Matching Mr. Right (Rocky Mountain Matchmaker Series Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Matching Mr. Right (Rocky Mountain Matchmaker Series Book 1)
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Then his hands and mouth moved higher, up to her calves, slowly caressing them with his long fingers and soft lips. When his tongue found the back of her knee, a zap of heat shot through her so hard and fast she jerked in surprise.

If Nick could do this to her by just touching her mostly numb legs, what was it going to be like when he got to the top of them? She couldn’t wait to find out.

But the warm buzz waned a bit as her worries crept back again about what he must be thinking about her marred skin. She pried her eyes open and blinked in surprise at the lust in Nick’s gaze as he softly kissed her knee.

He seemed to be enjoying this as much as she was.

Maybe her legs weren’t as bad to look at as she’d always thought.

She closed her eyes again, determined to enjoy the ride.

He finally moved high enough that she felt his warm breath heat her inner thighs. Just a little higher and he’d be able to focus on the undamaged parts of her and they’d be all good. Maybe then she could draw a deep breath again.

With each inch he advanced, she could feel more and more of his soft caresses. A warm wave of pleasure built deep inside, spreading gently throughout her whole body. Nick moved so slow it drove her insane, but if he stopped she’d kill him.

And then as if reading her mind, he stopped. “Look at me, Shelby.”

Really? Now?

She cracked one eye open. “What?”

“Both eyes. I want to tell you something.”

She huffed out a breath and opened the other eye. Why did she ever agree to let him be in charge? “You’re killing me here, Nick.”

He slid up her body and lifted her face between his rough palms. Then he kissed her lips so gently it just wasn’t fair. Her annoyance with him instantly disappeared.

After he’d made her mind go all mushy, he leaned back and beamed that sexy you-know-you-want-me grin of his. And she did. More than she’d ever wanted anyone else before. Or probably would ever again, so he needed to hurry up with whatever he wanted to say and get back to it.

“You’re an incredibly beautiful woman, Shelby.”

“This is a one-night stand, remember? You don’t have to say stuff like that. I know I’m not—”

“Stop.” He growled before he dipped his head down and then used those capable lips on her neck, then her shoulders, then back to her mouth again.

She stared into his eyes, so filled with emotion she’d be a fool to argue they spoke anything other than the truth, and her heart soared. Nick was the only man who had ever made her feel pretty despite her ugly legs.

A sigh escaped as something shifted uncomfortably in her chest. He really and truly thought she was beautiful. If they never slept together again that’d be okay, because just him saying it, meaning it, would be something she’d always treasure. When happy tears threatened to escape, she figured maybe she’d better lighten things up a bit. This was a one-night stand. Nothing more. And there was no crying during sex. Or was that baseball?

Didn’t matter.

Then he kissed her so deeply her mind couldn’t focus on anything else. She could happily kiss Nick for hours.

When his full lips left hers, she drew a deep breath and let go of all the tension she’d bottled up as his mouth slowly left hot trails of pleasure down her body again. Just when she didn’t think she could stand another second of his glorious torture, he made his way even further south. For a man in a hurry, he was making sure she was insane with need before he got his due. Big points there.

He laid slow kisses on her stomach and then her inner thighs, finally hitting the bull’s-eye. Her back arched in silent invitation.

Nick obviously got the hint, because he smiled and said, “My turn.”

He wrapped her up tight in his arms and whispered, “You’re perfect Shelby,” and her heart was forever his.

But it was the way he stared so deeply into her eyes as he moved inside her and made love to her that sent an overwhelming need to kiss him, to share the rapture raging through her with him. She ran her hand into his thick hair and pulled his head down to hers again. The powerful need in their kiss accelerated her trip to the edge of the cliff she so badly needed to jump off of. Unable to stand another second, she pleaded, “Now, Nick. Please?”

And they both dove off the cliff together.

As her heart rate settled a bit, Shelby ran her fingernails up and down Nick’s damp back. He weighed a ton, but in a nice way. She laid a soft kiss on his cheek. “I can’t imagine how Beth put up with
for two whole years.”

He laughed and nipped her shoulder. “It wasn’t like that with her, Shelby. Or anyone else.”

“Does that mean it was really good for you too? Because—”

“It was fantastic. Now what about that pizza?”

Typical man, worried about his stomach at a time like this. “I’ll go warm it up.” She poked him in the ribs. “Move it.”

After he switched their positions so she was on top, she started to roll off of him, but he stopped her and pulled her close. He stared into her eyes again before he kissed her. It was slow, sweet, sensuous, and somehow different than any of the other times he’d kissed her before. “Thank you, Shelby.”

She wasn’t sure if he was thanking her for the sex or for getting the pizza. Unfamiliar with after-a-one-night-stand etiquette she simply replied, “You’re welcome,” then quickly found her robe and padded to the kitchen. She put three slices of pizza in the toaster oven and then grabbed two bottles of beer from the fridge. While she waited for the pizza to heat, she leaned against the counter and closed her eyes.

She’d never felt that before. It was like she could feel his pleasure as if it were her own. And the way he’d just kissed her? The heat still lingered on her lips. Had she gone and ruined everything by falling in love with a man who wasn’t capable of loving her back?

By the time the toaster oven dinged, she figured Nick would have joined her in the kitchen in his rush to get out the door and maintain his never-spending-the-night policy. But because he hadn’t, she loaded everything on a tray and headed back to her bedroom.

Nick, still naked except for the sheet tossed carelessly over his waist, was on her side of the bed, digging through her nightstand drawer. Paying her back for the other night, no doubt.

Watching him made her whole body heat again at the memory of what they’d just shared. “Looking for something in particular?”

“No, just snooping.” He held up a paperback book. “Any good?”

She laid the tray on her nightstand, thrilled he was still there and that things weren’t awkward. “Fantastic, and I’m done so you can have it. Move over. You’re on my side of the bed.”

“This is my side too. I can’t sleep on the other side.”

She sat on the edge of the bed and handed him a slice of pizza. “I thought you’d be dressed and ready to bolt out the door by now.”

He shook his head before taking a huge bite. “Nope. I’m not done with you yet. I figured we’d eat and then I’d let you have your way with me. And in the morning, I’ll make you breakfast. I make awesome eggs.”

Shelby’s heart did a backflip. If she’d been wearing panties, they’d have melted right off.

And he was even going to cook? “Okay. But we’re going to have to talk about who’s sleeping on this side of the bed.”

Nick reached for his beer and took a long pull. “We’ll share.”

“We’ll see.” She took another bite and smiled at how pretty his face was, except for his one little flaw. “How’d you break your nose?”

His pizza stopped halfway to his lips. “It’s embarrassing.”

She finished off her pizza, took a slug from her beer and then straddled him. “Maybe I’ll just have to kiss you all over until you crack.”

He tossed what was left of his second slice onto the tray. “I’m pretty stubborn.”

“I know.” Shelby slipped off her robe and ran kisses over his hard chest. “But I’m relentless.”

Nick closed his eyes and groaned. “Thank God.”

After a few minutes of kisses and torture she said, “Tell.”

“Dammit, Shelby,” he growled.

“Okay. Fine. You know what? I’m bored.”

She started to roll off of him, but his big hands stopped her and then he flipped her onto her back. “Bored? You’re gonna pay for that.”

She could hardly wait for whatever punishment he had in mind. Just as he was about to show her, she placed a hand on his chest. “Nope, not unless you tell.”

A vein swelled on his forehead as he narrowed his eyes. “Lori hit a line drive that took a bad bounce.”

“Your sister broke your nose with a baseball?” She laughed so hard her ribs hurt. “I love that.”

Nick ignored her laughter, more concerned with their unfinished business. He kissed the sensitive skin in front of her ear, sending a delicious shiver up her spine, and whispered, “It was a
bounce. Focus, Shelby.”

She closed her eyes as a smile lingered on her lips. “’Kay.”


Nick ran his hand through his still-damp hair as he monitored the bacon bubbling in the pan on the stove. What had he been thinking? He’d just broken all his own damned rules. He’d planned to show her the fire report, eat some pizza, and then be on his way. He had an important proposal to finish.

But instead he’d spent the night. And what a night. But what if she found out what he’d been up to? It’d hurt her even worse. That’s the last thing he wanted to do.

But Shelby wanted to be with
, too
The desire in her eyes made her impossible to resist.

And then he’d gone and done the one thing he swore he’d never do. Fall in love. But if he were honest, his plan had fallen apart shortly after he’d met her. Shelby was like no one else. And to think, he worried it’d be Shelby who’d get too attached if they slept together. Looks like the joke was on him.

His plan to shred the report he’d originally planned to give to his sister and never tell Shelby about it wasn’t going to work. The guilt, and weirdly, his grandmother’s voice in his head, told him it would just eat at him. He needed to come clean. Would she understand if he told her about his grandmother? And explain he hadn’t stolen files or computer lists, nothing illegal. That he’d stopped spying and snooping right when he realized he had feelings for her. And that he hadn’t and wouldn’t give the information he’d learned to Lori.

Then he’d find some other way to keep his promise to his grandmother and save her matchmaking legacy.

Shaking off the negative thoughts, he plucked the bacon out and laid it on a paper towel to drain. Then he cracked eggs into the bacon grease the way his mom always did.

But his mind kept shifting back to Shelby. Was he what was best for her? No one in his family had ever stayed married. Hell, his mom hadn’t even remarried in the past twenty years. It wasn’t in their genes, apparently.

Shelby’d told him Greg’s parents had been together for almost forty years. That’s the kind of background a guy should have to be good enough for Shelby. Greg would instinctively know what he had to do to make a family and a marriage work. Nick had no clue.

What had he gone and done?

“Something smells fantastic.” Shelby slipped her arms around his waist and kissed his bare back. “Not that I don’t like the view, but cooking bacon shirtless could get painful if you’re not careful.”

When he turned and kissed her, his doubts disappeared. No one but him deserved to kiss Shelby every morning like this. Greg could find his own woman.

He reluctantly broke their kiss. “I couldn’t find my shirt. But good timing, everything’s almost ready.”

Convinced he could pull off his new plan, he dished up their breakfast. Meanwhile, Shelby poured the coffee and snagged the bread from the toaster. It was nice, working together. Not awkward at all to be with her after they’d made love most of the night.

After they sat, Shelby handed him a napkin and smiled. “He’s good in bed and cooks too? Best one-night stand ever.”

He held her gaze. “That wasn’t a one-night stand, Shelby. I’ll be busy with a client who’s flying in for the weekend, so will you have dinner with me tonight?”

“Sure.” Her eyes lit up as she nibbled on a piece of bacon. “Maybe we should stay in and finish off that pizza?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

He’d find a way to tell her the truth so she’d understand.

Problem solved.


“Chester needed a foolproof plan to convince Julie to go to the dance with him.”

Chester is in Love

Nick leaned back in his leather chair at work, propped his loafers onto his desk, and bounced a Styrofoam basketball off the ceiling. He needed a come-clean plan.

Maybe on Monday, after he signed the deal with his new client he could celebrate with Shelby. He’d take her to that great Italian place where he’d met the crazy crystal lady. Shelby said the lasagna was her favorite.

Over dessert, he’d tell her he loved her, and then . . . what? Ease into it by explaining about his grandmother? How Grams had tears in her eyes when she’d begged him to save Lori’s business? For Emily’s sake. Explain he hadn’t wanted to hurt her, and then reinforce how last night had been the best night of his life?

No, that wouldn’t work. It made her seem less important than his family. She’d probably tell him he was a jerk and dump her tiramisu over his head.

Shelby’d do it, too.

He chuckled as he caught the spongy ball bouncing back toward his face.

No, he should tell her he loved her right up front—but that he’d made a Chester-like mistake and promise nothing like it would ever happen again. Then he’d tell her what he’d done. Which really wasn’t anything because he hadn’t given the report to his sister, but Shelby wouldn’t see it that way once she found out Lori was a matchmaker too.

Then he’d grovel if necessary.

Yeah. That might work. And to keep his promise to Grams, he’d come clean with Lori and convince her she needed to accept his help to bring her business into the twenty-first century. Lori had excellent instincts when it came to matching people up, just like his grandmother had. Lori just needed to expand her business and networking skills.

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