Read More Than This Online

Authors: Shannyn Schroeder

More Than This (19 page)

BOOK: More Than This
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After what seemed like hours, Xander blew out a heavy breath. “I think we need a break.”
Quinn glanced at her watch. It had only been twenty minutes. “Is there a problem?”
“You’re not comfortable, and it’s coming across in the shots.”
“It’s that bad?”
“I’ll let you be the judge. If you relax a little, we can try again.”
She shook her head. She didn’t know how to relax that much. “I’ll go change.”
She draped the robe over the toilet tank, so they would remember which one she wore.
She slid into her dress and panties. She carried her shoes back into the studio with
her to put on while Xander talked to her.
She took the seat near his desk as he worked on the computer. She tugged her shoes
back in place. “Can you show them to me?”
“I’ll have your photos up in a minute. Before we look at them, though, I want you
to be prepared. I don’t have a real good feeling about these. You were stiff and uncomfortable.
I’d say you even looked scared. We might need to try again when you’re more comfortable
with the idea.”
She nodded. How bad could they be? The list didn’t say she had to have good pictures.
She just had to pose. She posed. Xander clicked the mouse a couple of times and turned
the monitor to face Quinn.
The slideshow flipped by on screen in slow motion. They were horrible. Worse than
horrible. Her eyes filled. She didn’t look uncomfortable. She looked
This couldn’t be worse. She stood abruptly and grabbed her purse. “Thank you for
trying. I appreciate the effort. Send me the bill for your time.”
She turned and ran for the door. As she bounded down the stairs, she heard Xander
call her name. Her embarrassment wouldn’t allow her to turn back. By the time she
hit the street, tears spilled down her cheeks. Her stride ate up the sidewalk on the
way back to her loft. Her phone rang. Indy. She was glad she hadn’t shown. She didn’t
need another human being to witness this. She worked to steady her voice. “Hi.”
“Hey. I tried calling after I got your text, but it went straight to voice mail. I
was running late. Where are you?”
“It didn’t work out. You can go home. Thanks.”
“Are you okay? You want me to come over?”
Another deep, steadying breath. “No, I want to be alone.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah.” She closed her phone and turned the corner to face her building. She lost
her wish to be alone as well as her battle for control over her tears.
Ryan stood at her front door clutching a bouquet of daisies.
yan felt the moment she saw him. She paused and her body language screamed, “Run the
other way.” He couldn’t see her eyes to read her expression, but given her pace, she
wasn’t happy. She only moved like that when she was trying to get away from something
unpleasant. The body language contradicted the easygoing appearance of her dress.
She looked ready for a picnic in the park.
As she neared, he realized she wasn’t pissed off or irritated. Tears streaked through
makeup on her cheeks, leaving odd striations on her skin. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I don’t want to talk right now.” Her voice shook and her breath hitched
as she inhaled.
He closed the distance between them and slid her sunglasses from her eyes. Her eyes
were puffy and red. She sniffed. “I brought you flowers to apologize.” He handed the
bouquet to her.
She cradled them in her arms. “Thank you.” She stepped around him to get to her door.
“What happened?”
“I said I don’t want to talk.” Her hand trembled as she tried to shove her key into
the door.
Ryan reached over and placed his hand on top of hers. “Let me help you.”
“I’m beyond help.”
He unlocked the door and held it open for her. She didn’t tell him to leave again,
so he took it as an invitation to follow. He braced himself for another elevator ride,
but she surprised him by entering the stairwell. They walked up in silence, giving
her time to compose herself. He was afraid to say anything that might start the tears
In her apartment, he put her keys on the side table and folded her sunglasses next
to them. She walked straight to the kitchen, put the flowers in a vase, and disappeared
into the bathroom. He sat on the couch and waited for her to return. Manners wouldn’t
allow her to hide from him for long.
She entered the room, put the flowers on the table in front of him, and sat at the
end of the couch. She had washed her face. The makeup and teary streaks were gone,
but her cheeks were still blotchy. “Thank you for the flowers. They’re beautiful.
If they’re from the same place you got them last time, they’ll last a long time.”
“So, where were you coming from?”
She shot him a look letting him know she still wasn’t ready to talk. Pulling a pillow
onto her lap, she plucked at its edges. “What have you been up to? Besides organizing
a speed dating event?”
“Mary’s been bugging me for a long time to do singles events. This is her project.”
Quinn tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. “So this happening right now has nothing
to do with my list?”
He couldn’t lie. Her voice already told him she knew. “Your list was the push I needed
to give Mary the green light. Not
about you.”
She smiled. “Thanks. It seems like the only way I can be successful with that damn
list is with your help.”
“What else have you tried to accomplish?” Part of him feared the answer, but he needed
to know.
One hand tightened on the pillow. Her eyes focused intently on the seam. He waited.
She needed time, but she would tell him.
“After we fought on Friday, I was determined to complete the list without you. I went
online and re-created my profile for a dating site. I also called the photographer
and made an appointment to pose and have pictures taken.”
Another long pause. Fingers pulling at threads of the pillow. “I made a date with
a guy for coffee. Turns out, he and his girlfriend were looking for a threesome. Mega-false
advertising there.”
Ryan tensed. He wondered what was on her profile to attract maggots. “What about the
She didn’t look up. A fat tear dropped onto her hand. He moved closer to her and lifted
her face to meet his. Anger gripped his stomach. “What happened? Is that where you
were coming from?”
She nodded. “It was horrible. Humiliating.”
His left hand held her chin and his right closed into a fist. “What did this creep
“Nothing. His job. He took my picture.” She swiped at the fresh tears. At least she
wasn’t sobbing.
He relaxed his hands. “You’re upset because the pictures didn’t turn out well?”
She shoved him away and stood with her back to him. “Go ahead and make fun of me.”
“I’m not laughing. Everyone takes bad pictures.” He stood behind her and touched her
shoulder. “Even supermodels aren’t perfect.”
“You weren’t there. You didn’t see. Pictures don’t lie. Airbrushing couldn’t fix that.”
With his hands on her shoulders, he turned her to face him. “I can’t believe they
were as bad as you think.”
“They were so bad the whole photo shoot lasted only twenty minutes. Then he felt the
need to warn me they were bad.”
“Maybe he sucks as a photographer.” He brushed a tear away with his thumb.
She shook her head. “I’ve seen his portfolio. Of nudes. Lots of different women. They
were all beautiful.”
The women or the photographs?
“You’re beautiful, Quinn.”
She snorted in disbelief.
He wished she could see herself through his eyes. “You were nervous, right?”
She nodded.
“What did he do to put you at ease?”
She shrugged. “He’s not a babysitter. I hired him to do a job.”
“Part of his job is to get the best picture possible. If he let you go through the
whole shoot with your guard up and your stomach in knots, how could he get a good
shot of you? I’ve seen you smile and burst out laughing and so pissed off you could
bite someone. I bet he didn’t get any emotion from you.” He leaned over and kissed
her cheek. “You are beautiful through and through.”
Her tears dried and her eyes reflected something other than sadness.
She turned her head and captured his mouth with hers. Her glassy eyes locked on his.
She sucked his lower lip. This was no friendly kiss. She was definitely picking up
where they’d left off last week. All coherent thought left his head as blood rushed
south. His fingers threaded into her smooth hair and he changed the angle of the kiss.
His tongue grazed her teeth and touched hers. Her eyes fluttered closed as their tongues
mated. He inched his body to close the slight gap between them, wanting to feel the
heat from her body. Her arms circled his waist. Fingers crawled up his back, causing
a shiver. He pressed his pelvis into her. His hard-on sought her softness.
She broke the kiss to whisper, “Upstairs.”
He looked into her eyes, red from crying, and wondered, why now? She was feeling low
and he didn’t want her to regret this later. “Are you sure?”
She nodded and laced her fingers through his.
As she led the way up the stairs to her bedroom, he watched the sway of her hips.
Does she always walk with the invitation, or is this for me?
At the top, he grabbed her body and pulled it back into him, pressing his erection
into the curve of her backside. He kissed the side of her neck and she rocked into
him. She brought her hand back and caressed his thigh. He propelled their bodies toward
the bedroom.
Unlike the brightly sunlit first floor, her bedroom was dark. She had the two east-facing
windows covered with blinds and drapes. He left her standing at the side of the bed,
and pulled the drapes open and twisted the wand of the blinds.
“What are you doing?”
He walked back to her and wrapped an arm around her waist. “I want to see you. I won’t
let you hide in the dark.” He reclaimed her mouth while tugging her dress up. When
it was to her chest, he stepped back to pull it over her head. She hadn’t worn a bra
and his eyes widened. “Absolutely beautiful.”
She took a deep breath. Her hands touched his chest. “What happens tomorrow?”
“I’ll still respect you in the morning,” he said with a smile. He stepped closer to
those wonderful, firm breasts.
“But will you still be my friend?” The question was tentative and fearful. It tore
into his chest.
“I’ll be whatever you want.” He hoped it was more than a friend.
He lowered his head and pulled on her nipple with his teeth. The sharp intake of her
breath ended the questions. He moved to the other breast. A whimper escaped her lips.
He went back to her mouth and walked their bodies to the bed.
Quinn lay back. “Get naked.”
He kicked off his shoes while whipping his shirt over his head. His hard-on strained
against the zipper of his jeans. He slid his underwear off with his pants in one motion.
Before joining her on the bed, he pulled her panties off, leaving her naked.
She scooted back near the pillow, covering her body in shadows. He wanted to watch
her lose control, lose herself in his arms.
“Uh-uh.” He grabbed her ankles and dragged her body into the sunlight. He covered
her body with his and kissed her. He trailed kisses down her neck. “I want to see
“I like the dark,” she whispered.
He lifted himself to see her face. Her eyes were closed and her head turned. Still
Ryan turned her face to him. “Open your eyes, Quinn.” She complied. “You are beautiful
and sexy. I want to be inside you more than you can imagine, but if you’re not comfortable,
say so now.”
“I want this. I’d prefer the curtains closed.”
He leaned close and pulled her earlobe between his teeth and released it. “We’ll do
it your way next time.”
The little voice in his head pointed out that she didn’t argue about there being a
next time. Hope surged through him.
She reached for his erection, but he pulled away and continued to kiss the soft flesh
of her torso. He wouldn’t last long once she touched him, so he had to satisfy her
first. Goose bumps rose on her skin under his touch.
With one nipple in his mouth, his fingers spread her folds. She was already wet and
hot. He slid one finger in, then another as his thumb massaged her. Her hips rose
instinctively seeking rhythm and release.
He felt the moan start deep in her chest and he knew she fought to swallow it. Her
hands clutched the sheets in her fists. She was near peak. He stroked gently, suckling
her breasts, licking her throat. He worked his way back up to her face.
“Condom?” he asked quietly, hating to disturb the pace.
She blinked and focused. “Drawer,” she answered, and flopped her arm toward the nightstand.
He reached across her body and grabbed a condom. Her body continued to wiggle beneath
his. He rubbed himself against her center.
Quinn pulled his face close for a kiss and lifted her hips to meet his.
Ryan guided himself into her, burying himself in the warmth and wetness. He thrust
again and her legs locked around him. She rocked her body.
“Let go,” he whispered in her ear. “I want to watch.” One hand tugged at a nipple
while he trailed his tongue on her neck.
Her thighs pulled him all the way into her and she created the rhythm of thrusts.
He knew the minute she lost all sense of self-consciousness. Her nails dug into his
back and she leaned up to bite his shoulder. “Faster,” she commanded breathlessly.
Ryan obeyed. Their hearts pounded against each other. Their bodies became slick with
sweat. She tightened around him. Her body went rigid and her thighs trembled. One
more deep thrust and he exploded inside her. He collapsed on top of her, mingling
his sweat with hers. They both huffed breath, chests heaving.
Quinn trailed a finger down his back. “God, that was good. It’s been so long, I forgot
how much fun it is with a partner.”
He laughed. “Good to know I’m better than a vibrator.”
She laughed loudly in his ear and her walls closed tightly around him again. He hardened
from his semi-soft state and rocked against her.
“Mmm. More?” Her breath tickled his ear.
“Yeah” was all he could muster. It had been far too long.
She rolled him over, obviously pleased with the prospect. Up on her knees, she came
down on top of him and leaned back. He didn’t think it possible to sink deeper into
her, but he did.
He reached up and massaged her breasts as she bounced on his dick to her own rhythm,
seeking her own pleasure. She leaned forward and pressed her breast to his mouth.
She ground down into him and came again.
Her body throbbed around him as she lay fully on top of him. As their breathing returned
to normal, she slid off his body and shivered.
Ryan pulled her close and covered them both with the blanket. She curled into him
and fell asleep. His hand rested on the curve of her back near her hip.
How could she doubt her beauty? Every time she walked into the bar, heads turned.
Could she be that unaware? He closed his eyes and pictured Quinn entering the bar.
If alone, she walked with her head down, purposefully cautious. But she was rarely
alone. She came in with a crowd, or she was with Indy. Although uninterested, Ryan
couldn’t ignore Indy’s sexy confidence. She was actress-beautiful, where Quinn was
everyday pretty. Quinn didn’t know her own beauty because she made sure she was shielded.
BOOK: More Than This
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