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Authors: P.A. Lupton

Old Souls (3 page)

BOOK: Old Souls
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I threw my head back and laughed, Colin always had this effect on me.  “I can’t deny that. He is nice to look at.”

“Too bad he doesn’t swing my way.” He arched his brow. “But he
look interested in you.”

I felt the blush staining my cheeks and gave a halfhearted denial. “It’s not like that.”

“Really? I think it’s
like that.” He winked. “I mean, he did say things
personal between you—that was hot, by the way.”

I rolled my eyes. “It doesn’t matter anyway, nothing can happen between us.”

“Why not?”

“Because he’s my boss.” I left off the duh, but it was implied by my tone.

“Oh, relax—I say if you like the man go for it. You’re both adults.” His mouth hitched up on one side. “Personally, I’d pay the man to sexually harass me.”

Shaking my head at the suggestion, I shut down my computer and grabbed my purse. “Come on, let’s wait out rush hour and grab a drink before we head home.”


Two weeks I waited anxiously for the ‘unusual’ something Mark Young had predicted. He seemed so sure about it that he almost had me convinced. But nothing happened. Well, unless you counted the freaky GPS signal I seemed to have developed around the man. It was a hum under my skin that started buzzing whenever he was near. The moment he entered the building in the morning, I felt it. And not just then, the feeling was always there—ever since that day in the boardroom—but when he was close it was more concentrated. Only I was getting used to it. Not only was I accustomed to it now, I craved it.

I’d become infatuated with that buzz in my veins, it had me acting completely out of character.  Yep, I was turning into a stalker—constantly ‘running into’ him in the lobby restaurant, colleague’s offices, and the stairwells and elevators. He was all over the place. And since I was a dedicated stalker, so was I.  I went from not seeing him for the first two weeks of my employment, to bumping into him

I hadn’t really planned on acting on this disturbing need to follow him, it had started innocently enough. At first, I didn’t understand what I was feeling. The only thing I knew was there was something pulling me, too compelling to ignore. I’d head toward the source only to discover him at the end. So I kept following it, just to be sure.  And every time I bumped into him he acted charming, sexy and witty. Unlike that first day, he seemed genuinely happy to see me. I was starting to think his brusqueness that first meeting was an aberration. He must have been having an off day.

The Wednesday two weeks after our first meeting, I felt his presence in the café and decided to pass by to grab some lunch as well.  As I walked by his table, he called to me.

“Alyssa,” he waved me over and ordered
, “Sit.” He gestured to the chair across from him but there was food set out in front of it. An irrational and unexpected stab of jealousy flared as I imagined him having lunch with another woman. That was ridiculous. He could have lunch with whoever he wanted.

“That’s okay. It looks like you have company already.” I nodded toward the food impressed that my friendly tone belied the disappointment I felt.

He chuckled. “That’s for you. Turkey club, no tomato on whole wheat.”

Holy freaking crap, he knew how I liked my sandwich. The realization sent warmth zinging through me. “Mr. Young, I—”

“Call me Mark,” he insisted. “And sit.”

I took a seat. “You’re a little bossy, aren’t you?”

“On occasion.”

“Some might call that an obnoxious trait.” I teased.

He slanted me a shrewd smirk, as if he knew I wasn’t one of those people. “Luckily for me, not everyone does.”

“How did you know I’d be here?”

“It seemed a safe bet considering we keep…
into each other. Chances were good I’d find you here.” His smile was deliberate, and coupled with the amused gleam in his eye told me he knew our meetings weren’t completely accidental. “I figured we should get better acquainted.”

We ate lunch and chatted. It surprised me that he seemed genuinely interested in my life. He asked me about my family, work, goals, and hobbies. Our lunch far surpassed what I’d consider a professional meeting.  Strangely, it felt like a date, especially when he blurted, “
You have the most striking green eyes I’ve ever seen.”

His stare was mesmerizing, and I couldn’t miss the heat that sparked between us. “Um… Thanks.”

“It complements your hair.” He surprised me further when he reached out and ran his fingers lightly through the strands. I wanted to rub my face against his hand like a cat and purr, but I held perfectly still with bated breath, waiting to see what he’d do next. “I love the Chestnut color.”

The intensity of his stare became too much and I looked away, glancing at my watch to distract myself from the feelings he elicited in me. My stomach plummeted. “Oh no.”

“What’s wrong?” He asked, pulling his hand back.

“I didn’t realize what time it is. We’ve been here for three hours.”

Winking, he didn’t seem bothered in the least as he leaned closer and whispered conspiratorially. “It’s okay, you were with the boss. We’ll call it a business lunch.”

I chuckled. “Thanks, but I really need to get back to work.”

“Before you go,” he said quickly, reaching to grab my hand when I stood. The contact had a rush of goose bumps prickling along my skin.  “I was just wondering if you’ve noticed anything… new?”

“Nope, nothing
if that’s what you’re asking. That is what you’re asking, right?”

He grinned. “Maybe.”

“Maybe if you told me what I’m supposed to be looking for.” I raised a brow, and felt compelled to add, “Whatever this thing is you’re waiting for, it could have already happened and I wouldn’t have realized because I don’t know what to look for.”

He snorted. “Believe me, you would have realized.”

“Unghh,” I groaned. “Would you just tell me already?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I did.” His eyes sparkled, playfully. “Just keep my number handy.”

Chapter 3

Strange Happenings

The next two weeks flew by, not surprising since Mark and I had been together constantly. Not only had we eaten lunch together every day since that first time in the café (subsequent lunches were kept under 3 hours), but he’d also requested me for an important project he was preparing for a would-be client. The project had the potential to earn millions for the firm.  I was thrilled at being offered such an amazing opportunity. Not only was it an amazing opportunity for my career, but it had the added benefit of forcing us to spend a lot of time together—and I mean
a lot
of time. He intrigued me, and the more time we spent in close quarters only seemed to increase that strange connection we shared, which I still hadn’t figured out. Why did I feel it? How long it would last?

Nevertheless, if I was being honest with myself I’d admit it wasn’t my only draw to him. Even if I’d never experienced the inexplicable pull, I’d
be attracted to Mark. It wasn’t just about that compelling tug between us, and it also wasn’t about his looks (although he
unbelievably gorgeous). He was fun to be around. I’d discovered he possessed a wicked sense of humor and he was sweet, although he often hid that trait behind a dominating shell that often came across as bossy. Part and parcel of being the boss, I guess.  And maybe I was a little crazy, but that Alpha male side of him sent my stomach into a frenzy every time. He was like a candy, all hard shell on the outside but soft sweetness inside. It was beyond sexy.

“What movie did you get?” I asked.

We’d been working, but Mark had convinced me to take a break and relax for a bit before we got back to it. He
right, we did need to rest. We’d both been exerting ourselves nonstop, fourteen hours a day for the past two weeks. And tonight, my one night off, something had popped up and he dropped by my house to work. I’d become so comfortable with him it hadn’t even occurred to me to panic that he was in my home. Besides, we’d been spending so much time together, had become so close, he made it feel like a natural progression to hang out and watch a movie together, too.

While I made us something to eat, he scrolled through the pay per view channels and found us a movie. “It’s a chick flick,” he announced, waggling his brows.

“Seriously?” I looked at him like he’d grown a second head, surprised by his choice.

“What, you don’t like romance?”

do, but I thought you’d prefer something with a few more explosions and a lot more testosterone.”

“Are you kidding, I love Love.” Handing me my wine, he plopped rather ungracefully on the sofa next to me.

Unnerved by his proximity, I felt the heat from his body as his leg pressed right against mine. We’d developed a familiar rapport, lately. In fact, most of the time I could almost forget he was my boss, but I still hadn’t quite gotten used to him being
close. Despite how comfortable I was around him, that spark had never dissipated, and neither had my attraction to him. It unsettled me.

He’d slung an arm over the back of the sofa, which was equally exciting and maddening because of the way his skin grazed my shoulders, making me constantly aware of his presence. There was a love seat along the other wall, so why did he sit practically on top of me? I think he knew it left me feeling unbalanced and took pleasure in throwing me out of my comfort zone. In fact, he constantly straddled the line of appropriate behavior when we were alone together, barreling thorough any obstacles I tried to erect in an effort to keep our relationship professional. He wanted things personal between us, and he let me know it all the time.

“Are you comfortable?” There was no mistaking the sarcasm in my tone.

His lips twitched, amused. “Yes. Thank you.”

He lifted the remote and turned on the movie, then leaned over to click off the lamp. And just like that I was sitting in the dark with a glass of wine about to watch a romantic flick with a man I was fiercely attracted to. How had an evening of work turn into this? Mark was smooth, I’d give him that.

“You never told me what movie,” my voice was a little shaky from nerves.

“It’s called Serendipity.”

Feeling his gaze on me, I avoided looking at him. After what seemed like an eternity, he turned his head and watched the film.

Even after a half hour of watching, I could honestly say I had no idea what was happening on the screen. Who could concentrate with this vibrating under my skin? I’d gotten used to it over the past month, but it was still powerful. Couple that with a crazy, erratic heartbeat, sweaty palms, fitful nerves, and I felt like a teenager on a first date.
Concentrate on the movie Alyssa.
I scolded myself.
Don’t think about the man next to you or about his hand resting on your thigh.

I put all of my effort into paying attention to the movie and ignoring Mark. It was good, definitely romantic, even if it was a little farfetched. I hadn’t realized I’d voiced that opinion aloud until he asked, “What’s farfetched?”

“Oh,” I shrugged, “the movie. Fate and destiny? You don’t believe in that stuff, do you?”

He didn’t answer me right away. Instead, he seemed to contemplate the question with more consideration than I expected. “I
believe in fate.”  Usually Mark smiled, always grinning or smirking—that was just his way. But when he shifted and glanced at me, I noticed his expression had become thoughtful. “That is, until about a month ago.”

It had been a month ago when we met. Did he think meeting me was…fate? Why did that thought feel so right?




“Mark?” his name spilled from mouth on a whisper, I didn’t know what else to say.

Since the day I’d met him I’d been riding a rollercoaster of emotions. Excitement, anticipation, and let’s not forget desire. All of it had been building higher and higher, like climbing a hill, continuously rising, creeping to that first peak. And after hanging onto the top for dear life, trying desperately not to fall, his words had me cresting the plateau and dropping down the other side. The rush of that first plunge had butterflies swarming in my stomach. It truly felt like falling. Although, I suppose in a way I
falling, had been falling since that first day.

“Alyssa.” It was the first time anyone had ever said my name with such reverence. Such adoration.

I knew it was going to happen before the spark of heat flared in his eyes. I knew it before he swiped the lock of hair that had fallen over my cheek and tucked it behind my ear. Before he cupped his hand around my neck and drew me closer. His eyes settled on my mouth and I realized I had known this was going to happen from the first moment I’d laid eyes on him—and maybe even before that. It was as natural as blinking or breathing.  And when his mouth finally closed over mine, I realized that I was exactly where I was supposed to be. Nothing in my life had
felt so… right.

BOOK: Old Souls
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