating between her mates. While Davis’s mouth held her captive on one end, the silky tickle of Chance’s hair brushed along her inner thigh on the other end. A heated breath flamed over her weeping folds a second before a mischievous tongue licked straight up her slit. It danced over her pussy to find her sensitive clit, already swollen and begging for attention.

Lacie broke Davis’s kiss to gasp when Chance focused all his attention on tormenting her tender bud. His hands bit into her hips as he held her still for his tasting. Darting in and out of her cunt, his tongue flicked upward to tease her clit before dipping back down to lap up the cream his teasing caused to roll out of her pussy.

Overwhelmed by lust, Lacie bucked backward, attempting to force him to give her a longer, deeper stroke of his tongue or maybe something just longer and thicker.

All the while, Davis watched her begin to come undone by Chance’s intimate tasting. With his big palms cupping her cheek, he forced her gaze to remain locked on his, not allowing her to hide a single second of her pleasure from him.

“He really is a bastard,” Davis finally muttered. “That’s supposed to be my pussy.”

“There’s no reason you can’t share it.” Lacie offered that wicked suggestion, emboldened by the intense hunger in Davis’s gaze. Her brazen behavior had his lips tipping up as his hands slipped downward in a slow, sensual slide.

“Is that right?” His fingers curled around her breasts, cupping them as his thumbs spread over their tips, trapping her tits beneath their hard, circling rub. “Or maybe I could just take a taste of these.”

Lacie gasped, her back arching as she tried to lift herself out of the water far enough to offer him the nipples puckering beneath his fingertips. Davis growled, slipping forward and using his own strength to hold her aloft as he nuzzled her neck and nibble his way down toward her chest.

Neither man showed her any mercy. While Davis began devouring her tits in an endless rain of nibbling licks, Chance began fucking his tongue into her spasming cunt. In seconds her hips were countering his thrusts, trying to increase the pleasure as she ached for a release. It just wasn’t enough, and she groaned over the misery of being trapped in an endless spiral of wanton need.

Then Davis’s hand dipped, his fingers curling over the top of her mound before slipping into her parted folds. A second later Lacie’s world went bright white as Davis discovered her clit. With a simple strum of his fingers, he snapped the threads hold her climax back and sent her sobbing over the edge.

Wildly bucking, she rode both Chance’s tongue and Davis’s fingers until every bit of pleasure had been sapped out of her orgasm, leaving her limply collapsing back into Davis’s embrace. Her legs sank, heavy and useless. Lacie would have followed them if not for Davis’s strong arms keeping her from drowning. “You all right, honey?”

BOOK: Penn, Jenny - Chasing Lacie [Sea Island Wolves 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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