My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1) (26 page)

BOOK: My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1)
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sat down on the stool in the kitchen, and ate a big bowl of cereal. Jason went upstairs and unpacked. When he came back to the kitchen, I was taking my last bites. He poured himself a bowl, and I laid my head on my folded arms and watched him eat through dreamy eyes.

“I really missed you…a lot.” He smiled a milky smile

He finished and took our bowls to the sink
, then came back and carried me upstairs. He set me down to start the bath.  We brushed our teeth and then slipped in the tub.  My feet were throbbing and the nice hot water felt soothing.  He lifted me out of the hot water drying me carefully then carried me to bed. I heard him sigh, a happy sigh, as he pulled me close and wrapped his strong arms around me.

Chapter 18
Filling The Inside Of The Shell




In the morning I woke up to see Jason staring at me. He was lying on his side about a foot from me, watching me. I gave him a sleepy grin, and he reached out and pulled me so I was smashed against him. I fell asleep listening to the sound of his strong heart.

When I woke again he was missing. I slipped his dress shirt on from the night before and headed downstairs.
He was outside drinking coffee, reading his paper. I sat next to him looking out over the yard.

“Good morning.”

He looked over, giving me a sexy smile.

“What do you want to do today?”
he asked, his eyes dancing over my body.

“I think it’s time we furnished your home.” I watched him closely
knowing it was something he had avoided doing.

e just shifted his body toward me with little thought and his lips curving up slowly. “All right, when do you want to leave?”

His sexy smile instantly
made my heart thunder in my chest. “After breakfast.” I got up making my way to the kitchen. He treaded quietly behind me.

“Next to your eyes
, you have the most beautiful hair.”

pivoted , giving him a teasing smile. “Are you horny, Mr. Riggs?”

quickly moved in behind me, smashing me against counter. He was breathing heavy in my ear.

“I am always horny for you.” He reached around me and fondled my nipples through
the dress shirt. I inhaled a sharp breath and leaned my head back to his chest, but he kissed my head and backed away.

I felt robbed by his absence. I was already trembling with his touch
, wet between my legs and throbbing. I gathered myself and moved to the fridge to start breakfast. He studied me closely. I could tell he was debating something. I finished making breakfast and sat next to him as we ate.

…I, ah, kind of blew that fantasy for you. How can I make it up to you?”

grinned at the thoughtful surprise, not expecting that. “I think it’s nice you want to have a do-over, but I am happy.”

“Tell me another one. I know you have one.”

I gave him a long seductive smile because he was being so sweet and it was sexy as hell. “OK, when I was a teenager, there was this really cute guy who would come and clean our pool. I would be out there reading or sunbathing after a swim, and he was very detailed and very skilled at cleaning the pool.”

Jason was grinning from ear to ear.

“He would look at me like I was edible, but he was quiet and very innocent.” I finished eating, and Jason just stared at me, amused, hiding his laughter.

“You have a fantasy about a pool guy?”

I hopped down from the stool as his laughter got louder, no longer concealing his amusement. “He was so adorable. He wore this blue T-shirt and baseball hat and those really cute shorts with all the pockets.”

“He sounds like your friend Blake.”

I playfully stuck my tongue out and crossed my arms over my chest. “No, my pool guy was not gay. He was cute, and if he was cleaning my pool right now, it would be on.”

Jason threw his head back when he laughed. He was laughing so hard
, it was infectious and it made me laugh too.

left him sitting there and ran upstairs to get ready. As I blew-dry my hair, I felt Jason’s eyes on me, and I gave him a small grin. Then I felt him behind me. He rubbed himself into me, his hands reaching around in front of me to unbutton the large white dress shirt.  He stared at me in the mirror as he slipped his hand inside my now open shirt.  He lightly squeezed my breast as he buried his face in my neck.  He gave me a gentle bite and then lifted the shirt over my shoulders.  I stood naked before him, still blow drying my hair.  He placed his hand on my back pushing my stomach onto the counter next to the sink. He didn’t seem troubled by my lack of interest, just kept grinding into me. He paused for a second to unzip his pants and pull out his member. He was still fully clothed minus socks and shoes. I watched him in the mirror stroke himself and then slip his hand between my spread legs. When he touched my slick area, a lottery winning smile spread across his face, and I saw his mouth say, “fuck,” in the mirror.

He disappeared
, and I finished blow-drying my hair before he returned. He was wearing a condom, and I giggled. He was very serious, no laughing, no smiling, and no talking. He walked behind me again and with one hand pushed me back on the counter. I stopped brushing my hair, and he began to touch me between my legs again. He put his foot between mine spreading my legs further apart, and then he quickly positioned himself behind me. I watched him in the mirror. He licked his lips, and as he entered me, his eyes rolled back in his head. He moved slowly, like he was savoring the last taste of his favorite candy bar. His hands moved around my back and slightly tugged on my hair. Then his hands slid down my back and rested on my butt. His eyes were transfixed on the parts he touched.

Jason was completely inside me, he stilled and looked at my face watching him in the mirror. He smiled a sexy smile, and it gave me shivers. I watched his eyes roll back in ecstasy again. Then he opened his eyes wide and began to move inside me. His hands gripped my hips tightly, and he began moving faster. His breathing became heavier, his face more fixed on his penis going inside me.

“So fucking tight, so fucking perfect
. I can’t get enough of you princess. You feel as good as you look.”

is breathing was more like grunting now, and I was so needy for him. He pulled all the way out of me, and I thought I was going to pass out. He moved his hands quickly to my pussy and began moving his fingers on both sides of my clit, avoiding direct contact. I wiggled my hips to help with the connection, and I watched a knowing smile spread across his face. I stilled, and he gently placed his finger on my clit. My body was buzzing from excitement. I thought I was going to explode. My eyes started to drift closed, and then he was in me again. He slid all the way in and then moved his fingers over my clit. My muscles contracted involuntarily around him inside me, and he started to drive rapidly in me again, pounding hard. His hands made their way to my hips and held me still. I watched him in the mirror, and it was like slow motion. His eyes shot to mine; then his thumb reached around and brushed lightly against the sensitive nub, and I exploded. My eyes stuck closed, and I saw fireworks. I couldn’t even find my voice. My orgasm had hit me by surprise. I felt my muscles inside me clench around him in waves, and he came undone. He finished with a jerk and some slower, more circular thrusts. He leaned over and kissed my shoulder and pulled out of me.

“It’s scary that you are so good at that
,” I complimented, and he buried his face into me, controlling his breathing, and I heard a chuckle.

“Get dressed
. Let’s go.” He smacked my bare bottom as I walked away.

Ow! That hurt.”

snickered, and it made me grin. “We both know, princess, you don’t really feel pain.”

My head snapped around and I stuck my tongue out.
I moved to the closet to get dressed. I decided on wearing a white lace camisole under a white hand-knitted sweater and a skirt that had tiny pink flowers all over it. The skirt rested on my waist and flared out a little, settling just above my knees. It had a pink bow at the top, peeking out under my sweater. I grabbed my white boots that went to my knees. I put my underwear on last because he was watching the whole process, and I was trying to hurry.

He raised an eyebrow as I pulled the white lace panties out of the drawer. “You could leave those off,”
he said with a huge smile, and it made my stomach do twirls.

I crinkled my nose
. “These panties go with my camisole. It’s a matched set. I have to wear them.”

shot me a disappointed look and shifted away from me.

, you want me to look for furniture with you without my panties? What happens if the wind kicks up and everyone sees my very bare vagina?”

He looked at me and laughed. I put the panties next to him on the bed and went back into the bathroom to put my hair in a ponytail and put on pink flower earrings. He followed and watched me apply my mascara and brush my teeth. I put lipstick on as he brushed his teeth
, still staring at me. I smiled at him as he finished. I leaned up and gave him a lipstick kiss on his cheek. His gleaming eyes never left mine.

’re real funny.” He made no move to remove the lipstick from his cheek.

We left the bathroom
, and I grabbed a tissue and moved to him quickly to erase the lipstick. I saw the smile before I felt him slip his hand under my skirt, grab my naked butt cheek, and squeeze tight. I pretended I didn’t notice as I removed the lipstick from his face. He slid his hand around to my sex area and slipped a finger in, and my breathing stopped.

“I just like it better like this
,” he said matter-of-factly. He removed his hand, and I watched him lick his fingers. My mouth fell open.

K, then, let’s go.” My voice was shaky. I thought it was a little disturbing not wearing panties, but he seemed to be enjoying himself. We walked to the Jeep, and he helped me in, taking extra time to lift my skirt and calling it the breeze.

got in and started up the Jeep giving me a happy, satisfied glance. We drove in comfortable silence for a while, and then he looked at me.

“What are you thinking?”

I grinned at him because I was thinking things I wasn’t sure he really wanted to know.

“Are you sure you want to know
? It’s OK to take the question back.” I smiled big, almost daring him to ask again.

, I would love to know what is behind those beautiful blue eyes.”

“So do you and your guy friends talk about sex?”

He thought for a moment. “Sometimes, if a friend’s not getting it so much or if the girl is crazy in bed .”

“Have you talked about me?” I watched his face grow in
to a beautiful grin.

, I most certainly don’t talk about sex with you to anyone.”

I thought that was really sweet
. My heart beat a little faster. He had been so thoughtful when he said it. I smiled back at him.

“Heather tells me about her sex all the time
, and lately, that is all she really wants to talk about.” I could tell he didn’t like this conversation, but I continued anyway. “She said he, Red, has a piercing on the end of it—you know, his penis.” I glanced at him, and his whole body physically flinched. It made me laugh. “She loves it. The thing is, I can’t imagine your penis being any bigger. She said the piercing hits her inside perfectly. I was thinking you hardly fit in me now. I think it would be quite uncomfortable if you had other stuff, dangly stuff on it too.” I looked over at him, concerned, and he started to laugh. “She also told me about the stuff he does to her…all of it.” I gritted my teeth and moved my lip down to the side. I was disgusted. “Do you want to do those things to me? I just wonder. The whole no-panty thing is kind of weird for me. Are you holding back?”

He ran his fingers through his hair
, and I watched him gather his thoughts.

arina, I love it that you trust me and if I ask you to do something, you do it. The no-panty thing is sexy as hell. To know that under that skirt you are bare for me drives me insane.”

I blushed as he was talking but didn’t turn away from him.

“I want to do those things to you, but I am in no hurry. I am so infatuated with you. It feels like if I don’t put my stuff in you”—he looked at me with a huge grin—“I am going to die a frustrating death.” He cleared his throat and looked at the road. His voice was a little hoarse. “I can’t seem to get enough of you. I left for a couple days to clear my thoughts, and it only got worse for me. I am so fascinated by you. Honestly, I keep thinking it will go away, and then I can play more with you, but it doesn’t. I never thought you would be like this…this wonderful.” He was pulling into the furniture store, and then he turned to me. “I have never felt like this.”

My heart started to hurt a little
, my stomach doing butterflies, and I smiled at him. I loved this man.

We walked into the store
, and Jason grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers through mine. I felt my body leaning into him just to touch him as much as I could while walking. He let me. We looked around for a while, and even sat on a couple of couches, but he wasn’t in love with anything, so we moved on.

The next store was a little more
high-end. I could tell because I liked more things. He walked over to a dining set, and I loved it immediately. It was dark wood and had elegant lines. It looked perfect for his house. The saleslady who had been eyeballing Jason since we made our way into the store swayed over to him and started flirting. I watched from behind them as she giggled and even reached over and touched his forearm. I diverted my attention toward the sofas. I found two I liked and was sitting on my favorite one. I hated shopping, absolutely hated it. I laid my head on the pillow and began to doze off. I woke up in Jason’s arms. He must have picked me up, and I was cradled in his arms as he sat in a chair. The saleslady was still talking to him. When everything finally registered my eyes snapped opened, and he was smiling down at me. I sat straight up, embarrassed.

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