Passion And Fire (Passion #4) (16 page)

BOOK: Passion And Fire (Passion #4)
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When the music finally ended Eva asked for a drink, and he was happy to peel her off him long enough to go and get it for her. He needed to get out of here and find someone to feed from. It was pointless looking for someone to fuck and it was pointless hanging around Eva Louise. She was treating him like a potential boyfriend and he had no interest in her other than to feed from and fuck. Since his damn cock wouldn’t respond in any way to her, and feeding from her couldn’t be done around here anyway, he contemplated giving her the drink and making an excuse to get the hell out of there. He might as well cut her loose and leave, since he had no intention of risking the same kind of humiliation he’d experienced with Melody.

He turned with the drink once he’d paid for it and spotted Flame nearby. He walked towards her, his eyes moving down the length of her and as his gaze travelled down her long legs, those muscled thighs, shapely calves and slim ankles, he felt a stirring in his jeans.

When he caught up with her, he touched her arm and she spun around, a flash of annoyance on her face until she saw him. “Oh it’s you.” Her tone wasn’t exactly leaving him with a warm and fuzzy feeling and it was his turn to look annoyed. What was it about this bloody woman that pissed him off so much? He’d never met one who could take him from zero to a hundred in a split second, on the need to strangle her speedometer. He ground his teeth together hearing them creak slightly as he fought for control before he answered her.

“Wow, no wonder they employ you here. You sure know how to make a man feel welcome.” He ground out sarcastically. “Do they have to teach you that or it just comes naturally to you?”

“I’m always nice.” She spat out and a burst of laughter erupted from him.

“Babe you couldn’t be nice if they fucking held a knife to your throat and threatened you.” He grinned. “I’ve seen the way you smile at the men here who lust over you, and I’m not sure if you’re trying to smile or bare your teeth at them.”

“Was there something in particular you wanted? I’m working and didn’t I see you with tonight’s selection from your blood menu?”

His lips lifted up in amusement at the way she described Eva. “Would that be Eva Louise you’re referring to?” He asked. “I was just saying hello and is Melody working tonight?”

She raised her eyebrows at him. “You want both women tonight? Feeling a bit horny are you? Well that would…” She stopped and shot a quick look at him before turning her head away, her lips moving as she mumbled something under her breath.

Immediately she piqued his curiosity and he grabbed her arm to get her attention back on him. “What were you going to say?”

She grinned. “Are you sure you want to know?” Her eyes moved up and down the front of him and he was pretty sure he knew where this was going. “It’s just that a little birdy told me that you’re.” She bent forward, cupping her mouth with one hand in an exaggerated manner. “Well, that you’re a…limp dick.” She began to laugh and he felt a mixture of anger and humiliation rising in him. Damn, Melody had been talking obviously.

He yanked her towards him, nearly spilling Eva Louise’s drink which he still held in one hand. “Shut the fuck up Flame. You know I’m not a fucking limp dick. I heard my cock was so big you were sore the next day and couldn’t dance properly. Was I a limp dick then? Well was I?” He leaned forward until his face was right in hers, nearly nose to nose.

“Hey Damien, you were taking so long I got lonely.” Eva Louise’s voice suddenly interrupted them and he silently groaned at her unwanted and poorly timed appearance.

Reluctantly he turned to her, passing her the glass in his hand and she took it, reaching up to kiss him but he turned his head, her lips landing on his cheek instead. “So who is this?” She asked eyeing off Flame.

Damien looked from one to the other and although both were attractive women, Flame was in a class of her own compared with Eva Louise. He sighed. “Flame, Flame this is Eva Louise.” He made the introductions hastily.

“Don’t you work here?” Eva asked and he sighed. He didn’t want the two women making with the small talk.

“Come on Eva, don’t bother Flame. Yes she works here, but I’m sure she has far more important things to do than talk with us.” He tried to steer her away.

Before he could get her away though Flame turned to Eva, mischief in her eyes, and he cursed under his breath. “If you’re expecting to spend the night with him, he can show you a great time with his fingers and tongue apparently but don’t be expecting him to fuck you. The man’s got a huge fucking dick and pierced too apparently, but the poor dear’s a bit of a limp dick these days or so I’ve been told; can’t get it up.” She turned her bright green eyes to his, amusement shining in them and he curled his hands into fists trying to control the urge to bring them up and choke the fucking life right out of her. While he was at it, he needed to choke fucking Melody too for having such a big damn mouth.

“What?” Eva Louise’s eyes turned to him. “Is this true? You can’t get it up? How does she know so much about you? Have you two had sex?”

Flame must have realised she’d spent too much time talking to them already, because she mumbled something about having work to do, and hurried off into the crowd of men. Damien tried to follow her, but Eva yanking on his arm pulled him back.

“Hell, I’m going.”  She said. “If you can’t get it up then what’s the point?” She reached out and cupped him, taking him by surprise. He had felt signs of life in his jeans when he’d first spoken to Flame, but between her giving him shit about being a limp dick and then Eva Louise turning up, he’d lost that hint of an impending erection. “You are soft.” She gave him a look of disgust. “Thanks for the drink.” She waved it at him and with a final look of what seemed like pity to him, she disappeared into the crowd.

Damien stared at her retreating back and felt anger rising in him. He was going to kill her; he was going to fucking kill Flame. She was driving him crazy and she was interfering with his hunt for someone to feed from and fuck. He had to stay away from this damn strip club. He wasn’t even sure why he’d come here. He wasn’t looking for a take two with Melody, and it wasn’t really the place to go to find women since it was nearly all men there, and he didn’t do men. He never had and he wasn’t about to start now.

He knew he didn’t even want Eva Louise anymore. He’d been intending to say goodbye or just walk away when he’d encountered Flame and she had distracted him enough that Eva had come looking for him and then it had all gone to hell anyway.

Damn that woman. She had made a fool of him, turned him into a joke and no woman had ever done that to him before. He’d never had a problem with not being able to get it up until Melody. It had to be Flame’s doing. Somehow or other she’d messed with him; used her ability to fuck with him, and make him incapable of getting hard. Bloody woman was fucking him up and fucking up his life. Well, he might not be able to fuck anyone right now but he could sure bite someone, and he figured it was only fair that Flame was the one to provide him with some blood.

He wasn’t sure how much longer she had before she finished work for the night but he could wait. Hell, he wasn’t in a hurry to go anywhere; he had plenty of time. In fact he had all of fucking eternity to wait if he had to. With that decision made, he pushed his way through the crowd until he got to the doors leading out of the club and with one final look back over his shoulder but not seeing her anywhere, he walked outside to wait for her.




It was a relief when I finally finished for the night; to escape the noise and crowds of the club and head outside. I’d made it about halfway across the car park to my car when a shadow to my left peeled itself off from the other shadows and began to come towards me. I tensed, instantly on defence, ready to deal with some drunken idiot when I realised it was Damien.

I grinned at him as I watched him walk towards me. “Well, if it isn’t Mr Limp Dick.”

His hands balled into fists by his side, and I knew it probably wasn’t wise pushing a vampire like him, but I figured I would be able to keep him back by throwing things at him. Hell, there were a lot of cars in the car park and I could move anything with my mind. The heavier they were, the more exhausted I felt afterwards but I could put up with a little fatigue if I had to ward him off.

He advanced on me and in a burst of speed so quick he took me by surprise, he grabbed me and hauled me into his arms. I began to struggle but it was futile against his kind of strength and before I could think about throwing something at him, not a car since I didn’t want a vehicle to the back of the head, I was robbed of all thought when his lips slammed down on mine.

As soon as my lips parted ready to protest, his tongue invaded my mouth and began to lick over mine, caressing me. His scent filled my nostrils, his taste and his beautiful smell seducing me. My hands that had been braced against his chest in an effort to break free relaxed and moved up until they circled his neck.

I began to kiss him back, silently cursing my weakness with this man but he turned me on like no other man ever had. As I leaned into him, my fingers running through his hair, kissing him back with as much pent up passion as he was, I heard his groan, feeling it vibrate against my lips.

His hands ran down my back, cupping my ass, pulling me into him and I felt it. I felt the huge bulge of his erection pressing into me, which finally registered in my lust filled brain, and I pulled free of his arms before he had time to react.

I gasped for air as I met his turbulent eyes, seeing the obvious lust burning in them before I lowered mine to his groin, frowning at the ridge of his cock that I could see pressing against his jeans. He was no limp dick and as if reading my mind he chuckled. “I told you don’t call me a fucking limp dick.”

“But why…?” I trailed off, frowning. “Melody said…” Again I fell silent.

He snorted. “I don’t know why the fuck I couldn’t get hard for her. I tried fuck it. Do you have any idea how damn humiliating that is? Me? I’ve never had a problem like that before, and it had to happen with your damn friend. I should have mind controlled her and then she couldn’t have shared my problem with you. When it all started going to shit, I chose not to feed from her. Since she never learned what I am, or anything; I just wanted her gone. For fuck sakes I gave the damn woman several orgasms but no, it’s just like a fucking woman, she doesn’t tell you what I did for her, she points out my failings instead. She fucking adds to my humiliation by broadcasting to you that I couldn’t get hard for her.”

I stared at him, watching the various emotions flit across his face; seeing a flash of pain and what looked remarkably like hurt. He was really upset and for just a brief moment, I felt a stab of remorse for giving him shit. So Damien had a heart after all and his feelings were hurt. Why, just for a moment, why did that bother me? Fighting to compose myself I looked up at him, narrowing my eyes.

“So why are you lurking out here anyway? Why aren’t you off burying that cock of yours in that Eva; wasn’t that her name? I’m sure if you rubbed against her she’d be panting for you.” I smirked.

“I don’t fucking want her.” He shouted before looking around as if suddenly conscious of his surroundings. He grabbed me and shoved me against a car, nearly knocking the wind right out of me. He pressed his erection against me. “I fucking want you.” His voice sounding tortured as if he hated feeling like that, and I felt a rush of moisture between my legs in response to his words. The tone in his voice, the imploring look in his eyes affected me more than I would have expected, taking me by surprise.  

Suddenly he pulled back again, taking my hand in his and with long swift strides he dragged me through the car park until we stood beside a black low slung sports car. I didn’t even get a chance to see what it was other than it was a beautiful looking car, before his lips were on mine again. His tongue pushed into my mouth and his hands tangled in my hair, holding me still so I couldn’t turn my head away from his.

As he kissed me, his tongue plundering my mouth, exploring every inch of it, his fingers clasped at my hair, twisting and tugging at the thick strands. He possessed me, his lips claiming me, all while his hips moved restlessly against mine. With every shift of his body against mine, I felt an answering pull of desire low in my stomach. It seemed that although I hadn’t recovered from being with him the other night, my body was certainly eager to join with his again.

Damien pulled me in closer to him, forcing my sensitive nipples against his hard, muscled chest. They were like little peaks pressing against him and every move he made sent a stab of pleasure through me. I was wet, trembling, my body already an aching mass of need for him, and we still stood in the car park of the club, almost ready to fuck against his beautiful black, shining sports car.

Damn him for having this effect on me. I didn’t want to do this, I didn’t want to let him into my body again because that made it too personal; it put my emotions at risk, and I could afford to have my emotions involved when I knew I’d be hitting the road in the next few months.

His hands moved over my body, his touch urgent as he continued to thrust against me, dry humping me. Feeling his obvious desire, knowing his control was slipping, caused a wave of need to pass through me, making my inner muscles clench; my body as desperate to have him inside it as he was to be in me.

He pulled his lips from mine, trailing them down my neck, making me shiver in reaction. I could feel his fangs grazing my skin and suddenly I wanted him to feed from me. I moaned, a soft throaty moan and he responded with an answering groan, thrusting harder against me. “Oh fuck babe, I want you so damn much. I want to be inside you, I want to feed from you. I want you now. If I’m not inside you soon I’m going to go crazy.” He whispered against my skin and I shivered in reaction. His words turned me on, his touch, his smell, the feel of him aroused against me, and I was powerless to deny him.

BOOK: Passion And Fire (Passion #4)
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