Read MasonsRule-ARe Online

Authors: Eliza Gayle

MasonsRule-ARe (2 page)

BOOK: MasonsRule-ARe
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"That's often how these things work, Miss Adams. However, emotional and sexual freedom should not be mistaken for more than what it is meant to be."

"What is that?" Her breath quickened.

get inside you in every way. Our bodies will merge, your emotional barriers will be breached and we will likely grow quite fond of each other for a while." He cupped her chin and lifted her head until her eyes met his. "But it
be temporary. That is all I can offer you and that must be completely clear."

Chapter Two

Rebecca tried to breathe while Mason stared down at her neck. His arrogance should have sent her running. Yet her body’s response warred with her common sense. She should be offended, but she wasn't. Since that night at Purgatory when he wrapped his heavily muscled arms around her, she ached to feel him hold her again. That desire moved into her brain and got comfortable. Clearly it wasn't leaving any time soon. So his no strings attached contract meant she was free to really explore her sexuality for the first time, and some place other than the backseat of a car. Besides, she certainly had no business getting attached to him or anyone else in this place. As soon as she got what she wanted, she'd finally get to have a normal life.

If she had a clue what normal even meant.

"You're thinking hard about this. Maybe too hard." He again brushed his lips across her neck and a new shiver worked its way down her spine.

An unusual side effect came about when this man got inside her personal space. Something besides the arousal and sexual want. For the first time in a long time, she felt something vaguely similar to protected. Safe even. The sensation unnerved her. Mason Sinclair, however, was a complicated man who came with many strings attached, despite what he said about simple contract stipulations.

What made a man like him so guarded with everything, personal and professional? What secrets did he hide? The thought sobered her a bit. She had a lot at stake here. For ten long years, she fought to get this close to answers and she couldn't screw that up by getting too personal...

"Are you listening, Miss Adams?"

Startled from her thoughts, Rebecca focused her gaze on his gorgeous dark eyes. Brown but almost black, they lured her in while keeping all of his emotions intact. Maybe he could teach her that kind of control. It would be nice to live a day without the pain and guilt of her sister's death. Or maybe he could help her forget. Even for a little while.

"So the part about thirty days—" she said.

"Is the maximum amount of time I have to give. I'm afraid that part is non-negotiable." He released her and took a step back.

Never in her life had she seen a man look so damned sexy in a suit. The fabric hung loose in some places and almost clung in others. Obviously they were tailored for his amazing physique. He'd removed his tie and undone several of the buttons at his throat, giving her a peek at the tanned skin underneath. She doubted with his work schedule he spent much time in the sun, so that color had to come naturally. She imagined what it would look like against her own fair skin. Her sex squeezed and she shifted her legs together ever so slightly to alleviate the pressure she felt between them.

And now in his arms, with his way past five o'clock shadow covering his chin and cheeks, she wanted nothing more than to rub against him and revel in the sheer size of his presence. Where were the screaming signs of danger warning her to get out?

"There were a few points only marked as negotiable. What did that mean?"

His lips curled in a slight smile. His expression barely changed but the fire in his eyes said it all.

"Some scenes we engage in will be quite simple. I'd dare say even almost vanilla. If one would define vanilla as me fucking you whenever I want. Any time. Anywhere."

The change in tone as he emphasized the last made her skin erupt in goose bumps. The dark promise in his voice made it easy for her to imagine he meant what he said.

"And then there will be times I want to push both our boundaries. If I'm going to introduce something new or unusual, I believe the scene should be discussed somewhat."

Her head buzzed. "Unusual?"

A small laugh barked from his lips and his arms loosened their grip around her shoulders. "I may be perverted Miss Adams, but I'm not going to ask you to do anything illegal. Although a man's gotta keep some secrets close to the vest or it won't be much of a surprise now, will it?"

She frowned and bit her lower lip. "I guess not." Although her head still buzzed with too many crazy ideas. "The contract also said ‘people’ are negotiable. What does that mean?"

He moved closer again, invading her personal space. "What do you want it to mean? If I wish to show you off or share a piece of you, will you safeword out of the scene? Or can you face your secret desires held deep inside?"

She felt her jaw drop slightly at the obvious dare in his question. "I may want to explore submission, but that doesn't mean I'll let you goad me into something I cannot tolerate."

This time a wide smile covered his face. "Good. That's exactly what I wanted to hear."


"I needed to know if you'd stand up for yourself. As my submissive, I expect a certain amount of compliance. But that doesn't mean you should do everything I say just because I say so. A submissive is still in charge when it comes to giving her submission. You have that power. I just wanted to hear you say it."

Annoyed, Rebecca brushed some unruly curls from her face. "Is this what a relationship with the Almighty Mr. Sinclair consists of? Constant testing."


She opened her mouth and closed it again. What could she say to a man this arrogant without screwing it up? His confidence and blunt honesty both pissed her off and made her wetter than she thought possible.

He pulled out one of the plush leather dining chairs and took a seat. "Look. If I wanted to get involved with someone who presented absolutely no challenge, I could go downstairs and take my pick. Instead you came along, butted into my life and made me eternally curious. You, Miss Adams, should have been gone by now. But you appear to have taken up residence in my club and that piqued my interest."

"I told you I was investigating a story. It's no secret I'm interested in the club and its mysterious owners."

"And now you know more about us than you probably ever imagined."

"Maybe. Maybe not." She felt the conversation spiraling out of control. "That recent press conference with Savannah Lewis created more drama than ever around you and your friends and left me with more questions than answers." She gripped her right hand and twisted the ring on her fourth finger as she always did when a situation made her nervous or frustrated.

"Why do you
the answers?"

Rebecca's stomach jerked.
She needed to back away from this line of questioning before he got too close.

She shrugged. "I've never had anyone ask me to sign so intimate a contract before. It seems so foreign to spell out everything you want to do to me in writing, instead of letting a relationship grow organically."

His right eyebrow cocked. "I've learned from years of experience that these kinds of relationships, as you put it, are too easily misjudged by all parties. When expectations are laid out in writing, there is less room for error. It's as much for your protection as mine."

"Do you always speak in cold legalese? How do I know it won't be like that in the bedroom?"

Mason's face clouded over for a quick moment before he schooled his features and leaned forward to grab her hand.

"You doubt my prowess in bed?"

The spark of his touch raced up her arm and spread a surprising warmth throughout her. What was it about this man that made her so desperate when he got close?

God, she had a feeling she just unleashed a starving tiger who was ready to pounce on his next meal. At least he stopped asking about her reasons for still being here. "I don't know what to think. I barely know you and your need for a contract is overwhelming. It's weird." At least that was the truth. The last thing she wanted to do was get trapped in any kind of lie.

"It really doesn't have to be. Keep going. You were asking your questions and I promised to answer them." He ran a finger down her arm. "For you I am an open book."

She highly doubted that, but for now she continued with her plans. "I don't know where to begin, that damn paper spelled out sex and—"

"You don't want to have sex?"

Of course she did. "The thought had crossed my mind," she said.

"Are you a virgin?"

Was he serious?
She started to move away from him and his arms stopped her. She glared at him. "Of course I'm not a virgin. I'm almost twenty-five years old."

"Well, that answers one question. At least I'm not really old enough to be your father."

Taken aback, she hesitated. "Why? How old are you?" She technically already knew (she was excellent at research), but he didn't need to know that.

"Thirty-four for a few more days. I'll be thirty-five next week."

Rebecca tried to imagine Mason having a birthday. Did he celebrate with a cake and candles or did he go all out and have a party? She couldn't imagine either. Everything about him said ‘I'm serious all the time, so don't try to make me have fun.’ Except of course his damned sex appeal. It was easy to imagine the intensity he would turn on her in the bedroom. She squirmed on his lap as the image of them in a bed made her body tingle, until she realized the firm ridge poking at her bottom wasn't his leg.

She froze.

"I was wondering when you'd notice."

Rebecca felt the heat of a blush creeping up her neck and into her face. No, she definitely wasn't a virgin, but five minutes into this, he might figure out that despite many lovers she really had no idea what pleasure felt like.

"So you're not a virgin." He seemed to mull over that thought and she wanted to lance the word from the English vocabulary. How embarrassing he thought she might still be one. Did she come off that childish to him? Or had he been hoping she was a virgin?
Now she was getting weirded out.

"Maybe I was wrong in coming here tonight. I mean, I get why you offered me this contract. Keep your enemies close and all that jazz."

His fingers pressed against her mouth. "You certainly think too hard, Miss Adams." He lifted her from his lap and with a firm hand on her hip, arranged her to stand in front of him. "I don't see you as an enemy at all. Maybe a thorn in my side for a while. But that's not what this is about and I'm fairly certain you knew that already. Now tell me what's really going on inside that head of yours." He leaned forward and tapped his finger against her temple.

She thrust out her chin. "I'm trying to decide whether you are happy or disappointed in my lack of virginity."

To her surprise, his expression didn't change. "I don't mind some amount of feistiness in a sub, but not when it comes at the expense of the truth. If you've changed your mind and don't want to be here, you know where the door is. You're welcome to use it."

Rebecca fought to keep her mouth closed as his words sunk in. So he did have a bite. She expected as much. To her surprise, the slight burn of unshed tears formed behind her eyes. Why did she care what he thought? Ultimately, this was supposed to be about her sister and what answers lie within his family secrets.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"The correct answer would be, ‘Please forgive me, Sir.’"

She tried to stare into his eyes but their intensity and power overwhelmed her. This was so much harder than she expected. She lowered her gaze to the floor. "Please forgive me, Sir."

"You have a lot to learn, my dear. I fear too much actually."


"However," he said, cutting her off, "I knew this to be the case when I offered you the contract. And to answer your question, your inexperience presents a challenge I am looking forward to." He released her hip and sat back in his chair. "Now, since you can't focus on the contract at the moment, let's try something else before I send you home for the evening."

Rebecca swallowed—hard. Her hands were sweating and the fear she was about to be dismissed made her stomach knot and cramp. Yes, this was damned important to her cause, but it was also more than that. She'd thought of him almost non-stop since the night in the club he touched her and she needed to get that out of her system or she'd never be able to finish her mission of finding her sister's Master. She couldn't lose her focus now. She was too close.

"Take five steps back and remove your clothes. Slowly."

This was it. Her do or don't moment with the mysterious and enigmatic Mason Sinclair. Did she or didn't she? Her indecision only lasted a few seconds, but in her head it felt like a long time. On shaky legs, she did as he commanded and took five small steps away from him.

"Eyes on me at all times, Miss Adams."

BOOK: MasonsRule-ARe
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