Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (6 page)

BOOK: Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Thank you,” Mikayla stated, and the men followed suit, thanking Mrs. Spencer before she left the room.

Now how the hell was she supposed to eat? As she looked up, she saw Douglas staring at her, and then he nodded his head toward her plate.

“I’m a big girl, Douglas, you don’t need to give me that look.”

“I’m not giving you a look sugar, I’m just imagining having you for dessert.”

She was shocked, and damn, it turned her on, too. She felt her cheeks set on fire and her hand shake while she took her first bite of food. Thank the lord that Mrs. Spencer was a great cook. Mikayla focused on that and cleared her entire plate.

“More wine?” Michael offered then poured her another glass. She was on her second and needed to slow down so she could keep up with these guys.

She was grateful when they began talking about work and what was happening in each of their lives. It was a nice conversation, and she learned that Douglas was a businessman. He made most of his money with an importing and exporting business and something about that caused a bit of tension between Douglas, Antoine, and Michael.

Finally they got to Pierre, and she learned that he dabbled in everything and was some sort of entrepreneur who owned restaurants and other businesses.

“Two of my sisters own a restaurant and now a third sister of mine is expanding the business with them,” Mikayla offered.

“Really? Where is this restaurant?” Pierre asked.

“Oh, it’s in Orchidea.”

“Orchidea is a desolate town isn’t it?” Pierre asked, and Mikayla smiled.

“If that’s what the word is on the streets, then so be it,” she replied with sarcasm. That was one of the reasons why it stayed so pleasant and nontouristy. But once Secret Pleasures opened, there would be lots of visitors. Of course all the surrounding land was not for sale. The late Frederick Parkinson ensured that the land would remain in the family name and undeveloped.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Pierre asked, sounding very intrigued.

“Well, Orchidea is a nice private town and community that strives on remaining close knit and small. Only recently have some businesses been branching out and advertising outside of the town to bring in more business.”

“Mikayla’s sister Angelique has a franchise of lingerie stores and is opening up the main one in Orchidea. It’s called Secret Pleasures,” Michael stated.

“Lingerie, huh?” Douglas asked, eying her over again then smiling. Damn, did that man know how to give sexy looks.

“Yes, it’s going to be great. Then of course Illeanna, along with Angelina and Ellena, will open up and expand Aubert’s to serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner. There’s even going to be entertainment eventually. We’re all contributing financially so that it’s a family investment.” She was proud of that.

“That’s really nice, and how many sisters do you have?”

“There are five of us.”

“And your parents?” Douglas asked.

She lowered her head and played with her fingers a moment. She hated talking about them. Life had always been rough because they were on their own.

“We don’t have any.”


* * * *


Douglas was shocked. Here he was thinking that Mikayla was well used to having things at her disposal. She seemed so down-to-earth and it kind of bothered him that she could take not eating so lightly. He had known what it was like to starve and not eat for days at a time. People took simple things for granted. But it appeared that Mikayla was resilient. He really wanted to get to know her.

As Antoine began to talk about the hospital and some of his upcoming surgeries, it gave Douglas another opportunity to watch Mikayla. She was striking and wore hardly any makeup at all. He recalled finding Michael’s description of her appearing like a porcelain doll humorous at the time, and he’d thought the man was out of his mind. Douglas had seen plenty of beautiful women but none as lovely as Mikayla.

She stared at Antoine as he spoke about his profession. He was impressive just as Pierre certainly was. He and Pierre shared a similar childhood before the Fromms had taken them in. Being an orphan and living on the streets with gangs and criminals had made them rough and heartless at times. He felt the sting of reality. Could he ever get over his past and focus on his present and perhaps his future? He smiled as Mikayla laughed at something Michael said, and he wondered if his future was right in front of him and whether he was ready to open up.

“How about we head back into the living room for some cognac and dessert?” Pierre suggested as Mrs. Spencer entered the dining room.

“Are you sure I can’t help you clean up the dishes? I’m used to doing it, really, and it’s no bother at all,” Mikayla said as she began to gather the dishes.

Douglas noted that Pierre looked a bit annoyed. Pierre and his hang-ups about money and prestige. He would never allow a woman of his to dirty her hands. He had seen some of the gold diggers he dated. They were solely after his money and power.

“Oh, dear, it’s really fine. I can handle it.”

“Please, it’s the least I can do for such an exceptional meal. Please let me?” Mikayla asked as she held some dirty plates in her hand.

“That’s really sweet of you, Mikayla. We’ll meet you in the living room,” Michael stated as he nudged Pierre’s arm and led their brother out of the room.

Douglas was shocked. Pierre had actually let her do it.


* * * *


They headed into the living room, not so patiently waiting on Mikayla.

“I thought you were going to have a stroke letting Mikayla help Mrs. Spencer,” Antoine said to Pierre as he poured the glasses of cognac.

Pierre ran a hand through his hair.

“She is something else. Completely more than what you each described.” Pierre looked toward the doorway.

“She has a way about her. I don’t know what it is, but she’s special,” Michael stated.

“I think we need to make our intentions known. Part of the idea about getting involved in a ménage relationship was so that the woman we chose would never be lonely. Our careers entail taking up a lot of our time. Mikayla needs to come first,” Antoine stated.

“She seems awfully timid around me. You guys have been able to spend some time with her. I think my size frightens her.” Douglas took a sip from the crystal glass.

“She wasn’t afraid to speak her mind to you, so I wouldn’t worry about that. She’s attracted to all of us,” Antoine said, and they stopped talking as they heard Mrs. Spencer laughing.

The women entered carrying a tray of cream tartlets with fresh strawberries.

Mikayla set the tray down as Mrs. Spencer smiled at the men.

“If you all don’t need anything else, I’ll be retiring for the evening.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Spencer. We’ll see you in the morning,” Pierre stated, and the men each said thank you.

“Thank you. Everything was so delicious. It was nice meeting you,” Mikayla stated with a smile.

“It was nice meeting you as well. Good night, and you boys be sure that she gets home safely,” she stated before she left the room, closing the double doors behind her. Antoine was surprised. Was Mrs. Spencer trying to make them act old fashioned and court Mikayla or something? She knew what kind of relationship they were after. She had worked with their parents for years and had her own ménage relationship with two men.


* * * *


“This looks so good,” Mikayla stated as she stood with her hands clasped.

“Can I get some for you?” she asked them.

Pierre was sitting on the arm of the chair watching Mikayla just like his brothers were. “Come here, Mikayla.”

She hesitated as she looked toward the doorway then at his brothers before she walked closer. Was she contemplating leaving them when things were just starting to get interesting?

“Try this,” he told her as he brought the crystal glass up to her lips then tilted it so she could have a taste. Even sitting on the arm of the couch he was taller than her as he placed his hand against the small of her back and began to gently caress over the zipper.

“That’s nice,” she replied, and he placed the glass down on the side table before he pulled her between his legs. He laid his hands on her waist, gently massaging her hipbones as he stared into her eyes.

“You are very beautiful, Mikayla, and I want to kiss you.” He began to lean toward her. When she didn’t stop him but instead closed her eyes before their lips touched, he felt triumphant.

He kissed her softly at first, exploring her mouth and the taste of cognac that lingered. His hands moved up her waist then toward her back making her press her body closer toward his own. She complied, melting in his embrace then holding on to his shoulders as he continued to kiss her. It was Michael who moved in behind her, making her stir a moment and tighten up.

“Easy, sugar, it’s just me,” Michael whispered as he massaged her shoulders then pressed kisses to her neck.

Pierre released her lips, and Michael turned her toward him, pulling her into his embrace and kissing her deeply on the mouth. She held his forearms as Michael had his way with her mouth. He dipped her slightly to the side and nearly off her feet.

It was Antoine who joined in next as Michael lifted her back so she was standing straight as he released her lips and smiled.

“Delicious,” he whispered.

Antoine took her hand and pulled her slowly into his embrace. He cupped her head and face between his hands and kissed her softly, once, twice, before he covered her mouth as if he couldn’t wait to be deep inside, exploring.

When he finally released her, he smiled then turned her toward Douglas.

He was sitting on the couch with his legs wide open, and she stared at him.

“Come here,” Douglas said, but she remained in place, her lips red and swollen. She looked gorgeous.

“Go to him, Mikayla. You need to know if there is an attraction there,” Antoine told her, and she slowly walked toward Douglas.


* * * *


Douglas opened his arms to her as he leaned forward, his face level with her belly.

He placed his hands against her hips and inhaled against her skin. She smelled incredible, welcoming and sweet.

He massaged her ass cheeks as she held his shoulders.

He looked up toward her, and she held his gaze.

“I want you. I want to see all of you,” he whispered then began to reach for the zipper of her dress. She stopped him.

“Wait. This is happening so fast. This is supposed to be our first date, and I’ve already broken a rule.”

He held her hips, and she lowered herself to her knees in front of him. They were now nearly eye level.

“What rule was that?” he asked.

“You’re never supposed to kiss on the first date.”

“Fuck?” he questioned, and she blushed then shyly lowered her eyes, nodding.

She was precious, and he suddenly felt like such a dick wanting to get in her pussy on the first date. This was different for him. When Douglas wanted something, he got it.

He reached under her chin and caressed her lower lip so she would look at him.

“You got me so hard right now, Mikayla. I want you so bad, and I know that you know that. If you’re not ready and need more time, then I’ll give it to you. But know that I want you, we all do,” he stated, glancing up toward his brothers then back at her.

“But you broke a rule with all of them and not me, so what do you say?” he teased, and she smiled then ran her hands over his shoulders, making his entire body tingle with awareness.

He wasn’t going to lean toward her first. He wanted to know that she was attracted to him and that he didn’t just come as a package with his three brothers.

She ran her hands under his hair then leaned closer, closing her eyes right before she kissed him.

It was a sure indicator that she wasn’t faking it.

She tasted of cognac. She kissed him thoroughly, and when she began to pull away, he pulled her into his arms and against him so she could feel how hard he was and how much he wanted her.

He took over the kiss then slowly released her lips.

“Oh my,” she whispered. He hugged her to him as he looked over her shoulder at his brothers, who appeared happy.


* * * *


Mikayla felt herself shaking. She was actually shaking with need. It was absolutely crazy how her body responded to these men. She just said she broke a rule by kissing on the first date. She wasn’t a virgin. Hell no. But she obviously feared having sex again and making the move to go to that level. Justin had ruined her. He broke her heart, took her virginity, and left her for that blonde model from New York because she hadn’t been good enough for him. Would she be good enough for four men? Four men that could have their choice of any woman in the world they wanted? Her heart sank along with her confidence.

“Mikayla, we’d like to discuss a few things with you,” Pierre said. Douglas lifted her up then patted the seat next to him for her to take.

BOOK: Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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