One Chance (5 page)

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Authors: T. Renee Fike

BOOK: One Chance
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“Then why
are you ready to rush out of here?”

He’s right, I wanted to fuck him and I have him right where I want him.  He’ll never know it was me.

“You’re right,” I say as I push him back down on the bed, turning off the lamp in the process.

He reaches up to remove my shirt but has a little trouble, so I grab the hem of it and pull it over my head, tossing it to the floor.  I reach down and he leans up so I can remove his shirt.

“Damn,” I say louder than intended as I run my fingers down his sexy toned chest.  I can feel every nook and crevice and can see by the moonlight that’s coming through the window just how incredible his body is.  His six-pack does not disappoint.

“You like what you see?” he asks all cocky.

“Sure do,” I say before he manages to flip us, leaving him on top of me.

“What’s your name?”

“Audra,” I say quickly.

“Nice, I like it,” he says before pulling my right breast out of my bra and into his mouth.  I can’t help how my back arches up wanting more.
I reach back and unhook my bra tossing it too.  Wanting nothing more than to have my dream come true; I try to make quick actions in unhooking Liam’s jeans, but his damn belt is in the way.  He starts laughing, “In a hurry?”

“No, just like level playing fields.”

“I think we are on level playing fields, we’re both topless,” he says with a sexy smirk.  The moonlight is giving just enough light that I can see him perfectly.

“You know what I mean,” I say as I try to pull the belt loose.  After a few short minutes we are both completely naked and under the sheet. “Do you have a condom?”

“Yeah,” he says as he reaches into the nightstand to retrieve one, “But we aren’t there yet.”

“What?” I ask a little confused
, thinking he would be ready to have sex with me.  Before I can say anything else I watch him kiss his way down my body.  Holy shit, my body feels on fire after each beautiful kiss. I watch in awe as this gorgeous man settles between my thighs and licks at my aching core. “Fuck,” I screech out as my hips buck up in the air.  Liam holds me down in place as he continues to lavish me, never stopping until he has me screaming out in ecstasy.

“That was hot,” he says as he makes his way back up my body.  I watch as he sheaths himself before lining himself up at my entrance.  It appears the drunken Liam is surprising
ly able to perform no matter how drunk he is.

“Fuck me,” I orde
r as he slams inside of me hard, “AHHH,” I scream.  I lean up and grab his ass wanting him as close as I can possibly have him.  It’s only one night and I need as much of him as I can get.

“Oh yeah,” he says as he drives deeper into my core.  I move my hips in rhythm with his, moving my hands to behind his head, pulling him down to kiss
me more.

He opens his mouth slightly and I take the lead and thrust my tongue into his mouth wanting to taste every beautiful inch of him
.  I pull back slightly, “Harder,” I beg.  Liam pounds harder into me causing me to moan out in pure bliss moments later, with him following right behind.

“Damn,” he says as he falls beside me on the bed, “That was fucking
hot,” I watch as he disposes the condom never saying a word.  All I can think of is Best.Sex.Ever.

I go to move so I can get dressed and head home, but Liam grabs ahold of my
leg before I can get off the bed. “Stay the night, just tonight please?” he asks sweetly.

“Umm…okay,” I agree though slightly confused.

“Thank you,” he says as he makes himself comfortable, pulling me right along with him.  We end up with him right behind me spooning me, holding me tightly to his sexy chiseled body.  It takes only minutes for me to fall into a blissful sleep.

I wake up to hearing something
vibrate; it takes me a few minutes to realize where I’m at, before I completely flip out.  I loosen the hold that Liam has on my body and slip out of his bed in search of my phone.  It’s on the dresser and I see it’s going on 4:00 a.m.  I missed a call from Quinn who starts calling me back again.  I grab what clothes I can see and rush to the bathroom that’s attached to his room.

“Hey,” I whisper.

“Hey are you ready to head home?” she asks curiously.

“How do you know I’m still here?”  I whisper again.

“Because you’re whispering,” she says laughing.

“Shit, okay yeah, were should I meet you?”



“It seems you weren’t the only one to get lucky tonight,” she says laughing again.

“Okay give me a few minutes and I’ll be down,” I say before hanging up.  I quickly dress realizing I’m missing my bra and sweater.  I head out and find them
, throwing them on quickly, and then slipping my boots on.  I grab my clutch and quickly sneak out the door.

“Everyone sleeping?” I ask as I look around the house.  It looks surprisingly clean considering they just had a party last night.

“Yep, I figured you wouldn’t want to wake up with him beside you and have to explain yourself when he’s not drunk.”

“Good point, thank you,” I say as we make our way home.

“So how was it?”

“Dream come true,” I say excitedly.

“I bet, he’s hot.”

“And great in bed,” I say laughing, “How’s Ethan?”

“Hot, not so great in bed though.”

“Oh hell
, that sucks.”

“Sure does.  He’s more worried about himself than me.”

“Fucking asshole.”

Quinn starts laughing, “Right, the fucking prick,” she says causing me to laugh.
  We walk the rest of the way home laughing and ready for more sleep.  Sunday comes and I end up not waking up until noon.

“Holy shit
, I slept late,” I say as I look at the clock.

“I woke up five m
inutes ago,” Quinn says from her bed.

, I don’t have anything planned for today.”

“Me either, let’s be lazy.”

“Sounds good to me,” I say as fluff my pillows to get comfortable.

Around 4:00 p.m. Quinn says, “Let’s go get tattoos.”

“What…tattoos seriously?”

“Yeah, why not?”

“Sure what the hell,” I say excited about this new adventure.

And we do.  We head to the nearest tattoo parlor which is only like five minutes away.  Walking in
, the place looks super clean which makes me happy. 

“Do you know what you’re getting?” Quinn asks.

“Sure do, how about you?”

“Yep.  What’s yours?”

“I’m getting it on my forearm, in small script it’s going to say “One Life, One Chance,” and it will have small stars on each side.  How about yours?”

“I’m getting an infinity sign on wrist that says Dreams on the one side and Hope on the other.”

“I like it,” I say excitedly.  Before either of us can say another word a girl asks if she can help us.

“We are here to get tattoos,” Quinn says happily.

“Okay, I need you to fill out these forms, show me some ID, and we can get you started,” she says as she hands us over some paperwork.  It takes about five minutes to complete the necessary paperwork.  About another five minutes and then we are being escorted to a room where there are two tattoo artists.

doesn’t take long for the guys to complete our tattoos and before long we are heading home with our new artwork.

“That didn’t hu
rt nearly as bad as I thought it would,” I say feeling relieved as I stare down at my arm where the bandage is covering my new tattoo.

“I know
, right.  I was nervous as shit, but that was nothing.”

“We got tattoos,” I squeal in excitement causing Quinn to laugh.

“Your family is going to go nuts when they see you,” she says laughing.

I ask worriedly as I look at her.

“New hair color, eye color, tattoo, you name it.  You came to school one way and are going home a completely different looking person.”

“It will be fine.”

We end up
hanging out, watching girlie movies for the rest of the day, before finally calling it a night around 10:00 p.m.

The next few weeks pass by and I don’t happen to run into Liam at all, which I’m grateful for.  Kenzie and Brody are coming in today and should be here in about two hours.  I’m excited to see them both.

“So how’s this going to work tonight?” Quinn asks curiously.

“I’m going to
hang out with them and meet up with you remember?” I ask worriedly.

“But your hair, your contacts, what are you going to do abou
t that and meeting up with Liam?”

“Hair is fine, I already took my contacts out, and I’m not going to
meet up with Liam.  I’m going to make an excuse, leave and come hang out with you at the sorority house.”

“I feel like this isn’t going to go so well.”

“Yes it will; it has to.”

“How are you going to avoid him for two years

“I’m not going to avoid him for that long.  I’ll see him on summer break.”

“I can’t believe he still doesn’t know you go here, or that he slept with you,” she says laughing.

“That’s a little secret that we are going to keep quiet on.  If I wouldn’t have pretended to be someone else
, it would have never happened.  I’ve been dreaming of that man since I was a little girl.”

“Yeah, but don’t you want him more now?”

“Well yeah, but it’s enough to know I had him one time and it was amazing,” I say with a stupid smile plastered to my face.

“If you say so.  Is Kenzie staying with us tonight or with Liam?”

“Neither, they are staying in a hotel room for the night.”


“Alone time or something like that.”

, young love.”

, I guess.”

Brody and
Kenz get to my dorm without any issues.

“God I’ve missed you two,” I say giving each of them a big hug.

“We’ve missed you too,” Kenz says, “Holy shit, your hair looks awesome.”

“Thanks.  I tried something different.”

“It looks good on you Hails,” Brody says.

Quinn walks
in the door, “This is Quinn, Quinn this is Kenzie my sister and Brody.”

“Hi,” they all say in unison.

“So what’s the game plan?” Kenzie asks.

Parties,” I say excitedly.

“I told Liam we would meet up with him
at some point,” Brody says looking devilish.

“I figured that.  You don’t see each other often,” I say playing along.  No way can I let him see me two weeks after I had sex with him.

“Is that a tattoo Haley Lawrence?” Kenzie asks as she grabs a hold of my arm to check out my ink.

“Sure is,” I say excitedly.

“I like it.  It suits you,” she says.

“I thought so too.”

“It’s nice,” Brody says looking confused, “Anything else new you want to tell us?” he asks.

“Umm…I joined a sorority, but you already know that,” I say with a smile, “That’s about it.”

“Any boyfriends?” Kenz asks.

“No, not yet.”

“She has a few prospects though, don’t let her fool you,” Quinn chimes in.

“Do tell,”
Kenz says excitedly.

So I fill her in on two different guys that I think are
cute and sweet that are in my History and English classes.  They still don’t compare to Liam though, but I won’t tell her that.

We spend the next hour
catching up and eating pizza that we ordered before heading out.  I can’t help how much I miss these two.  We need to hang out a lot when we go home.

We check out a few sorority parties before Brody says he’s going to meet up with Liam.  The girls and I are having fun and decide to stay where we are, while Brody goes to hang out and have some guy time.
  I’m thankful, because I know Liam would know it was me who he slept with in no time at all.

“Shit,” I whisper as I slap Quinn on the arm.

“Ouch, what’s wrong?” she asks as she rubs the spot I just hit.

“Liam’s here,” I state
, as I nod in the direction he’s standing.

“Oh shit,” she says looking worried.

“I need to get out of here now, I say almost panicking.

“Where’s Kenzie?” Quinn asks.

“I don’t know,” I say looking around for her everywhere.


“What?” I ask.

“She’s over with Brody and Liam,” Quinn says as she points to where Kenzie’s at.

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