Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (3 page)

BOOK: Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“As you can see the kitchen needs some updating depending on what your lifestyle is like. Are you married, Mr. Bently?” she asked him. He stared at her a moment, and they were mere inches from one another. He thought about inching closer to get a better whiff of her lovely perfume, but she seemed nervous. He had that effect on many people. Only moments ago, this young, beautiful woman had that effect on him.

“No, Miss Aubert, and please call me Pierre.”

“Pierre? I thought your name was William Bently?”

“Oh, I like to use my middle name, so please call me Pierre.”

She smiled as a light blush cascaded from her cheeks to her neck. “If you’d like to follow me out this way, I do believe there is an outdoor area used for entertaining or just relaxing.”

He had recovered quickly enough that she hadn’t seemed to pick up on his minor lie. He didn’t want her to know exactly who he was quite yet. He was amazed at how quickly his mind seemed consumed by her beauty as he followed her outside and was impressed with the spacious area. The majority was done in cobblestone with bits of green moss as grout. There were also vines of flowers and greenery climbing from trellises against the stone surfaces of the house way up toward the roof and side windows. It was gorgeous.

“There’s room to have meals out here as well. Very nice,” he stated.

“Do you entertain a lot?” she asked him.

“I do but have people who handle all the arrangements. Celia would have a ball with this place.”


“My personal assistant.”

They came across a beautiful chalet on the property. There was a gorgeous trellis covered in wisteria. It was breathtaking.

“What is that over there?” he asked over her shoulder, completely invading her space in order to absorb her scent.
God, she is intoxicating.

“Oh, those are the servants’ quarters, or depending on what you are planning on doing with the property, they could be a number of things,” she whispered as she gazed up toward him, catching his stare.

“And what would you do with the estate if you were buying it?”

“Oh, I’m not certain really. There are so many possibilities. But I wouldn’t change that wisteria and trellis.” She sounded so serious as they walked closer.

“Why is that?” He watched her walk nearer to the flowers, letting her hand gently glide across the trellis. He suddenly wished those hands were on him, gliding along his body as he held her gaze, staring into her dark brown eyes.

“Oh there’s quite a beautiful story about this trellis and the flowers.”

“You know it then? Do tell me,” he replied, watching her, intrigued by her tone of voice and her beauty. She had a perfect figure. She could be a model, but then many men would be able to look at her and fantasize about her. No, he was glad she wasn’t. He couldn’t believe these feelings of possessiveness.

“It had been said that the original owners, the Owen family, had a son who was always getting into mischief. Even as he matured into a young man, it was difficult for his father to get him to settle down and consider taking a wife. He didn’t like being told what to do and often argued with his parents over such things. Anyway, he used to run off from the house and settle down over there by that large boulder.” Mikayla pointed toward the boulder. It was indeed very large. He was fascinated by her storytelling abilities and her serious tone.

“Anyway, it was here that he met a young woman, four years younger actually, and they fell in love.”

“Oh, that’s a very nice story,” he added.

“Oh, it’s not over, Mr. Bently…I mean Pierre. You see, the woman was kind of a peasant girl. She came from a poor family and they were servants to the Owens for generations. Mr. Owen found out about his son and the girl, and he forbade his son to ever see her again. But the young couple was so very in love that they snuck around. Mr. Owen found out and sent his son away to never see the young woman again.”

“How terrible. So they never met up again?” he asked, standing very close to Mikayla, imagining pulling her into his arms, and kissing her. Would she be offended or would she reciprocate the kiss? His curiosity was getting the better of him, and then she stepped away.

“Oh no, they did. Many years later, Mr. Owen became very ill, and his son had to take over all the business involved with the estate. As not to upset his father and his fragile heart, young Owen had this trellis built and the flowers planted so that late at night, he could visit the young woman and they could be together.”

Pierre was silent a moment. He couldn’t believe how caught up in the story he had gotten.

“So what happened to them? Did they live happily ever after?” Pierre asked sarcastically. She turned away from him as if offended by his remark and began to walk away.

“Miss Aubert.” He stopped her by grabbing her arm. She lost her footing in the grass, and he caught her, pulling her up flat against his chest.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his breathing raspy and short. This woman packed a hell of a punch.

“Oh yes, I’m so sorry. We’d better get back. There’s another interested party coming to see the home.”

“Oh, well call them off and cancel it. I’m going to buy it, and you are going to have dinner with me tonight to celebrate.” He took her hand and led her up the grass as she tried to speak but just kept stuttering.
Adorable, absolutely adorable. Germany is going to wait.


* * * *


Mikayla had no idea what the hell just happened. One minute she was telling the story of the young Owen son and the next she was hauled up against a very sexy, attractive millionaire. And he had to be a millionaire by the way he stated he was buying a six-million-dollar home as if he were buying a cup of coffee. As they approached the front entrance, another man was standing there looking angry along with Ms. Merchot. He was a bit older than Pierre and very attractive.

She watched as Mr. Bently pulled out his cell phone.

“Yes, Celia, get the paperwork going,” he stated then hung up the phone. He looked at the other man who had a mean expression on his face.

“Lukon, how odd to see you here. Were you looking at the place?” Pierre asked.

“You know damn well I was. I don’t know how you found out, but damn it, I wanted this first.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Now if you’ll excuse me, my agent and I need to discuss some plans for this evening. Good day, Miss Merchot.” He took Mikayla by the hand and led her down the walkway.

“Excuse me, Mr. Bently, but what the hell is going on?” Mikayla asked. She didn’t want to get caught in some kind of pissing contest. With her luck Bently would back out and leave her reputation hanging.

“Miss Aubert, I told you to call me Pierre. I can assure you that everything is perfect. I do appreciate your help with the tour this morning. Now, if you would be so kind as to gather the necessary paperwork needed to seal this deal, I would be so happy. Here is my card, and Celia is my assistant. You can call her and fax everything over immediately.”

He walked closer to his car as his driver stood there watching her. Mikayla gave a weak smile, and he smiled in return and nodded his head. Mr. Bently followed her line of sight and looked at his driver, and the man immediately turned away and straightened his shoulders.

“I will have Isaac pick you up at your home or business around seven this evening?”

“Oh, I’m…that’s not necessary, Mr. Bently, I mean Pierre. I’ll be swamped with all this paperwork and other homes being viewed today.”

“Nonsense. I will pick you up at work then. Seven sharp.”

“Wait, I…” She looked down at what she was wearing and worried about where he may be taking her.

“You look exceptional, Miss Aubert. The reservations have been made.” He got into the car. The driver got into the driver’s side, and they took off down the road.

She was stunned. Was this a date? She wondered, and immediately she thought about Michael and Antoine. Why hadn’t they called her? She knew Michael was still heavily looking for Bennitto Flores and that Antoine had scheduled surgeries this week, but still, hadn’t they seemed interested in exploring the attraction they felt for her?

Oh well, this was just a business dinner. Nothing more. Although with a man as powerful, sophisticated, and good-looking as Pierre Bently, she could hope for more.

Mikayla headed toward her car, making phone calls and sealing the deal as she traveled back to the office. She shouldn’t have been surprised when her cell phone rang and it was Celia.

“Yes, Miss Aubert, I have spoken with the owners and they have agreed to the price Mr. Bently had offered them, so there’s no need for you to negotiate anything. Mr. Bently said that he looks forward to seeing you again this evening. I will have the papers faxed to your office immediately.”

Mikayla was dumbfounded. She did hardly anything yet made a major sale. He was able to find and contact the owners of the home? Who was this guy? She wondered who exactly had referred Mr. Bently to her after all.

Chapter 2


“You did what?” Michael asked Pierre.

“I met Mikayla today, and I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. She is gorgeous.”

“I can’t believe you, Pierre. Does Antoine know about this?”

Michael didn’t know how he felt about Pierre checking out Mikayla. It was bad enough that work had gotten in the way of plans they made with her two weeks ago.

“Michael, I had some business to handle, and it just so happened that I needed a realtor. Someone had referred me to her, and they said that Antoine referred them. Are you telling me that you’re seeing her?” Pierre asked, feeling his temper begin to flare up. He wanted her. There was something unique and special about Mikayla.

“We met her first. Antoine has been busy with work, and I’m still trying to track down the suspect that nearly killed her sister and friends back in Orchidea. It was a major case that involved senators and terrorist activities. I haven’t had any time until now. I was planning on calling her and making plans.”

“Well, you’re too late. I’ve already made plans with her,” Pierre stated. He felt that knot in his stomach. Although Antoine and Michael weren’t his or Douglas’s biological brothers, they had a strong bond. They also vowed never to let a woman come between them, and it appeared that Mikayla would change that. At least for him anyway. Then of course Michael and Antoine might start talking about sharing again. He wasn’t certain he would be able to do that with Mikayla.


* * * *


Michael felt a tinge of hope that maybe Mikayla was the one for them. Their fathers had a ménage relationship with their mother, and he and Antoine had discussed following in their path many times. Even Douglas and Pierre considered it. But Pierre could be kind of possessive and yet self-centered at times. He felt that the world owed him because he had been abandoned and adopted. Everything he achieved he had done mostly on his own. He was definitely successful. Their parents were proud.

Yet, every woman they met hadn’t come close to what Michael and Antoine found in Mikayla. He wondered if Pierre was just as attracted to her, and he thought about Douglas. Would he put their differences aside and meet her, too?

“Michael, she is perfect. I can’t remember a time when I’ve been interested in a woman so quickly. I loved talking with her, and she seemed shy yet confident. I think she may be attracted to me as well. At least I hope so. I made plans with her this evening.”

“Plans? So quickly? You just met her. What the hell is she thinking? Did you tell her who you really are?”

“Calm down, Michael. You’re awfully protective of the woman, yet you haven’t even gone on a date with her, much less slept with her.”

“Her sister was nearly killed by an international drug dealer and terrorist. How the hell would you like me to respond? She should have called me to check you out and make sure you were on the up and up.”

Michael was pissed off. They didn’t know if Flores would seek revenge on the family still. No one was able to locate the piece of shit, and they told the Aubert women to take precautions.

“Do you think this guy would go after Mikayla?”

“I’m not sure, Pierre. I’m going to call her.”

“No. Don’t call her. Get in touch with Antoine and tell him to meet us at the house by six thirty. Isaac will pick up Mikayla at work by seven. Instead of having dinner out, let’s meet with her here at the estate. I’ll take care of everything. We need to discuss this situation before it causes more damage between all of us.”

“I don’t know, Pierre. I think she’s going to be pissed when she finds out who you really are. She seemed wary of dating altogether, never mind both Antoine and I at once.”

“You don’t think she would be interested in this kind of relationship? It would mean dating at least three of us. Although mostly me, since I plan on really getting to know her.”

“Don’t do that. Don’t get all in your business project mode. She’s a good person. She’s sweet and kind and not used to dating. That is not what a relationship like this is about. There will be no competition. If you don’t get it or aren’t interested, then cancel your date with her now.”

“How do you know she’s not used to dating? The woman is gorgeous,” Pierre asked, looking both annoyed and intrigued at the same time.

BOOK: Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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