More Than Physical (The Physical Series Book Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: More Than Physical (The Physical Series Book Book 2)
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Seen. Not heard

That’s how they treated their son. No matter how successful he’d become in his career or what accomplishments he’d achieved, his parents never showed any interest. Sad, but true.

As a young adolescent, it had bothered him. Hurt him deeply. He tried to make them proud. To gain their attention by being a good son. A star student. A well-rounded individual. He’d gone to Harvard, like his father. Was going to follow in his footsteps, until he finally came to the conclusion - and after meeting his friend Mitch - that they would never love him the way he wanted them to. It was a hopeless endeavor.

And when he met Mitch’s parents, and saw just how loving and supportive parents could be…he finally realized it wasn’t his fault. He stopped trying to please them. It was his parent’s problem, not his.

By the age of twenty, Jackson turned into his own man. He became who he was through his own conscious decisions, without any guidance from the two self-centered people who did a piss-poor job of raising him.

And he was fine with that. No more crying over something he couldn’t control. If there was one thing he learned along the way, it was that you couldn’t make people love you. They either had the capacity for it, or they didn’t. And he came to peace with the fact that his parents just couldn’t love him the way he wanted them to.

Perhaps it bled over into his own relationships. Jackson had never been close to loving a woman or wanting to spend his life with just one other person. Of course, most of the women he dated were vapid, built and lacking claim to anything remotely close to a brain. His longest relationship was with Abigail. It was nearly a year and he’d never told her that he loved her. Love was just not in his DNA.

She squinted up at him, her brow indenting in a show of confusion.

“You never brought a girl home to meet your folks?”

Jackson placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her through the park exit, taking a right and walking up the street. She shivered, the breeze now hitting them as they were no longer canopied by the oak tree-lined park.

Jackson casually swung his arm around her shoulders, rubbing along the exposed skin of her arm. He smiled as the goosebumps increased.

“Nope, never.”

“Not even a prom date?” She asked incredulously.

“I was in boarding school at the time, up in Connecticut. And my prom date was just a one-time date, not someone I’d introduce to my parents.”

She nodded her head knowingly. “Ah, so she was a bang-and-ditch-date? I’ve had plenty of those, myself.”

If it was one thing you could say about Sasha, it was that she wasn’t afraid to speak the truth, no matter how unattractive that truth might be. But that’s what drew him to her. She was unapologetically honest.

“Yeah, you could call her that. Sadly, I can’t even remember her name. She was from one of the all-girls school in town and had been with several of my friends before she landed with me. But at least it made for a memorable night.”

“I bet,” she snickered, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. “Did she pop your cherry? Give your knob a little shine? Let you cop a feel?”

They reached the front stoop of Sasha’s brownstone, as she fingered through her purse to retrieve her keys.

“All of the above.”

Jackson stood behind her and wrapped his arm around her small waist, leaning in so that his mouth was just at the base of neck. His body pressed in close, his semi-erection snuggling into the crease of her ass.

She gasped in pleasure as his hips rocked her from behind.

“You gonna let me cop a feel tonight, Sash?”

She swung the door open, turning around and pulling him in by his shirt.

“I’ll let you do whatever you want, tonight, Rowdy. I’m all yours.”

Chapter Seventeen


One week.

It hadn’t even been seven days since she’d told Jax, in no uncertain terms, that sex was off the table between them. And yet here she was already pulling the plug on her own self-imposed decree.

Wishy-washy much

The problem didn’t lie in her lack of self-control. No, it had nothing to do with staying the course or sticking to her guns. The real problem was the undeniable, honest-to-god sexual magnetism that this man had in spades, and the power it held over her. If he could bottle whatever it was that he radiated – his male essence – then he would be a billionaire, borne of all women’s fantasies.

Sasha had obviously dated hot men before. Many men. Young, older, rich, lazy unemployed couch potatoes – you name it, she tapped it. And she was well acquainted with desire. Passion, even. Lust by any other name…but the thing is, none of that compared to what she felt when she was in Jackson’s presence. He was just all

Jackson was polite and gentlemanly, who always showed concerns for her well-being. He’d expressed genuine interest in her career and didn’t feel threatened that she was ambitious and independent. How refreshing.

But he wasn’t a push-over. Jackson was strong and brilliant. He could go head-to-head with her and debate just about anything – which they seemed to do on a regular basis. His competitive nature was on par with her own, yet when all was said and done, he didn’t pout like a little boy if he didn’t win. He was a good sport.

And the cherry on top? He was freaking awesome in bed. His tongue, hands and cock could do things to her that no other man had ever come close to doing. She practically dissolved in a pool of drool whenever his lips touched her – on her mouth, her neck, her collarbone, breasts, between her legs, behind her knees.

She was powerless to do anything but let him have his way with her. And that’s exactly why she was here now, in her home with him, about to get naked and go at it like a hungry tigress.

Stepping in the kitchen, Sasha placed her purse on the counter and moved toward the bar, hoping for a little distance to keep her from jumping in too fast. Honestly, she needed another drink to calm her nerves.

Yes, she was nervous, for fuck’s sake. Like a virginal schoolgirl even though this wasn’t her first rodeo with Jax. Yet, her body was keyed up. She could feel the prickly sensation of her blood sloshing along her veins and in her arteries. The loud and heavy
thump thump thump
of her heart beat in her throat.

As they stood outside her doorway, just the brush of his lips against her neck had her breaths becoming shallow and her head swarming with the sound of bees, getting her lightheaded from imagining the very dirty things they were going to do to one another. So a shot of tequila was definitely called for.

Pulling the bottle down from the shelf, along with two shot glasses, she popped the cap.

“Do you want -” She didn’t have a chance to finish her question before Jackson slammed his body up against hers, pinning her abdomen to the counter top, his warm breath at her ear and his erection pressing firmly into her ass.
Mmm. Deja-vu

“Yes,” his voice was husky and dark with need. “I
want you…very much.”

Jackson’s strong hands grasped her hips almost painfully, despite the fact that he was never anything less than gentle. She smiled at the thought of finding his marks on her tomorrow morning. His fingertips dug into her flesh, as if he couldn’t get enough of her. The rush of his intensity thrilled her – lit her up from the inside out. The contact sent a bolt of sheer lust through her, wetness drenching the silk panel of her panties.

“Do you remember what I said I was going to do to you tonight?” His voice was tight, controlled. Possessive.

Oh shit. Yes, she remembered.

-yes.” Her voice quivered with need. She wasn’t even certain the words came from her own mouth. It didn’t even sound like her.

Unable to muster the strength or will to play the indignant card or try in vain to resist, she sagged against his hard chest. The heat of his body penetrating her every fiber.

Normally she’d play the game – let the man know that
was in charge. Not necessarily in a dominant way, because kink wasn’t her thing. But in the way that stated it was her body and they’d do what she wanted to do. But with Jax, she didn’t want to hold back or work hard to keep her guard up. With Jax, she was just a woman who wanted a man. And wanted everything he was going to offer her.


One of his hands left her hip and moved to her shoulder, trailing down the line of her arm before he curved it up at her elbow and wrapped it behind his neck. She angled her head to the side to look at him, his face so close to hers she could see the smattering of freckles on the bridge of his nose. Hot need pooled in his lust-filled eyes.

Her other arm coiled behind his head on its own accord, her fingers feathering through his soft golden hair, pulling his head down to meet her mouth. She couldn’t help it. Sasha wanted him to follow through on his promise to do wicked things to her. To let him give her everything he had – physically and emotionally - even though she resisted the tug of emotion for this man.

Sasha wanted to push out all the noise in her head over her feelings toward Jackson, and the stupid longing that kept popping up in her heart like a Whack-a-Mole menace, and just let her wanton desire take over.

He was so hard. So strong. So right. She gasped at the feel of him behind her. Sasha wanted him to tie her up and throw her on her bed on all fours and take her that way. Hard, fast. Dirty.

Jackson’s lips brushed over hers chastely and she moaned for more. He did it again, such a soft, light touch until she fisted his hair in her hand and roughly merged their mouths together. He chuckled at her impatience and then groaned as she ground her ass against him, her hips rocking into his hard-on.

As if instinct took over, Jackson pistoned his hips to thrust against her. Now they were talking a language she could speak.

Opening her mouth to take the kiss deeper, their tongues met and collided together. Mimicking the act of sex. Just the thought made her wetter and she clutched her thighs together, the ache growing more unbearable with every swish and swirl of his tongue.

Jackson lifted his head and stepped back an inch, enough for the loss of his heat to make her body break out in goose bumps. Her grip on his hair now gone, her hands fell loosely to her sides. The drink on the counter was all but forgotten, and Sasha swiveled to face him, her chest heaving from the sudden acceleration of her breath and heartrate. From the looks of it, Jax was fighting to regain his breath, as well.

Looking into his eyes, she saw a myriad of emotion. Heat, lust, and something else she couldn’t quite put a finger on. Or didn’t want to, at least.

Pushing those thoughts away, and letting her body take over, she reached out to pull at his white shirt collar, her fingers making a slow descent as she began to undo the buttons one-by-one. He discarded his navy suit jacket as she continued her quest to get him naked. He wasn’t wearing a tie, which surprised her, but allowed her the unobstructed view of the hollow of his throat. Leaning in on her tip-toes, she licked the spot and inhaled his spicy, clean scent.

Aside from a small shudder, Jax remained relatively still, his head bent down and eyes transfixed on the progress she made. Once to the bottom, she tugged the hem out of his pants and spread it wide, allowing her unrestricted access to his broad and muscular chest.

For being a desk-jockey lawyer, the man was incredibly fit. Not in a body-builder way, or a gym-rat, but definitely a 100-push-up-a-day kind of chest. There was a smattering of light hair in between his breast bone and a sexy trail leading down to his navel. She placed her index finger on the indent of his throat where she’d just had her tongue, his Adam’s apple bowing and flexing at her touch.

Tracing a line down the center, her finger veered off to the right, where she circled the flat of his light brown nipple. His sharp intake and exhale of air had his chest expanding and contracting, pleading her for more. His response emboldened her, spurred her on, and now not satisfied with just her finger, she bent forward and flicked the circular mass of flesh with her tongue.

A groan of pleasure left his lips as she slicked her wet tongue around his nipple. His taste was distinctly male, with a mix of spicy body wash, the scent igniting her senses.

Everything about this man was intoxicating and she didn’t want to waste another minute of the time they had together. While she considered kitchen counter sex to be a helluva lot of fun, Sasha wanted him in her bed tonight. Reaching down for his hand, she yanked him behind her and led his naked ass out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her second-story bedroom.

A small light next to her bed illuminated the room in a soft glow, the golds of her comforter shimmering in the light. Without a word, she stepped toward the nightstand and pulled out a few condoms from the top drawer. That’s right. One was not going to be enough for her tonight, and from the heat Jax was throwing out, it was evident he’d be in for fun all night long.

Tossing the condoms on the bed, she turned to face Jax, who was still standing in the doorway to her room, glorious in his nakedness, giving her a wolfish grin. Quirking her finger to motion him forward, she shimmied out of her dress, letting it drop to the floor.

“You going to come over here and make good on that promise, or what?”

Jackson’s eyes penetrated her body as they roamed up and down, stopping at her breasts which were now completely exposed. She nearly melted when he licked his lips in response. The dress she wore had a built-in bra, so she was now naked except for the black lace thong she still had on, along with her heels.

With three long strides, Jax stood in front of her, his hands automatically coming up to grip her hips. He radiated warmth and she could see his pulse beating in his neck.

“You are so fucking beautiful, it actually hurts to look at you,” he said, the intensity of his admission nearly knocking her over. “Part of me doesn’t know if I can keep it together long enough to make this last because I want inside you so badly. The other part wants to take my time and touch every inch of your skin, starting right here.”

She gasped as he bent and took her nipple in his mouth, sucking it in deep. Unable to help herself, she arched her back and pressed into the wetness he offered as his tongue swirled and licked the tight tip. God, it was possible she could orgasm just from that. It felt that good.

Feeling unstable, Sasha gripped his shoulders, marveling at the perfection of his body. Solid and lean, hard, yet soft to the touch. She wanted to roam her hands all over his body and back again, relishing in the incredible beauty of his physique. But he apparently had other plans.

“Lie on your back, arms up over your head.”

Damn, that was direct. And domineering. And fuck, she liked it.

A flush ran over her skin as she did what she was told, watching him as he took his hard erection into his hands. Her eyes glazed with desire, as Jax stroked his cock methodically from the root to the tip and back again. Slowly. Indecently. Sensually.

Biting her bottom lip to keep from leaping off the bed to touch him, she caught him smiling down at her.

“You like watching me, don’t you?”

She could only nod in agreement, because holy hell, that was so freaking hot. She’d never seen a man pleasure himself in front of her. It was so raw and real. And an insanely intense turn-on. Had she not been in such dire need of him, she’d let him finish himself off. Watch him jerk off until he came around his own hand.

Jackson snickered wickedly as he took one last pull of his cock and then turned, disappearing into her open closet door. What the hell? What was he doing in there?

Before she could voice her question, he came back out holding the belt of her red silk robe. An involuntary shiver ricocheted up her body, her nipples hardening with excitement, the spot between her legs clenching at the sight of him stalking back toward her. Her hand instinctively landed between her legs with the need to give friction to the painful ache that burned in her hot center.

Jackson put an immediate stop to that action.

“Uh-uh,” he said, wagging his finger in protest. “I’m the only one who gets to touch you tonight. Now put your hands over your head.”

Sasha closed her eyes briefly trying to gain some semblance of sanity as she felt the bed dip and shift, her legs jostled as Jax climbed over her, his leg hair softly brushing her hips as he planted himself over her in a straddle.

It was a dominant move, his body pinning her on the bed so she was unable to get away if she wanted to. But she didn’t. Hell no. The man above her was taking every bit of her control with his own and she didn’t mind it one single bit. In fact, she loved it. Craved it from him.

Why had she not known how exciting and erotic this man could be before now? This was not the stuffy, straight-laced man she once thought he was. He was a wolf hiding in sheep’s clothing. And thank God she now had him naked and in her bed again.

BOOK: More Than Physical (The Physical Series Book Book 2)
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