Midnight (McKenna Chronicles Book 1) (38 page)

BOOK: Midnight (McKenna Chronicles Book 1)
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don’t know,” he says severely, “but I will find out.”

that what Evan was talking with you about this morning?”


was in the envelope?”

sighs. “A note. Whoever it is wants me to know they’re following my campaign

you think they’re dangerous?” My voice waivers at the possibility someone could
hurt him.  

don’t think so, but you never can tell. It could be a secret admirer.”

don’t try to shield me. You have to talk to me.”

don’t want you to worry. I'll protect you, Charlie. I promise you I will.”

not me I’m worried about, Colin. I’m not the one with an overzealous secret
admirer, stalker, or whatever the hell they are, that’s trying to get my
attention. What are you doing for protection? Doesn’t the secret service or
another government agency get involved in issues like this?”

holds his hand up in front of my mouth to stop me. “Charlie, this is exactly
why I didn’t want to tell you. You’re going to worry about this and you
shouldn’t. I have everything taken care of. The secret service is assigned once
the candidate is confirmed. Until then, my own security detail will be with us
from event to event. Everything is fine.”

I . . .”

Charlie. Don’t worry about this. I’ve got it covered. If you prefer to stay at
the hotel I just ask that you stay within the hotel campus. You will have a
member of the security team assigned to you anywhere you go; you will not be
alone, ever. Your stunt this morning almost gave Phil and his team a collective
coronary. They weren’t expecting an early-morning run so no one was with you.
Can you do that for me?”

thought someone was following me this morning,” I admit it to him for the first
time. “At first I thought it was you running to catch up to me, but then on
some level I knew it wasn’t and I got scared.”

eyes flare as my words sink in. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

didn’t realize it was important at the time. I had no idea this was happening.”

runs his hands over his jaw, taking in what I’ve told him. “Charlie, never
again, do you understand me? Never again are you to leave without me or someone
from the security team.” His eyes are flames, fierce and angry.

I whisper my consent, “but you realize I wouldn’t have gone out this morning
had I known. You need to tell me what’s going on. I can handle it, Colin, I
can.” My eyes are imploring as they search his. I stare a moment longer,
scared. “I’m afraid you’ll get hurt.”

onto his elbow, so we’re face to face, his hand runs up and down my arm. “Baby,
nothing is going to happen to me. It’s probably a woman who can’t get enough of
my handsome face.” He rubs his jaw, patting each cheek. “I get that a lot, you

trying to be funny.” I swat at his arm. “This is serious. Promise me you’ll be

promise.” His tone is serious in his reply. “And you need to do the same.
Listen to me when I ask you to do something, and no more early morning runs
unless you plan them with me.” He tilts my chin up so our eyes lock. “I worry
about you too.” His lips curve into a small, almost sad smile.

dive into him, hugging him tightly. “Please be careful. I don’t know what I
would do without you.”

pulls me even closer into his chest. “I will, baby. I’ll take care of
everything.” And I believe him.








He nuzzles my neck, kissing his way up my jaw until he finds my lips. He is
minty fresh. As I open my eyes, my field of vision is filled with freshly
shaven, beautiful blue-eyed Colin McKenna. “Morning.” I run my hands up his
arms which are pressed on either side of my head, up to his shoulders to cup
his cheeks. I notice he’s fully dressed already. Damn.

smile is breathtaking. “Good morning yourself, baby.” He leans down to kiss me
on the lips.

back to bed?”

his lips into my forehead, he smiles. “You’re more than tempting.” He kisses my
nose and then my mouth, sweeping his tongue against mine and playing with me
for just a minute.  

body pulses, burning for him. “Hmmm, you’re not going to, are you?” I pant
against him. He’s getting me all worked up and he’s going off to work. Damn

grins against me. “I can’t, the driver’s downstairs waiting for me. Remember
what you promised: stay at the hotel.” He eyes me suspiciously, as if I may
make a break for it.

promised too. Be careful.” I can hear the plea in my voice.

Shall I look for you by the pool when I get back?”

brightens my mood a little. “Yes. Maybe I’ll find someone to help rub sunscreen
on my back. I would hate to get a burn.”

eyes immediately darken, his jaw clenching with irritation. Without a word, he
takes my head between his hands and very deliberately, slowly moves his lips
against mine. Pressing me against the pillow he devours my mouth, tasting and
demanding an exact response. My hands are in his hair, pulling and tugging him
into me. I want him, all of him.

tongue is in my mouth, devastating and overwhelming my senses. Oh, he tastes

for his tie, I have every intention of stripping him; the driver can wait.
Quickly, he grabs my hands and presses them into the mattress next to my head
so I can’t touch him. I groan as he bites my bottom lip, the piercing sensation
sweeping directly to my groin. Diving deeper into me his tongue sweeps against
mine, aggressive in its invasion. I reciprocate his need, tasting and taking
all of him. Colin groans at the defensive onslaught, lightening the kiss in response,
sucking my bottom lip before lifting his head. I try to follow but I’m a
prisoner, held captive with his hands pinning mine.

bait me, Charlie,” he says in what I hope is mock anger, although I can’t be
sure. His eyes are still heated. “I’ll see you by the pool later, and I better
not learn another man has touched you.” Colin releases my hands and abruptly
leaves without another word. Shit, he is mad.

lay there, all alone and panting against the mattress, missing him already and
regretting our last moment together. I shouldn’t have purposefully pushed him.
I know for whatever reason he gets jealous.

determined to enjoy our last two days together before I have to say goodbye on
Thursday. I’m trying not to think about leaving, knowing very well my sadness
is irrational. I see him every day; I should be able to survive six days
without him. Right in this moment it feels like an eternity, and my heart will
surely not withstand the separation.

over to his side of the bed, I press my face into his pillow, which has a faint
hint of his scent. As I reach to grab his pillow in my hands, I find a piece of
paper tucked neatly between the pillow and the blanket.

I’m lost in


hold it to my chest and the tears come. I never in my life ever envisioned
loving someone, and certainly never knew this is how love would feel. I’m a
prisoner; he holds a key to my happily ever after now. I’m tied to him.


heat and sun are a welcome bliss to the winter and spring cold air that seemed
to follow us from city to city. I’m luxuriating in the sun by the hotel’s pool
along with only a few other people on vacation at this private, extravagant
hotel. Colin chose for us to stay here so we could have a romantic evening, his
business allowing him to make it back by four. The pool is nestled between the
five-story hotel and the ocean, offering a view of not only the sparkling
expanse of clear natural waves and white sand, but also the calm deep-blue of
the large private swimming pool. It’s long, with an organic shape mimicking the
line of the beach just on the other side of the water.

are two additions I hope to check out later: one, a large rock wall with a
slide cascading down the side and a waterfall on the other. The combination of the
rushing water and the crashing ocean waves is mesmerizing. Further along the
expanse of water is a swim-up bar that has a few afternoon guests. Surrounded
by sun, sand and water, the only thing missing is Colin.

packing in January I hadn’t planned on lounging by a pool so I had to buy an
outrageously expensive bathing suit in the hotel gift shop. There are very few
one-piece suits, and those that exist are far from modest. I picked the best of
the three the shop carries and I’m still self-conscious. When I tried it on in
the store the saleswoman assured me it looked beautiful on me, but I don’t know
the validity of her compliment. I’m sure the sale was her number-one priority,
not whether or not my boobs look too big.

suit is a strapless leopard print, which I love. Somehow the material in the
way it’s made pushes my breasts up so they're full and rounded with deep
plunging cleavage, and my butt looks damn good. I have a large floppy hat and
sunglasses to protect my face.

apply another coat of the already layered sunscreen so I don’t leave Florida
scorched and red. I love the heat of the sun; I just have to be sensible about
high-level sunscreen to protect my light skin, which, as Colin calls it, is
translucent in its purity.

as I lay back down to read the new edition of
a shadow falls over
the sun. Looking up to identify the cause of the newfound shade I find a large
man, muscled and tanned, standing in front me. He’s not unattractive; in fact
most women would find him very handsome. His light brown hair is neat in its
short cut, slightly wet from a recent swim. I can’t tell the color of his eyes
from the aviator sunglasses covering them, but he has a straight nose and a
masculine jaw. He must be at least six feet tall, a tan covering his chest from
days in the Florida sun no doubt. The truth be told, he doesn’t do a thing for
me. I smile at that thought; Colin really is the only man I want.

the stranger thinks my smile is for him. Oops. He takes the opportunity to sit
on the bench next to me, removing his sunglasses, exposing honey-brown irises
rimmed by thick rows of lashes. “Charlie, it’s nice to see you.”

stare at him. Obviously he knows who I am, but I can’t place him. I vaguely
remember his eyes, as they are an unusual brown. “I’m sorry; you have me at a
disadvantage. I can’t seem to remember where we met.”

reaches a hand out to me. “Alex Miller; we met at Colin’s fundraiser in New

I remember. I reach forward; his grip is warm, holding my hand a little too
long. “Hi Alex, what are you doing in Florida?”

in Orlando. I came down on Sunday to take advantage of the heat before my
presentation tomorrow.”

is it that you do?”

company manufactures new technology to get harsh chemicals like chlorine out of
pools using more sustainable natural products. We’ve had great success in the
northern region and we’re branching out to southern states. Florida’s one of
the first we’re pitching to. Can I buy you a drink, Charlie? I just ordered one
myself and then I noticed you here.”

don’t see what harm could come from having a drink with one of Colin’s friends.
Besides, Phil’s brutish bodyguards have been hanging around everywhere I go.
They’re distant, but obvious. “A drink sounds great. I’d love a mimosa.”

down a waitress, he orders, and sinks back into the lounge chair next to me.

do you travel often?” 

spring and into the summer I’ll spend a lot of time on the road.”

are you off to next?” I ask at the same time fumbling with the lounge chair to
raise the retracted back. Before I can complete the movement Alex is next to

let me help you. . . I’ll be in and out of every stare east of Mississippi and
south of Kentucky over the next few weeks.”

works to straighten the chair, and by doing so his fingers brush against my
skin, causing an uncomfortable shiver to travel down my spine.

that should do it.” He returns to his own lounger as our drinks arrive.

he says, raising his glass against mine. “To warm weather and good times with

were saying you’re traveling a lot.” I pause to sip my drink. “That must be
hard for you, to be away from home.”

shrugs and his eyes become distant, glazing over. “It’s fine. I don’t have a
family to miss me, like everyone else at work. It’s easy for the single guy to
go on the trips. I like it, actually.” Focusing his gaze on mine, he asks, “So,
what brings you to Florida, Charlie?”

campaign,” I say with enough sensual tonality to ensure he's aware of my
feelings for him. “He had to work this morning, but I expect him back anytime
now.” I wish I had my watch to be sure of it.

yes. I hadn’t realized his campaign would bring him to Florida this week. Maybe
we’ll all get a chance to connect, if he has any free time in his schedule.
Evan’s with you as well, then?”

he’ll be around this afternoon too. He’s going to like the view,” I say, to
draw Alex’s eyes away from me and to the gorgeous bikini-clad women flanking
the pool, some of whom are gazing in his direction.

he continues to stare at me. “Yes, I’m sure he will. Evan always had a tendency
to move from woman to woman.” He shakes his head and purses his lips. “How long
are you staying in Florida, Charlie?”

through tomorrow evening, and then Colin is off to Georgia.”

BOOK: Midnight (McKenna Chronicles Book 1)
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