One Chance (21 page)

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Authors: T. Renee Fike

BOOK: One Chance
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“Fine, but you’ll need to do it eventually.”

“Eventually yes, but for now let me just enjoy what time I have with him.”

“Ugh, fine.
  Are you seeing him tonight?”

“Yeah after practice.”

“You two seem like you’re in a relationship.”

“We do not.”

“You see him almost every day,” she argues.

“It’s sex Quinn.  We meet up
, have sex, and sometimes go our separate ways.”

“No, it’s usually go hang out
, have sex, then sleep, wake up the next morning and you come home or he goes home.  That’s a relationship sweetheart.”

“Can you please just stop?” I beg.

“Sure for now, I will.”

“Thank you, now I need to get back to this paper,” I say as I grab my laptop to start working on it.

The rest of the evening is spent doing homework until Liam comes over to hang out.  The rest of the week is pretty much the same thing, school, hang out with the girls at the house and then at night sometimes meet up with Liam.

“What are you doing tonight?”  Quinn asks.

“Probably going to a party.”

“No Liam tonight?” she asks shocked.

“Haha, I’m meeting up with him later.”

“Of course you are,” she says laughing.

“How about you, where’s Mark?”

“I’m actually heading over to his place shortly.

“Oh nice, you two seem to be getting serious,” I say excited for my best friend.

“We are.  He’s great and I really like him.”

“Good and he seems like a good guy, you deserve that.”

“I completely agree,” she says laughing.

“So I won’t be going to a party with you tonight then.”

“Actually, you are.”

“Huh?” I ask confused.

“We are going to Alpha Phi.  You can have Liam meet you there.”

“Where’s Mark?”

“He’s going to meet me at Alpha Phi later too.  So go get dressed, text loverboy and let’s go,” she says rushing me along.  “Oh, and it’s dress night at Alpha Phi, so make sure to wear a sexy dress.”

I head into my closet and decide on a
short red cocktail dress.  It’s short and has a sweetheart neckline with spaghetti straps.  I throw on some silver heels, curl my hair, go light on my make-up and I’m ready to go within the hour.

“Wow, that dress looks amazing on you,” Quinn says as I enter our room.

“Thanks.  It doesn’t look too tight does it?” I ask as I pull the hemline down a little ways.

“No, it shows all your curves.  Liam is going to go nuts tonight,” she says laughing.

“Would you stop it?  No he won’t.”

“Haley Lawrence
, that man is going to be rushing you out of that damn house when he sees you in that.”

“What, why would he do that?” I ask as I look at myself in the mirror again.

“Because he isn’t going to want anyone looking at you,” she says all serious.

“You’re positive it looks okay?” I ask as I turn in a circle trying to make sure it looks good.

“You look like a little sexy vixen.  Your boobs look awesome in that dress, as well as your ass.  The guys are going to go nuts,” she says excitedly. “But since you are wearing that, I need to change,” she says before rushing into her closet.

“No you don’t. I like that dress.”

“No, not sexy enough.” She says as she tosses dress after dress out until she comes out with a cute little black number.  Quinn puts on a halter style black dress that is short and hugs every curve of her body.  It has absolutely no back.

“Damn, I love your dress,” I say in jealousy.  She looks absolutely stunning in it.

“Thanks.  Now we are ready to go,” she says as she slips her heels on.

We grab ou
r coats and purses and head out the door.  We make the short walk to the party and I’m surprised to see it isn’t crazy busy yet.

“Crap, Rebecca said she wanted to come,” Quinn says as we head into the house.

“Oh, she’s coming with Rob.”

“Thank goodness, I completely forgot to say something to her.”

“No worries, she knew about it all week.”

, we’ll see her later then.”

“Sure will,” I say as I take off my coat. We give our coats to
a girl who takes them to hang up.  Then we make our way towards the kitchen for drinks.

“This place looks amazing,” Quinn says looking around.

“It sure does.  They did a great job,” I agree, looking at all the decorations.  Tonight girls have to wear dresses and guys have to wear dress pants and dress shirts.  Ties are welcome, but not mandatory.

Do you want a shot?” Quinn asks.

“Sure,” I say as she pours us each a shot.  “To best friends and great sex,” I say as Quinn laughs, we clink glasses and down the shots.

We end up mingling with some of the girls and Rebecca when she shows up.  Quinn and I have a few beers and another shot while we wait for Mark and Liam to show up.

“I’m going to get another beer
, do you want one?” I ask Quinn.

“Yeah, I’ll come along,” she says.  We head to the kitchen to get another drink and run into Meg.

“Well, well, look who it is,” she says all snooty.

“What are you doing here?” Quinn asks
, looking pissed.

“I’m having fun, what does it look like?”

“You aren’t supposed to be at any sorority or fraternity functions.”

t looks like I’m at this one.  I’m actually meeting Liam here,” she says with an evil smirk.

“Good for you,” I say as I move past her to get my drink.

“I don’t know how you thought you two would ever be anything.  He’s too good for you,” she says being a bitch.

You think he’d go back to you after what you did?” Quinn shouts pissed off.

“I don’t have to think sweetie, we’re already back together.”

“What?” Quinn yells, asking the question I’m wanting to ask.

“We g
ot back together today.  You can try to get him as much as you want, he’d never want you,” Meg says looking directly at me.

“You’re lying,” Quinn yells.

“I’m not lying.  You can ask him when he gets here,” Meg says looking serious.

I fill up two cups of beer and grab Quinn, pulling her out of the kitchen before she says anything else.

“What the hell just happened?” Quinn asks confused.

“I don’t know,” I say taking a long drink of my beer.

“She’s lying, check your phone.”

I grab my phone out of my clutch to see a message from Liam.  “I’ll be there then, but we need to talk.”  I read the message aloud. “I guess I know what he wants to talk about,” I say feeling bummed.

Chapter Thirteen

“He’s not with her,” Quinn reiterates.

“She didn’t look like she was lying Quinn.  I’m not surprised; I told you we would never date anyway.  I already knew it; I just need to accept it.”

“Would you stop?  You don’t see the way he looks at you?  That boy likes you, hell
, he may even love you!” she says yelling at me.

“I’ll see what he has to say and go from there, but I can’t forget what she just said,” I say taking another drink.

“Fine, but try to not think about it.”

“Think about what?” Liam asks, surprising us.

“Oh, a homework assignment next week,” Quinn says quickly.

“Why are you thinking about homework now?” he asks confused.

“I just realized I forgot about a paper, that’s all,” I lie.

“Ok.  You look fantastic,” he says as he clearly peruses my body.

“Thank you.  You look pretty spiffy yourself,” I say as I take in his red dress shirt black slacks and black and red blocked tie.  He matches my dress perfectly.

“You two match, it looks great,” Quinn chimes in.  I
start laughing and so does Liam; neither of us said what color we were wearing.

“Yes we do,” Liam says appreciatively.

“What did you want to talk about?” I ask curiously.

“Oh, I’ll talk to you about it later.  Do you want a drink?”

“I’m good,” I say holding up my nearly full beer.

“Okay, I’m going to go grab a drink quick. I’ll be right back,” he says before turning and heading towards the kitchen.

“Let’s watch and see what happens,” Quinn says, pushing us to where we have an angle to see into the kitchen where Meg still is.

I watch as Liam walks into the kitchen and Meg rushes over to him throwing her arms around his neck.  It’s hard to see if she kisses him
, because we can’t see his facial expression, but it appears that he’s hugging her back.

“Care to explain that?” I ask Quinn.

“I don’t need to.  Liam will explain whatever that is,” she says sure of herself.

“If you say so,” I say turning around
, realizing I don’t want to watch anything else.

“Hey you,” Austin says as he approaches us.

“Hey.  How are you?”

“Good.  You look amazing,” he says as he check
s the two of us out.

“Thank you.”

“Are you here by yourself?” Quinn asks surprised.

“No, Naomi’s over there, but I wanted to come and say hello to you two.”

“You may want to get back over to her soon, she looks a little pissed,” I say nodding to Naomi who is staring daggers at Quinn and me.

“It’s fine,” he says like it’s no big deal, “Who are you here with?”

“I’m with Mark,” Quinn pipes up.

“Haley’s here with me,” Liam says from behind me.  He comes up and wraps his arm around my shoulders
, pulling me into his side showing Austin that I’m obviously off limits.  Men.

“How you doing Masters?” Austin asks.

“Great, how about you?” he asks.

“Can’t complain.  Well ladies
, I need to get back to my date.  You two look lovely,” he says before turning around and leaving.

What was that about?” Liam asks looking angry.

“He came over to say hello,” I say like it’s not a big deal
, because it isn’t.

“He wants you,” he says with a straight face.


“He’s an asshole.”

“You’re crazy,” I say laughing.

“Would you care to dance?” he asks changing the subject.

“Sure,” I say as I take his hand as he leads me to the dance floor.  “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?” he asks with a concerned look.

“I don’t know, I was just curious I guess.”

He nods his head and pulls me in closer to his body as we slow dance together, “I can’t wait to take this dress off of you,” he whispers into my ear, I can’t help the chill that runs through my body wanting that to happen too.  “You ready to go soon?”

“Yeah, but isn’t there something you want to tell me?”

“Yes, but it can wait right now,” he says as
we stop dancing and he leads us to the door.  I pull back slightly confused. “What’s wrong?” he asks as he turns to face me.

“I need to get my coat, but I need you to answer a question for me.”


“Are you dating Meg again?” I ask quietly.

“What?” he practically shouts, “Why would you ask me that?”

“Because tonight she said you two got back together, yet you’re dancing and leaving with me.”

“She said what?  No Hails no, I’m not with her, I can’t even stand her.”

“But you were hugging her earlier,” I point out.

“She ran up to me in the kitchen and hugged me.  I didn’t want to cause a scene, that’s all.”

“Oh,” I say still a little confused.

“Haley, I’m not getting back with Meg ever, I promise you that.  She obviously wanted to start some shit with you tonight.  I’m sorry,” he says sweetly making his sexy blue eyes sparkle even more.

“It’s not your fault.  I’m ready to go though.”  I head into the closet to fetch my coat so we can leave.

We make it back to Liam’s house in record time, barely making it into his bedroom before he starts trying to take my dress off.  We make it into the bedroom before Liam stops and pushes me up against the closed door. “God you look so fucking sexy tonight,” he says as he hikes up my dress, causing it to bunch around my waist.

“Fuck me Liam,” I order as I start unbuttoning his dress shirt as fast as my fingers can manage.  I keep his tie on and wrapped around his neck though.
  He makes quick work with my dress as it drops and pools at my feet.  I kick my heels off, not caring where they go as we make our way to the bed.

I unhook his pants and push them down until they hit the floor; I do the same with his boxer briefs.  Once we get to t
he bed I push him back causing him to fall onto the bed.  I quickly unhook my bra and remove my thong before climbing onto the bed with him.

My mouth
meshes with his as I straddle him, moving back and forth slowly.  Adjusting myself I grab his cock and position it at my entrance before lowering myself on him.  Moving slowly so I can adjust to him as I take him inch by blessed inch, I can’t help but want to go faster.  I start moving up and down on his dick causing him to make all kinds of sexy sounds, which only encourages me more.  He pulls me towards him, so our mouths can tango.  I continue my movements, and a little while later we are both calling out in ecstasy.

“God you’re amazing,” he says as he pulls me tighter to him.  I throw my leg over his and wrap myself around him
, enjoying this closeness with him.

“You’re amazing yourself,” I say
, as I snuggle a little closer before closing my eyes.

“I’m not going to see you for two days, am I?” he asks sounding dejected.

“Yes, we just can’t spend the night together.”

“Why do we care?”

“Because Brody’s still pissed off at you and he always tells me to stay away from you now.  I don’t think it would go well.”

, he can just fuck himself.  He’s with Kenzie, so why does he care if you’re sleeping with me?”

“You know why.”

“Hails, I already apologized to you about being an asshole before.”

“I know and I’ve accepted it, but Brody hasn’t.”

“I’m going to have a talk with him.  They get in tomorrow night?” he asks.

“Yep, they sure do.”

“Well at least I get you all to myself tonight,” he says as he places a kiss on the top of my head.  I pull him tighter before falling fast asleep.

When morning comes
, I’m woken up to yelling.  I hear Brody yell something before slamming the door shut.

“What the hell was that?”  I ask quickly
, as I try to realize what the hell is going on.  Liam is throwing on a pair of basketball shorts when he says, “Brody’s here,” just as Brody busts through the door heading straight for him.

“I fucking told you to stay away from her,” he says before throwing a punch, hitting Liam’s jaw.  I can’t help but scream, thinking this can’t be happening. 

“It’s none of your fucking business,” Liam says as he blocks a punch.

“It is my fucking business asshole,” Brody yells as he goes for Liam again, “You’re not good enough for her,” he says
, as he punches Liam in the ribs causing him to curse.

I tighten the sheets around me, yelling for them to stop, but they ignore me.

“I never said I was,” Liam says as he dodges another punch.

“STOP IT,” I scream
, causing both of them to stop and look at me, “Brody get out,” I yell.

“I’m taking you home,” he argues.

“Get out while I get dressed,” I order.  He nods his head and walks out the door. “Are you alright?” I ask as I climb out of bed, heading towards Liam whose lip is bleeding.

“I’m fine.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“Yes it is, he hit you because of me,” I say as I touch the tender spot on his ribs.  It’s already starting to swell.

“Look at me,” he says as he lifts my chin for me to look at him, “I’ll deal with Brody.  What you and I do is our business and no one else’s, got it?” he says
, piercing me with stern blue eyes.

“Yes,” I say softly.

“Good,” he says before placing a soft kiss on my forehead, “Go ahead and get dressed before he busts back in here.”

I grab a pair of yoga pants and a tee shirt that I’ve left here and throw them on before heading out the door to talk to Brody.

“Hey,” I say as I sit on the couch at the opposite end from him.

“Hi,” he says sounding frustrated.

“We need to talk.”

“Yeah we do, but if I see him
, I’m going to punch him again.”

“Then let’s take a walk,” I say as I stand up.

“It’s cold out.”

“I’ll wear a sweatshirt,” I say as I head back to grab one that I keep at Liam’s.

“Everything alright?” Liam asks as I enter the room.

“We’re going to take a walk and talk,” I tell him as I walk towards him.  He’s sitting on the edge of the bed. “Are we okay?” I ask, looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

“Yeah,” he says before pulling me in for a kiss, “We’re good.”  The kiss is slow and sensual, but I can feel it picking up speed.

I pull back, “I need to deal with Brody first.”

“Yeah, I know,” he mumbles, “Actually, it should be me talking to him, not you.”

“You can talk to him when I’m done,” I say before leaning in and getting one more kiss.  Then I turn and head back out to where Brody is.

“Are you ready?”

“Yep,” I say as I walk out the door.
  We walk down the steps toward the sidewalk.

“Your feet are going to freeze,”
he says looking down at my flip-flops.

“I’m fine.  We need to talk.”

“Seriously Hails, Liam, after everything he’s done to you.  How do you sleep with him?” he asks frustrated.

“I didn’t plan it, it just kind of happened.”

“So you’re what, dating my brother now?”


“What do you mean, no?” he stops to stare at me, waiting for an answer.

aren’t dating,” I stutter.

“Then what are you doing Haley?”

“Liam and I have an agreement okay.”

“What kind of agreement?”

“Umm…friends with benefits kind of agreement,” I say shyly.

“No, no way.  You aren’t lowering yourself to that,” he says adamantly.

“It’s fine.  It works for both of us.”

, no it doesn’t.  Don’t lie to me.”

“I’m not lying.”

“Yes you are.  I see the way you look at him; you’ve always looked at him that way.  This isn’t just sex Haley and you know it.”

“What?” I ask shocked at his admission.

“The way you look at him, that’s the way I wished you would look at me.”

“What?” I shout,
“You’re with Kenzie.”

“Yes I am and I love her, but there was a time when all I wanted was you.  You were all I saw, hell
, all I thought about.”

“Then why didn’t you ever say anything?”

“I was going to, but then Kenzie asked me out; you said you didn’t care, so I figured why not.”

“You two are great together.”

“Yes we are and I love her, I’d do anything for her.  But Haley you and Liam, it can’t happen.”

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