My Skylar (4 page)

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Authors: Penelope Ward

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From the author of the #1 bestselling romance, #Jake Undone, #comes a friends-to-lovers story of longing, #passion, #betrayal and redemption…with a twist that will rip your heart out.

Skylar was my best friend, #but I secretly pined for her. One thing after another kept us apart, #and I’ve spent the last decade in fear of losing her forever.

First, #it was the cancer, #but she survived only to face the unthinkable at my hands. Because of me, #she left town. For years, #I thought I’d never see her again.

But now she’s back…and living with him.

I don’t deserve her after everything I’ve put her through, #but I can’t live without her. This is my last chance because she’s about to make the biggest mistake of her life. I can see it her eyes: she doesn’t love him. She still loves me...which is why I have to stop her before it’s too late.

, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #romantic comedy, #Inspirational

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What the fuck?

I left Ava and followed the girl downstairs as a seven-foot tall guy I recognized from school

trailed me.

“Is Skylar your friend?” I called from behind the girl.

“Yes. I need to find her,” she said before asking someone, “Have you seen Skylar?”

Some guy pointed to the door. “She just left a minute ago.”

I put my hand on the girl’s shoulder to stop her from leaving. “Please. Let me go find her.” I

ran outside before she could respond.

It was really foggy out, and I had to pick a direction. I chose left because it was toward her


After a few minutes of running, I was almost ready to turn around. That was when I noticed

her stopped further down the road. When she heard me approaching, she turned around. I slowed

down and was out of breath when I finally caught up to her.

“You always could run like hell.” When she didn’t say anything, I continued, “I didn’t expect to

see you tonight.”

She looked up at the sky and let out a single sarcastic laugh. “Isn’t that supposed to be my


She was so pretty.

My heart was pounding. “I guess you’re right.” I was really taken aback by how different she

looked. Long, wavy auburn hair wet from the drizzly rain replaced the two braids I remembered

she always wore. She was still petite but definitely wasn’t a little girl anymore. I was all too aware of that.

Even though it was dark, the streetlights shined on her face, illuminating her green eyes. She

was waiting for me to speak, but I was too busy studying her.

She broke my stare when she said, “This is the part where you open your mouth and say

something. Maybe explain why you never called or wrote to me. Maybe explain why you show up

five years later screwing some whore at a party on my turf.”

“Whoa…wait. I wasn’t screwing her,” I said defensively. It bothered me how much I needed her

to know that.

“It’s none of my business anyway. I—”

“I wasn’t going to have sex with her,” I said with my eyes peering into hers.

“Fine. TMI. Like I said, it’s none of my business.”

“I don’t like the way you’re looking at me right now,” I said.

“How am I looking at you?”

“Like you’re disappointed in me.”

Why the fuck did it matter so much what this girl thought of me? It shouldn’t have, but it did.

It was why I had waited in the first place to tell her I was back here.

She closed her eyes and sighed. Her expression softened. “I’m just a little shocked to see you,


“I know. I’m sorry.” I let out a deep breath before telling her, “I live here now, Skylar.”

“What? Since when?”

“Since last week.”

“I don’t understand…”

“My mother lost her job and has really been strapped for cash over the past year. Since my

grandmother moved to Florida and owns her old house outright, she offered it to us so that we

could live rent-free. My Dad doesn’t give a shit about what we do anymore. So, we moved.”

“How did I not see you move in?”

“We didn’t have a truck or anything. The house is all furnished. We drove up half our stuff a

week ago and go back for the rest next weekend.”

“You’ve been living across the street from me for a week?”

I looked down at the ground unsure of how to explain why I hadn’t gone to see her. The truth

was, I was scared. That little girl I left behind had meant so much to me. The thought of her and

memories of the conversations during our basketball games got me through many difficult nights.

I didn’t want to find out that she had changed or worse, that she would be disappointed in how I

turned out. I knew seeing her again would be inevitable, but each day, I put it off.

“I promise you. I was going to come by soon.”

She started to shiver and didn’t have a jacket. I took off my hoodie and put it around her arms.

“Thanks,” she said.

Several quiet seconds passed. “Let me walk you home.”

“I should call Angie.”

She walked a few feet away so I couldn’t hear the conversation then returned to the spot where

I was standing.

“She said Cody is taking her home.”

“Is that the tall dude?” I asked.

She nodded. “Yeah.”

“That guy sounds like he swallowed his own balls.”

When she burst out laughing, my tense body finally relaxed. The sweet sound of her familiar

laugh made me smile. For the first time tonight, it had felt like old times.

“What about your girlfriend? You just left her there.”

“She’s not my girlfriend,” I was quick to say. “Ava is a girl I just met at school this week. She

asked me to go to the party with her, and I said yes, but I really didn’t want to come.”

“You left the door cracked open upstairs. From what I saw, it looked like you really wanted to


Well, shit.
There was the wise mouth I remembered. But now that she was older, it was dirty, too. And that intrigued me. But I wished she hadn’t seen me making out with Ava because it really

didn’t mean anything.

“Yeah, well…it was a mistake.” I took out my phone. “Hang on.” I texted Ava that I wasn’t

coming back to the party. She’d whine about it and demand an explanation, but I had no interest

in continuing what we had started. “I just told her something came up. Now, let me walk you

home.” I took my jacket off her shoulders and opened it. “Here. Slip your arms through.”

She did, and I zipped it up slowly, careful not to catch her hair. My fingers brushed lightly

against her breasts on the way up.

Well, those were new.

“Thanks,” she said, looking up at me.

My hand was still on the zipper, and I squelched the urge to pull her toward me right before I

let go.

Her tiny frame was swimming in my hoodie, and that made me smile. “Let’s go.”

We walked side-by-side at a slow pace, and I chuckled at the fact that she was a good foot

shorter than me.

She was the first to speak when she asked me the question I knew was coming. “So, what have

you been up to the past five years, Mitch?” It came out sarcastically casual because we both knew

that question was the elephant in the room.

“I’m sorry I never contacted you.”

The tone in her voice tugged at something deep inside me when she said, “I just wanted to

know you were okay.”

“I know. I—”

She interrupted me. “I mean, I would see your grandmother and ask about you. She would

always say you were fine, but I wanted to hear it from you, because I knew you didn’t share your

true feelings with her like you had with me. So, I never knew whether what she would tell me was

really the truth.”

“Listen…I’m not even going to make an excuse for not calling or writing you. I was a dumb 11-

year-old. The situation got really bad after I got home. Things with my parents were way worse

than I imagined, and I didn’t want to talk to anyone, not even you. I was ashamed of certain

things. But you need to know something.”


“Everything you told me back then stuck with me: that it would get better, that it wasn’t my

fault. I kept replaying everything we’d talked about and reminded myself that I wasn’t alone…that

you had been through the same thing and survived. It was the only way I got through it. So, I

really need to thank you, Skylar.”

The rest of the walk home, she listened as I told her things I hadn’t ever told anyone. I

explained that shortly after I left my grandmother’s, I found out the real reason my parents were

getting divorced: my father had a secret girlfriend and had gotten her pregnant. I now had a four-

year-old half-sister whom I barely saw because my father eventually took off to live in

Pennsylvania with his new family. When I was twelve, my mother had gotten so depressed that

she had to be hospitalized, and I had to go to live with my uncle temporarily.

Over the past couple of years, things had finally gotten better. We were getting used to the new

normal with my father gone from the picture. When Mom lost her job, the shit hit the fan again,

and that’s how we ended up here. My mother and I were now back in her childhood home trying

to start over.

By the time we got to Skylar’s door, I was mentally exhausted from rehashing everything, but it

was a relief to have finally let it all out. How ironic that the only two times in my life I had really opened up to someone, it was to her. What was it about Skylar that made me want to pour my

heart out?

“Thanks for being open about everything,” she said as she stood on her front steps facing me.

“I’m sorry for freaking out and running earlier.”

I nudged her with my shoulder. “It was fun chasing you again. And thank you for listening.

You know…” I looked down at my feet and shook my head. “Never mind.”


“This is gonna sound kind of corny, but I always knew I’d see you again, that I’d be back here

somehow and that we would still be friends.”

She smiled. “To be continued…”

I didn’t get it at first but then realized she was referencing the comic I made her when I was

eleven. I had forgotten about that. “You still have that book?”

“Of course, I do. It’s not everyday you get a starring role in a story about S&M.”

I bent my head back in laughter. “Holy shit. When I realized the meaning a few years back, I

nearly died. Clueless little kid.”

“Well, I better go inside. My mother thought I was at the mall, which closed a half hour ago.”

“Oh, yeah…you’d better,” I said, backing away. “See you around then?” I pointed across the

street. “In case you didn’t know, I’m right over there, so…”

She surprised me when she took a step forward and hugged me. “I’m glad you’re here.”

I closed my eyes, relishing the brief contact of her warm body and the feminine smell of her

hair. “Me, too.” I never wanted to let go.

She pulled back. “Good night, Mitch.”

“Good night.”

When I walked into the house, my mother was watching television. “Hey, honey, how was your

night?” she asked as she sipped her tea on the couch.

“Unexpectedly good, Mom.” I said without further explanation on the way to my room.

Thoughts of her kept me up that night. It felt good to have reconnected, but what was screwing

with me were all of the things I wasn’t expecting to feel, how attracted I was to her.

She hadn’t given me back my hoodie. I thought about her wearing it and how much I loved the

thought of her delicate little body in my clothes. I thought about what it would be like to taste her plump, red lips. I imagined burying my nose in her long, silky hair and kissing the nape of her


Sucking on her neck.

It troubled me that I was having these thoughts about Skylar…little Skylar. Not so little


I was hard. And I was fucked.

She was someone I could see myself really falling for. But there was one thing I knew for sure:

I would not let things go any further than friends, fall in love with a girl like Skylar and hurt her.

I remembered how in love my parents seemed when I was small. They were always all over

each other, and it grossed me out. My Dad had told my mother how much he loved her all the

time, only to leave her years later for a younger woman. My mother almost died from a broken

heart. In my experience, love doesn’t last forever, and someone always gets hurt.

That wasn’t going to be me, and it sure as hell wasn’t going to be Skylar. So, when it came to

her, I would keep my dick in my pants if it killed me.

Someone should start planning my funeral.



Angie sat on my bed cleaning her camera lens. “I can’t believe it doesn’t bother you that Mitch

dates other girls.”

A lump formed in my throat. “He’s not my boyfriend, so why should it matter?

Angie took my picture. “Uh-huh.”

“What was that for?” I snapped.

“I want you to see what your face looks like when you’re lying through your teeth.”

I rolled my eyes. “He’s like a brother to me, Ang.”

“Then, that’s just gross because he clearly wants you. I don’t understand why you’re not


“Who says Mitch

“Have you seen the way he looks at you? I have about a hundred pictures to prove it.”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

I knew exactly what she meant.

Over the past six months since he moved here, Mitch and I had not only picked up where we

left off as kids, but we grew closer. We saw each other almost every weekday after school, hung out in our rooms, did homework together and ate dinner at each other’s houses. My mother, Tish, and

his mother, Janis, also became close and even hung out without us once in a while. Sometimes,

the four of us ate together or watched a movie.

To someone looking in from the outside, it would have looked like Mitch and I were brother

and sister, part of one big happy family with two lesbian moms. The reality was, the moms were

lonely ex-wives of men who abandoned them. And brother and sister secretly wanted to have sex

with each other. I would say that’s the epitome of dysfunctional.

While Mitch and I were inseparable during the week, on weekends, he would sometimes go out

with girls from his school. He was gorgeous with a great body and therefore popular. Despite my

pretending not to care, the reality was, his dating hurt like a motherfucker.

He would always tell me where he was going and even who he was going with, but there was a

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