More Than Physical (The Physical Series Book Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: More Than Physical (The Physical Series Book Book 2)
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Jackson’s trademark smile appeared on his lips, all sexy-as-sin and edible.

“Yeah, he does. I was caught in a lie after our night at the hotel, so I had to come clean with Mitch. So how do you want to play this tonight? Are we together?”

Sasha began to organize the gift bags on the table, conferring with the names on her list, but stopping to consider his question. Time to finally admit to herself that she and Jax were more than a hook-up at this point.

“Well, seeing as you did drive me here tonight…and the likelihood of me sleeping at your house is pretty good….I guess I’d say we’re dating.”

A yelp jolted from her chest when he grabbed her ass with a growl. Then he leaned in over her shoulder, his lips touching the sensitive skin of her ear.

“That’s right, baby. You’re all mine. And I’m going to make good on that promise to use that magic purple wand on you later. Now get to work, Ms. Party Planner. I’m gonna go grab a beer.”

Jackson swatted her ass as he walked off toward the bar. She snorted, watching him walk in the opposite direction. His hot promise to get her off later, along with the exquisite perfection of his ass, had her already wet and ready for everything the night had in store for her.

Chapter Twenty-One


“Did he really bring twins as his dates tonight?”

Jackson shook his head in bewilderment as he took a sip of his beer, watching Dylan Hemmons bump and grind with the two silicone Barbie Doll sisters out on the dance floor. Mitch stood next to him watching the same thing, the look in his eyes clearly amusement. Although both men had had their heyday in the past, it was hard not to be a tad bit jealous of the younger man out on the dance floor, looking like he was enjoying himself immensely with his two women.

Rumor had it that Dylan, Rylie’s older brother, was quite the man-whore, never with a woman more than once or twice before moving on to the next. It wasn’t all that long ago Jackson seemed to be in a similar circumstance, perhaps not quite as prolific as Dylan, but if someone had described Jackson after he and Abigail split up, they would have said “
that man’s sowing his wild oats.”

Now the thought of being with anyone else besides Sasha made him break out in hives and his stomach turn. While Sasha hadn’t copped to feeling the same way about him as he did her, he knew it…he could feel it in the way she looked at him. And not just during sex. He’d catch her smiling at him with this look that blatantly screamed “content”. And he loved the way it made him feel. Like Leo in Titanic. The King of the World.

“Yeah, the stud definitely has his hands full tonight,” Mitch chuckled, giving a chin nod of acknowledgement to someone as they passed by, offering Mitch a congratulatory pat on the back. “But that’s Dylan for you. Rylie said she’s glad none of her friends ever wanted to date her brother, otherwise she would have had to kick his ass for breaking their hearts.”

Jackson nearly choked on his beer in relief, but couldn’t help the question that blurted from his mouth.

“Do you think he and Sasha ever hooked up?”

Mitch turned his head slowly, giving him the WTF death-glare. Or maybe it was the “
you’re acting like you have a vagina right now, dude

“Don’t go there, bro. Jealousy is not a look you wear well.”

Shit, he was right. It was none of Jackson’s business what happened in the past in Sasha’s love life. What mattered now was that she wanted to be with him. Or at least he thought she did.

Just as that thought entered his head, a flash of dark curls appeared out in the center of the floor, joining the threesome already in progress. Sasha’s petite body mashed together in perfect rhythm with the other bodies, as she moved in sync, fluidly gyrating her limbs, her hips, her ass to the beat of the music.

Hot lust bulleted through him, followed by a flash of rage when he witnessed Dylan’s hands grabbing her tight ass and yanking her up against his body. Jackson’s feet were poised to begin his route across the room, his fists ready to intervene and break-up the little party, when Sasha jerked from Dylan’s grasp, her arms shoving him away at his chest and her finger wagging at him playfully.

That’s his girl

Sasha’s eyes darted Jackson’s way, a look of curiosity and a tinge of guilt, which quickly turned to something darker. Sexier. She stepped back from the ménage and beckoned him with a crooked finger. There was no hesitation as he gave his nearly empty beer bottle to Mitch, who gave Jackson a snort and shook his head. Jackson walked with surety and purpose toward the beautiful woman under the sparkling lights of the dance floor.

Bodies crowded the small square-shaped floor, the music pumping through the speakers at the front of the stage and through the room – the band now well into their first set. Strategically placed spotlights scattered splashes of light across the many faces, people moving to the beat of the loud, toe-tapping music.

Wrapping his arms around her small waist, Jackson pulled her to him tight as her head lifted to stare into his eyes. Although she was wearing four-inch heels, she was still a tiny thing, barely coming up to his chin. He liked the about her. Compact and small, but a fiery personality that could win a competition against the spiciest Tijuana salsa.

The band’s song was a slow ballad that had everyone swaying to the music. Sasha clasped her hands behind Jackson’s neck, pressing her ear to his chest, his chin resting against the top of her head. He couldn’t hear it, but he felt her sigh, her sexy body relaxing noticeably in his arms.

“What was that sigh for?” he prodded, one hand moving south to the small of her back. His fingers inched under the hem of the jersey, seeking the supple skin of her back. Jackson toyed with the waistband of her jeans, his dick perking up at the exquisite feel of her heated flesh and the intoxicating scent of her hair. Now
wanted to sigh with contentment. She felt so good in his arms. He never wanted to let her go.

“I don’t know. A lot of things, I guess. I kind of wish we weren’t the ones hosting this shindig so we could get out of here. Being around you all night has made me very horny.”

The wicked smile that etched across her face had him wondering how the hell he could get her out of the crowded party, finding somewhere private where he could get inside her. Fuck, what she did to him.

Jackson glanced around the decorated warehouse looking for a dark corner or small recess where he could have his naughty way with her. Because the way she was looking at him, and the movement of her body against his straining cock, made the need for her very imperative. Even if he could just take the edge off until they could be alone, together all night, naked in his bedroom.

Eying a short corridor in the far corner of the building, which was blocked off by a wall of empty liquor boxes brought in for the festivities, he found their love nest. Perfect. No one would be back there right now.

Grabbing Sasha’s wrist, Jackson yanked her off the dance floor, a little grunt of surprise escaping her throat as she trailed after him. His stride was fast, but controlled, as Sasha worked to keep up with him.

“Where the hell are we going, Rowdy?”

“Shh. No questions. No talking. Just follow me.”

Jackson wasn’t surprised when she gave him a haughty grumble, mumbling something that sounded a lot like “
.” She wouldn’t be Sasha if she didn’t put up a fuss to his requests and demands. Even if it did lead to dirty deeds. Her sassy mouth only turned him on even more because he knew it was just a smokescreen. She loved it when he took charge like this. And it only increased the fire’s intensity between them.

Reaching the edge of the hallway, they had to sidestep numerous couples and circles of party-goers. The music was loud and ruckus, the vibe perfect for the celebratory atmosphere. And it was also loud enough, and dark enough, to do exactly what he hoped to do with her.

Maneuvering his body so that Sasha was ahead of him, he gave her a slight nudge to keep her moving down to the end of the hallway. As they neared the exit, he halted her progress, turning her back to pin her against the cement wall. She let out a short cry before his hips thrust to meet hers, capturing her wet lips with a hungry kiss.

The long, lusty groan she let out made him so crazy with desire he was ready to whip it out and go at it right then and there – consequences be damned. Thankfully his teenage boy, lack-of-boner-control days, were long gone and he was able to keep his shit together. At least for the moment.

Jackson’s mouth continued to possess Sasha’s, their breaths intermingling in a dance of heated lust. He was never going to get enough of her warm, wet lips. His body, heart and mind were at her mercy, whether she knew it or not.

Jackson had fantasized about fucking Sasha up against a wall, pinning her hands above her head, her back arching, breasts pushed up under the force of his thrusts. That fantasy was good, but not nearly as hot as experiencing the real thing. The heat from her body burned through their barriers of clothing. He knew, without a doubt, that her panties would be soaking wet when he trailed his finger across her sex.

Sasha bit his lower lip, the sharp bite of pain shooting straight to his cock, making him harder than he already was. She wanted to play rough, huh? Well, he could definitely give her what she wanted.

He reluctantly let go of her mouth, bending his head so his mouth was at her ear, nipping at her lobe and then licking around the shell. Her body quivered at the touch.

His warm breath wisped across her neck. “Turn around and put your hands against the wall,” he murmured, pausing when her head popped up in protest. “And don’t you say a fucking word. You make even one sound, and I’ll stop and leave you wet and wanting. Understand me? Now do it.”

Jackson felt the pleasure swirling in his gut as he watched Sasha do exactly as he commanded. It was a weird sense of power, taking control from a woman who didn’t easily submit. He’d honestly never tried it with any other woman he’d been with before. Being a thoughtful, kind lover was what he thought was expected of him, and which he always made sure to be. With Sasha though? She seemed to enjoy his commanding presence. It turned her on to give up control, allowing him to take over so she could lose herself in the process.

Sasha quivered at his first touch over her stomach, his fingers gliding over the smooth silk of her skin, circling her navel before dipping in to the waistband of her jeans. Jackson made quick work of unbuttoning and unzipping her pants, parting the flaps and snaking his hand down underneath her panties.
Fuck yeah, she was wet

Sasha’s breath caught as Jackson’s finger fluttered across her swollen seam – the feel of her slippery, aroused flesh against the cotton panel nearly sending him to his knees. That whimpering sound and the welcoming warmth of her body had his cock straining against his briefs, pressing against her ass cheeks.

“Are you wet for me, Sash?” he asked, his voice harsh and desperate. “Or is this from dancing with Dylan? Did you want
to fuck you?”

He wasn’t sure where the jealousy stemmed from, but all he knew was he wanted Sasha to himself and hated the fact that she was flirting with another man. Her body stiffened as she tried to resist, pushing away from the wall. Jackson increased his grip around her waist, locking her in tight leaving no room for movement. Sasha shook her head in protest.

made me wet. I’ve never wanted Dylan…only you, Jax.”

He smiled against the curve of her ear, licking and nibbling the soft skin underneath, working his way down the sensitive valley of her neck. If he weren’t concerned she’d kick him in the balls, he’d mark her, making sure everyone knew she belonged to him. Maybe that did make him a Neanderthal. He
drag her back here to have his way with her.

“Good. Now I’m going to make you come, hard and fast.” He moved one hand to cover her mouth, the other hand working between her legs. “Now don’t make a fucking sound.”


Everything leading up to that point was a blur. All the back and forth between them, the push and pull, the questions in her head about what he meant to her. None of it mattered anymore. It was all a moot point, as long as he continued to do what he was doing in that moment.

All the strain of what had happened recently with her father, the stress of work, all the time spent on planning this party and Rylie’s upcoming wedding. It all dissipated from her mind, melting away like snow in May with every touch of Jackson’s talented fingers, laying claim to her body. The pleasure was so intense, so perfect, she was ready to explode at any given moment.

Sasha both loved and hated Jax for telling her to keep quiet. He knew it was tough for her to stay quiet when he made her come. She had to bite her lip to hold back the loud moans trying to escape. Had she always been like that with other men, or was it just what Jackson did to her? He made her want to scream his name every time he kissed, licked, tongued, fingered or fucked her.
about him made her feel good…alive. Desired.

Jackson moved the fabric of her panties aside, curling a long finger inside her, his thumb deftly circling her swollen sex as he continued to rain kisses down her neck, his breath hot and heady. The cold of the cement wall was a contradiction to the hot body she was pinned against. Another finger was added and she groaned –
- circling her hips wantonly against his arousal while fucking his hand simultaneously.

He bit a spot on her shoulder, causing another gasp to escape her mouth. “You make another sound like that, and I’m going to find another way to keep your mouth quiet.”

“Mmm. Yes, please.” She smiled at his reaction when she slipped her lips over his index finger that was still covering her mouth, sucking the tip deep. His own groan had her nearing the edge.

“Ah shit, baby. I’m going to come in my pants if you don’t stop that.” 

To let him know how much she liked that idea, she wiggled her hips harder this time, grinding into his erection and hollowing out her cheeks to suction his finger harder. Jackson pulled his hand away from her mouth, placing it under her T-shirt, yanking greedily at the lace bra, squeezing her breast with his hungry hand. He swirled and tweaked the hardened nipple, the moisture from his fingers covering her skin.

Voices from the party were drowned out now by the buzzing in her ears, the rush of blood coursing through her body, rippling through her pleasure zones. She was so close, her brain hazy with sexual need and desire. Every cell in her body ready to ignite with the depth charges he was transmitting, waiting to blow her to smithereens.

BOOK: More Than Physical (The Physical Series Book Book 2)
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