Passion And Fire (Passion #4) (17 page)

BOOK: Passion And Fire (Passion #4)
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Chapter Ten



Damien thought he was going to explode if he didn’t get inside Flame soon. He wanted her so badly and he needed to feed from her desperately. Damn her for making him want her again. He didn’t do repeat performances, but although his mind might tell him one thing, his body clearly had other ideas, and certainly appeared to have no problem with the idea of being inside her again. Of course his cock was nothing more than a traitor. It only had one objective; to get inside a warm wet cunt and to blow its wad inside it. It didn’t care what woman it was attached to, just so long as it got what it wanted.

Still as he silently berated his cock’s enthusiastic response, the voice in his head was screaming ‘liar’ at him for trying to convince himself, it wasn’t just because he was near Flame that he was suddenly, painfully erect. He’d been near Eva Louise and she’d practically adhered herself to him and nothing. He’d been between Melody’s thighs, licking her cunt, his finger up her ass and nothing. Yet here he was in front of Flame and suddenly he was so hard he was surprised his cock hadn’t burst through the denim of his jeans.

He didn’t know why it was her that got him aroused and he didn’t care. It was hard for him to think with anything other than his dick right now. Looking around and realising the lighting was quite dim where he was parked plus no one was moving around outside since the club was still going to be open for a couple more hours, he decided he couldn’t fight his desire any longer.

Damien’s eyes moved down the front of Flame and he silently thanked fate, luck or whatever had played a part in this one. She was wearing a dress that hugged her body to mid-thigh. It was simple but she looked stunning as per usual and access to what lay beneath it wouldn’t be a problem.

His lips slammed down on hers again and he kissed her with all the passion that was running rampant through him. He ground their lips together so hard, their teeth mashed against each other and he struggled to calm down before he hurt her. Fighting for control, he swept his tongue over hers, licking her, tasting her and the few drops of blood his violent attack on her mouth had drawn.

He slid a hand down her back, cupping her ass, pulling her harder against his aching cock, before moving lower to lift the hem of her dress and slip a hand between her legs. He could feel her heat, feel how wet she was; so wet her panties were soaked and he groaned, thrusting hard against her, needing desperately to be inside of her.

When he felt her hand touch his groin and she rubbed over the bulge of his cock through the denim he knew he had to have her now. Fuck that they were in a public car park; fuck that they could possibly be seen by someone or at least caught in the middle of something. He just knew he needed her too badly to give a shit if they got caught.

As his desire for her threatened to rage out of control, he lifted her, setting her down on the roof of his car, thankful the sports car was so low. With his eyes fixed on hers, he hastily lowered his zip, being careful not to pinch his cock which eagerly fell out the opening of his jeans once he’d freed it.

He watched Flame’s eyes drop to him, widening at the sheer size of him. He couldn’t help smiling at her expression. No fucking way could she call him a limp dick now; if he got any harder he’d be fucking iron man.

Stepping up to the side of his car, he slipped his hands under her dress and pulled her panties down her legs, stuffing them into his pocket. She didn’t protest, in fact she said nothing at all, which was a rare moment for her. All she did was watch him; her eyes alight with her excitement and need, which was all directed at him.  

Again he reached for her, pressing his lips to hers and as he kissed her, he pulled her forward, into his arms and onto his waiting cock.

“Oh fuck.” He ground out. Damn she was tight, her cunt like a fucking vice around him. Slowly, inch by agonising inch her body opened to him, taking him deeper and deeper inside. He could hear her breathing catching as he filled her, tiny gasps puffing out from between her parted lips and he briefly wondered if he was hurting her but he wasn’t sure he could take it easy with her. He wanted to fuck her like an animal. He wanted to hammer into her until he blew his load. He wanted to pound into her like he was punishing her, and in a way he was. He was punishing her for making him want her, punishing her for making him unable to fuck anyone but her and he was punishing her for calling him a limp dick, for making him feel less of a man. He wanted to drive into her so hard, he would brand her inside with his cock but he knew he had to try and rein in his nearly out of control anger and desire so he wouldn’t hurt her too badly.

Once he was finally buried in her as deep as her tight little cunt could take him, he shoved her against the Lotus Elise so she was partially sitting on the roof of the low slung sports car. With one hand he held her in position while he dug the fingers of his other hand in her hair. Holding her tightly he tipped her face up to him before dropping his lips to hers. He kissed her, a mere brush of his lips against hers but as she opened to him, he moved, trailing kisses to her neck. Gently he nipped that spot below her ear, that sensitive place where the skin was so soft. He let her feel the graze of his fangs before giving a low growl and burying them into her vein. As he felt it pop and the warm sweetness of her blood flowed into his mouth, he bucked hard, his hips driving his cock deeper into Flame, hearing her cry out when he battered against her womb.

With his fangs still in her neck, feeding, filling himself on her life force, he began to move, leisurely, slowly, fighting the urgent demands of his body to take her hard and fast. She groaned, shuddering violently in his arms, writhing on him, trying to ride his cock harder, and trying to push him into fucking her faster.

“Damien.” His name was all she said, but it was the way she said it, with such desperation and need in her voice. That one word, spoke volumes and he knew what she wanted, what she needed. He pulled his fangs from her before lunging hard, driving into her, slamming her against his car. She cried out, her cry becoming a scream, but before she could alert half of Hobart as to what was happening, he covered her mouth with his, absorbing her cry.

He dropped his lips to her neck, lapping at the puncture wounds, licking up the last traces of her blood. Flame cried out again and he felt her come apart, her cunt squeezing him so hard and tight he had to fight not to come himself. He could feel her inner muscles clamping around him, clenching and pulsing, drawing him deeper. Then the warmth of her release flowed over his cock as he stood, still buried deep inside her.

When she finally began to settle, he felt the pressure building in his balls and knew he had to come now. He not only needed to enjoy his own release, but it would be the first time he’d come in a nice warm cunt since the last time he’d been inside Flame.

With his head back and his arms holding her tightly, Damien began to fuck her hard, pounding into her. He could hear her gasping as he nearly winded her with every forceful lunge of his hips, and still he thrust faster. Fuck she felt incredible, so hot and wet and squeezing him so damn hard. He was going to lose it big time.

A guttural growl rumbled up from his throat when Flame’s hands tunnelled into his hair. Her nails dug into his scalp, hurting him, exciting him, before tugging at the over long strands of his hair. She was moaning, her moans getting louder and he wondered if she might come again, but he couldn’t wait for her as his climax was about to hit.

As his balls tucked up against his body, he growled, a raw, animalistic sound and with one final thrust he started to come, his hips bucking wildly as he pumped into her, coming over and over again in a seemingly endless climax. Vaguely he heard her cry out and felt her shudder through her second orgasm, but he was still too focused on the pleasure coursing through his own body as he filled her with his release.

He’d barely finished spilling into her, standing, holding her, listening to her ragged breathing when suddenly they heard voices and the click clack of high heels on the concrete of the car park. Flame tensed momentarily in his arms before her hands grabbed at his shoulders, pushing against him.

“Let me down.” She hissed. “Damien, quickly, someone’s coming.”

He groaned reluctant to break their connection. He liked being inside her and he wanted to fuck her again, but he had to concede the voices were getting closer. If they didn’t move soon, they were possibly going to get caught and he didn’t want anyone seeing Flame while he was balls deep inside her.

Hastily he pulled out of her and watched her face contort with a grimace of what was obviously pain. Fuck she was sore, really sore if her reaction was any indication. He needed to feed her some blood but now was not the time.

He quickly tucked his cock back into his jeans and zipped them up again. Before he could help Flame down from the roof of his car, she jumped down and hastily straightened her dress.

“I have to go.”  She muttered and barely raised her eyes to look at him. Damien felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. He was losing her, she was emotionally and physically withdrawing from him, and for some inexplicable reason that annoyed him.

“Come home with me babe. Spend the night with me. I want to fuck you again and I can give you my blood so you won’t be sore any more. I told you it will heal you. What do you say?” He asked.

She looked at him for a moment, head tilted to one side. “Well…when you put it like that…how can a girl do anything else other than to say…don’t kid yourself. I’m going home, alone. We fucked, we got our rocks off, but that’s it. I’m not interested in going home with you and although you put it so eloquently, I don’t need to fuck again tonight, but thanks for the offer.” She said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She turned away from him as he stood completely shocked at her outburst. “Oh and I’ll be fine. I’m not too sore. Thanks for the fuck.” She started walking towards her car and he watched her for a moment before taking off after her.

“Flame what the fuck is wrong with you? I’m trying to help you. Why do you always have to be such a damn bitch? The only time you’re not giving me shit is when my cock is inside you. Trust me babe, if I have to keep my cock in you, to take that hard edge off you a bit, then I fucking will.”

“Shut up Damien and forget it. What we just did, shouldn’t have happened. I don’t do relationships. I move around a lot so I don’t want the complication of a relationship. It gets too messy when I have to go, and believe me, there’s not a man around who could tie me down in the one place.”

“For fuck sakes woman, I’m not asking you to marry me. I’m not even asking you to be my damn girlfriend. I don’t do relationships either but I’ve spent nights with the women I bring home to feed from and fuck and that’s all it is, one…fucking…night.”

He glared at her a while longer but he could see the stubborn set to her jaw. She wasn’t going to back down, and she wasn’t going to come home with him or let him feed her some of his blood, so fuck her then. He didn’t need this shit. She was the most annoying, frustrating, stubborn, rude, biggest pain in the ass woman he’d ever encountered, and he’d been around a hell of a lot of women in his lifetime.

“Fine.” He snapped. “Go home and fuck you. If you’re sore next time you have to dance, deal with it.” He glared at her before turning, and walking back to his car, cursing her under his breath all the way.

He climbed into the Lotus, started it up and with a rev of the engine and a squeal of the tyres, he shot out of the car park and headed for home.




After Damien had left in his car I walked to mine, swearing under my breath. “Fuck him, fuck him. He has to be the most annoying, frustrating, smart assed, pain in the damn ass man I’ve ever met.” I snorted. “Oh, but that’s right, he’s not a fucking man is he? He’s a fucking vampire, a fucking cocky, smart assed, sexy as fucking sin vampire.” I spat out vehemently and looked up, actually blushing slightly when a group of people heading for their car caught me ranting and raving to myself. Damn him, now people would think I was crazy and it was his fucking fault.

I gave them a quick smile and hurried past them, wincing at the pain between my legs. God I’d let Damien fuck me again and dammit, it had been amazing, but now my body was hurting worse than it had been after the first time we’d had sex. He’d offered to help me and suddenly I realised I should have let him help. Instead I’d freaked out that I was letting him in, and done my usual act to protect my emotions.

I’d gone into survival mode and attacked him, in an effort to piss him off and put distance between us again. I always did that. To protect myself, so I wouldn’t be hurt; I attacked, ridiculed and insulted to push people away. If I thought my heart was at risk, I launched a full on assault. I hated that I liked him. There, I was admitting it to myself at least. I liked Damien. I liked sparring with him, I enjoyed the back and forth banter, and I sure as hell loved fucking him. I’d been so tempted when he asked me to come to his home with him. Of course I’d panicked at how tempted I was and instead, let him have it with both barrels, firing as much sarcasm and hurling as many insults as I could at him. Well, it worked, he was gone and I was sore, and I would probably find myself regretting that I’d knocked him back on his offer to help me when I was in pain, the next time I had to dance.

Cursing my stupidity and out of control mouth, I climbed into my car, sitting down gingerly. Painfully aware of the tenderness between my legs I started the engine and headed for home.

BOOK: Passion And Fire (Passion #4)
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