My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1) (27 page)

BOOK: My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1)
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“I can’t believe I fell asleep
. I am sorry.” I was trying to wiggle out of his arms, but he held me firm.

OK. We are just paying for everything.” He leaned in closer to me and whispered in my ear. “All the sex makes you tired.”

My eyes shot over to the saleslady
, and Jason laughed. She had obviously heard but was trying to ignore it, though she looked up at me and gave me a disgruntled face. Again, I tried to move off his lap, and he let me.

“So you found everything?” I was playing with my skirt
, brushing it down my legs.

, and I called Dave. He is going to pick it up and bring it to my house.” He still held his smug smile. I had the urge to smack his arm and tell him to knock it off, but he looked so happy.

The clerk reach
ed across the counter with a paper, going over the money and the payment and the interest. Jason was listening, and then he signed. I spoke, and the two looked at me.

“I would like to be on the account.” It was quiet
, uncomfortably quiet. “Please, can you make a side note with my name, just in case?”

The lady looked at Jason
, and Jason looked at me.

“Please,” was all I said to Jason
, and he looked at the saleslady and nodded his head. She went back to her very large computer screen.

“I will put you in then
. What is your first and last name?”

“Katarina Covington
.” I peered at Jason, and he took my hand and laced my fingers with his.

We left after that
and made our way to the electronic store,
. Jason was into the electronics, talking about HD and plasma and projection. I was so lost I just started to tune it all out. I kept my mouth shut and smiled and nodded. A salesman walked up to us—small guy, big glasses, bald down the center—and I slowly snuck away. I went over and browsed through the movies. I picked up a couple, thinking it might be fun to watch something with Jason. We hadn’t done that yet. When I was finished I found him in the stereo section. He was with the same guy. I wiggled my way under his arm as the men talked about surround-sound stuff.

Jason had his right arm around me
, and I fit perfectly leaning against his body. I reached up to his flat stomach and tried to move my hand under his shirt. I pulled it up a little and slid my hand so it rested on his bare stomach. The feeling was comforting. I stopped and pretended like I was listening, but I was distracted. My fingers began diving down beneath his jeans, and I heard him suck in a breath when I reached the top of his manhood with my fingers. I stilled, forgetting for a second we were in public. I looked up at the salesman, but he didn’t seem to notice, so I continued to fondle Jason and nod my head naturally like it was something I do every day. Jason finally grabbed my hand, and I looked up at him. He gave me a tight smile, eyes wide open. I thought it was funny. I giggled. The salesman walked away briefly, and Jason knelt down to look at the sound system more carefully. He was ignoring me. At this position, he was right at the height of my upper thighs.

, hey, while you’re down, there will you do a friend a favor?” I smiled, and Jason’s eyes got big.

“You are dangerous
, Katarina, seriously dangerous.” I loved that he thought that. It made me smile bigger.

The salesman came back with similar papers as the furniture lady had
, and Jason began signing things. I asked again in my politest voice to be added, and the salesman, who I didn’t think had even noticed me, blushed a little. After we finished, I was so relieved. Jason looked over my movie choices and added them to the bill without a word. I stared at him. He was so gorgeous. He wore the dark-washed jeans that hung on his waist and had on a tight blue T-shirt. He wore boots too. His hair was getting longer on top, falling almost in his eyes as he moved his head forward. It still fell perfectly back when he ran his fingers through it, but the slightly skater haircut worked for him, too. He was a sight. I looked at him like he was an art project, except he was complete, nothing to fix.

He saw me
gazing at him and smiled. He took the papers from the salesman.

Coming?” he said as he walked toward the exit.

, right now?”

He looked at me
, puzzled. “Yeah, are you coming with me?”

I smiled a very playful smile
. “At the same time or do you want me to come first?”

He looked at the salesman
, who had clearly understood what I said, and then glared at me. I started giggling. He bent over while I was shrugging at the salesman and tossed me over his shoulder. He stalked out of the store with my butt in the air, and everybody looking. That only made me laugh harder.

When we got closer to the car
, he reached his hand under my skirt and ran his fingers over my sex. I knew I was wet. I had to be. He did things without even trying that got me horny. His sharp intake of breath told me he was surprised. He set me down, leaned me against the Jeep, and took my mouth with his. He was rough and desperate, his tongue in my mouth possessing me. I did nothing except enjoy it. His kisses began to lighten up after a while and became more tender and soft. I knew that was his way of asking me to kiss him back, so I did. My tongue snaked out, and I ran it outside his lips. I felt him shudder at the feeling, my hands in his hair, trying to make it longer with my slow pulling. I could have kissed him like this for hours. He began rolling his hips into me, and I tried to wrap my legs around him.

We heard someone clear
his throat behind us when we finally stopped. Jason turned to face the person, but I just stared at Jason. He picked up my leg and moved it from his hip in slow motion, like he couldn’t believe he had taken it that far in the parking lot. He stepped away from me and moved toward the person, running his fingers through his hair in the process. I let out a big breath and pulled my hair out of the ponytail before climbing into the Jeep. I heard him talking to someone, thanking them and putting stuff on the backseat. Then he climbed in and started the Jeep in one swift motion.

“You are dangerous
.” He said it like it wasn’t the biggest compliment, but to me it was.

“Did you forget your stuff?” I smiled
, but tried to hide it with my hands.

, you got me going, and I forgot all my very expensive stuff.” He looked pissed off and it made me laugh. He pulled out his phone and made a call. “Dave, we will be to my house in thirty minutes.” I heard him say yes and thank you a couple times and hang up.

We pulled into a Chinese food place
, and he got out, didn’t even look at me. He was so moody. I watched him, uncertain what he wanted me to do, waiting for a signal, but not getting one, so I waited in the Jeep. A few moments later, he came back out of the restaurant and walked to my side of the Jeep. I watched him glancing around the parking lot, but not at me. He opened my door, and I just sat there and kept watching him. He finally looked up at me, and a big smile crept across his face. I returned his smile. He gently lifted me from the Jeep and set me on the ground. He leaned against me, and I could feel his member pressed against my stomach.

“You are incredible
.” His eyes locked with mine, and I melted.

He reached over and put some
fallen strands of hair behind my ear. I caught his hand when he finished and kissed it slowly making it was very erotic. He bent down and claimed my lips with his. He held my face at first, and then his hands drifted to the back of my head, in my hair, and he gripped my hair tightly while he devoured my mouth. I started to moan. I couldn’t stop. His kissing was exhilarating, and his mouth was the sweetest piece of candy. His hands abandoned my hair and moved to my bottom, and he lifted me gently, his hands directly on my bare butt. He was gripping hard. His rough hands and fingernails on my sensitive skin drove me crazy. I threw my head back, and a loud moan escaped. He started to grind into my most sensitive area, and I thought I was going to lose it. My hands left his hair and traveled down to his zipper, and I started undoing the button on his pants and then unzipping his fly. He started to say something, but I leaned in and bit his lip, and he groaned. My hand worked its way into his boxers, and I was pulling his cock out when the front door to the restaurant opened, and he jerked away from me.

.” His eyes shot open. I was so lost in him. When he reacted loudly, it startled me. He placed me back on my feet, and I quickly smoothed out my skirt as he did up his fly. I followed him inside. He had a strong grip on my hand, so there was no doubt he wanted me to come with him.

We stood just inside the restaurant
, and our breathing became normal again. We got looks from people in the restaurant, but I had a feeling if we hadn’t been interrupted, it would have been worse. Jason acted like he could care less about the restaurant’s other patrons. He looked as though he was just trying to calm himself. His grip lessened on me, and he brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it, then squeezed it lightly and with his thumb drew circles. It was very calming. A young Asian lady came out from the kitchen and began giving Jason paper bags that were filled. She handed me some too, and I walked behind Jason as we left. He took the bags from me and placed them on the floor and between the seats, then lifted me back into the Jeep.

Chapter 19
Scratch An Itch




He got in and pulled out of the parking lot. I was quiet. I felt like he was being really intense, and I didn’t know what to say. I lost myself out the window, and he turned up the music. I heard him sing a couple songs, and it made me smile. I turned to watch him. He was drumming the steering wheel and singing. I was slightly drooling at how sexy he was. He saw me lick my lips to keep the slobber in, and he stopped singing and turned off the music. I felt like I was being punished for enjoying it. Then he started talking.

The Incredible Spider-Man
Despicable Me
?” He looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

glanced at him, looking at how masculine those two eyebrows were over his very dark green eyes. He blinked and I noticed his lashes were the perfect decoration to his eyes. I was completely lost in thought and had completely forgotten the question.  I began licking my very wet mouth again. He swallowed, and it was slow motion. His large Adam’s apple rose and fell. His jawline square, his chin stuck out just a little, he was perfect. He grinned at me, and I watched those perfect teeth, bigger than mine, and I was completely seduced by this man. I smiled back, blushing.

, the movies, you were over there for about an hour looking at the movies, and you came back with those two. Why did you pick them?”

I looked away from him
. I had to. He was an abyss of visual pleasure.

“I don’t know
. The cartoon looked funny, and I like to laugh. And
, well, who doesn’t love a good superhero movie?”

“No romance
? I expected you to have a girly movie in your hand.”

“You sound disappointed in my movie choices
.” I looked at him carefully. “Jason, are you a hopeless romantic? Did you secretly hope I would bring back a chick flick and make you watch it?”

He laughed and smiled at me again.
“I forgot. Romance to you is the pool guy.” He was really laughing now.

“One can dream
.” I gave him a teasing smile as he parked the car behind a flatbed filled with furniture.

He hopped out
, and I carried the food into the house. He went over to the truck and was talking with Dave when I came back for the second handful of food. A very pretty lady stepped out of the truck and hurried to my side.

“Do you need any help?”

I nodded and handed her a bag of food. She followed me inside to the kitchen.

“I am Sofia, Dave’s girlfriend
. We met the other night.”

I looked at her and had no idea what she was talking about
. I figured she had gotten me mixed up with another girl Jason dated.

, I am Katie. Thanks for the help.” We exchanged smiles.

“So I was a little nervous when
I heard Jason’s ex-girlfriend took you from the bathroom.”

I looked at
Sofia like I was seeing her for the first time. I was surprised she was there that night.

“I was so rude that night
. I am so sorry. Jason made me…frustrated before I got there, and I was sort of checked out.”

She smiled
, and it was sincere.

“Bettina didn’t hurt me
. She was going for the drama thing.”

We were both pulling the food out of the bags when the men walked in carrying the table
. I heard them teasing each other about who was stronger and whose side was lighter. Sofia and I laughed. I got plates out of the cupboard and brought them to the table. Sofia followed with the food, and I went back in the kitchen for the silverware. The men finished bringing the chairs in. Jason went out to the outside fridge and came back with a handful of Coronas. I grabbed the water bottles, and we sat at the table. Jason sat next to me, close enough for our legs to touch, and Dave and Sofia sat across from us.

fia was very pretty, with long black hair and big brown eyes. I think she was probably Hispanic. She had beautiful skin and nice white teeth. It seemed like she was always smiling. Dave had red hair and hazel eyes. They looked so different, almost complete opposites, but it was weird how they fit together. Their personalities were a perfect match. She giggled and smiled at his jokes, and every once in a while, there was a playful smack. Dave would dramatize like it really hurt, but Sofia was so tiny, I didn’t think she could hurt a fly, literally. It was fun watching them interact while we ate. It raised some curiosities in me, and I heard myself ask a question before I realized what I was saying.

“So how did you and Jason meet?”

Dave stopped eating and looked at me as though he was amazed I could talk.

“High school
. We played basketball together and became good friends.”

“So you were friends with him all of high school and since?”

Dave was quiet. He glanced at Jason.

“We were good friends in high school, but not in college. We hooked up again about
four months ago and started playing basketball again.”

“Where did you go to college?” I wanted so bad to ask about Jason’s high school sweetheart, but knew
Jason well enough to know he wouldn’t allow that line of questioning.


grin feeling like I had something in common with him. “My brother went to Princeton. So did my mother and grandfather.”

He like
d that answer, and his smile grew big. “What is your brother’s name?”

I really didn’t want to say, my brother and I were so different, but I thought the chances of him knowing him were slim to none.

“Brian Covington. My other brother went to Harvard before med school.”

His smile
quickly faded. “Your brother was a ladies’ man.” He laughed. “He was quite the businessman, if I remember right. We didn’t exactly hang in the same crowd. He was the epitome of brains, money, and intellect. He picked other rich friends, and the girls literally fell all over him. It is worse than this guy.” He gestured toward Jason.

“I doubt it
.” I winked at Jason. “My brother is very smart, and OK looking, I guess, but he lacks heart.” As soon as I said it, I wished I could take it back. I loved my brother, just didn’t like him lately.  “He wasn’t always like that, but things change and sometimes people don’t recover.” I glanced at Jason as silence broke out around the table.

Jason clear
ed the table, picking up everything and taking it to the kitchen. Sofia jumped up to help.

When Jason was out of
hearing range, I asked Dave, “So what was she like, Jason’s high school girlfriend?”

He smiled
a knowing smile. “Jacy?”

“Shit, she had a
name.” I felt my heart ache.

“Jacy was smart and pretty, but I knew she wasn’t for him. She was controlling
, the oldest girl of four siblings. She was always mothering someone. She hated that Jason played basketball, wanted to spend every moment with him.”

“Well that’s
kind of adorable. She really loved him.” I was suddenly feeling nauseated.

, it was hard to watch as a friend. She had a hold on him. She was pretty, but I didn’t get it.”

My back was to Jason
, so I didn’t see him walk in as I kept talking. “I bet it’s hard for him not being the Dom, you know?” I looked up and saw Jason’s eyes fall on me. His smile widened, and mine dropped.

“What do you mean I am not the Dom?”

I shrugged and looked at Dave, my face growing red. “Dom is short for ‘Dominant,’ the one in control, in charge.” I knew I was babbling, so I stopped. “I was stating that it would be hard for you to not be how you are…you know, dominant.”

His eye hazed over
, I wasn’t sure if in anger or lust. He helped me out of my chair.

“Princess, I am your Dom.”

My heart filled with warmth, and I got butterflies. “I know,” was all I could say. My mouth was suddenly dry.

Dave spoke up when I couldn’t find my words
. “We were talking about your first love.”

Jason’s head jerked from Dave to me.

“We were talking about your…
.” My voice ended in a whisper when I saw his eyes land on mine. He just looked at me blankly, and his hands dropped. “I am so sorry.” I wasn’t sure what else to say.

“Dave never liked her
. He always thought she belittled me in front of people. I don’t remember it like that. She cared for me and wanted to spend her life with me.”

“Of course she did
. You were her first love too. I am not sure I understood any of the love thing until recently.”

His eyes shot to mine
, and I stopped talking. I grabbed his hand and placed a fortune cookie in it. I took one for myself. He opened his cookie and read his fortune before handing it to me. It read, “You will obtain your goal if you maintain your course.”

I looked at him
. “What the hell does that mean?”

e looked at me but didn’t smile. I opened mine: “You have a surprise in your near future.” I handed it to him. He took it, read it, and raised an eyebrow. Then he turned toward Dave.

, will you help me with the rest of the furniture and the stereo system?”

Dave got up
, and they left. I went into the kitchen. Sofia helped me with cleaning the kitchen and emptying the dishwasher. We talked about the college she went to for a while.

“Jason said you were a dancer.” So
fia was drinking her beer and leaning against the counter.

, I did ballet mainly through high school. I tried other dancing, but ballet was the easiest for me.”

“I danced through college
, mainly hip-hop and contemporary stuff.”

“Do you still dance?” I look
ed at her cute little body, thinking it was definitely possible.

“No, but I love it.”

The men continued filling the house with furnishings. Sofia and I had the best seat in the house.  I smiled at her occasionally, as the sweaty men grunted and lifted their shirt to wipe drops of sweat from their eyes.  I thought I might take Jason up on his offer to watch him play basketball, if it was anything like this. We moved to the family room when we heard the sound of music over the speakers. Dave hooked up the sound system, and now he was fiddling with all the buttons making sure the television was connected.

I clapped my hands together rubbing them up and down.
“So is it set, the music? Sofia and I want to dance.”

nodded, waving me over to show me how to turn the stations and the cord to hook it up an iPod, and then he disappeared outside with Jason. They still had the patio furniture and a barbecue to set up.

Sofia pulled out her
iPhone and handed it to me, when the guys vanished. I took it and browsed her song selection.

“You have a lot of great songs
. Do you have a favorite?”

“I could dance to any of them.”

I slipped my sweater off feeling cooler in my camisole and skirt. I knew Jason wouldn’t want me walking around wearing this without a bra in front of his friend, but he was busy, and I could dance one song before he saw me. I continued to search her songs, and I was in a hurry to choose before the guys finished, so I saw a song that I hadn’t heard in a long time. I played it.

K, I’ll pick the first one.” It was Miley Cyrus, “Party in the USA.” This was such a girl song. 

smiled big when the music began to play. We both started singing. She swayed her hips to the beat and I mimicked.  Her hands went up when the song told her to and I copied that too.  As the song winded down she turned me around. I felt her hands on my hips as she guided my every movement.  Her body melted into my backside as she directed my motion. I was a dancer for years and her body against my body felt natural.  She never came on to me, never gave me reason to think this was anything other than a dance between girls. I closed my eyes and let my body mold into hers, focusing on finding the rhythm. It was relaxing to just to let go, therapeutic.

he song changed to Bruno Mars’ “Locked Out of Heaven.” I felt like we found a good pace together. Sofia slipped her fingers through mine and began moving them in sync with hers. I felt Jason’s intense stare and I opened my eyes and peered over my shoulder at the doorway. I flashed a sexy smile at the two gloriously sweaty men and then wiggle my fingers in a little wave. Sofia giggled in my ear, and it tickled, made me laugh. It had been so long since I had this much fun with another girl. Sofia and I were cut from the same dancing cloth.  I could dance with her for hours. Jason came over to where I was dancing and wrapped one arm around my waist and in one swift motion pulled me into his arms. He held me close as I regained my balance. I slid my arms up the wet, slick muscle of his arms and shoulders. He buried his face in the crook of my neck, his favorite comfort spot.  Then he slid his mouth along the side of my head and began singing in my ear. I had never realized what the song was about, until, he sang the words. He kissed my neck and ran his tongue over my shoulder and lightly bit me above my collarbone. I moaned in his ear and used my new hip moves. He was a great dancer with moves of his own.

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