Matching Mr. Right (Rocky Mountain Matchmaker Series Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Matching Mr. Right (Rocky Mountain Matchmaker Series Book 1)
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He drew in a deep breath, grabbed her amazing ass with both hands, and pulled her against him. Then he leaned down and laid his lips on her full, soft ones.

Better than he’d imagined. Perfect fit.

When her lips parted, inviting him to take more, he did just that. His tongue caressed hers as his hand slid up her side and landed on her soft breast. When he gave a gentle squeeze, she moaned, dropped her purse, and threw her hands around his neck.

Shelby’s fingers sliding through his hair sent hot waves of desire racing through his veins, heating his blood. His mind floated somewhere it’d never gone before, somewhere warm and inviting and outside of his body.

But then she abruptly ended the kiss and pulled away.

She sucked in a deep breath and then licked her perfect lips, making him want to dive back in for more. As he started forward, she held a hand to his chest.

“Wait. Stop.” She blinked as if confused. “Okay. You’re pretty good at that, but I’m interested in Greg. A guy who wants what I want. A family and kids. So I can’t do this, Nick.”

Talk of husbands and kids was like a bucket of cold water crashing over his head, squelching his desires. Besides, he was a lying bastard and didn’t deserve her. He kept forgetting that part when he was around her.

“No, you’re right.” He backed up a step to regain his composure. No woman had ever made him feel like that with a simple kiss before. It couldn’t be good. She’d have him wrapped around her finger in no time. “I had a good time tonight. Thanks.”

He turned and started to leave but couldn’t do it. He needed something more. Turning back around, he wrapped her up in his arms and lifted her against his chest for a hard hug. Then he laid a soft kiss on her forehead. “A really good time. Thank you.” With a pat on her fine ass, he dropped her to her feet and said, “’Nite, Summer Sinclair.”


“Sometimes what Chester wants isn’t always what’s best for him.”

Chester’s Tough Choice

Shelby tucked the covers under her chin and smiled as she stared at the thin lines of sunshine streaking across her bedroom’s ceiling. Nick had called her by her real name last night. It shouldn’t have touched her so deeply but it had. Because in her heart, that’s who she was. Summer Sinclair, not Shelby Marx. If she tried hard enough she could still conjure the sound of her mother’s voice sweetly calling her name.

And then to make things even more confusing, Nick had remembered what she’d worn the first time they’d met. She’d never known a guy who’d paid attention like that.

No other man had ever kissed her like that either. Boy, could Nick kiss! Her lips warmed at the memory.

Wondering what a good time Nick would be in bed wasn’t helping her stay on track.

She needed to forget about Nick and concentrate on a more obtainable goal, like Greg.

Greg knew about her legs, although he’d never seen them. As a doctor, Greg would be used to seeing scars like hers. He’d take them in stride, like Nick had.

Her heart warmed as she recalled how Nick had made her feel whole again, instead of like damaged goods, after he’d seen her ugly legs. But Nick was off-limits. He’d said he’d never marry and have kids. She needed to take him at his word. Just ignore the way the man made her brain go stupid when he kissed her.

Back to Greg.

When she saw Greg at his party tomorrow, she’d invite him to the football game on Sunday. That’d be a good date. He’d been out of the country for two years, so he’d probably enjoy seeing a live game. And it wouldn’t seem like she was actually asking him on a date, more like inviting him to an event because she had extra seats. Yup. That’d be perfect. She didn’t want to scare him off by seeming too pushy. But she needed to push harder to get him to see her as a woman, or she’d never get past first base. How much was too much?

Shelby smashed her spare pillow over her face and screamed into it. Why did men, dating, and kissing have to be so complicated? Although that was probably a good thing because it kept her Cyrano business running.

Thinking of work, she needed to get up and go to the café. She wanted to get some things done before she met with Nick and Beth later.

Would it be awkward seeing Nick again? No. He’d probably already forgotten all about their kiss. Throwing the covers back she slid out of bed and headed to the bathroom to get ready.

After she was all ready to roll, she grabbed a to-go cup of coffee and headed out. When Shelby crossed the café’s threshold at 8:30 a.m., Jo threw a starched apron her way. “Charlie, Susan, and Sheila all called in sick. I’ve got help on the way, but it’ll be a bit. Take the register, please.”

Shelby tied the apron around her waist and dove in. There must’ve been thirty people in line. Hopefully they’d all want plain coffee or something easy. She hadn’t run the front counter in a long time.

After a few hours, the line was under control and the proper way to make a mucho-mocha latte had surfaced from the depths of her brain. And thankfully, two of the replacement workers had arrived. One more person and she’d be able to call it quits. How did Jo do it every day?

She slipped a hunk of stray hair behind her ear, then turned to help the next person in line. When she glanced up she spotted Nick a few people away, looking all tall, tantalizing . . . and tasty. Her lips tingled at the memory of their kiss.

Then a slender, gorgeous blonde whispered something in his ear, sending an arrow of reality straight through Shelby’s heart.


She was a freaking goddess. The woman should be required to hand out sunglasses to shield the unknowing victim’s eyes from the beauty that radiated from her glowing, perfect skin. She wore a tailored navy suit jacket with a short skirt that highlighted her mile-long, unblemished legs, and a silky blouse that left no question that God had been good to her in the breast department. And her shoes? They were to die for. Tall, strappy, and sexy.

Compared to that, Shelby probably looked like the last day-old donut left under the glass dome in a greasy-spoon diner.

Thankfully, Shelby’s replacement arrived, putting an end to her pity party, so she gladly handed over her apron, “Thanks, Gina. Have a good day.”

When she leaned down to retrieve her purse, a pair of male arms wrapped around her from behind, pinning her hands to her side, and then he lifted her off of her feet.

She called out,
What the heck?

Shelby saw Nick push Beth aside before he started toward the register.

When the mystery man’s warm breath heated her ear, repulsion skittered up her spine. Then he kissed her cheek and whispered, “It’s been way too long. How are you, honey?”

At the sound of the familiar voice, Shelby’s thumping heart settled a little.

It was Greg!

“Hi. You scared me.”

“Sorry. Couldn’t resist.”

When he dropped her to her feet, she spun around and gave him a hard hug.

After a few moments, she reluctantly let go and took a step back, drawing in the sight of him. Greg, like Nick, was tall, but Greg was blond and blue-eyed dreamy.

Suddenly her brain cleared enough to realize he’d called her honey. Babe would have been better, but now was not the time to analyze his every word. She’d do that later.

While she was having a private party in her head, Nick’s hand slipped around her waist, plastering her against his side. “What’s going on, Shelby?”

She lifted her chin and stared into Nick’s narrowed eyes. She’d probably startled him when she’d panicked for a moment, there. But he’d seemed genuinely worried about her, and that was kind of nice.

“This is Greg. I should’ve known it was just him. He was always sneaking up on me like that when we were kids. But I didn’t think I’d see him until tomorrow.”

Greg beamed a bright smile. “I got in a day early and I couldn’t wait to see what you and Jo have done with the place. It’s fantastic, Shelby.” Greg held out a hand to Nick. “Greg Westin.”

Nick slowly removed his hand from her waist and clasped Greg’s hand. “Nick.” Then he turned to her. “So, is your little reunion over? We have a meeting, right?”

Ignoring Nick’s snippy tone, she replied. “I’ll be right with you.” Then she smiled at Greg. “The café is Jo’s baby, I just help out sometimes. I’m super proud of her.”

“Me too. Where is she?”

“Right through there.” She pointed toward the swinging doors.

“Thanks. Really great to see you, Shelby.” He waved and headed to the kitchen.

And then it hit her. She must look awful! She was sweaty, and her hair had probably gone limp from being around all the steam. Maybe she could repair the damage before he came back.

She grabbed her purse and laptop from under the counter, but before she could slip away to freshen up, Nick’s long fingers wrapped around her upper arm and stopped her.

Slapping a twenty on the counter with his other hand, Nick said, “We need two coffees, black, and whatever you’re having, barista! Since when do you work here?”

Was he mad at her? “I own part of this, so when half the staff calls in with the flu, I help out. It’s a particularly nasty bug this year so if you haven’t already, you should get a flu shot. I’m thankful I did.”

“I never get sick.” Nick leaned closer and scowled. “So, that was Greg-the-surfer-dude-prince, huh? Does he often scare the crap out of you?”

What had crawled up Nick’s butt? Maybe he was mad that all the alcohol he’d consumed the night before had led to his kissing someone like her when he was used to flawless Beth.

“Greg was just happy to see me, so what?” Shelby laid her things down, poured the drinks and tucked them into a cardboard carrier.

After slipping his twenty into the tray, she shoved it into his gut.


He grunted, but then motioned for her to go first.

After giving her tarnished knight-in-shining-armor an eye roll, she headed toward the dining area.

Beth joined them, slipping her arm through Nick’s bent one, and pulled him close. “I have an eleven o’clock so could we move this along? That is, if your spat is over?”

Nick slapped the coffee carrier onto the table. Then he drew a deep breath and composed himself. “Shelby Marx, Beth Gunderson.”

Beth nodded and then slowly slithered her long body onto a chair. Man that was a sexy move. Maybe Shelby’d have to give that a try sometime when she went to dinner with Greg. But it probably didn’t look nearly as sexy since she was five-two instead of five-ten.

Nick cleared his throat. He stood behind her, holding her chair and frowning.

Since when did Nick pull out chairs for her? “Thank you?”

As she sat down, she decided not to think about how her makeup had probably sweated off and her mascara streaked. It’d be futile. “Beth, thanks for coming today. I see you filled out the questionnaire online last night, so I just need to—”

“Just find me someone like Nick, and we’re good.” Beth laid her hand on Nick’s forearm and gazed deeply into his eyes.

Shelby couldn’t pinpoint why that bugged the hell out of her, but it did. “Okay. But are you looking to date this person or are you looking for something like you and Nick had?”

Beth sighed. “Dating is fine, but I usually know if a man’s right within a few moments, so doing coffee dates or a quick lunch is all I want at this point.” She looked at her cell phone then stood. “Why don’t you find me some candidates? I’ll free my lunch hour all of next week. Do the same for Nick. He needs to see what’s out there. Sometimes the grass looks a whole lot greener until you have to date it!” Beth sent Nick an eyebrow hitch and then stalked away.

Shelby laughed. “Someone isn’t happy about giving up her sex partner. So where should we set up your lunch dates next week? Oh, I know. We could do them at the park . . . on the grass.”

“Funny.” Nick scowled as he plucked the twenty-dollar bill from the holder and slid it in front of her.

“I was just kidding.”

When his jaw clenched and he refused to look her in the eye, remorse sat like a lead ball in her belly.

Okay, clearly he was growing on her. She probably even cared for him a little. But he was still the most annoying man she’d ever met. And the sexiest, but that part she needed to put aside.

She slipped Nick’s twenty to the new busboy as he walked by, and then laid her hand over his big warm one and gave it a squeeze. “What’s wrong, Nick?”

He shook his head. “Nothing.” Then he lifted his head and stared into her eyes as if searching for something.

Confused by the emotion in his gaze, she said, “Are you mad about our kiss—”

“Sorry to interrupt.” Greg slipped into an empty chair across from her. “But Jo said you wouldn’t mind, Shelby.”

She glanced at Nick’s tightly entwined fingers around hers. How that had that happened she wasn’t sure, but it felt nice. Maybe he wasn’t as mad at her as she thought.

But then Greg’s presence reminded her to keep her eye on the ball, so she started to untangle their fingers. When she tried to slip her hand away, Nick tightened his grip.

Dammit. She couldn’t wrestle her hand away without looking like an idiot, but what would Greg think? She’d make Nick pay for that later.

Greg beamed a bright smile at her. “I have to go. I’m going to surprise Dad at his office. But I wanted to tell you that some of the guys from the neighborhood are going to be at the party. We’d hoped we could talk you into playing receiver. The five of us went undefeated that one summer, remember?”

Her stomach took a dive. “I don’t think I’ll be dressed for that . . .”

“Just bring some sweats to change into. We’re all looking forward to it. We’ve all missed you, Shelby.” Greg stood and pushed his chair back under the table.

“Umm. Okay. See you tomorrow.” All the gang missed her, or had
missed her?

Greg lifted a hand in Nick’s direction. “Nice to meet you.” Then he turned to her, “Bye, Shelby.”

She sent him a finger wave with her free hand and then took a sip from her cup as she pondered the situation. One step forward, two steps back. Should she play or not? She wouldn’t want to disappoint him.

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