Mail-Order Bride [Taos Wolven Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (15 page)

BOOK: Mail-Order Bride [Taos Wolven Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“I’m not sure what to do.” She moaned as he pulled free then pushed forward again. “I can’t move between you.”

“Then don’t try, love.” Tarin paused to suck a nipple into his mouth then bit down gently. “Let us do the work. You just sit there and enjoy the ride.”

“I can do that.” She gasped when the two began a rhythm, one thrusting while the other withdrew. “Yes,” she said with a moan.

At her words of encouragement, they picked up the pace, faster, then faster, ratcheting up their speed until they were both ramming inside of her, giving her everything they had. Finally, her body felt as though it went up in flames and she screamed out another orgasm.

Her entire body clenched tight, clamping down on them as they continued to thrust inside her. She opened her eyes when she felt a strange, tingling warmth surrounding her. She looked down into Tarin’s eyes. They looked odd, the pupils large, the amber irises nearly gone.

He opened his mouth to speak, but only a growl escaped as he leaned up and nipped her left shoulder. Lorcan did the same from behind, nipping her in the same place as Tarin. Her shoulder burned as though someone branded her there, and she cried out another climax as they continued to drive into her over and over until the burning finally subsided and they all came together.

Dana collapsed on top of Tarin, her breathing ragged, her body limp. “I can’t move. Please tell me that we’ve completed the final bonding, because if we haven’t, then I’ll expire on the spot. I’m so tired. I can’t move.”

Tarin kissed the tip of her nose and Lorcan pressed a kiss against the small of her back just before her world went dark.

Chapter Eighteen


Tarin grinned when Dana let out a soft snore while still lying atop him. “I think we’ve worn her out. She’s asleep already.”

Lorcan chuckled. “It doesn’t surprise me. She came over and over again.” His smile faded. “We should let her sleep. She’ll need her rest for her first change. Our bond took. Look at her shoulder.”

Tarin turned his attention to their mark on their mate’s shoulder, just where it should be. Had she not been one-hundred percent compatible, their mating would not produce offspring, but he stared at the proof that he and Lorcan would one day father children.

One brand atop the other scored her shoulder. A starburst and what resembled a wreath of leaves, the standard mark of a triad mating stared back at him. Two puncture wounds in the center showed proof that they had broken the skin, injecting her blood with their DNA. Tomorrow morning she would awaken a full-blooded wolven female.

It was just another thing to help them prove what they did was right. It was only too bad there were no mates for the other two women amongst his crew. Having two or more would have just cemented the decision the council would now have to make.

Earth was a place for viable mates.

Reaching out, he turned off the light. “We should get as much sleep as we can before we reach Taos. Not only will Dana need our help to change, but she will also need our protection.


* * * *


Tarin woke to a whimper and rolled over to see Dana staring at him, her eyes wide with fear.

“What’s happening to me?” Her teeth chattered, and she clenched her hands into fists.

Reaching over her, he slapped Lorcan on the shoulder. “Wake up. She’s changing.”

Lorcan awoke immediately, sprang from the bed and strode to the food dispenser. After punching a few buttons, he opened the door and reached inside. Turning, Tarin saw that he held a glass of

“Drink this.” He handed the glass to Dana. “It will help you.”

Dana took the glass without question and downed the contents in a single tip.

“Does it hurt?”

“No,” she said with a shake of her head, “but it feels strange. It feels like my body is pulling apart in some places while it’s being pressed together in others. I feel…pressure.” She took a deep breath then began to pant.

“Don’t fight it.”

“I’m not.” She smiled. “I want this. I want to be like you. I want to give you children, but most of all, I want to be able to help defend myself if something should happen when we arrive on your home world.”

Before she could say another word, Dana’s body changed to her wolf form.

This is strange.

“You’ll get used to it,
” Tarin stood then turned to face her.

You can hear me?

“Of course I can.” He grinned at her.
How do you think we communicate as wolves?

Oh! You can talk to me like that while you’re in your human form?

Tarin smiled down at her then scratched her behind the ears.
We sure can.

No wonder dogs like that. It feels good.
She winked at him. She cocked her head to the side.
Now, how do I change back?
She jumped off the bed and looked back at him.

“You merely need to think about being human again and you will change back.”

Oh. It’s that simple? I thought it would be harder or I would have to wait a specific amount of time or something.

“No, love, nothing so complicated as that.”

In a blink she was standing before him naked. Dana looked down at herself and blushed. “I should bathe then dress.”

Lorcan strode over to her and pressed his face into the crook of her neck. “After you dress, come see us and we’ll teach you to change while clothed.” He kissed her cheek then let her go with a playful slap on the rear. “Now get moving. We must disembark first. We don’t want to hold anyone up.”


* * * *


The docking bay bustled with activity as word got out they were home. Council members stood to the side, waiting to speak to Lorcan as soon as he disembarked. Security personnel stood like sentinels ten feet apart, guarding the newcomers to Taos.

Information crews stood to the side, their cameras flashing and microphones to the ready, awaiting the news that would either give their world hope or dash what little hope they had left to the rocks.

The chancellor moved forward, his brother, the first chancellor, on his right with the chancellor’s triad mate on his left. “What did you find?” He leaned to the side as Lorcan’s men led two women off the ship. His eyes widened, and then he looked down. It was obvious he hadn’t seen the female wolf before.

“Then you were successful?” He looked between Tarin and Lorcan, his face splitting into a smile. Turning to his triad mate, he slapped the other man on the back. “We shall return to that world with the captain and his mate. Perhaps we will find one of our own there.”

When the rest of the crew began disembarkation, a crowd rushed the docking area as family members hurried to greet their children, parents, or friends. People swarmed around them, making it difficult to stay together.

Tarin heard a yelp and a growl. Looking down, he saw that Dana was gone. Spinning around, he searched the crowd, turning in the direction of another growl and a curse.

“Come with me, bitch.”

He and Lorcan rushed toward the voice when they heard a high-pitched, ear-splitting scream.

A man stood near Dana, his crotch in her mouth as she threatened to bite down with another low growl.

Security personnel rushed the two as bystanders hurried to rescue the man. Elitists removed fake council robes and pelted those around them with rubber bullets, stunning men with the few stunners they had in an attempt to drive them away from the women. Lorcan’s crew immediately surrounded Amelie and Fleur like an impenetrable wall, keeping them safe from any harm.

Lorcan growled. Rubber bullets and stunners were nothing. That kind of pain he could handle. He could not, however, handle the pain of losing his mate. Losing Dana would kill him. He dove at the nearest elitist, shifting shape as he flew through the air. He hit the man hard, driving him down to the ground and knocking the gun from his hand. He snarled and bit down on the man’s wrist, breaking the fine bones before he leapt off him to find another. Tarin changed forms and did the same to the man next to him, driving his muzzle between his neck and shoulder, ripping and tearing flesh as they fell to the ground.

It was all over in little more than a few seconds. Most of the elitists got away or were killed by security. The only one left standing was the man still held by their mate, her teeth digging into his genitals.

Security surrounded him, giving the man no avenue for escape. He looked around and growled. It was the only thing he dared do as a wolf. Changing his shape now would surely rip his groin to shreds, since Dana looked as though she had no intention of letting go.

“You can release him now, my mate,” Lorcan said as he rested his hand on her head.

The crowd gasped and applauded when Dana released the man and shifted into her human form fully dressed.

Lorcan turned to the nearest of the information crews and smiled. “This is Dana, my mate.” He turned to wrap his arm around both Tarin and Dana. “She is
triad mate. We have found a world where the females outnumber the males and they are, so far, untouched by the idea of space travel.”

“They will also need protection. With the chancellor’s leave, we will return to the planet with a crew to help protect it from others while others of our kind search for mates there,” Tarin added, needing to assert
dominion with his mates and their actions or forever be thought the omega in their union.

“We have returned with our mate and the two other females as proof of their bounty on Earth. As wolven, we must return and stake our claim.”

“You can never protect the human plague against their own natures,” the elitist spat. “They are weak and war-mongering. Their men are the scourge of the universe, every universe.” He tried to jerk free of the grasp of the security team who detained him and growled when he could not. “Mark my words. The humans will kill themselves with war as they always have. If not”—he paused to grin—“my people will help them destroy themselves long before any more of them reach our beloved Taos. There are thousands of us and we are watching.”

Moving forward, the chancellor stared at the fanatic with a blank expression before turning to the nearest security officer. “Get him out of my sight.”

“Yes, sir.” The man bowed to the chancellor and then pushed the elitist toward the doorway to the underground prison where he would likely spend the rest of his days.

The chancellor stepped forward, his expression one that would not be denied. “Ready a ship and make a list. We return to this planet Earth forthwith.” He turned to his triad mate with a smile. “What think you, Matteus?”

“I think it’s time we visited this Earth and searched for a mate.”

Chapter Nineteen


“How many of your people are aboard the ship?” Dana asked after she swallowed the bite of roast beef and sipped a glass of wine.

After a week of preparation, the chancellor, his mate and many more decided to board the small ship bound for Earth. Dana and her mates, along with the other women from Earth were to return and settle on the Earth as representatives of the Taos people. Gradually, they would send more and more Taos warriors to protect the Earth and protect their race by mating with other humans. If the Elitists didn’t like it, they could stay on Taos where they wouldn’t have to come in contact with many humans.

The chancellor and his mate, Matteus, hoped to find their mate on Earth. Though everyone knew there was no guarantee they would find one, they felt as though they must try. Why not? It was possible. Earth was filled with women who could put up with them.

“Don’t you mean
people?” Tarin asked, then laughed when she pushed his shoulder.

“You know what I mean.”

“There are thirty-eight returning to Earth to live. That number doesn’t include Chancellor Maxim and his triad mate.”

“We intend to build a town near our ranch,” Lorcan added. He indicated Tarin and himself. “Add the two of us in that number and there is an even forty who will stay on Earth.”

“None of them are elitists?”

Tarin shrugged. “We hope not, but how can we know?”

“That was an unfair question wasn’t it?” Dana knew it was, but she was frightened. Now that they had changed her, the elitists didn’t scare her too much anymore. At least they didn’t until she thought of what they did to Amelie and what they could still do to her friends and everyone else on Earth.

“Your fears for your friends are valid and you could never be unfair, my mate.” Lorcan leaned over to press a kiss to her neck, just below her ear.

Dana shivered and he grinned. She gave him a dirty look. “Stop that. We’re having a civilized dinner in our rooms. Let us attempt to behave, shall we?” She tried to sound all prim and proper like some spinster schoolmarm, but her giggle at the end ruined it.

“Darlin’, the reason we’re eating dinner in our rooms is because we don’t
to behave.” Tarin moved close to her other side and nuzzled her ear. “And I don’t think you want to either.”

BOOK: Mail-Order Bride [Taos Wolven Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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