Mail-Order Bride [Taos Wolven Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (14 page)

BOOK: Mail-Order Bride [Taos Wolven Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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They knew they needed mates to survive and they knew that their people must have them or perish, but he never once thought that his heart would be so involved.

How did it happen? It was as though one minute he was his own man, with his own agenda and the next he was hers. Something like that just didn’t compute for a man like the one he had been before he lost his heart to Dana.

It was as though she had somehow crawled into him and taken up residence in his soul. He stared down into her emerald eyes and wondered just when he had lost his heart to her.

Was it some kind of strange magic? He had seen it before. Some humans had the ability to move things with their minds or to conjure up something from nothing. How did this one beautiful woman turn two male Taos warriors into mewling babes at the thought of losing her?

Shaking his head, he drew her close again, molding her soft body against his. He inhaled deeply, loving her scent and regretting every mile they had brought her against her will.

“I love you, Dana, more than my life. I love you more than I ever thought possible.”

“As do I,” Tarin interjected. He moved to her back and wrapped her in his embrace. “I don’t know how or when it happened, but you’re here inside me, inside my heart when I thought I had lost it years ago in war.”

Lorcan’s throat burned and blinked rapidly. Falling in love had brought back his ability to feel, to love, and it also brought back something else he had lost long ago.

His conscience.

Chapter Seventeen


Dana stood, held within their warm embrace. She didn’t care what happened on the morrow. Like Juliet in her story of love and pain. She was nothing without her men, and had her uncle sold her to some horrible man, she would have ended her life.

In her mind, the last several days on this ship with her lovers had been borrowed time for her. If she died tomorrow, she would die happy knowing that these two men loved her, that they weren’t just using her to get what they wanted.

Swallowing thickly, she stared back into Lorcan’s eyes. “I love you and Tarin, too. I think I have from almost the beginning.” She bit her lip and closed her eyes. “Was there anything else you must tell me of the final bonding before we begin?”

She sighed with relief when they both stiffened against her. Both their bodies and their cocks reacted to her question, which gave her a feeling of feminine power she never thought to possess.

Tarin grasped her hips, pulling her back against him. He ground his hips against hers. No matter what they said about themselves, no matter what they could do with their bodies or how impossible it seemed, she still found them so compelling she couldn’t refuse them anything. Truth was, she wasn’t sure she wanted to refuse them. How could she when she loved them so much?

Somehow she knew that everything would be all right. There couldn’t be enough people on their planet to overcome her men and those like them. Didn’t they tell her they were taking her and the other women back to prove that Earth had viable mates?

If the government sanctioned their trip, there couldn’t be enough fanatics to get to her or the other two without a fight, could there?

All rational thoughts flew from her head when they both pressed their mouths against her neck just below her ears. Suckling gently, they breathed into her ears and her legs almost gave out.

Whimpering, Dana snaked her arms around Lorcan’s neck, pulling him tighter against her. She ground her hips into the ridged line of his erection and he groaned.

“Don’t do that, baby. I won’t be able to leave.”

“I don’t want you to leave. I want you both to stay right here. This is our last night aboard the ship.” She sighed, not wanting to voice what she would say next, but knew it must be done. “Something bad could happen tomorrow, and I want this one last night if it does. I want you both together the way you promised. I want to know what it feels like to have one of you in my pussy and the other in my ass. I also want to know what it is like to truly be your mate.”

She knew she would never wholly be their mate unless they completed the final bonding, and she wanted to know exactly what it was like to irrevocably belong to these men.

“It will change you, love.” Lorcan pressed a gentle kiss to her lips as Tarn continued to suckle and lave her ear. “You will become like us. Is that acceptable to you?”

Dana swallowed thickly. She hadn’t considered that. Not once had she dreamed that finalizing their bond would make her like them. Taking a deep breath, she nodded. What difference did it make? She loved them as she never thought possible, and she wanted to be with them, now she could be with them in every form they could take.

As her uncle once said while talking to a boasting miner, talk was cheap. Perhaps it was time to show them what she wanted. Sliding down the length of him, she examined every muscle, every ridge of his bare chest and taut stomach.

She couldn’t wait to have the taste of him on her tongue, to smell the musky heat of him as she wrapped her lips around the huge erection she felt pressed so tightly against her stomach just a moment before.

Lorcan wasted no time in shedding the loose, black pants. They fell around his ankles as she cupped his sac in one hand and circled his shaft with the other.

Tilting her head back, Dana bit her lower lip and watched as his eyes darkened with desire. These last days on the ship had shown her what real power was. Never would she ever feel weak as long as she could bring her men to heel with just a look or a flick of her tongue.

With a smile, she licked the moisture from the tip of his dripping cock. She savored the salty taste as he groaned and thrust his hips forward. Opening her mouth wide, she took the large head into her mouth, pressing lower until she took as much of him as she could into her mouth, her hand still wrapped around the base.

She loved the way he threw his head back and groaned. She wanted to feel his fingers in her hair, pulling her closer. Most of all, she wanted to feel them both inside her, completing their bond so she would be theirs, once and for all.

Dana heard Tarin remove his pants, the material hitting the floor behind her. With one last, long draw and a final flick of her tongue, Dana released Lorcan and turned to her other love. Tarin stood looking down at her, his cock held tight in his hand as he stroked the long shaft.

Without hesitation, Dana moved to him, pulled his hips closer and took him into her mouth as far as she could. Like Lorcan, Tarin was a big man in more than one way. He continued to hold the base of his cock in his fist as she sucked the head into her mouth and tongued the dripping slit.

After a moment, Lorcan grasped her beneath the shoulders and lifted her away. Turning her in his arms, he lowered his head to hers and took her mouth in a ruthless kiss. It was no gentle merging of the lips. His kiss was one of right, of possession. It screamed “you are mine and no one will ever change that.”

With a groan, Dana opened for him, allowing his tongue entrance to the hidden recesses of her mouth. Tarin stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, his fingers pulling and plucking at her nipples from behind.

Lorcan deepened the kiss at her moan, his kiss becoming more urgent as he pressed his body against hers. Breaking their kiss, his lips trailed over her jaw and down her neck to suckle on her collarbone.

Tarin’s hands left her breasts to unzip her jumpsuit and peel it from her quivering body. His fingers left trails of fire in their wake as he moved down with the jumpsuit, picking up her feet one at a time to remove the clothing out of the way.

Gently, he kissed each foot, each ankle and behind her knees on the way back up. If he wasn’t careful, they may have to pick her up off the floor in a bucket because she was certain she would melt away to nothing.

When her knees buckled again, Lorcan caught her and swung her up into his arms. Carrying her to the bed, he set her down and they both stood staring at her for a moment. She felt her body heat as they continued to stare at her nakedness.

“You’re so beautiful,
” Tarin said as he moved to sit next to her on the bed. He trailed a finger from her collarbone, over her breast and down to the curls at the apex of her thighs. “I love the way you get goose bumps when I do that.” He grinned then cupped her nether flesh, his fingers delving between her pussy lips to circle her clit.

“What does
mean?” Dana barely got the question out as he continued to explore her moist slit with his fingers. She jerked and gasped when his fingers hit a particularly sensitive spot.

“In Hindi, it means ‘baby.’ In my language, it means ‘I love you.’” He smiled. “When I call you that, it means I wish to make you mine, to love you, keep you and protect you for the rest of our lives.”

“Oh!” It was her only reply, because at that instant, they both took a nipple in their mouths and suckled strongly.

Currents rushed from the tips of her breasts straight to her womb, causing her clit to throb. Her body’s cream coated her thighs as they continued to suckle her breasts and Tarin’s expert fingers played her clit like a maestro.

Her two men positioned themselves, one on either side of her, suckling her nipples, kissing the undersides of her breasts then moving lower still to lave her stomach and belly button.

Flames licked at her skin with every touch of their fingers and tongues. Pleasure swamped her, moved through her like a living being at every touch, every flick of the tongue. Even the sensation of their breath, warm on her skin, sent shivers skittering down her spine. Pleasure had her in its grip and she didn’t want it to ever let go.

Tarin moved between her legs and licked a trail from her knee before moving straight to her pussy. When he finally circled her clit with his tongue, she screamed then moaned when he inserted one oil-covered finger into her ass.

This was the beginning of their bonding. They intended to make her theirs this night, and she would do everything in her power to make this memorable for all of them.

First he worked just one finger into her back hole, then another and another. By the time he had three in her ass, she had lost the ability to do anything but moan and thrust back against him as he suckled her clit.

Lorcan, on her left side, leaned across her alternately suckling her breasts and plucking at her sensitive nipples. How did she tell them that she had reached a point of no return that she wanted them both, needed them both inside her before she lost her mind?

Finally, Dana came. Her body stiffened and would have arched off the bed if they hadn’t held her down. She whimpered when Tarin pulled his fingers from her anus and climbed from between her legs.

Moving up on the mattress, he positioned himself on his back then pulled her on top of him, facing the ceiling. Wrapping his arms about her, he tugged and plucked at her nipples as he nuzzled her neck.

“Now it’s my turn,
,” Lorcan said as he lowered his head to her still quivering flesh. She bucked the moment his tongue touched her sensitive flesh.

“It’s too soon.” She wasn’t sure she could stand it, wasn’t sure her body could take another climax so soon. Her heart still raced from the first time, her breath still coming in short pants. Would he take her to heaven again, or would the pleasure kill her?

Lorcan cupped her buttocks, his hands lifting her up to meet his opened mouth, his questing tongue. Stroke after stroke of his tongue drove her closer and closer to another climax. Her body burned with the need to come as he continued to hold her tight against his mouth. Finally, when she was certain she could take no more, her entire body stiffened and she screamed.

Dana was sure they would kill her with pleasure long before any of their fanatics had a chance to harm her. Never before had they done what they just had. Never had they held her sandwiched between them as they worked her body through climax after climax until she was certain she would shatter into a million tiny pieces.

Dana sighed when they gently rolled her over. Reaching between them, Tarin settled her over his impressive erection, nudging her opening with the head of his cock.

“You’re so wet, baby. Feel how my cock just slides inside your tight pussy.”

“I feel it.” Dana couldn’t contain her moan as he reached between them and thrummed her too-sensitive clit. Her hips bucked, driving him even deeper inside her.

“Sit, up, love, and take it all.” Tarin gritted his teeth as he pushed her back, her hips sliding even farther down, her buttocks grazing his thighs.

“You’re so big like this.” She bit back another moan when he took her hips, raised her up a few inches then pulled her back down.

His cock dragged over delicate nerve endings as he pulled out then thrust back in. Over and over he repeated the action until she was certain she would come again then he stopped.

“It’s time for Lorcan to join us,
” Reaching up, he grasped the back of her neck and pulled her down for his kiss. His tongue traced the seam of her lips, and she opened for him while Lorcan positioned himself between Tarin’s legs behind her.

Dana fought the urge to buck when she felt the head of Lorcan’s cock nudge her rear opening. She felt warmth as he dripped oil on her rear and his cock as he gently pressed forward.

Closing her eyes, she panted against the slight burn as he pressed forward, inch after inch. She didn’t want to make a noise, any sound of distress, for fear they would stop, because she wanted this. She needed this.

Nothing in her life ever prepared her for the feeling of fullness as Lorcan finally seated himself in her, balls deep, and she wanted to sigh with relief. Moving slowly, Lorcan pulled almost free of her clasping back hole then surged forward.

BOOK: Mail-Order Bride [Taos Wolven Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
6.62Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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