Midnight (McKenna Chronicles Book 1) (36 page)

BOOK: Midnight (McKenna Chronicles Book 1)
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I can speak, he pulls me into his chest so I’m tucked under his chin. I listen
to his heart beating uncontrollably, mimicking the pounding rhythm of my own.
Colin’s hands clench tightly, as if he’s afraid I’ll disappear if he loosens
his grip. We remain clasped together for untold moments.

moving away, I search his eyes. The frustratingly good poker face is in place,
but I won’t let him get away without telling me what this is about. “Tell me.”

nothing. I just received some bad news about a poll I’ve taken a hit on. I’m
not going to worry about it. I’ll make it up over the next few days.” He tries
to keep his tone light.

. . .”  His phone rings, drawing him away.

what the fuck is going on? This is twice in one day. My instructions were
explicit, yet this arrived, unsolicited. Explain how that’s possible if your
team was in place as they should have been?” He listens for a heartbeat before
continuing, on the verge of yelling, “Let me be clear: I want security present
at every location, at the hotels and with her every second.” He looks at me out
of the corner of his eye. “Get them there. Yes, every minute. I don’t want her
left alone.”

grip his thigh again, willing him to tell me what’s going on. Evan has reviewed
and is downloading all of the photographs from my camera onto a flash drive and
is talking in a low voice on the phone. I’m beginning to lose my patience;
removing my hand from Colin’s lap, I fold my arms across my chest and offer a
pout worthy of an eight-year-old.

is sending them now. I want a full report this afternoon. Figure it out.” Colin
hangs up without another word. He looks out the window, breathing deeply,
pulling on his bottom lip for a moment before we pull up to our next

When I don’t reply, he demands, “Look at me.” My sulk has moved to a whole new
level and I refuse to respond to his tone. “Charlie!”

is this? Why in a matter of minutes has Colin become overbearing and

to face us, Evan’s gaze skims over mine and lands on Colin. “I’ll meet you
inside.” Holding up the flash-drive he nods and then hurries from the vehicle.
The driver follows suit, conveniently leaving us alone.

pulls my chin, forcing eye contact. “I'm going to have the driver take you back
to the plane. You'll be safe there.” When I don't answer he asks, "Do you

break away from his hand. “No, I don’t understand. This has nothing to do with
a campaign poll, Colin. I’m not a child, so don’t treat me as if I am one. What
don’t you want me to know?” My tone is clipped, annoyed he’s not being honest
with me.

expression remains aloof, but there’s a flash of something in his eyes: fear?
Trepidation? “Charlie,” he breathes out, gripping my hand, “I don’t want to get
into it. I’m on a tight schedule today.” When I huff and shake my head he
sighs. “Do you trust me?”

roll my eyes. “You know I do.”

let me take care of this. I promise, it’s nothing I can’t manage.” His voice is
emphatic, eyes pleading for me to agree. “Please.”

but I’m not happy about it. I understand if you don’t have time to talk about this
now, but you will tell me. I don’t like being kept in the dark.”

for a minute he brushes his fingers down my chin, lost in his own thoughts.
“Don’t worry about anything. I’m handling it. You’re fine.” He says the last
few words as if he’s trying to convince himself and me of the truth to his

eyes remain connected for a brief moment before he leans in, taking my mouth
against his. Barely parting his lips he breathes deeply, lightly touching the
tip of his tongue along the length of my bottom lip. I sigh, lifting my hand to
hold his cheek, pressing him to me as our mouths move together.

pulls away before I'm ready and I can't help but say, “Let me stay with you,
please." I don't want to leave him.

His voice is firm and unwavering. "I'll see you tonight."

my hand, he pushes the door open, stepping into the sun. Stopping for only a
moment to speak with the driver, he almost immediately turns, striding
purposefully up the steps and into the building with Evan. I’m left again to
wonder exactly what's happening.

driver interrupts my thoughts when he slides back into the SUV.

the Senator’s instructions, I'll have you back on the plane in twenty minutes,
ma’am. Sit back and relax."

roll my eyes to the ceiling; this day just keeps getting better and better. In
the span of twenty-four hours I've gone from miss to ma’am:

is heavy on the way to the airport; bumper to bumper, we barely move. I've
pulled out my laptop to manage Colin's sites, glancing periodically out the
window as we inch along.

there an accident?" I ask.  

be, but I can't see anything other than the line of cars in front of us."

we should turn around and wait for Colin. He'll probably be done with his
meeting before you can return for him." I check the time. It's already
been forty minutes since we left and we're not two miles away from where we
dropped Colin and Evan off.

have strict instructions, ma’am. I'm to take you directly to the Senator’s
plane and nowhere else." He finishes the statement as he inches out into
the intersection.

me a favor and call me Charlie," I say, trying to keep the animosity out
of my tone.


my eyes again, I look out the window in time to see a huge, black Ford F-150
barreling down the street perpendicular to us. It's not slowing down and we're
the only thing directly in its path. The windows are tinted dark, adding a
sinister layer to an already terrifying situation. The rear driver-side door,
my door, is in perfect alignment for the collision about to take place.

can't move, my seatbelt locking me in place. Screaming out a warning, I duck my
head into my arms for protection, waiting for the impact that doesn't come. At
the very last minute I hear the engine roar, spurring the SUV forward with a
jarring force as we pull up and around the car in front of us, the racing truck
missing us by a second. My heart is in my throat, pounding out of control.

shit. He didn't even try to stop," I say in horror, watching as the F-150
continues barreling down the street to my right.

driver doesn't say anything; he's already on the phone relaying information to
someone, leaving me with more questions than I had when I’d left Colin. What
the hell is going on?


haven’t forgotten about the man in the hat, Colin’s unusual behavior or the
racing truck; I just haven't had a chance to speak with him about it.

brow relaxed when he saw me sitting in the plane working, but he became tense
and silent during take-off, moving to the conference room as soon as we were
airborne to work with Evan. I know he’s hiding something and I intend to find
out what it is. The two of them are still holed up together leaving me to work
on my laptop, uploading pictures and updates on all of the sites

chosen to ignore the images of the man with the camera; I want to talk to Colin
about them later. Why did Evan download them and to whom were they sent? Who is
this person? Shoving my questions aside, I complete the task at hand, deciding
to stick with my original two photographs and upload them into the document. I
send it to Evan and Colin for review so I can get it off to the magazine

late evening already and Colin and I haven’t had any private time together as
his schedule kept him extremely busy today. That’s about to change.

time for a break. I’m confident this will help him refocus and loosen up, 
it may just appease the hunger that’s grown into an unerring longing since our
shower. My morning game backfired, igniting a need I’ve yet to satisfy.  

lightly, I enter without waiting for a reply. Evan and Colin look up at the
same time, Colin’s face rigid at first but softening as soon as he sees me.

me do some research on this and I’ll get back to you.” Evan’s demeanor is
light, his usual easy self. “Don’t keep him busy too long, Charlie. I need him
one more time before we land.” He smiles on his way out, winking as he passes.

in a deep breath, I lock the bolt after Evan leaves. Turning, I press my back
flat, hands palm down against the smooth surface of the door. My eyes connect
with Colin’s; he’s curious, waiting for my next move. Reaching for the buttons
of my silk blouse with one hand, I open it to my waist and then loosen my hair
from the band holding it in place. Shaking my head, it falls in waves down my

sure he can hear the pounding of my heart across the short distance separating
us. It’s thundering in my ears. I remind myself that this is my seduction: I’m
in control and I want him. I want to taste him.

outfit is perfect for this: a lace demi bra pushing my breasts up in plump
mounds, the tips of my areolas peeking over the top. Matching panties and a
garter belt are hidden beneath my skirt. His eyes are smoldering now, watching
me walk toward him, pulling my skirt up as I do—I have no intention of taking
it off.

sits in the chair at the head of the table, comfortable in his position,
shoulders back and hands resting on the cushioned arms. When I reach him
the clips holding my thigh-highs in place are visible.  I caress his cheek
and smile at his dazed expression; he was obviously not expecting this.

gaze flicks from my face to my breasts and stomach, down to my thighs and back
to my eyes. I stifle a groan when the tip of his tongue traces the edge of his
bottom lip.

incredibly hungry. I missed breakfast and lunch. It seems my only option is a
late evening snack.” I try for my most seductive tone.

eyes remain connected while I lean down inches from his mouth, lips hovering
close, breath coming together. Lifting and laying his tie over his shoulder, my
hands move along the front of his shirt until they meet his belt. We work
together, pushing pants and boxer briefs to the floor so he's naked from the
waist down.

practically panting as he adjusts himself on the chair, hips pushed forward so
I have easy access. Sinking down to my knees I grab him, squeezing at the base,
working my hand up and over to make him completely hard.

groans and brushes his knuckles across my temple, pushing my hair to the side.
My breath fans over him, and I watch through my eyelashes as Colin McKenna
slowly comes undone. I lick him from base to crown and then take him in deep.
His hips buck up and he reaches the back of my throat.


I murmur, and we find a steady rhythm as I take him into my mouth again and
again. A heady power settles over me knowing I make him fall apart, providing
him with a break from reality.

pull away to suck only the tip as my hand twists up one side and down the
other. His head falls back, rolling to the side, and his chest rises and falls
rapidly. He’s a gift, mine for the taking, and I take advantage of everything
he can give me.

myself onto him again, I quicken the pace and he whispers my name. Reaching
both hands into my hair, he lifts into my mouth and we work together to bring
him home. I’m gratified by his pleasure, drinking in his pure essence with each
movement of my mouth and tongue.

I’m going to come.” I tighten my lips, humming against him to bring about the
release he longs for. A growl rips from his chest as he explodes. I keep up the
rhythm, as he pulses and throbs, pouring into me. Oh, he's an exhilarating,
powerful fuel inciting my blood, beating so loudly in my ears I can hear
nothing but his panted breath, and I want him now, with an urgent need
that becomes all consuming.

didn’t expect to feel this desperate for a release of my own. I’m shaking with
it. Standing to pull my skirt up past my hips, I climb onto his lap, straddling
him on either side of his legs. Pulling my panties aside, I grab his still
erect penis and rub him shamelessly against my swollen clitoris. I rock against
him creating a sweet, provocative movement. Oh shit, he feels so, so good.

he whispers searching my crazed eyes. Without warning he grips both of my hips,
sweeping me up and onto the edge of the table. I watch him spread my legs as he
licks and bites his way to the heart of me. The piercing sting of his teeth
sinking into my inner thigh radiates an insistent pulse directly to my
clitoris. “Oh, God,” I moan and let my head fall back against the table,
assimilating to the pure pleasure his mouth brings. Just as I lift my feet to
rest on the arms of his chair, his tongue licks my entire length. Our mimicked
groans collide and I press into him, offering myself and at the same time,
demanding he take me.

his arms around and under me, he holds me open and we begin to dance. Swaying
together, rocking at a slow, controlled pace, the movement follows the pattern
of our own beating drum until he loses himself, sucking and teasing
mercilessly with his marvelous mouth.
Holy shit
. I’m so ready, panting
sharp disjointed breaths as his incessant tongue flicks and rolls, taking me to
my favorite place. Lost in him. Lost with him. He doesn’t stop, circling over
and over, never letting up until I can’t hold on any longer. The fall is too
enticing. I arch into his mouth, breaking, shattering and coming undone.

yes, oh . . . Colin,” I cry out, as my orgasm blooms and becomes overwhelming.
Crippling in its enormity, my whole body convulses with the sweet, sweet joy of
release. The satisfying rush of ecstasy flows from me and he moans, licking and
sucking until I’m so sensitive it’s verging on painful. I twist my hips away
and pull on his hair to move into a sitting position. He looks disappointed to
stop and I smile at his heated gaze. Slipping off of the table I crawl into his
lap, holding his head between my hands to bring his mouth to mine.

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